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Английский язык 01.04.15 г.

Запомнить, как записываются дела.

Народ против.

Гражданское дело в зависимости от того кто подает.


Most countries make a clear distinction – определяются различия

Claim – иск

Claimant Тот кто подает иск

Назначать компенсацию

Evidence - доказательства

estoppel — лишение права возражения, лишение права ссы-латься на какие-либо факты


опасное вождение not directly benefit if the driver

доказать дело – to prove a case

вред, ущерб, повреждение - damages

моральные издержки -

restitution – возврат собственности или передача собственности

transfer of property – судебный запрет

injunction to restrain or order certain actions. – на какие-то определенные действия

Generally speaking, a “tort” is an injury one person or entity inflicts

(accidentally or intentionally) upon another. When one person commits a

tort upon another, the injured person is entitled to remedies under the law.

Generally, these remedies can include monetary compensation and

restraining orders. The person who brings the lawsuit is called the “plaintiff,”

and the person who is sued is called the “defendant.” The area of tort law is

often referred to as “personal injury” law. Most torts involve, in some part,

the doctrine of “negligence.” The concept of negligence can generally be

describes as (i) the failure of one person to act in a way we would expect that

person to do under the circumstances and (ii) an injury which results from

that failure.

A tort is a civil wrong that can be remedied by awarding damages (other

remedies may also be available). These civil wrongs result in harm to a

person or property that forms the basis of a claim by the injured party. The

harm can be physical, emotional or financial. Examples of torts include

medical negligence, negligent damage to private property and negligent

misstatements causing financial loss. There are many specific torts, such as

trespass, assault and negligence.

Business torts include fraudulent misrepresentation, interference in

contractual relations and unfair business practices. Torts fall into three

general categories: intentional torts (e.g. unfair competition), negligent

torts (e.g. causing an accident by failing to obey traffic rules) and strict


liability torts (e.g. liability for making and selling defective products).

Why some wrongs are dealt with by tort law (or the law of torts) and

others considered criminal offences is the subject of some debate.

However, there are certainly overlaps between tort law and criminal law.

For example, a defendant can be liable to compensate for assault and

battery in tort and also be punished for the criminal law offence of


Differences between tort law and criminal law include: the parties

involved (the state brings an action in crime, a private individual brings an

action in tort); the standard of proof (higher in criminal law); and the

outcomes (a criminal action may result in a conviction and punishment,

whereas an action in tort may result in liability on the part of the defendant

and damages awarded to the claimant).

The primary aims of tort law are to provide relief for the harm

suffered and deter other potential tort feasors from committing the

same harms. The injured person may sue for both an injunction to stop

the tortious conduct and for monetary damages. Depending on the

jurisdiction, the damages awarded will be either compensatory or

punitive. Compensatory damages are intended to put the victim in the

position he or she would have been in had the tort not occurred.

Punitive damages are awarded to punish a wrongdoer. As well as

compensation for damage to property, damages may also be awarded

for: loss of earnings capacity, future expected losses, pain and suffering

and reasonable medical expenses.

injury one person – юридическое лицо

когда один человек совершает деликт по отношению к другому лицу, то потерпевшие имеет право на средства судебной защиты по закону.

Как правило, эти средства могут включать денежную компенсацию и ограничительные судебные меры. Человек, который подает иск, называется истец, а человек, против которого подан иск в суд, называется ответчик.

The area of tort law is often referred to as “personal injury” law. Most torts involve, in some part, the doctrine of “negligence.” The concept of negligence can generally be describes as (i) the failure of one person to act in a way we would expect that person to do under the circumstances and (ii) an injury which results from that failure.

Сфера деятельности деликтного права часто относится к личному вреду. Большинство деликтов включает в определенной степени доктрину халатности. Содержание доктрины халатности в целом содержит, описана отказом одного лица действовать, таким образом, которого мы ожидаем от него, действия в данных обстоятельствах. (бездействием в определённых обстоятельствах, не оказание помощи в определённых обстоятельствах). Вред который является результатом этого бездействия.


Injury – вред

A tort is a civil wrong that can be remedied by awarding damages (other

remedies may also be available). These civil wrongs result in harm to a

person or property that forms the basis of a claim by the injured party. The

harm can be physical, emotional or financial. Examples of torts include

medical negligence, negligent damage to private property and negligent

misstatements causing financial loss. There are many specific torts, such as

trespass, assault and negligence.

Деликтом является гражданским правонарушением, которые могут быть возмещены путем компенсации ущерба другие также могут быть доступны, могут привести к нанесению вреда человеку, или имуществу что и составляет основу иска потерпевшей стороны. Вред может быть физический, эмоциональным или финансовым. Примером включает в себя медицинскую халатность, повреждение частной собственности, халатное заявление имеющие результатом финансовые убытки. Есть много специальных деликтов, такие как нарушение права чужого владения, нападение и халатности.

Assault – нападение, угроза на словах

Business torts include fraudulent misrepresentation, interference in contractual relations and unfair business practices. Torts fall into three general categories: intentional torts (e.g. unfair competition), negligent torts (e.g. causing an accident by failing to obey traffic rules) and strict liability torts (e.g. liability for making and selling defective products).

Нарушения в сфере бизнеса относятся намеренное введение в заблуждение, вмешательство в договорные отношения и недобросовестная деловая практика. Правонарушение делится на три главных категории, преднамеренные, халатность причинение несчастного случая по отказе соблюдать ПДД. Тяжкий ответственность за производства и продажу недоброкачественных продуктов.