Файл: Задание Составьте свод грамматических правил.docx

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Добавлен: 06.11.2023

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Задание 1. Составьте свод грамматических правил, связанных с употреблением пассивного залога в повседневной речи.


Когда используем



Present Simple

– регулярное действие
– констатация факта

is/am/are + V3

Thousands of dollars are spent on coffee in America every day. — Тысячи долларов тратятся на кофе в Америке каждый день.

Past Simple

– завершенное действие в прошлом

was/were + V3

The radio was invented 150 years ago. — Радио изобрели 150 лет назад.

Future Simple

– действие произойдет в будущем

will be + V3

The letter will be sent tomorrow. — Письмо отправят завтра.

Present Continuous

– действие происходит в момент речи, прямо сейчас

am/is/are + being + V3

The car is being refueled now. — Машину заправляют сейчас.

Past Continuous

– действие происходило в определенный момент в прошлом, акцент на продолжительности действия

was/were + being + V3

The exam was being taken yesterday morning. — Экзамен сдавали вчера утром.

Present Perfect

– действие уже завершилось, акцент на результат

has/have + been + V3

The flowers have already been watered. — Цветы уже полили.

Past Perfect

– действие завершилось до определенного момента или другого события в прошлом

had + been + V3

The police had been called before the burglars ran away. — Полицию вызвали до того, как воры убежали.

Future Perfect

– действие будет завершено до определенного момента в будущем

will + have + been + V3

The article will have been rewritten by tomorrow morning. — Статью перепишут к завтрашнему утру.

Задание 2.Образуйте условные предложения. 

1. If he wasn't busy, he would come to see us.
2. If the girl had studied well last year, she wouldn't have received bad marks.
3. If he hadn't broken his bicycle, he would have gone to the country.
4. If he had practice, he would speak English well.
5. If I hadn't had a bad headache yestreday, I would have come to see you.
6. If the ship hadn't been sailing near the coast, it wouldn't have struck a rock.
7. If he had been in town, he would have been present at our meeting.
8. If the pavement hadn't been so slippery, I wouldn't have fallen and hurt my leg.
9. If the sea wasn't rough we could sail to the island.
10. If they hadn't made a fire, the wolves wouldn't have run away.
11. If it wasn't late, I wouldn't have to go home.
12. If I hadn't been expecting my friend to come, I could have gone to the cinema with you.
13. He wouldn't get top marks in mathematics if it wasn't his favourite subject and he didn't work a lot at it.
14. If I had had a dictionary, I would have translated the article yesterday.
15. If the night hadn't been pitch-dark, we wouldn't have lost our way.
16. If the box hadn't been so heavy, I could have carried it and wouldn't have taken a taxi.