Файл: i No. 1, front, close (narrow variation), unrounded, long diphthongoid. No. 2.docx

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[ i:] No.1, front, close (narrow variation), unrounded, long diphthongoid.
[ ɪ ] No.2, front –retracted, close (broad variation), unrounded, short monophthong.
[ е ] – No. 3, front, mid-open (narrow variation), unrounded, short monophthong.
[ æ ] – No. 4, front, open (broad variation), unrounded, short monophthong.
[ɑ:] No.5, back, open (broad variation), unrounded, long monophthong.
[ ɒ ] No.6, back, open (broad variation), rounded, short monophthong.
[ ɔ: ] No.7, back, mid-open (narrow variation), rounded, long monophthong.
[ ʊ ] No. 8, back-advanced, close (broad variation), rounded, short monophthong.
[ u: ] No.9, back, close (narrow variation), rounded, long diphthongoid.

[⋀] No.10, mixed, mid-open (broad variation), unrounded, short monophthong.
[ ɜ: ] No.11, mixed, mid-open (narrow variation), unrounded, long.
[ ə ] No.12, mixed, mid-open (broad variation), unrounded, very short.

[ еɪ ] No.13, diphthong with a short, front, mid-open (narrow variation), unrounded

nucleus and [ ɪ ] – glide.
[ əʊ ] No.14, diphthong with a mixed, mid-open (narrow variation), unrounded nucleus and [ʊ] – glide.
[ aɪ ] No.15, diphthong with a front-retracted, open (broad variation), unrounded

nucleus and [ ɪ ] – glide.

[ aʊ ] No.16, diphthong with a mixed, open (broad variation), unrounded nucleus

and [ʊ] – glide
[ ɒɪ ] No.17, diphthong with a back, open (narrow variation), slightly rounded nucleus [ɪ] – glide.

[ ɪə ] No.18, diphthong with a front-retracted, close (broad variation), unrounded

nucleus [ɪ] (not [i:]) and [ə] – glide.

[ еə ] No.19, diphthong with a front, open (narrow variation), unrounded nucleus

and [ə] – glide.

[ ʊə ] No.20, diphthong with a back advanced, close (broad variation), slightly

rounded nucleus and [ə] – glide.

/p/ - occlusive, plosive, labial, bilabial, voiceless, strong (fortis).

Смычный, взрывной, губной, губно-губной, глухой, сильный.
/b/ - occlusive, plosive, voiced, labial, bilabial, weak (lenis)

Смычный, взрывной, губной, губно-губной, звонкий, слабый,
/t/ - occlusive, plosive, forelingual, apical, alveolar, voiceless, strong (fortis)

Смычный, взрывной, переднеязычный, апикальный, альвеолярный, глухой, сильный,
/d/ - occlusive, plosive, forelingual, apical, alveolar, voiced, weak (lenis),

Смычный, взрывной, переднеязычный, апикальный, альвеолярный, звонкий, слабый,
/k/ - occlusive, plosive, backlingual, velar, voiceless, strong (fortis)

смычный, взрывной, заднеязычный, задненёбный, глухой, сильный
/g/ - occlusive, plosive, backlingual, velar, voiced, weak (lenis),

смычный, взрывной, заднеязычный, задненёбный, звонкий, слабый,
/s/ - constrictive, fricative, forelingual, apical, alveolar, voiceless, strong (fortis).

Щелевой, фрикативный (шумный), переднеязычный, апикальный, альвеолярный, глухой, сильный.
/z/ - constrictive, fricative, forelingual, apical, alveolar, voiced, weak (lenis), partly devoiced in final position.

Щелевой, фрикативный (шумный), переднеязычный, апикальный, альвеолярный, звонкий, слабый, частично оглушается в финальной позиции.
/ ð / - constrictive, fricative, forelingual, interdental, voiced, weak (lenis).

Щелевой, фрикативный (шумный), переднеязычный, межзубный, звонкий, слабый.
/ ɵ / - constrictive, fricative, forelingual, interdental, voiceless, strong (fortis).

Щелевой, фрикативный (шумный), переднеязычный, межзубный, глухой, сильный.
/f/ - constrictive, fricative, labio-dental , voiceless, strong (fortis).

Щелевой, фрикативный (шумный), губно-зубной, глухой, сильный.
/v/ - constrictive, fricative, labio-dental, weak (lenis), partly devoiced in final position.

Щелевой, фрикативный (шумный), губно-зубной, слабый, частично оглушается в финальной позиции.
[ s ] – constrictive fricative, forelingual, apical, palatal-alveolar, bicentral, strong, voiceless consonant.

Щелевой фрикативный (шумный), переднеязычный, апикальный, палатально-альвеолярный, двухфокусный, сильный, глухой согласный.
[ ᴣ ] - constrictive fricative, forelingual, apical, palatal-alveolar, bicentral, voiced, weak consonant.

Щелевой фрикативный (шумный), переднеязычный, апикальный, палатально-альвеолярный, двухфокусный, звонкий, слабый согласный.
[ t ] – occlusive-constrictive consonant (affricate), forelingual, apical, palatal-alveolar, bicentral, strong, voiceless consonant.

Смычно-щелевой согласный (аффриката), переднеязычный, апикальный, палатально-альвеолярный, двухфокусный, сильный, глухой согласный.
[ dᴣ ] - occlusive-constrictive consonant (affricate), forelingual, apical, palatal-alveolar, bicentral, voiced, weak consonant.

Смычно-щелевой согласный (аффриката), переднеязычный, апикальный, палатально-альвеолярный, двухфокусный, звонкий, слабый.
[ j ] – constrictive, medial, mediolingual, palatal, sonorous consonant (sonant).

Щелевой, серединный, среднеязычный, палатальный (нёбный), сонорный согласный (сонант).
[ w ] – constrictive, bilabial, velar sonant. Щелевой, губно-губной, задненёбный согласный.
[ l ] – constrictive, lateral, forelingual, apical, alveolar sonant.

Щелевой, боковой (латеральный), переднеязычный, апикальный, альвеолярный сонант.
[ m ] – an occlusive, nasal, bilabial sonant (sonorous consonant).

Смычный, носовой, губно-губной сонант (сонорный согласный).
[ n ] - an occlusive, nasal, forelingual, apical, alveolar sonant.

Смычный, носовой, переднеязычный, апикальный, альвеолярный сонант.
[ ŋ ] - an occlusive, nasal, backlingual, velar sonant.

Смычный, носовой, заднеязычный, задненёбный сонант.
[ r ] – constrictive, medial, forelingual, cacuminal, post-alveolar oral sonorant.

Щелевой, серединный, переднеязычный, какуминальный, заальвеолярный

[ h ] - constrictive fricative, glottal, voiceless. Щелевой фрикативный (шумный), фарингальный глухой.

  1. /iː/ tongue twister s

I went to the sea, to see what I could see, and all I could see was sea, sea, sea.

  1. /ɪ/ /p/ tongue twister

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,

How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?

  1. /e/ tongue twister

Ten men enter a powder keg, ten men bed in a keg.

  1. /æ/ tongue twister

The pat cat sat on that mat with a hat. The cat went splat that straw hat.

  1. /ɑː/ tongue twister

The star car sparred far.

  1. /ɒ/ tongue twister

John Yon conned Bond with a bond. Come on Bond.

  1. /ɔː/ tongue twister

The boar was bored of his boring chores for the boar thought to settle the score in the store with gore, gore, gore.

  1. /ʊ/ tongue twister

You should look at good books, cook-books and crooked books.

  1. /uː/ /t/ tongue twister

A tutor who tooted the flute

Tried to tutor two tutors to toot.

Said the two to the tutor,

"Is it harder to toot or

To tutor two tutors to toot?".

  1. /ʌ/ tongue twister

The mutt cut pine nuts, peanuts and walnuts.

  1. /ɜː/ tongue twister

Fleur spurred her to be a chauffeur.

  1. /ə/ tongue twister

The teacher went away, oh again, again, again, the teacher went away.

  1. /eɪ/ tongue twister

Eight mates ate their straight weight in bait at the fete.

  1. /əʊ/ tongue twister

Oh no, who knows about the dough, oh no, whoa there’s snow.

  1. /aɪ/ tongue twister

I spy with my little eye, a pirate saying aye, aye, aye.

  1. /ɔɪ/ tongue twister

Boy of troy your coy ploy was a joy.

  1. /ɪə/ tongue twister

Here here here look at the seer we’re on the tier.

  1. /ʊə/ tongue twister

Be sure your cure is pure.

  1. /eə/ tongue twister

There’s hair in the air, they’re sharing a glare with the hare and the bear.

  1. /aʊ/ tongue twister

The cow bowed now at the slow through the plough. Bow cow wow.

  1. /b/

Blue birds broke the bride’s big bonnet.

  1. /d/

Don’t dance dangerously during dirty duels.

  1. /dʒ/.

Language challenges dangerous apologies.

  1. /ʒ/.

Usually leisure is measured in massages.

  1. /f/.

The final five fought for five frightening females.

  1. /g/.

Lady Gaga gave me a grand green grape.

  1. /h/.

Half the harmony he has is high.

  1. /k/.

A cupcake cook in a cupcake cook’s cap cooks cupcakes.

  1. /l/

Larry sent the latter a letter later

  1. /m/.

Many a man moved some mountains.

  1. /n/.

No clear clean neighbor needs nine nightly runs.

  1. /ŋ/.

Wings are things with wings that sing.

  1. /p/.

Please pick up puppies and pizza pie.

  1. /r/.

Robbie rarely shared his gear.

  1. /s/.

Strange sayings stop crazy scams.

  1. /ʃ/

She sells seashells on the seashore, The shells she sells are seashells, I'm sure, For if she sells seashells on the seashore, Then I'm sure she sells sea shore shells.

  1. /t/

A tutor who tooted the flute

Tried to tutor two tutors to toot.

Said the two to the tutor,

"Is it harder to toot or

To tutor two tutors to toot?".

  1. /tʃ/.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

  1. /θ/

The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.

  1. /ð/.

I’d rather loathe that blathering weatherman.

  1. /v/

Seventy-seven benevolent elephants.

  1. /w/.

Owls swing with we women.

  1. /j/.

You know New York, you need New York, you know you need unique New York.

  1. /z/.

Amazing zippers at Zara.