Файл: Л.А. Бердюгина Some facys about Cars (Немного об автомобилях).pdf

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Добавлен: 29.05.2024

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Some facts about Cars

(Немного об автомобилях)

Методические указания по английскому языку для выработки умений и навыков говорения по проблемам,

связанным с будущей специальностью: 240100 "Организация перевозок и управление на транспорте", 240400 "Организация и безопасность движения"

Составитель Л.А. Бердюгина

Утверждены на заседании кафедры Протокол № 4 от 28.04.03

Рекомендованы к печати учебнометодической комиссией специальности 240100 Протокол № 5 от 12.05.03

Электронная копия находится в библиотеке главного корпуса ГУ КузГТУ



Уважаемые студенты!

Методические указания состоят из 3 разделов (Units). Unit I представляет собой комплекс коммуникативно-ориентированных текстов, диалогов, упражнений с целью выработки у студентов умений и навыков говорения по проблемам, связанным с Вашей будущей специальностью. В данном разделе рассматриваются проблема экологии и в связи с этим типы автомобилей, работающих на разных видах топлива (их преимущества и недостатки), история и перспективы развития электромобиля, приводятся вопросы, касающиеся автомобилей, необходимые для работы в парах или группах.

Unit II – это глоссарий, в котором представлен ряд терминов,

необходимых специалисту (передний привод, крутящий момент,

подушка безопасности и др.) и дается их толкование на английском языке.

Unit III включает тексты для самостоятельной работы (письменного перевода, резюме, докладов) и комплекс фраз для составления резюме по этим текстам.

Жанр материалов методических указаний разнообразен: рекламные объявления о продаже новых и подержанных автомобилей, астрологический прогноз для выбора автомобиля, история создания и развития автомобильной компании Нисан и т.п.

В МУ даются реальные ролевые ситуации, например, покупка автомобиля у дилера, аренда трейлеров для перевозки грузов, беседа между посетителем автосалона и представителем фирмы. Органически в процессе работы над материалом повторяются и закрепляются такие грамматические темы, как типы вопросов, сравнения прилагательных и наречий и их усилители, времена.

МУ не имеют жесткой структуры, что позволяет преподавателю на свое усмотрение в зависимости от уровня подготовки группы менять порядок работы над материалом, давать часть текстов для предварительной самостоятельной проработки дома или работы в аудитории.



I A. Read some facts from the development history of the Nissan Motor Company.

1025 Three small motor companies merge (сливаться) to form the Dat Jidosha Seizo Company.

1932 The company produces the first Datsun car.

1934 The owners re-name the company “The Nissan Motor Company Ltd”. 1935 Nissan opens the Yokohama plant.

1935 Nissan introduces mass production methods.

1938 Nissan stops producing passenger cars and concentrates on truck (Br.E.=lorry) manufacture.

1947 After World War II Nissan begins car production again. 1958 A Datsun 210 wins the Australian Rally.

1966 Nissan sets up its first foreign manufacturing operation in Mexico. 1980 The National Space Development Agency of Japan send a rocket into

space, with solid-fuel rocket boosters (ракета-носитель) designed and produced by Nissan.

1981 Nissan makes an agreement with Volkswagen to produce the Santana in Japan.

1992, 1993, 1994 In the UK, Nissan earns a Queen’s Award for Export Achievement for three years running.

B. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the Nissan Motor Company.

Example: A What happened in1925?

B Three small motor companies merged.

AWhat happened in 1947?

B………………………… . etc.

C. Ask and answer more questions about Nissan.

Example: A When did the original three companies merge? B In 1925.

A When did …..?


II. Choose the correct verbs and put them in past simple.


Nissan established a small trading company in 1969. It _______ (1) cars from Japan and _______ (2) them in the UK. The company only _______

(3) 0,2 % of the market in 1970 but it _______ (4) fast. By 1974 it _______

(5) the UK’s leading car importer.

(be sell establish grow import have)

When the UK _______ (6) a major export market, Nissan _______ (7) to build an assembly plant. After a long search it _______ (8) a suitable site in Tyne and Wear. Cars _______ (9) rolling off the production line in 1986.

(find decide begin become)

At first, the plant _______ (10) limit production because of the JAMA import restriction agreement. But by 1988 UK companies _______ (11) the majority of components and Nissan ________ (12) the target of 60 % Local content. The plant _______ (13) increase production.

(achieve be able to have to supply)

In 1991 Nissan ________ (14) a new distribution company and it _______

(15) operations in January 1992 with a network of 150 dealers. By the end of the year there _______ (16) 267. Nissan _______ (17) the Micra (March) in 1993 and it _______ (18) the European Car of the Year Award. It _______

(19) the first Japanese-badged car ever to win.

(be be win set up launch start)

III. A. Would you like to buy this car? Read the article and find it out.


Engineers in Mazda, the Japanese car company, have designed a car you can fold in half and carry around in a suitcase.

The “Suitcase Car” is only 81 cm × 61 cm × 16 cm when folded, but opens to a length of 117 cm, a width of 102 cm, and a height of 41 cm. The vehicle weighs 30 kg and costs $1,400 to build. It only takes one minute to set up for the road.

The car is propelled by a specially-designed engine and it has a maximum speed of just under 30 km an hour. The invention won first prize in a contest


arranged by Mazda to encourage (поощрять) original ideas from its employees. The winning team of seven engineers said they had always wanted to build a car that could be folded up in a traffic jam and carried away. The engineers also wanted to design a car that people could take on airplanes.

The portable car was not made for driving on roads, so it is only the first step towards achieving the engineers’ goal. A Mazda spokesman said the company had no plans to mass produce the “Suitcase Car”.

B.Ask your partner about

a.size and dimension of the ‘Suitcase Car”;

b.its price;

c.its inventors;

d.the reason of designing the car;

e.the goal of designing the car;

f.about Mazda’s plans;

g.specific features of the car.

C.Resume the text. You may use the following expressions:

The title of the text is…

The main idea of the text is… It is interesting to note that… The author points out that…,

(or The text is called …) (or The text deals with …)

(or It should be noted that …) etc. ( page 42)

IV. A. Complete this story. Put was, were, wasn’t and weren’t in the correct spaces.

Car problems

A friend of mine was a car mechanic in a garage and one of his customers ….. (1) a lovely grey-haired old lady. All the mechanics ….. (2) very fond of her because she gave good tips, but they ….. (3) fond of her car. Most Morris Minors are reliable but hers ….. (4) a real problem. It ….. (5) impossible to start in summer, it jumped along the road like a kangaroo and it ….. (6) very thirsty. All the mechanics ….. (7) puzzled by it. They checked the fuel pipes but they ….. (8) the problem. They checked the engine but it ….. (9) that. The car ….. (10) in and out of the garage every week but they ….. (11) never able to locate the problem. One day my friend asked the lady to take him for a drive in the car so he could listen for any strange noises. She ….. (12) happy to help and jumped in to the driver’s seat


and put on her seat belt. Then she pulled out the choke and hung her handbag on it. The mystery ….. (13) solved. That ….. (14) why the car ….. (15) so thirsty.

B. Answer the following questions: Why didn’t the mechanics like the old lady’s car? What was wrong with it? What was the real reason for its unsatisfactory work?

V. Here is an advertisement for a car. Write a question for each item of information.


a. What sort of car is it?

Red, One owner. Good condition.

b. How __________________

35,000 miles. No accidents. $2000

c. What __________________


d. How many _____________


e. What sort ______________


f. How many _____________


g. ____________________________


h. ______________________

VI. Barry and James are talking about cars. Complete the conversation. Work in pairs and change your roles.

B Have you got a car, James?

J Yes, I have.

B What ________________

J It’s Volvo.

B _____________________

J I’ve had it for eighteen months, I think. B _____________________

J $5,5600. It was second-hand, not new. B _____________________

J It hasn’t done a lot, actually. About 10,000. I only use it at weekends. B _____________________

J In 1999. I passed first time. I was lucky. B _____________________

J Yes, I have. It was a rainy evening last November, and I skidded into the car in front. Nobody was hurt, fortunately.


VII. Choose one of the first two cars advertised below. Then look quickly at the rest of the advertisements, and find the cheapest car with all of these:

a) a similar colour to yours

c) the same number of doors as



b) a much lower mileage than yours

d) similar accessories to yours





FORD ESCORT 1600, 5 door, powder blue, radio-cassette, sunroof, 34,000 miles,

price $2,600.

BMW 318i, 4 door, red, electric windows, fog lamps, radio-cassette, 14,000 miles, price $6,250.

Nissan Stanza 1.6GL, 5 door, sky blue, radio-cassette, sunroof, 34,000 miles, $2,100.

MG Maestro 1.6i, 4 door, cherry red, air conditioning, 5,500 miles, $6,200.

Saab 900 Turbo, 5 door, Admiral blue, electric sunroof, radio-cassette, only 1,500 miles, $9,200.

Volvo 34DL, 5 door, deep red, sunroof, radio-cassette, 8,000 miles, $7,000.

Renault 11 TSE, 5 door, white, sunroof, radio-cassette, electric windows,

17,000 miles, $4,200

Mercedes-Benz 500SEL, 4 door, diamond blue metallic, electric sunroof, air conditioning, 28,000 miles, $22,500

Jaguar XJ6 3.4 automatic, 4 door, ruby red, stereo radio-cassette, electric sunroof, electric windows, fog lamps, only 4,000 miles, $15,650.

Volvo 245DL, 4 door, deep red, radio-cassette, fog lamps, sunroof, electric windows, 6,000 miles, $8,500.

Peugeot 505, 5 door, royal blue, radio-cassette, 4,200 miles, $6,850.

Ford Capri 2.8i, 4 door, dark red, fog lamps, radio-cassette, 125,000 miles, $900.

Metro 1.3L, 5 door, light blue, fog lamps, 17,000 miles, $3,800.

Nissan Sunny 1.5GL, 4 door, green metallic, fog lamps, radio-cassette, 35,000 miles, $3,200.


VIII. Study these ways of describing size and dimension.

How long is it?

How wide is it?

How high is it?

It’s 484.5 cm long.

It’s 165.0 cm wide.

It’s 157.5 cm high.

The length is 484.5 cm.

The width is 165.0 cm.

The height is 157.5 cm.

How heavy is it?

It weighs 2,570 kg.

How much does it weigh?

The weight is 2,570 kg.

Weigh v. Весить

Weight n. Вес

How much can it carry?

It can carry 1,160 kg.

What’s the maximum load?

It’s 1,160 kg.

IX. A. A transport manager is thinking of buying some pick-up trucks for his fleet. Act out the conversation with the salesperson. Ask and answer questions about the size and dimension of the truck below.


max. load

1,160 kg



2,570 kg

B. Work with a partner. You look at the information below. Your partner uses the information from File I, page 43. You want to transport some large steel components to a customer in Rome. Ask a salesperson

questions about the trucks.




max. load

1,815 kg





Your information

The components are in 6 wooden boxes.

The dimensions of each box are: Length – 4 m, Width – 2 m, Height – 2,5 m The cubic capacity of each box is 20 m3 Each crate weighs 1,500 kg.

Information required

How many trailers do you need? How much does it cost?

How long does it take to drive a trailer to Rome?

X. A. As governments around the world are introducing stricter (жесткий) environmental legislation, automobile manufacturers are investing heavily in the research and development of electric vehicles. Read the advertisement and find out how long electric vehicles have been around.



At the turn of the century, we supported (содержать) fleets of electric vehicles: milk trucks, delivery vehicles, passenger cars. Downtown Detroit had four electric cab fleets charging at stations operated by the Edison Illuminating Company, the forerunner (предвестник) to Detroit Edison.

At the Electric Light Convention of 1911 everyone was talking about standardizing plugs for electric vehicles. But the very next year there was a discussion about the new invention – an electric starter for the gasoline-powered automobile. Then Henry Ford started mass production and gasoline conquered the market.

But not for much longer. The electric vehicle is back on the road and once again you can fuel your car with safe, clean electricity. Detroit Edison is pleased to be a driving force behind the new technology. It’s time to drive electric again and follow the road to a brighter future.



B. Here are the answers to some questions about the advertisement. Work with a partner. Write the questions.

1.No, it’s an old invention.

2.At the turn of the century.



4.Standardizing plugs for electric vehicle.

5.He started mass production of the gasoline-powered automobile.

XI. A. Electric vehicles have always been cleaner and quieter than gasoline-driven models, but they have their disadvantages too. What are they?

B. Read the second advertisement. Find out what it’s for and what problems have been solved.



A two-part problem has long stalled (задерживать) the public acceptance (принятие) of Electric Vehicles (EVs). The first part: lack of a powerful lightweight battery. The second: technology to manufacture large quantities of that battery.

Electrosource has solved the first part of the problem. Independent tests have confirmed that the Elecrosource HORISON battery can be recharged 50 % in less than 8 minutes (99 % in 30). And HORISON-powered EVs will go 100 miles between charges.

And BDM Technologies, Inc. has solved the second part of the problem. The HORISON battery can be manufactured for significantly less than other advanced batteries (such as nickel iron varieties) and potentially for less than other lead acid types.

The future is on the HORISON. We can bring it to you now. For further information, write Department 93, BDM Technologies, Inc., 7915 Jones Branch Drive, McLean, VA 22102. Phone 1-800-685-2361, Fax (703) 351-6909.


A BDM International Company

Electrosource Inc.

С. Here are some answers to the advertisement. Work with a partner. Make up the questions.

1.It’s for a battery.

2.A two-part problem.