Файл: Doicu A., Wriedt T., Eremin Y.A. Light scattering by systems of particles (OS 124, Springer, 2006.pdf

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absorption cross-section, 51 amplitude matrix

definition, 43

in terms of T-matrix elements, 59 angular frequency, 2

angular functions computational algorithm, 259 definition, 257

normalized functions, 258 orthogonality relations, 260 symmetry relations, 260

anisotropic media biaxial, 8

negative uniaxial, 8 positive uniaxial, 8 asymmetry parameter

definition, 52 orientation-averaged, 80

average quantities of heterogeneous materials

electric displacement, 148 electric field, 148 polarization field, 149

backscattering theorem, 57 basis functions

constant pulse-functions, 195 edge-based, 195

node-based, 195 Bayes’ rule, 152

Bessel di erential equation, 254 boundary conditions for

normal component of electric displacement, 4

normal component of magnetic induction, 4

tangential component of electric field, 4

tangential component of magnetic field, 4

boundary-value problem for composite particles, 140 homogeneous, isotropic particles, 85 inhomogeneous particles, 106 isotropic, chiral particles, 102 multiple particles, 124

uniaxial anisotropic particles, 104

chirality parameter, 8 Clebsch–Gordan coe cients

computational algorithm, 274 symmetry relations, 274

coherency extinction matrix, 48 coherency phase matrix, 44 coherency vector of

incident field, 13 scattered field, 44 total field, 46

complex amplitude vector, 10 complex polarization unit vector, 10 complex Poynting’s vector, 4 conditional average

of the scattered field coe cients, 152 with one and two fixed particles, 152

conditional density with one fixed particle, 152 two fixed particles, 152

318 Index

configurational average of reflected field, 162 statistical quantities, 152

constitutive relations for anisotropic media, 7 chiral media, 8 isotropic media, 6

continuity equation, 2 current density, 2

degree of polarization, 15 dichroism, 46

di erential equation for spherical harmonics, 254

di erential scattering cross-section definition, 42

for parallel and perpendicular polarizations, 42

normalized, 42 orientation-averaged, 81

di usion limited aggregation, DLA, 236 di usion limited cluster cluster

aggregation, DLCCA, 236 dimension of T matrix for

composite particles, 144 homogeneous, isotropic particles, 96 layered particles, 119

multiple particles, 132 dipole moment, 149, 197

discrete dipole approximation, DDA, 192

discrete sources method, DSM, 189 dispersion relation for

anisotropic media, 24 isotropic media, 26 isotropic, chiral media, 31

uniaxial anisotropic media, 25 dyadic Green’s function

asymptotic behavior, 38 definition, 37 di erential equation, 38

expansion in terms of vector plane waves, 175

dyadic kernel for

discrete dipole approximation, 197 volume integral equation method, 195

e ective loss tangent, 247 e ective permittivity, 149

e ective wave number, 157 e ective wave vector, 153 e ciencies for

absorption, 51 extinction, 51 scattering, 51

electric charge density, 2 electric conductivity, 6 electric dipole operator, 97 electric displacement, 2 electric field, 2

electric permittivity, 6 electric susceptibility, 6 electromagnetics programs

CST Microwave Studio, 198

discrete dipole approximation, DDA, 192

multiple multipole method, MMP, 189

T-matrix method, 183, 188 ellipsometric parameters

ellipticity angle, 11 orientation angle, 11 vibration ellipse, 11

Euler angles, 15

evanescent waves scattering, 172 Ewald-Oseen extinction theorem, 161 exciting field, 149

extinction cross-section definition, 51

in terms of T-matrix elements, 60 orientation-averaged, 72

extinction matrix definition, 48 orientation-averaged, 75

extinction theorem, 41

far-field patterns definition, 41

in terms of T-matrix elements, 58 integral representations, 41

Faraday’s induction law di erential form, 2 discrete form, 198 integral form, 198

finite integration technique, FIT, 198 fractal dimension, 234

fractal pre-factor, 234

Fresnell reflection coe cients, 166 Fresnell transmission coe cients, 172

Gauss’ electric field law di erential form, 2 integral form, 199

Gauss’ magnetic field law di erential form, 2 discrete form, 199 integral form, 199

Gaussian beam

beam parameter, 18 Davis approximation, 18 di raction length, 18

generalized localized approximation, 18

waist radius, 18

generalized Lorentz–Lorenz law, 158 generalized multiparticle Mie-solution,


generalized spherical functions definition, 272 orthogonality relation, 273 recurrence relations, 273 symmetry relations, 272

Green’s function definition, 261 di erential equation, 36

spherical waves expansion, 261 Green’s second vector theorem, 34 Green’s second vector-dyadic theorem,


Helmholtz equation, 253

Huygens principle, 41

image coordinate system, 170 interacting field, 167

internal fields expansions in isotropic chiral media, 32 uniaxial anisotropic media, 27

joint density function, 152 jump relations for

curl of a vector potential, 97 double curl of a vector potential, 97

Kasterin’s representation, 291

Legendre di erential equation, 254

Index 319

Legendre functions associated, 257

computational algorithm, 258 normalized functions, 258 orthogonality relation, 260 polynomials, 257

recurrence relations, 257 special values, 258 symmetry relation, 260

logarithmic derivatives coe cients computational algorithm, 101 definition, 100

long-wavelength dispersion equation, 160

magnetic dipole operator, 97 magnetic field, 2

magnetic induction, 2 magnetic media

diamagnetic, 6 paramagnetic, 6

magnetic permeability, 6 magnetic susceptibility, 6 magnetization vector, 6 Maxwell’s equation

discrete form, 200

in frequency domain, 2 in time domain, 1

Maxwell–Ampere law di erential form, 2 integral form, 199

Maxwell-Garnett formula, 149, 197 mean direction of propagation of the

scattered field definition, 52 orientation-averaged, 80

multiple multipole method, MMP, 189

normalized phase velocity, 247 null-field equations for

complex particles, 146 composite particles with

distributed sources, 145 localized sources, 141

homogeneous, isotropic particles with distributed sources, 90

localized sources, 86 inhomogeneous particles with

distributed sources, 120

320 Index

null-field equations for (Continued ) localized sources, 107

layered particles, 115 multiple particles, 127

null-field method with distributed sources for

composite particles, 145 homogeneous, isotropic particles, 89 layered particles, 120

Ohm’s law, 6 optical theorem, 53

Ornstein–Zernike equation, 163 orthogonalization method, 92

pair distribution function definition, 152

for the hole-correction approximation, 163

Percus–Yevick, 163 permeability tensor, 7 permittivity tensor, 7 phase function

definition, 52 normalization condition, 52

phase matrix, 44 plane waves

asymptotic representation, 264 spherical waves expansion, 262

polarizability dyad, 196 polarizability scalar, 149, 197 polarization angle, 12 polarization unit vector for

circularly polarized waves, 13 linearly polarized waves, 12

polarization vector, 6 polarized waves

circularly, 13 ellipticaly, 12 linearly, 12

Poynting’s theorem, 4 Poynting’s vector, 4 probability density function

configurational, 151

of particle orientations, 157

Q matrix

for isotropic, chiral particles, 103 for spherical particles, 99

for uniaxial anisotropic particles, 105 with respect to a single origin, 88 with respect to two origins, 112

quasi-crystalline approximation, 153 quasi-plane waves

definition, 262

spherical waves expansion, 262

radius of gyration, 234 reciprocity

amplitude matrix, 57 extinction matrix, 57 far-field pattern, 56 phase matrix, 57

tensor scattering amplitude, 56 recursive aggregate T-matrix algorithm,

138 reference frame

beam coordinate system, 43 global coordinate system, 42 reflected vector plane wave, 165

reflected vector spherical harmonics, 171

reflected vector spherical wave functions integral representations, 168, 169 series representations, 167

simplified integral representations, 170

reflection matrix, 168 refractive index, 7 rotation matrix

definition, 275 symmetry relations, 275

scalar addition coe cients computational algorithm, 279 integral representations, 277, 278 series representations, 277, 278

scaling law, 234

scattering characteristic, 246 Ag-sphere on plane surface, 246 axisymmetric particles, 201 Cassini particle, 210

chiral cube, 215 chiral sphere, 203 complex particle, 244

composite particle, 238, 239 composite spheroid, 240 concentrically layered sphere, 229

cube shaped particle, 220 cut sphere, 218

diamond sphere on plane surface, 246 dielectric cube, 213

Gaussian beam scattering, 205 hexagonal prism, 213 inhomogeneous sphere, 224 layered spheroid, 226 monodisperse aggregate, 237 oblate cylinder, 210

oblate spheroid, 226

perfectly conducting cube, 215 perfectly conducting spheroid, 202 polydisperse aggregate, 237 prolate spheroid, 202 reconstructed cube, 220

Si-sphere on plane surface, 246 sphere with spherical inclusion, 222 spheroid on plane surface, 245 system of particles, 230

uniaxial anisotropic cube, 213 uniaxial anisotropic ellipsoid, 213

scattering cross-section definition, 51

in terms of T-matrix elements, 61 orientation-averaged, 74

scattering matrix definition, 67

for macroscopically isotropic media, 67

for mirror-symmetric media, 68 orientation-averaged, 79 relation to phase matrix, 68

Silver–M¨uller radiation condition, 34 single scattering albedo, 51

Snell’s law, 166 spectral amplitudes of

incident field, 176 internal field, 176 scattered field, 178

speed of light, 7 spherical functions

Bessel, 254

computational algorithm, 256 Hankel, 254

Neumann, 254 recurrence relations, 254 special values, 255 Wronskian relation, 255

Index 321

spherical harmonics definition, 262 orthogonality relation, 262

spherical particles concentrically layered, 122 homogeneous, 99

spherical wave functions integral representations, 262 radiating, 261

regular, 261

rotation addition theorem, 271 translation addition theorem, 276

spherical waves expansion of Gaussian beams, 19 vector plane waves, 16

stationary point method, 55, 291 Stokes parameters, 14

Stokes rotation matrix, 14 Stokes vector

of incident field, 13 of scattered field, 45

transformation under rotation, 14 Stratton–Chu representation theorem


radiating fields, 34 regular fields, 35

superposition T-matrix method, 132 surface charge density, 4

surface current, 3

surface fields approximations for homogeneous, isotropic particles, 86 inhomogeneous particles, 109 isotropic, chiral particles, 102 multiple particles, 128

uniaxial anisotropic particles, 105 surface integral equation

direct method, 98 indirect method, 98


convergence of calculation, 96 definition, 58

for complex particles, 147 for composite particles, 144

for concentrically layered spheres, 123 for homogeneous, isotropic particles,


for inhomogeneous particles, 111 for isotropic, chiral particles, 103