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ti.ve pr.op.hy.la.xi.s of re.cu.rr.en.t ur.in.ar.y tr.ac.t in.fe.ct.io.ns: a me.ta.an.al.ys.is. In.te.rn.at.io.na.l Jo.ur.na.l of An.ti.mi.cr.ob.ia.l Ag.en.ts 2009;33:111–119. Doi: 10.1016/j.ij.an.ti.mi.ca.g.2008.08.011
7. Na.be.r K. G. Sh.or.t-te.rm th.er.ap.y of ac.ut.e un.co.mp.li.ca.te.d cy.st.it.is. Cu.rr Op.in Ur.ol 1999; 9; 57-64.
8. Ay.va.zy.an A.V., Vo.yn.o-Ya.se.ne.ts.ky. Ac.ut.e di.se.as.es of the ki.dn.ey.s and ur.in.ar.y tr.ac.t. M., 1985. – fr.om 263.
9. Go.li.go.rs.ky S.D. cy.st.it.is. Ch.is.in.au: Me.dg.iz, 1958.- 173 p.
10. Go.ld.in G.I. Cy.st.it.is - M .: Me.dg.iz, 1963.- 194 p.
11. Za.ik.in.a I.V. Ur.ol.og.y: te.xt.bo.ok. Mo.sc.ow: Vl.ad.os.Pr.es.s, 2005; 184.
12. Kan D.V. Gu.id.e to ob.st.et.ri.c and gy.ne.co.lo.gi.ca.l ur.ol.og.y. –2nd ed. – M.: Me.di.ci.ne, 1986.- 488 p.
13. Kr.em.li.ng H. Gy.ne.co.lo.gi.ca.l ur.ol.og.y and ne.ph.ro.lo.gy. M., 1985. - 242 p.
14. Kr.ug.ly.ak L.G. Ki.dn.ey st.on.es, ne.ph.ri.ti.s, cy.st.it.is. M.: IG "Ves", 2012; 144.
15. Lo.pa.tk.in N.A. Ur.ol.og.y: Te.xt.bo.ok. ON THE. Lo.pa.tk.in, A.G. Pu.ga.ch.ev and ot.he.rs. M.: GE.OT.AR-MED, 2004; 520.
16. La.ur.en.t O.B. Ur.in.ar.y tr.ac.t in.fe.ct.io.ns in ou.tp.at.ie.nt.s: Pr.oc.ee.di.ng.s of the sy.mp.os.iu.m. M., 1999; pp.5-9.
17. La.ur.en.t O.B. Ch.ro.ni.c cy.st.it.is in wo.me.n, Do.ct.or. 1996, No. 8, p. 6 - 8.
18. Ly.ul.ko A.V., Vo.
lk.ov.a L.N., Su.kh.od.ol.sk.ay.a A.E. cy
.st.it.is. "He.al.th", 1983.
19. Mu.kh.ta.ro.v T.A., Sk.vo.rt.so.v V.V. Ac.ut.e le.uk.em.ia: mo.de.rn di.ag.no.st.ic me.th.od.s. Po.ly.cl.in.ic. 2016; 6:40–3.
20. Ne.im.ar.k A.I., Ra.zd.or.sk.ay.a M.V., Ob.er.em.ok P.A. Tr.ea.tm.en.t of re.cu.rr.en.t cy.st.it.is and pr.ev.en.ti.on of its ex.ac.er.ba.ti.on.s in wo.me.n. Ex.pe.ri.me.nt.al and Cl.in.ic.al Ur.ol.og.y 2019; (2): 92-97. [Ne.im.ar.k A.I., Ra.zd.or.sk.ay.a M.V., Ob.er.em.ok P.A. Tr.ea.tm.en.t of the re.cu.rr.en.t cy.st.it.is and pr.ev.en.ti.on of its ex.ac.er.ba.ti.on in wo.me.n. Ex.pe.ri.me.nt.al`na.ya i Kl.in.ic.he.sk.ay.a Ur.ol.og.iy.a = Ex.pe.ri.me.nt.al and Cl.in.ic.al Ur.ol.og.y 2019;(2):92-97. ht.tp.s://doi.org/10.29188/2222-8543-2019-11-2-92-96. (in Ru.ss.ia.n)].
21. Perepanova T.S. Infections of the kidneys and urinary tract: modern approaches to therapy. Farmateka 2004; (3/4): 16-22. 127
22. Pushkar D.Yu., Zaitsev A.V. Diagnosis and treatment of various forms of cystitis in women. - M., 2002. - 43 p.
23. Rafalsky V.V., Strachunsky L.S., Krechikova O.I., Eidelshtein I.A., et al. Optimization of antimicrobial therapy for outpatient urinary tract infections according to the UTIAR-1 multicenter microbiological studies. UTIAR-11. Urology 2004; (4): 13-17.
24. Guide to nephrology: Per. from English. Ed. J.A. Whitworth. Moscow: Medicine, 2000; 290.
25. Guide to urology in 3 volumes. Ed. ON THE. Lopatkin. M.: Medicine, 2003; 683.
26. Sinyakova L.A., Kosova I.V. The use of fosfomycinatrometamol (Monural 3g) in the treatment of recurrent urinary tract infections. X11 Russian National Congress "Man and Medicine": Abstracts; 2005.
27. Sinyakova L.A., Shteinberg M.L., Plesovsky A.M. Recurrent lower urinary tract infections: diagnosis and treatment. Medical Council 2011; (7-8): 70-75. [Sinyakova L.A., Shteinberg M.L., Plesovskiy A.M. Recurrent lower urinary tract infections: diagnosis and treatment. Meditsinsky Council = Medical Council 2011;(7-8):70-75. (in Russian)].
28. Skvortsov V.V. Internal illnesses. Moscow: Eksmo, 2010; 1072.
29. Skvortsov V.V., Tumarenko A.V. First aid for renal colic. Handbook of a General Practitioner. 2010; 9:32–6.
30. Skvortsov V.V., Tumarenko A.V., Skvortsova E.M., Ellenberger N.A. Nephrotic syndrome: diagnosis and treatment. Clinical Nephrology. 2013; 1:73–5.
31. Directory of a general practitioner. In 2 volumes. Ed. Vorobieva N.S. Moscow: Eksmo Publishing House, 2005; 947.
32. Streltsova O.S., Krupin V.N. Chronic cystitis: new in diagnosis and treatment. Attending physician 2008; (3): 46-50. [Strel`tsova O.S., Krupin V.N. The chronic cystitis: new in diagnostics and treatment. Lechaschuy Vrach = Attending Physician 2008;(3):46-50. (in Russian)].
33. Teplov S.A., Nazarova L.S., Eliseeva I.P. Urethritis, cystitis, colpitis, vulvovaginitis. Kron-Press. M., 2000. p. 253.
34. Tiktinsky O.L. Inflammatory nonspecific diseases of the urogenital organs. "Medicine", 1984.
35. Fomkin R.N. Encyclopedia of clinical urology. M.: "Scientific book", 2010; 144. 4. Proceedings of the symposium: Urinary tract infections in outpatients. M., 2005.
7. Na.be.r K. G. Sh.or.t-te.rm th.er.ap.y of ac.ut.e un.co.mp.li.ca.te.d cy.st.it.is. Cu.rr Op.in Ur.ol 1999; 9; 57-64.
8. Ay.va.zy.an A.V., Vo.yn.o-Ya.se.ne.ts.ky. Ac.ut.e di.se.as.es of the ki.dn.ey.s and ur.in.ar.y tr.ac.t. M., 1985. – fr.om 263.
9. Go.li.go.rs.ky S.D. cy.st.it.is. Ch.is.in.au: Me.dg.iz, 1958.- 173 p.
10. Go.ld.in G.I. Cy.st.it.is - M .: Me.dg.iz, 1963.- 194 p.
11. Za.ik.in.a I.V. Ur.ol.og.y: te.xt.bo.ok. Mo.sc.ow: Vl.ad.os.Pr.es.s, 2005; 184.
12. Kan D.V. Gu.id.e to ob.st.et.ri.c and gy.ne.co.lo.gi.ca.l ur.ol.og.y. –2nd ed. – M.: Me.di.ci.ne, 1986.- 488 p.
13. Kr.em.li.ng H. Gy.ne.co.lo.gi.ca.l ur.ol.og.y and ne.ph.ro.lo.gy. M., 1985. - 242 p.
14. Kr.ug.ly.ak L.G. Ki.dn.ey st.on.es, ne.ph.ri.ti.s, cy.st.it.is. M.: IG "Ves", 2012; 144.
15. Lo.pa.tk.in N.A. Ur.ol.og.y: Te.xt.bo.ok. ON THE. Lo.pa.tk.in, A.G. Pu.ga.ch.ev and ot.he.rs. M.: GE.OT.AR-MED, 2004; 520.
16. La.ur.en.t O.B. Ur.in.ar.y tr.ac.t in.fe.ct.io.ns in ou.tp.at.ie.nt.s: Pr.oc.ee.di.ng.s of the sy.mp.os.iu.m. M., 1999; pp.5-9.
17. La.ur.en.t O.B. Ch.ro.ni.c cy.st.it.is in wo.me.n, Do.ct.or. 1996, No. 8, p. 6 - 8.
18. Ly.ul.ko A.V., Vo.
lk.ov.a L.N., Su.kh.od.ol.sk.ay.a A.E. cy
.st.it.is. "He.al.th", 1983.
19. Mu.kh.ta.ro.v T.A., Sk.vo.rt.so.v V.V. Ac.ut.e le.uk.em.ia: mo.de.rn di.ag.no.st.ic me.th.od.s. Po.ly.cl.in.ic. 2016; 6:40–3.
20. Ne.im.ar.k A.I., Ra.zd.or.sk.ay.a M.V., Ob.er.em.ok P.A. Tr.ea.tm.en.t of re.cu.rr.en.t cy.st.it.is and pr.ev.en.ti.on of its ex.ac.er.ba.ti.on.s in wo.me.n. Ex.pe.ri.me.nt.al and Cl.in.ic.al Ur.ol.og.y 2019; (2): 92-97. [Ne.im.ar.k A.I., Ra.zd.or.sk.ay.a M.V., Ob.er.em.ok P.A. Tr.ea.tm.en.t of the re.cu.rr.en.t cy.st.it.is and pr.ev.en.ti.on of its ex.ac.er.ba.ti.on in wo.me.n. Ex.pe.ri.me.nt.al`na.ya i Kl.in.ic.he.sk.ay.a Ur.ol.og.iy.a = Ex.pe.ri.me.nt.al and Cl.in.ic.al Ur.ol.og.y 2019;(2):92-97. ht.tp.s://doi.org/10.29188/2222-8543-2019-11-2-92-96. (in Ru.ss.ia.n)].
21. Perepanova T.S. Infections of the kidneys and urinary tract: modern approaches to therapy. Farmateka 2004; (3/4): 16-22. 127
22. Pushkar D.Yu., Zaitsev A.V. Diagnosis and treatment of various forms of cystitis in women. - M., 2002. - 43 p.
23. Rafalsky V.V., Strachunsky L.S., Krechikova O.I., Eidelshtein I.A., et al. Optimization of antimicrobial therapy for outpatient urinary tract infections according to the UTIAR-1 multicenter microbiological studies. UTIAR-11. Urology 2004; (4): 13-17.
24. Guide to nephrology: Per. from English. Ed. J.A. Whitworth. Moscow: Medicine, 2000; 290.
25. Guide to urology in 3 volumes. Ed. ON THE. Lopatkin. M.: Medicine, 2003; 683.
26. Sinyakova L.A., Kosova I.V. The use of fosfomycinatrometamol (Monural 3g) in the treatment of recurrent urinary tract infections. X11 Russian National Congress "Man and Medicine": Abstracts; 2005.
27. Sinyakova L.A., Shteinberg M.L., Plesovsky A.M. Recurrent lower urinary tract infections: diagnosis and treatment. Medical Council 2011; (7-8): 70-75. [Sinyakova L.A., Shteinberg M.L., Plesovskiy A.M. Recurrent lower urinary tract infections: diagnosis and treatment. Meditsinsky Council = Medical Council 2011;(7-8):70-75. (in Russian)].
28. Skvortsov V.V. Internal illnesses. Moscow: Eksmo, 2010; 1072.
29. Skvortsov V.V., Tumarenko A.V. First aid for renal colic. Handbook of a General Practitioner. 2010; 9:32–6.
30. Skvortsov V.V., Tumarenko A.V., Skvortsova E.M., Ellenberger N.A. Nephrotic syndrome: diagnosis and treatment. Clinical Nephrology. 2013; 1:73–5.
31. Directory of a general practitioner. In 2 volumes. Ed. Vorobieva N.S. Moscow: Eksmo Publishing House, 2005; 947.
32. Streltsova O.S., Krupin V.N. Chronic cystitis: new in diagnosis and treatment. Attending physician 2008; (3): 46-50. [Strel`tsova O.S., Krupin V.N. The chronic cystitis: new in diagnostics and treatment. Lechaschuy Vrach = Attending Physician 2008;(3):46-50. (in Russian)].
33. Teplov S.A., Nazarova L.S., Eliseeva I.P. Urethritis, cystitis, colpitis, vulvovaginitis. Kron-Press. M., 2000. p. 253.
34. Tiktinsky O.L. Inflammatory nonspecific diseases of the urogenital organs. "Medicine", 1984.
35. Fomkin R.N. Encyclopedia of clinical urology. M.: "Scientific book", 2010; 144. 4. Proceedings of the symposium: Urinary tract infections in outpatients. M., 2005.