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A geographical area which, since the dawn of time, has been epicentre and cradle of the European civilization, eclipsed with the advent of the modern era after the discovery of America, but which today is coming back into vogue because of the huge increase in international trade transactions. But that is also coming back into vogue because of the inevitable slip of Italy and of the other Euro-Mediterranean countries towards this liquid continent, because of the Carolingian-centric policy led by Paris and Berlin, which now seems to sink on the spreads.

As the Italian journalist Pietrangelo Buttafuoco writes: «The magnificent Mediterranean Sea would shine the coffers of our future because, in short, if there is a horizon where the world is in making, this is the Mare Nostrum, not Paris or Berlin, which does not have the strength of Ankara. And it has been better for the Turks if they have not come into Europe. Now they are doubling the GDP, ten-point every year, if they would have entered into the UE, they would tell differently in the neo-Ottoman season and in North Africa».

After all is not a coincidence, that after the domino effect on the «regimes» of the Arabic countries, have fallen, albeit in soft and democratic manner, even the «regimes» of the countries bordering on the northern bank of the Mediterranean Sea, such as Greece, Italy, and Spain. Replaced, not by chance - at least in the irst two cases - by governments, not free from Masonic connivances. As the new Italian prime minister, considered to be a Mason having had a dual afiliation, an English and a mixed Anglo-Franco-Belgian.

Italy is slipping into the Mediterranean and its role should be, next to that of Turkey, to contain the interference of these forces. In addition, the exercise of a leading role together with the Mediterranean countries of the north bank in order to create a new community that would differ from that one based on the Protestant ethic of work, characteristic of the of northern Europe counties.

However, if the time is not ripe for an awareness of this type, they will become soon for geo-economic necessity.

Научное издание


Выпуск 3

Материалы международной научной конференции по проблемам многополярности

Центр Консервативных Исследований

119992, Россия, Москва, ГСП-2, Ленинские горы,

МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова, 3-й учебный корпус, социологический факультет Тел./факс: (495) 939 03 73 E-mail: seminar@socio.msu.ru www.konservatizm.org Руководитель Центра — профессор Александр Гельевич Дугин

Главный редактор д. пол. н. А. Г. Дугин


Л. В. Савин


B. В. Алтухов

Оформление обложки

C. А. Жигалкин

Подписано в печать 15.02.2012. Формат 60x84/16. Бумага офсетная. Печать цифровая. Гарнитура Таймс. Усл. п. л. 12,5. Тираж 550 экз.

«Евразийское Движение» Москва, 2-й Кожуховской проезд, д. 12, стр. 2, офис 5

Отпечатано с готового макета в типографии "Контент-пресс"

1 Возможно, тот факт, что события «арабской весны» и ряд конфликтов затронули государства, входящие в Движение Неприсоединения — Еги­пет, Тунис, Ливию, Сирию, Бахрейн, Кот-Д'Ивуар, Судан, Иран косвен­но имеют отношения к попыткам снизить значение этой организации на мировой арене. Последняя конференция организации проходила в июле 2009 г. в Египте.

2 Российско-китайская совместная декларация о многополярном мире и формировании нового международного порядка.// Дипломатический вестник. 1997. № 5. С. 19-21

4 Lee, John. An Exceptional Obsession.//The American Interest. May/June 2010 http://www.the-american-interest.com/article.cfm?piece=80/

5 Kennedy, Paul. The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict From 1500 to 2000. New York: Vintage Books, 1987.

6 Лукин А. Ядерное распространение: зло или благо?//Геополитика

4, 2010.

7 Huntington, Samuel. The Lonely Superpower.//Foreign Affairs, March/

April 1999.

8 Савин Л. В. Предпосылки многополярного мирового порядка //Гео­политика №12, 2011. С.41-51.

9 Suryanarayana P. S. Multipolarity: vision and reality.// The Hindu. October 13, 2000 http://www.hindu.com/2000/10/13/stories/05132523.htm

10 Сорокин К. Э. Геополитика современного мира и Россия.//Полис,

1995. №1-2.

11 Kampf, David. The Emergence of a Multipolar World.// Foreign Policy. Oct. 20, 2009. http://foreignpolicyblogs.com/2009/10/20/the-emergence-of-a-multipolar-world/

12 Там же.

13 Balkan i Balkanci, p. 49

1 Balkan i Balkanci, p. 113

14 ibid, pp. 113-114

15 ibid, p. 76

16 ibid, p. 77

17 Konstantin Leontjev, Rusija i slovenstvo, p.22

18 Srpskaslobodarskamisao, p. 187

19 Aa.Vv. La Profondita strategica turca nel pensiero di Ahmet Davutoglu. Centro Studi «Vox Populi», Pergine Valsugana 2011.

21 Auguto Grandi e Teresa Alquati, Eroi e cialtroni: 150 anni di controstoria. Politeia, Torino 2011.

25 The catastrophic demography of Russia is not always positive to implement big ideas abroad.

26 A French concept.

27 In a famous report: Global trends 2025 — A transformed world made by National Intelligence Office (Washington, 2008), there are few observations about Chinese limit of economic development related to export of goods (p. 29 — 31).

28 J.L. Granatstein: Can Canada Have a Grand Strategy?, Canadian Defence & Foreign Affairs Institute, p. 2 — 3.

29 E. Chitti, B.G. Matarella: Global administrative law and EU administrative law, Springer, London, 2011, p. 89

30 300 pages or more, it depends by the editor.

31 Title of a famous book about World War II.