Файл: Задание 1 Прочитайте и переведите текст 1.docx

ВУЗ: Не указан

Категория: Не указан

Дисциплина: Не указана

Добавлен: 06.11.2023

Просмотров: 62

Скачиваний: 3

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Раздел 10 Цифровые устройства
1. Текст “Digital Printing”

2. Упражнения к тексту № 1.

3. Текст “Digital Painting”.

4. Упражнения к тексту № 2.

5. Контрольное упражнение.
Задание 1

Прочитайте и переведите текст № 1:

Digital Printing

Every day thousands of visitors stream past the glass pyra­mids designed by the Chinese-American architect I.M. Pei and into the most famous museum in the world, the Louvre in Paris. Inside this old palace, art enthusiasts can wonder at countless exhibits covering eight centuries of art. They respectfully admire the brush technique of Van Gogh, Renoir and Salvador Dali, the eclecticism of Andy Warhol, and the pop-art of Roy Lichtenstein. What they may not suspect is that some of the paintings they are looking at are actually well-executed fakes.

But these are fakes that the curators of the Louvre know all about. Those in charge of the museum are not members of a well-organized band of smugglers operating worldwide: they only want their exhibits to look their best. Paintings must be restored from time to time, but rather than leaving a blank spot on the gallery wall, they are "secretly" switched in the night for reproductions - facsimiles produced on digital presses.

All over the world, museums are having their Old Masters reproduced digitally. As a result of this new technology, the large format printing business is booming.

Digital printing is ideal for reproducing artwork, partly because it is so versatile: printing can be done on plastic, cloth or glass - whatever medium the artist originally chose. High quality prints of these paintings are scanned, digitized and then printed by ink jet or airbrush printers on real canvases. Of course, the copies do not correspond 100% to the originals. But since the paintings are displayed behind glass anyway, an average member of the public, viewing it from a normal dis­tance, will not notice the difference.

Works of art may even be replaced permanently by digital reproduction, because the theft and damage insurance premi­ums for some are so huge that the museum can no longer afford to display the originals. In the case of such works, a small sign indicates that they are legally displayed forgeries.

Digital printing technology is suitable for more than such exotic applications, however, In fact, digital technology opens up a wide range of new landscapes, particularly for outdoor advertising. The process is also ideal for large scale advertis­ing campaigns for department stores and museums. Large surfaces can only be processed with digital technology. Color inkjet printers can print more than 500 square feet per hour so they can produce a 2000 square-foot surface area in only four hours. This is an enormous increase over the performance of classic screen-printing techniques.

Digitally produced posters also last longer, without their color and brightness fading. Customers attach great impor­tance to the ability of the printed plastic sheets, nets, and posters used for outdoor advertising to persist UV radiation.

The new digital printing methods can be employed for both outdoor and indoor projects. Why not produce a large, 100-foot by 45-foot picture as a huge map that people can walk on? Advertising pictures produced on cloth are used with suc­cess at various trade shows.

Пояснения к тексту

1 digital цифровой

2 suspect подозревать

3 fake подделка

4 smuggler контрабандист

5 boom всплеск активности

6 versatile многогранный

7 average среднестатистический

8 theft воровство

9 afford позволить себе

10 forgery фальсификация

11 advertising реклама

12 fade блекнуть, выгорать

13 persist настаивать, продолжать существование

Задание 2

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту № 1:

1. Do you agree that it is necessary from time to time to replace real masterpieces by reproductions?

2. Enumerate the reasons of the author. Find some more pro (in favor of) and some contra (against) arguments.

3. What technology is used to produce reproductions?

4. What other applications is large-format digital printing suit­able for?

5. What materials can digital printing be done on?

6. What are the advantages of the new digital printing methods?

7. Who designed glass pyramids in front of the Louvre in Paris?

8. Why did the museum need pyramids at all?

9. Enumerate the steps of canvas copying.

10. What qualities make it possible to use digital printing for out­door projects?
Задание 3

Согласно информации, данной в тексте № 1, определите, какие утверждения являются верными, а какие ложными:

1. The glass pyramids were designed by the Chinese-American architect I.M. Pei in the 19th century.

2. Some of the paintings visitors are looking at in the Louvre in Paris are actually well-executed fakes.

3. Those in charge of the museum are members of a well-organized band of smugglers operating worldwide.

4. Digital printing is used only for reproducing artwork.

5. Printing can be done on plastic, cloth or glass - whatever medium the artist originally chose.

6. Digitally produced posters also last longer, without their color and brightness fading.

7. The ability of the printed plastic sheets, nets, and posters used for outdoor advertising to persist UV radiation isn't very impor­tant for customers.

8. When digital reproductions are displayed, a small sign indicates that they are legally executed forgeries.
Задание 4

В этих предложениях заключена основная идея абзаца, сопоставьте каждое из них с нужным абзацем:

1. The Louvre and its treasures.

2. Reasons for exhibiting fakes.

3. Possibilities and advantages of digital printing.

4. Versatile technique.
Задание 5

Прочитайте и переведите текст № 2

Digital Painting

He further argues about the convenience of digital paint­ing: the hours spent preparing canvases, mixing paint, wash­ing brushes, waiting for paint layers to dry, could be spent on the essential creative matters.

A painting, formerly unique and one of a kind, can now be reproduced by using digital print and then the digitized painting can be exhibited on a virtual web-gallery, opening up a broader audience and market for the artist. In his book 'Painting and the Digital Adventure' James Faure-Walker describes the immense possibilities of digital technology:

"This marvelous technology must change the way we think about painting. So much more becomes possible in the control of colour, in the manipulation of forms, the incorporation of photos, and so on...

The question arises whether digital painting on can­vas can be regarded as painting? Works by artists whoemployed non-traditional tools, materials and methods, are still addressed as 'paintings'. If it is a painting when John Hoyland splashes the paint on a canvas, Peter Blake uses gloss house painting, Roy Lichtenstein uses dots and Andy Warhol uses stencils, then it can be argued that artwork 'painted with pixels' using digital print technology also can be considered a 'painting'. The Museum of Modern Art would regard an ink jet print as a painting 'in the same sense that a Warhol screen-print on canvas is considered a painting.

Unlike its physical counterpart the digital image can be corrected, duplicated, stored, remastered in a different colour scheme, at a different scale, blended in with a photograph. Year by year the quality of printed output improves and the gap between 'real' colour, that is to say brushed on pigment, and 'virtual' colour (which is also pigment on watercolour paper or on canvas) narrows. So if the question was simply can this technology simulate and perhaps eventually replace 'tra­ditional' paint media then the answer is a hesitant "yes."

Пояснения к тексту

1 application- применение

2 charcoal - угольный карандаш

3 immense- огромный

4 counterpart- копия; дополнение

5 output – продукция

6 hesitant- нерешительный

7 convenience – удобство

8 closs- глянец, лоск

9 splash - брызги, пятно

10 stencil – трафарет

11 screenprint - изготовленный методом трафаретной печати

Задание 6

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту № 2:

1. What arguments in favour of this method can you find in the quotation taken from James Faure-Walker's book?

2. Do you agree that this technique can be regarded as painting?

3. Find answers in favour of and against the idea of James
Задание 7

Переведите слова и словосочетания с английского на русский язык без словаря:


1 digital

2 suspect

3 fake

4 smuggler

5 boom

6 versatile

7 average

8 theft

9 afford

10 forgery

11 advertising

12 fade

13 persist


1 application

2 charcoal

3 immense

4 counterpart

5 output

6 hesitant

7 convenience

8 closs

9 splash

10 stencil

11 screenprint

Грамматика: Страдательный залог.

Страдательный залог (Passive Voice)
Значение и действительного и страдательного залогов в английском и языке совпадает со значением соответствующих залогов в русском языке. Глагол в действительном залоге (Active Voice)показывает, что действие совершает лицо или предмет, выраженный подлежащим:

Ann often asks questions. Аня часто задает вопросы.

Глагол в страдательном залоге (Passive voice) означает, что действие направлено на предмет или лицо, выраженное подлежащим:

Ann is often asked questions. Ане часто задают вопросы.

В русском языке только прямой объект действия, т.е. прямой дополнение, может служить подлежащим пассивной конструкцией.

Они построили этот дом в 1959 году.

Этот дом был построен в 1959году.
Так как подлежащее пассивного оборота является объектом действия, то есть на него направлено действие, в русском языке в пассивной форме могут употребляться только переходные глаголы.

В английском языке большинство глаголов имеет как непереходное
, так и переходное значение

Формы страдательного залога английских глаголов образуют­ся с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени, лице и числе и причастия II (Participle II) смыслового глагола:

Present Indefinite: The letter is written. Письмо пишут (вообще).

Past Indefinite: The letter was written. Письмо написали (вчера).

Future Indefinite: The letter will be written. Письмо будут писать (завтра).

Present Continuous: The letter is being written. Письмо пишут (сейчас).

Past Continuous: The letter was being written. Письмо писали (вчера с 5 до 7 вечера).

Future Continuous: (употребляется Future Simple)

Present Perfect: The letter has been written. Письмо написано (уже).

Past Perfect: The letter had been written. Письмо написали (вчера к 5 часам).

Future Perfect: The letter will have been written. Письмо напишут (завтра к 3 часам)
При образовании вопросительной формы вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим. Если вспомогательных глаголов два (как, например, в формах Future, Perfect), то перед подлежащим ставится первый вспомогательный глагол. В отрицательной форме отрицание следует за первым вспомогательным глаголом. Например:

When was the doctor sent for? Когда послали за доктором?

The doctor has not been sent for. За доктором еще не послали.

Сводная таблица видо-врнеменных форм английского глагола

в страдательном залоге (для 3-его лица единственного числа)



Неперфектые формы

Перфектные формы



It is translated

It has been translated


It is being translated




It was translated

It had been translated


It was being translated




It will be translated

It will have been translated




Будущее в прошедшем


It would be translated

It would have been translated




Если указывается, кем или чем производится действие, то употребляется существительное или местоимение, управ­ляемое предлогами by или with, выражающими отноше­ния творительного падежа.

It was done by our engi­neer. Это было сделано нашим инженером.

Many shops are equipped with automatic machin­ery. Многие цеха оборудованы

автоматическими меха­низмами.

1. Переведите на русский язык:

I 1. All information can be found in this brochure. 2. Many interest­ing books are sold in this bookstore. 4. German language is being taught in few schools nowadays. 5. I was not told about the new students in the group. 6. Germany was divided into two parts after the war. 7. All stu­dents were informed about the new department. 8. This poem was writ­ten by me. 9. The best essay was chosen by the committee. 10. There are a few old songs being written now. 11. His English can be easily under­stood. 12. This programme has been seen by millions of people. 13. All my money is kept in the bank.


1. The meeting was attended by representatives of differ­ent organisations. 2. This book is much spoken about. 3. This book is often referred to. 5. This man's report was listened to with great attention. 6. The meeting was addressed by a man who was a well-known scientist. 7. The bell was followed by a loud knock at the door. 8. All the prepara­tions for the expedition must be completed this week. 9. Many interesting facts can be found in this new article. 10; The visitor was shown the way to the station. 11. This subject will be dealt with in the next chapter. 12. His warning was not taken notice of. 13. They were followed by some people whom they did not know. 14. Yesterday we were given some new articles to translate. 15. Lomonosov may be justly considered as the founder of Russian science. 16. He was asked to repair this motor as soon as possible. 17. The road will be built in order to supply the works with fuel. 18. A transformer cannot be called a machine for it has no moving parts. 19. The current stops flowing when the elec­tric circuit is broken somewhere. 20. The mechanic could be found nowhere. 21. It must be noted that this invention will raise the output at our plant. 22. The Luna 9 auto­matic station which had made its soft landing on the moon's surface was followed by Luna 10. 23. Machine parts are sub­jected to X-ray examination.
2. Поставьтеглаголывправильнуюформу:

A (to send)

1. The letters ... yet.

2. ... you ... the letters already?

3. I... them tomorrow.

4. Please, make sure that the letters ... by tomorrow evening.

5. The letters... not... yesterday because we forgot to buy stamps.

6. Finally the letters ....

В (to translate)

1. The article ... when I came in the classroom.

2. The article ... not... translated yet.

3. It... not... yesterday, so it needs to be translated today.

4. If we do not finish it today, we ... it tomorrow.

5. The article ... by the end of the week.

6. If I am not mistaken, the article ... some time ago.

7. I am afraid this article ... never....

3. Переведите на английский язык:

I 1. Книга была написана летом. 2. Письмо будет отправлено завтра. 3. Меня часто спрашивают о моих планах. 4. Ваша проблема будет решена завтра. 5. Этот фильм показывали вчера с двух до трех. 6. Работа только что завершена нами. 7. Эти статьи уже будут опубликованы к концу года. 9. О новой книге будут мно­го говорить. 10. В Москве сейчас строятся новые станции метро. 11. Паспорт был утерян вчера. 12. Как вам сообщили об этом? 13. Пятая глава уже переведена?