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State budgetary educational institution "Chaikovsky Technical School of Industrial Technologies and Management"

Research project

Borrowed words in Russian language

Performed: a student of







Part 1. Why do people use borrowed words?.......................................................4

1.1 The main reasons for borrowing are…………………………………………...5

1.2 Analogues of some borrowed words.……….....……………………………...6

Part 2. The influence of foreign words on the Russian language……………...7


Information resources..…….………………………………………….................9

Appendix 1..…...………..……………………………………………………..…10


Relevance: This topic is relevant, as the borrowing of foreign words are constantly used in our language. I chose this topic because often people using borrowed words do not understand the meaning of these words.

Problem: The problem is that when we give preference to foreign words, we move away from using our own Russian words

The aim: finding out the reason for borrowing foreign words in the Russian language and the conditions for their existence.

The tasks:

- to find out how words are borrowed and mastered in our language

- to explain the reasons people use foreign words

- to find sources of borrowed words

- to study the influence of foreign words on the Russian language

- to make a questionnaire and learn how often and what foreign words are used by students in speaking

- to make document in English made in Microsoft Word;

- to make presentation made in Microsoft Power Point;

Object of study: the vocabulary of the Russian language.

The subject of the study: words borrowed from the English language.

* Stages of work:

1. The launch of the project (February 12, 2018);

2. Scheduling

-determination of the object of study (13-28February)

-calculation of time (1-5 March)

3. Information collection: (6-31 March)

4. Information processing (2-30 April);

5. Making the presentation (1-15 May)

6. Check and adjustment of the whole project (17-30 May)

7. Output of the project result (in the form of a document supported by the presentation ) (1-6 June)

8. Project protection (June 18)

Part 1. Borrowed words in Russian- are words of foreign origin, but are used in oral or written speech by people who speak Russian.

The main reasons for borrowing are:

-historical contacts of peoples

-the need to nominate new subjects and concepts

-the innovation of a nation in a particular area of activity


-saving of language resources

-authority of the source language

The speakers of any language, including Russian, can not do without the Russian words, that is, those that we inherited from our distant ancestors. Now communication is on a global scale, so we have to take somebody else's words.

Throughout its centuries-old history, the Russian people led the closest economic, cultural, political and other relationships with a variety of peoples. This could not but affect the vocabulary - the most receptive and mobile layer of the language, which, like a sponge, absorbed many elements of foreign cultures.

Here I have given a list of some borrowed words that are often used in the spoken language of students and their analogues in Russian

Table 1- Analogues of some borrowed words


Торговая марка










В сети











Based on this, we see that almost every foreign word in our language has an analogue

The process of borrowing words - a normal phenomenon, and in certain historical periods, even inevitable. In principle, the development of foreign language vocabulary enriches the vocabulary of the host language. Foreign words in the vocabulary of the modern Russian literary language, although they represent a fairly large layer of vocabulary, but, nevertheless, do not exceed 10% of its total vocabulary. In the General lexical system of the language, only a small part of them acts as interstitial common vocabulary. The vast majority of them have stylistically fixed use in book speech and is characterized in this regard by a narrow sphere of application.

A survey of students of our technical school on borrowed words. (See Appendix 1)

In the course of my investment I interviewed 100 students and teachers of our technical school ( … department) I wanted to know what they know and they think about Borrowed words. The result of the questionnaire is the following: It turned out that many students use borrowed words, and most of them do not know analogues in Russian, it clogs youth slang. (See Appendix 2)

Part 2. We can say that the process of borrowing English words is increasing every year more and more, mainly because of the high social status of the language. On the one hand, this process is inevitable, but on the other hand, the identity of the Russian language is lost. Speaking about the appropriateness of the use of a loan, it should be remembered that the bad is not the borrowing itself, and their inaccurate, incorrect use. Therefore, using Anglicism in speech, must understand their exact meaning, to avoid distortion of meaning.

Borrowing words from other languages can lead to both an improvement in our language culture and a deterioration in it. The positive impact of borrowed words on our native language is that in addition to our native Russian words, we can use foreign, often more expressive terms. Many of the English words adorn our speech, making it more expressive and interesting.

However, we should not forget that the abundance of such words in the Russian language can lead to harmful consequences: the Russian language can fade against the background of a huge number of foreign words and lose its roots and its essence. In borrowing foreign words you need to know the measure, otherwise the Russian language

will lose its originality and uniqueness. The future of the Russian language depends on us.


Based on the work performed, it is possible to conclude that the Russian people are surrounded by English words, and the speech clearly there are anglicisms. Such a process can be observed in any terminology, whether it is medical, sports or other other, one thing I realized for sure without English in our time, certainly not do! Without learning English, we will not be able to understand the meaning of the many words that surround us. Undoubtedly, to know English is necessary, the penetration of anglicisms in everyday life makes our language even richer, and those or other words more accurate.

The purpose of the work will make many people think how many English words are around us. The application of the work will help to explore other aspects of the topic and implement them in participation in conferences.

I believe that this project will be useful when used in English lessons to explain to students the theme of borrowed words

We have achieved our goal and fulfilled all the tasks.

Project result:

-document in English made in Microsoft Word;

-presentation made in Microsoft Power Poin

Information recourses:

https://school-science.ru/- International competition of research and creative works of students

https://ru.wikipedia.org/- Free encyclopedia

https://studfiles.net/- File archive

http://studbooks.net/- Student library online

https://www.kakprosto.ru/- Online articles

http://yun.moluch.ru/- Journal articles students

https://allbest.ru/- “Allbest” knowledge base

Appendix 1


Borrowed words in Russian language

  1. D o you know what is “borrowing of words”? Yes No

  1. D o you use foreign words in spoken language? Yes No

  1. Underline the words you often use when talking:

бойфренд, шопинг, онлайн, бизнес, блогер, гаджет, имидж, фитнес, дайвинг, компьютер, хакер, смайл, тюнинг, бестселлер, кулер, респект, креативный.

  1. Do you know the Russian analogues of these words? Write them down:


The Results of the Public Opinion Poll

We asked 100 pupils of our technical school in each question. Here you can see the answers and the results of our poll.

4. It turned out that many students use borrowed words not knowing their analogues in Russian.