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ВНИМАНИЕ! Если данный файл нарушает Ваши авторские права, то обязательно сообщите нам.
sample image. First, the system collects information for all the images through Google Reverse Images Search (GRIS) [55]; Clarifai [56], which is built on deconvolutional networks [57]; TDL [58], which is based on deep Boltzmann machines [59]; NeuralTalk [60] and Caffe [61]. Next,

if a hint is not provided, the system searches for the sample image in the labelled dataset to obtain one, if possible.

  1. 1   2   3   4   5   6   7

Fully ML-powered cyberattack

As mentioned in the previous section, ML-powered cyberattacks are not a hypothetical future concept. This section describes how an automated cyberattack can be carried out using ML.

We considered two scenarios for the weaponization and delivery stages: First, in the case of humanless intrusion, attackers can use a similar tool but utilize information provided by Shodan

[62] or Mitch [30] instead of features obtained using a computer vision. Second, attackers can use social engineering, using tools for profiling and for spear-phishing described in the previous section [34, 35] and creating click-bytes links to infect the victim [35, 36]. For automated exploit generation, adversaries can use open-sourced angr [63] framework developed by Shellphish and combine it with MalGAN to bypass defensive systems.

In the post-exploitation stage, attackers can guess stolen passwords using PassGAN [42]. The newest method is using intelligent evasion techniques proposed by Darktrace researchers [64] and further self-propagating with a series of autonomous decisions. It is also possible to turn infected systems into a hivenet [52].

As these examples demonstrate, ML can help hackers in every stage of the attack. With the advance level of development of the cybercriminal infrastructure, an advanced attack requires no hands-on-keyboard such as the case at present.

  1. Conclusion

When introducing an ML-based system, we should remember that ML is not a panacea. No system is safe. Under certain conditions, ML both protects vulnerabilities and creates new gaps. ML can be compared to a dog: 'Machine learning can do anything you could train a dog to do – but you’re never totally sure what you trained the dog to do'.

We should also note the consequences that more active implementation of ML can bring: First, automation and the resulting loss of human jobs and second, inevitable conflict with the existing legal framework, for example, when using technologies to prevent cybercrime or cyberterrorism. In such a situation, the accused is implicated for crimes that have not yet been committed, which are not regulated by any legal norm. Moreover, some of the information learned by ML may be private or

confidential, which violates laws in some countries. Similarly, poor quality or inadequate quantity of ML in the cybersecurity of data on predictions are based can lead to wrong decisions and irreparable mistakes.


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