Файл: Контрольная работа по дисциплине Практикум по внешнеторговой документации.docx

ВУЗ: Не указан

Категория: Не указан

Дисциплина: Не указана

Добавлен: 08.11.2023

Просмотров: 30

Скачиваний: 3

ВНИМАНИЕ! Если данный файл нарушает Ваши авторские права, то обязательно сообщите нам.
согласия на оплату по выставленному инвойсу, он обязан уплатить покупателю 0,1% от стоимости заказа за каждый день задержки.

В случае если Продавец не произвел отгрузку товара в течение 30 дней с момента подтверждения Покупателем согласия на оплату по выставленному инвойсу, Покупатель вправе отказаться от заказанного товара.

3.6. Право собственности на Товар переходит к Покупателю в момент принятия товара в месте назначения (согласно базису поставки).

Contract # 986748

Moscow «22»__01__2023

Company « Emmentaler Switzerland» registered Consortium Emmentaler AOP Zieglerstrasse 43 B, CH-3007 Bern (hereinafter referred to as the “SELLER”), represented by general secretary, Livio Mullier, due to the power of the statement on the one hand, and OOO “Hermes” (hereinafter referred to as the “BUYER”), represented by Gartseva Lilia, General Director, due to the statement on the other hand, have concluded the Present Contract on the following:

1. Subject of the contract The SELLER is to ship and the BUYER is to buy products (hereinafter referred to as the “GOODS”) on terms delivery basis DDP hard cheese (040630100), price for one – 23,85 EUR in the amount of 1000 kg (Incoterms2000) in accordance with the specification given in SUPPLEMENT #1 attached to the Present Contract and constitute an integral part thereof, for the whole amount 23850 (twenty three eight hundreds fifteen) EUR up to 31.12.2023.

2. Price and total amount of the contract.

2.1. All the prices are specified in the SELL ER’s proposals and fixed in US dollars. The SELLER has a right to change prices in case of informing the BUYER two weeks before these changes.

2.2. The total amount of the Present Contract is 23850 (twenty three eight hundreds fifteen) EUR and is to be firm and not subject to any alterations even if the SELLER changes prices for the duration of the Present Contract.

2.3. After signing and fulfillment of the Present Contract all the expenses, including custom dues, are paid by the parties on their own territories.

3. Terms of delivery

3.1. Delivery terms: delivery basis.

3.2. GOODS are delivered in lots formed in the assortment, based on BUYER’s orders and availability of GOODS in the SELLER’s stock.

3.3. The order considered to be implemented if the SELLER makes out a pro forma invoice to the BUYER. 3.4. Invoice comes into power after the BUYER confirms its payment.

3.5. The SELLER shall ship the GOODS from manufacturer warehouse within 5 days after BUYER’s confirmation of the invoice.

The SELLER shall inform the BUYER of the fact of shipment as soon as possible and shall provide following information: Date of shipment; Contract No.; Name of Vessel, No. of Document of Title, Description, Number and Weight of the GOODS.

In case the GOODS are not shipped within 5 days after BUYER’s confirmation of the Invoice, the SELLER is to pay the BUYER the fine 0,1% of the cost of non-shipped GOODS.

In case the GOODS are not shipped within 30 days after BUYER’s confirmation of the Invoice, the BUYER has a right to refuse these GOODS.

3.6. The right of ownership for the GOODS shall pass to the BUYER at the moment of acceptance of the goods at the destination (according to the delivery basis).

Покупатель(buyer) Нижний Новгород, Большая Покровская, 54
Банковские реквизиты: БАНК Сбербанк (ПАО)
Продавец (SELLER) Consortium Emmentaler AOP Zieglerstrasse 43 B, CH-3007 Bern

Банковские реквизиты:
Swiss National bank SWIFT Code: AJMIOT64
В случае изменений банковских реквизитов любой из сторон другая сторона должна быть поставлена об этом в известность в письменном виде, и в течение 10 дней надлежит составить подписанное обеими сторонами Дополнение к настоящему Контракту с вновь установленными банковскими реквизитами.

Покупатель (BUYER): Гарцева Лилия

Legal address and Bank Requisites of the Parties

Вuyer(Покупатель) Nizhniy Novgorod, Big Pokrovskaya, 54

SELLER (Продавец) Consortium Emmentaler AOP Zieglerstrasse 43 B, CH-3007 Bern

bank details: Swiss National bank SWIFT Code: AJMIOT64

In case of bank requisites being changed by any of the parties, the other party shall be informed about it in writing and within 10 days an ADDENDUM to the Present Contract with new Bank requisites is to be made and signed by both parties.

SELLER (Продавец): Livio Mullier