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Добавлен: 05.07.2023

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Difference or distance in people’s age, attitude, opinion, thoughts, style of fashion and values is called a generation gap. A major gap of generation comes between the people with the age of above 60s and below 20s. Mostly, people of middle age are still related to both generations. One side they are supporter and follower of their rituals and tradition; on the other side, they are able and need to understand and accept modern technology which is changing and improving on a daily basis.

People of middle age are required to spend their time equally with their parents and children. They should balance it in such a manner that the old generation could easily relate to the new generation and try to make a balance among them to avoid the generation gap.

Mostly people of the old generations still neither want nor try to accept new advanced electronic technology of the 21st century and this gap of the physical and mental strength of people of different age groups is called the generation gap.

Reasons and effects of Generation Gap


  • The biggest reason for the generation gap is the lack of communication among elders and youngsters.
  • Lack of a Joint family also creates a generation gap where the new generation could rarely meet their grandparents and this gap generates a generation gap.
  • Children enjoy the company of their friends rather than spend time with their parents or grandparents.
  • When parents do not behave as a friend with their children and always instruct their children to do things according to them.
  • Technological gadgets, electronic media, and entertainment industry are another reason for generation gap as these things involve people so much in their area of interest and do not allow connecting them with even with their family members.
  • Lack of mutual understanding, a difference in age or experience and atmospheric changes are also the reasons for the generation gap.


Sometimes, it affects too badly the physical and mental situation and state of the people:

  • Due to a lack of communication and understandings among the old and young generations, people of old age become isolated from the outer world which is physically and mentally not good for them.
  • Misunderstanding and lack of emotional feelings among members of the family are emerged due to the generation gap.
  • The young generation has forgotten their morals and values which their parents have followed for many years due to their involvement in this fastest changing modern technology.
  • Unfortunately, children or youngsters get addicted to bad habits like smoking, drugs or alcohol to remove their loneliness or because of the bad company which they find in the outer world. These addictions are too hazardous for their physical and mental health.

Generation Next

A new generation has come of age, shaped by a revolution in technology and dramatic events both at home and abroad. They are Generation Next, the group of young adults who have grown up with personal computers, cell phones and the internet and are now taking their place in a world where the only constant is rapid change. These generation are self-confident, self-dependent, they are risk-takers. They are kept abreast with our fast-changing world. They follow the latest inventions, new trends, they try to keep pace with modern technology. Aside from communicating in cyberspace, the internet has become a way for people to connect face-to-face. They use technology and the internet to connect with people in new and distinctive ways. Text messaging, instant messaging and email keep them in constant contact with friends.

People of new generation are very self-assured, they have a very positive view of their abilities and opportunities. An overwhelming majority of Gen Nexters believe in planning ahead for life. They think that when a person reaches the mid-20s, it is important for them to have a good plan for what they are going to do with the rest of their lives. One of the biggest concerns for young people is education. Young people worry about their jobs and careers: finding a job, career advancement, job security and job satisfaction as their most important problem. This is less of a worry for older generation. But unfortunately this reoccupation about job is connected with their life goals. A majority of young people says that “getting rich” is the main goal of most people in their age group; that nowadays one of the generation’s top goals is fortune and fame. Roughly eight-in-ten people say that for their generation getting rich is either the most important, or second most important, goal in their lives. Nowadays Nexters are somewhat more focused on personal or internal issues than are older generations. The issue in their own life is the most important problem for the new generation; only a few bother about things related to the outside world. Young people also lag behind in their interest in politics and their engagement in the political process. Young people are not so interested nowadays in keeping up with politics and national affairs than were young people a generation ago. One can hardly hear a young man saying that “It’s my duty as a citizen to vote.” And if for example our parents and grandparents usually had political leaders as their heroes, nowadays young people choose pop stars, models or other representatives of public life for their idols.