Файл: Обучающийся Паршуткина Кристина Владимировна Преподаватель Гоголева Елена Александровна Пермь 2023 Практическое занятие.docx

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Автономная некоммерческая профессиональная образовательная организация "Национальный социально-педагогический колледж"

Дисциплина: Иностранный язык

Практическое занятие 12


Обучающийся Паршуткина Кристина Владимировна


Гоголева Елена Александровна

Пермь - 2023

Практическое занятие 12

Цель занятия: научиться читать текст, переводить его, письменно составлять высказывания. Общаться устно и письменно.


Задание 1. (максимальное количество баллов – 3 балла)

Прочитайте и переведите текст (оригинал текста взят из учебника для  Оксфорда Fountain/Coursebook/Intermediate). Перевод выполняется в письменном виде и оформляется в печатном текстовом документе или пишется от руки и прикрепляется с помощью фото.


Students are the future of every country. They are young citizens of our society, full of infinite energy and progressive ideas, fantastic plans and noble ambitions, hopes and dreams. Student life is the brightest period of our life. It is a mixture of studies and great fun.  I know that my parents (ex-students) miss those old good days of their student life.

A student has certain duties to perform. It goes without saying that the primary student duty is studying hard and acquiring proper knowledge for the future career. He must attend all the classes at college, do all the work at the right time, be punctual and disciplined. It can help the student achieve his goals and become diligent and perseverant. If he doesn’t neglect his studies he will receive rich dividends in his future work.

Examination time at the end of each semester is quite tough for students. They spend endless days and nights on studying and cramming. Although some of them use cheating, copying someone’s essays or course works. And you are lucky if you are not caught by the teacher because he can punish you by a poor mark or even by excluding from the college.

Most of the student’s time is devoted to reading and learning. It’s unbelievable but some students manage to deal with part-time jobs because they need a lot of money to study at college or university. Tuition fees and books are very costly nowadays, and if you rent an apartment it’s even more expensive. So students have busy schedules including studies, work and going out to socialize.

A good student never wastes his spare time uselessly. He should also go in for sports to stay in good health and mood. They say: “A sound mind lives in a sound body.” Students love participating in both academic and extra-curricular activities at college: different festivals, intellectual quizzes and summer camps. This social life broadens the mind, develops your talents and communication skills. And this is a wonderful time when you find real friends among your classmates at college.

Finally I’d like to say that it is absolutely great to be a student!


Студенты - это будущее каждой страны. Они - молодые граждане нашего общества, полные бесконечной энергии и прогрессивных идей,
фантастических планов и благородных амбиций, надежд и мечтаний. Студенческая жизнь - это самый яркий период нашей жизни. Это смесь учебы и большого удовольствия. Я знаю, что мои родители (бывшие студенты) скучают по тем старым добрым дням своей студенческой жизни.

У студента есть определенные обязанности, которые он должен выполнять. Само собой разумеется, что главная обязанность студента - усердно учиться и приобретать надлежащие знания для будущей карьеры. Он должен посещать все занятия в колледже, выполнять всю работу в нужное время, быть пунктуальным и дисциплинированным. Это может помочь ученику достичь своих целей и стать прилежным и настойчивым. Если он не будет пренебрегать учебой, то получит богатые дивиденды в своей будущей работе.

Экзаменационное время в конце каждого семестра довольно тяжелое для студентов. Они тратят бесконечные дни и ночи на учебу и зубрежку. Хотя некоторые из них используют обман, копируя чьи-то эссе или курсовые работы. И вам повезет, если вас не поймает учитель, потому что он может наказать вас плохой оценкой или даже исключением из колледжа.

Большая часть времени студента посвящена чтению и обучению. Это невероятно, но некоторым студентам удается работать неполный рабочий день, потому что им нужно много денег, чтобы учиться в колледже или университете. Плата за обучение и книги в наши дни очень дороги, а если вы снимаете квартиру, то это еще дороже. Таким образом, у студентов плотный график, включающий учебу, работу и прогулки для общения.

Хороший ученик никогда не тратит свое свободное время впустую. Он также должен заниматься спортом, чтобы оставаться в добром здравии и настроении. Они говорят: “Здоровый дух живет в здоровом теле”. Студенты любят участвовать как в академических, так и во внеклассных мероприятиях колледжа: различных фестивалях, интеллектуальных викторинах и летних лагерях. Такая общественная жизнь расширяет кругозор, развивает ваши таланты и коммуникативные навыки. И это замечательное время, когда ты находишь настоящих друзей среди своих одноклассников в колледже.

Наконец, я хотел бы сказать, что быть студентом - это просто здорово!

Задание 2. (максимальное количество баллов – 3 балла)

Сделайте пересказ текста из первого упражнения (не менее 10 предложений). Пересказ выполняется в письменной форме на английском языке и оформляется в печатном текстовом документе или пишется от руки и прикрепляется с помощью фото.


Students are young citizens of our society, full of energy and ideas, fantastic plans and noble ambitions, hopes and dreams. Student life is a mixture of studies and great fun. The primary student must attend all the classes at college, do the work at the right time, be disciplined. Examination time at the end of each semester is quite tough for students. They spend days and nights on studying and cramming. Most of the student’s time is devoted to reading and learning. It’s unbelievable but some students manage to deal with part-time jobs because they need a lot of money to study at college or university. Besides, most of the students love participating in academic and extra-curricular activities at college: different festivals, intellectual quizzes, sport competitions and summer camps. This social life broadens the mind, develops your talents and communication skills. And this is a wonderful time when you find real friends at college. Finally, I’d like to say that it is absolutely great to be a student!

Задание 3. (максимальное количество баллов – 2 балла)

Вам дали поручение организовать праздник в детской организации. Придумайте название для праздника. Составьте план мероприятия на английском языке (не менее 10 пунктов). Какие игры для детей будут использоваться для этого мероприятия? Помимо плана мероприятия опишите, как Вы будете соблюдать меры безопасности жизнедеятельности и охраны детского здоровья на празднике (не менее 5 предложений).  


The theme: “ We protect nature’’

The aim: formation of a culture of love for nature in children and their parents; attracting public attention to environmental problems; strengthening children's health; speech development of children.

The tasks: 1. To form an idea about objects and phenomena of nature, plants and animals of the native country. 2. To concretize and generalize children's ideas about the properties of certain objects of nature. 3. Systematize and classify knowledge about plants, animals, and phenomena of inanimate nature. 4. To develop and deepen the moral and aesthetic feelings of children.


1. Station "City"(gym): Creating an eco-robot (the task is to build an eco-robot from the proposed material and explain its meaning)

2. Station "Forest" (methodical): 1) Didactic game "Invent a proverb" ; 2) Game "Rules of behavior in the forest" ; 3) Attention game "Trees, bushes" (mobile)

3. Station ‘’Vodnaya’’ ( music hall): 1) The song ‘’………’’ ; 2) Attention game ‘’ Rain and Sun’’ ( mobile);

4. Station ‘’ Eco-workshop’’ (equipment room): 1) Take a picture (assemble a complete picture from the cut parts); 2) Help the animals get into their homes (construction game); 3) "Environmental signs"

Measures of life safety and protection of children's health at the festival:

Classes should be conducted only with working equipment. The venue of the event must be equipped with fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers, etc.) and have a first aid kit with the necessary medicines and dressings to provide first aid to the victims.

Safety requirements during classes/games:

Catch-up games. The player must: - look in the direction of movement; - exclude sudden stops; - to avoid collisions with other players, slow down the running speed and stop; - do not push the runner in the back.

Games with overflows. The player must: - do not change the direction of the movement abruptly; - do not go outside the playground; - do not stop leaning with your hands or foot against the wall.

Relay race. The player must: - do not start the relay without a signal from the instructor; - stay on your track; - wait until the previous player completes the task and touches the baton with his hand; - stand at the end of your team after passing the baton; - do not break down, do not sit down and do not lie down during the relay.

Задание 4.     (максимальное количество баллов – 5 баллов)

Вы запланировали первое родительское собрание, на котором, в том числе, будет присутствовать руководство образовательной организации. Составьте рассказ о себе, причинах выбора профессии, Вашего видения профессиональной деятельности. В ходе родительского собрания также должны быть освещены основные правовые нормы в рамках Вашей педагогической деятельности (например, как будут соблюдаться нормы СанПиН в учебном процессе). Рассказ должен быть на английском языке (не менее 10 предложений).


Good afternoon! My name is Kristina Vladimirovna. I have a secondary pedagogical education. I will work under the "School of Russia" programme and improve my qualifications both in full-time and in correspondence courses and seminars. I will try to develop children, reveal their potential, natural inclinations and creative abilities, as well as learning abilities and skills. The main direction of my work is the spiritual and moral development of children and work with the family. Additionally, I work as a librarian at my school. I devote most of my work with children to working with a book, text, word.

But I'm not just a teacher. I am the first teacher who entered the life of a child and his family. You, parents, trust us with the most precious thing you have - your children. Probably, there is not a single parent in the world who does not care how his child will study at school, what kind of relationships he will have with his teacher and peers, how joyful, useful and comfortable learning will be for him. And it depends on the first teacher how the child's school life will develop.

Задание 5. (максимальное количество баллов – 5 баллов)

Прочитайте текст, озаглавьте его. Составьте план для пересказа (не менее 5 пунктов) на английском языке.


Let me introduce myself. My name is Anna German. I was born in Novokuznetsk, on the 1st of October 1986. It was very nasty weather this day, cold and rainy. I could say that I had quite a happy and exciting childhood. I hated wearing dresses and behaved like a tomboy. Thanks to my elder brother. At the age of 8, my family moved to another country. I love my new homeland, but I still miss Russia.

I studied foreign languages at university and graduated in 2009. I can’t say that I was a bookworm, but I really enjoyed studying. I didn’t finish university with flying colors, but according to my teachers, I was good.

Now I’m almost 30. When I look at myself in the mirror I see a young woman with short wavy hair, grey–green eyes and a slender figure. As to my appearance, I think I’m short. I’ve never considered myself a beauty. I don’t like wearing high–heeled shoes, but I can’t imagine my life without trousers or jeans. I think that I'm pretty calm and modest. But sometimes I can lose my temper and become really angry. I like staying alone and spend my free time reading books in my cozy flat. I have a few friends and I think they are the best. I love good jokes and I think I've got a nice sense of humour. It means I understand and appreciate it.

Nowadays I live alone in a city far from my parents' place. I terribly miss my mom, dad and my brother. I try to visit them once or twice a month. When we are together, we drive to our country house in the village. My mom cooks something delicious and dad goes fishing with my brother. I prefer spending time with the male half of our family. Just to let you know that I’m terrible at cooking.

I admit that I’m a lazy person, so, my hobby is not riding a bike, skating or skiing. I collect photos and souvenirs from all the countries I have visited. I’ve been to Egypt, Greece, Poland, Sweden and Germany. And my dream is to visit Great Britain, walk around London and visit my friend in Glasgow, Scotland.


Задание 5.

Заглавие текста: ‘’ About myself ’’

План пересказа:

1) Anna’s childhood

2) Anna’s education

3) Appearance and character

4) Spending time with family

5) Anna’s hobby

Задание 6. (максимальное количество баллов – 7 баллов)

Составьте письменное высказывание на тему «Выдающиеся педагоги».

Высказывание — это не цитата. Высказывание  — это как тема на английском языке, то есть развёрнутое, повествовательное.

В содержании Вы должны рассказать о жизни и педагогической деятельности одного из великих педагогов (на выбор).

Объём высказывания не менее 10 предложений.


Outstanding teacher Anton Semenovich Makarenko

Anton Semenovich Makarenko (March 13, 1888 - April 1, 1939) was a world-famous teacher and writer. He achieved the highest results in the re-education of both street children and children growing up in the family. Anton Makarenko is the author of numerous publications, among which the most significant was the "Pedagogical Poem". The name of Anton Makarenko is known even to those who have absolutely nothing to do with pedagogy. But this does not prevent heated debates around the unique method of education that he himself developed and implemented in life. Some people see him as a genius, others speak of him as a tough man who does not let his students down. No matter what they say, Makarenko himself assured that his method is the only way to cope with difficult children who need help. For 12 years, Makarenko headed the colonies where juvenile delinquents were located, and ensured that all his pupils grew up worthy people, and no one returned to their former lives. Under Soviet rule, he was called an "authoritarian teacher", and only after his death he turned into a "classic of Soviet pedagogy". Anton Makarenko's system is closely studied and used all over the world, and his name is on a par with such outstanding teachers as Georg Kershensteiner, John Dewey, Maria Montessori.