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Добавлен: 07.11.2023

Просмотров: 177

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ВНИМАНИЕ! Если данный файл нарушает Ваши авторские права, то обязательно сообщите нам.



1. Аналитическая часть

1.1.2 Роль веб-сайта в работе медицинской клиники

1.2 Обоснование выбора средств создания веб-сайта

1.3 Обзор систем управления базами данных

2.Технологическая часть

2.1 Постановка задачи

2.1.1 Актуальность

2.1.2 Назначение веб-сайта

2.1.3 Характеристики оборудования

2.2 Реализация проекта

2.3 Средства для разработки и проектирование сайта

2.3.1 Анализ средств для разработки и создания Web-сайта

2.3.2 Фреймворки, используемые при разработке Web-сайтов: сравнительный анализ

2.3.4 Разработка веб-сайта в CMS WordPress

3. Тестирование веб-сайта и руководство пользователя

3.1. Тестирование веб-сайта

3.2. Руководство пользователя


Список использованной литературы


Archive config file not found in dup-installer folder. '; return $error; } }$is_https = $this->isHttps(); if($is_https) { $current_url = 'https://'; } else { $current_url = 'http://'; } if(($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 80) && ($is_https)) { // Fixing what appears to be a bad server setting $server_port = 443; } else { $server_port = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; } // for ngrok url and Local by Flywheel Live URL if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_HOST'])) { $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_HOST']; } else { $host = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];//WAS SERVER_NAME and caused problems on some boxes } $current_url .= $host; if(strpos($current_url,':') === false) {$current_url = $current_url.':'.$server_port;}$current_url .= $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $uri_start = dirname($current_url);$encoded_archive_path = urlencode($archive_filepath); if ($error === null) {$error = $this->postExtractProcessing();if($error == null) {$bootloader_name = basename(__FILE__);$this->mainInstallerURL = $uri_start.'/'.self::INSTALLER_DIR_NAME.'/main.installer.php';$this->fixInstallerPerms($this->mainInstallerURL); $this->archive = $archive_filepath; $this->bootloader = $bootloader_name;if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && !empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {$this->mainInstallerURL .= '?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];}self::log("DONE: No detected errors so redirecting to the main installer. Main Installer URI = {$this->mainInstallerURL}");}} return $error; } public function postExtractProcessing() { $dproInstallerDir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/dup-installer'; $libDir = $dproInstallerDir . '/lib'; $fileopsDir = $libDir . '/fileops';if(!file_exists($dproInstallerDir)) {return 'Can\'t extract installer directory. See this FAQ item for details on how to resolve.';} $sourceFilepath = "{$fileopsDir}/fileops.ppp"; $destFilepath = "{$fileopsDir}/fileops.php"; if(file_exists($sourceFilepath) && (!file_exists($destFilepath))) { if(@rename($sourceFilepath, $destFilepath) === false) { return "Error renaming {$sourceFilepath}"; } } }/*** Indicates if site is running https or not** @return bool Returns true if https, false if not*/ public function isHttps() { $retVal = true;if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] === 'https') {$_SERVER ['HTTPS'] = 'on';} if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) { $retVal = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off'); } else { $retVal = ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443);} return $retVal; }/*** Fetches current URL via php** @param bool $queryString If true the query string will also be returned.* @param int $getParentDirLevel if 0 get current script name or parent folder, if 1 parent folder if 2 parent of parent folder ... ** @returns The current page url*/public static function getCurrentUrl($queryString = true, $requestUri = false, $getParentDirLevel = 0){// *** HOSTif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_HOST'])) {$host = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_HOST'];} else {$host = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; //WAS SERVER_NAME and caused problems on some boxes}// *** PROTOCOLif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] === 'https') {$_SERVER ['HTTPS'] = 'on';}if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL'] === 'https') {$_SERVER ['HTTPS'] = 'on';}if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_VISITOR'])) {$visitor = json_decode($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_VISITOR']);if ($visitor->scheme == 'https') {$_SERVER ['HTTPS'] = 'on';}}$protocol = 'http'.((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) === 'on') ? 's' : '');if ($requestUri) {$serverUrlSelf = preg_replace('/\?.*$/', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);} else {// *** SCRIPT NAME$serverUrlSelf = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];for ($i = 0; $i < $getParentDirLevel; $i++) {$serverUrlSelf = preg_match('/^[\\\\\/]?$/', dirname($serverUrlSelf)) ? '' : dirname($serverUrlSelf);}}// *** QUERY STRING $query = ($queryString && isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && strlen($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) > 0 ) ? '?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : '';return $protocol.'://'.$host.$serverUrlSelf.$query;} /*** Attempts to set the 'dup-installer' directory permissions** @return null*/ private function fixInstallerPerms() { $file_perms = 'u+rw'; $dir_perms = 'u+rwx'; $installer_dir_path = $this->installerContentsPath; $this->setPerms($installer_dir_path, $dir_perms, false); $this->setPerms($installer_dir_path, $file_perms, true); } /*** Set the permissions of a given directory and optionally all files** @param string $directory The full path to the directory where perms will be set* @param string $perms The given permission sets to use such as '0755' or 'u+rw' * @param string $do_files Also set the permissions of all the files in the directory** @return null*/ private function setPerms($directory, $perms, $do_files) { if (!$do_files) { // If setting a directory hiearchy be sure to include the base directory $this->setPermsOnItem($directory, $perms); } $item_names = array_diff(scandir($directory), array('.', '..')); foreach ($item_names as $item_name) { $path = "$directory/$item_name"; if (($do_files && is_file($path)) || (!$do_files && !is_file($path))) { $this->setPermsOnItem($path, $perms); } } } /*** Set the permissions of a single directory or file** @param string $path The full path to the directory or file where perms will be set* @param string $perms The given permission sets to use such as '0755' or 'u+rw'** @return bool Returns true if the permission was properly set*/ private function setPermsOnItem($path, $perms) { if (($result = self::chmod($path, $perms)) === false) {self::log("ERROR: Couldn't set permissions of $path");} else {self::log("Set permissions of $path");}return $result; }/*** Compare two strings and return html text which represts diff** @param string $oldString* @param string $newString** @return string Returns html text*/private function compareStrings($oldString, $newString) { $ret = ''; for($i=0; isset($oldString[$i]) || isset($newString[$i]); $i++) { if(!isset($oldString[$i])) { $ret .= '' . $newString[$i] . ''; continue; } for($char=0; isset($oldString[$i][$char]) || isset($newString[$i][$char]); $char++) {if(!isset($oldString[$i][$char])) { $ret .= '' . substr($newString[$i], $char) . ''; break; } elseif(!isset($newString[$i][$char])) { break; }if(ord($oldString[$i][$char]) != ord($newString[$i][$char])) $ret .= '' . $newString[$i][$char] . ''; else $ret .= $newString[$i][$char]; } } return $ret; }/*** Logs a string to the dup-installer-bootlog__[HASH].txt file** @param string $s The string to log to the log file** @return boog|int // This function returns the number of bytes that were written to the file, or FALSE on failure. */ public static function log($s, $deleteOld = false) {static $logfile = null;if (is_null($logfile)) {$logfile = self::getBootLogFilePath();}if ($deleteOld && file_exists($logfile)) {@unlink($logfile);}$timestamp = date('M j H:i:s'); return @file_put_contents($logfile, '['.$timestamp.'] '.self::postprocessLog($s)."\n", FILE_APPEND); }/*** get boot log file name the dup-installer-bootlog__[HASH].txt file** @return string */public static function getBootLogFilePath() {return dirname(__FILE__).'/dup-installer-bootlog__'.self::SECONDARY_PACKAGE_HASH.'.txt';}protected static function postprocessLog($str) {return str_replace(array(self::getArchiveFileHash(),self::PACKAGE_HASH, self::SECONDARY_PACKAGE_HASH), '[HASH]' , $str);}public static function getArchiveFileHash(){static $fileHash = null;if (is_null($fileHash)) {$fileHash = preg_replace('/^.+_([a-z0-9]+)_[0-9]{14}_archive\.(?:daf|zip)$/', '$1', self::ARCHIVE_FILENAME);}return $fileHash;}/*** Extracts only the 'dup-installer' files using ZipArchive** @param string $archive_filepath The path to the archive file.** @return bool Returns true if the data was properly extracted*/ private function extractInstallerZipArchive($archive_filepath, $checkSubFolder = false) { $success = true; $zipArchive = new ZipArchive(); $subFolderArchiveList = array(); if (($zipOpenRes = $zipArchive->open($archive_filepath)) === true) {self::log("Successfully opened archive file."); $destination = dirname(__FILE__); $folder_prefix = self::INSTALLER_DIR_NAME.'/'; self::log("Extracting all files from archive within ".self::INSTALLER_DIR_NAME); $this->installer_files_found = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $zipArchive->numFiles; $i++) { $stat = $zipArchive->statIndex($i); if ($checkSubFolder == false) { $filenameCheck = $stat['name']; $filename = $stat['name'];$tmpSubFolder = null; } else {$safePath = rtrim(self::setSafePath($stat['name']) , '/'); $tmpArray = explode('/' , $safePath);if (count($tmpArray) < 2) { continue; } $tmpSubFolder = $tmpArray[0]; array_shift($tmpArray); $filenameCheck = implode('/' , $tmpArray); $filename = $stat['name']; } if ($this->startsWith($filenameCheck , $folder_prefix)) { $this->installer_files_found++; if (!empty($tmpSubFolder) && !in_array($tmpSubFolder , $subFolderArchiveList)) { $subFolderArchiveList[] = $tmpSubFolder; } if ($zipArchive->extractTo($destination, $filename) === true) { self::log("Success: {$filename} >>> {$destination}"); } else { self::log("[ERROR] Error extracting {$filename} from archive archive file"); $success = false; break; } } } if ($checkSubFolder && count($subFolderArchiveList) !== 1) { self::log("Error: Multiple dup subfolder archive"); $success = false; } else { if ($checkSubFolder) { $this->moveUpfromSubFolder(dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$subFolderArchiveList[0] , true); } $lib_directory = dirname(__FILE__).'/'.self::INSTALLER_DIR_NAME.'/lib'; $snaplib_directory = $lib_directory.'/snaplib'; // If snaplib files aren't present attempt to extract and copy those if(!file_exists($snaplib_directory)) { $folder_prefix = 'snaplib/'; $destination = $lib_directory; for ($i = 0; $i < $zipArchive->numFiles; $i++) { $stat = $zipArchive->statIndex($i); $filename = $stat['name']; if ($this->startsWith($filename, $folder_prefix)) { $this->installer_files_found++; if ($zipArchive->extractTo($destination, $filename) === true) { self::log("Success: {$filename} >>> {$destination}"); } else { self::log("[ERROR] Error extracting {$filename} from archive archive file"); $success = false; break; } } } } } if ($zipArchive->close() === true) { self::log("Successfully closed archive file"); } else { self::log("[ERROR] Problem closing archive file"); $success = false; }if ($success != false && $this->installer_files_found < 10) { if ($checkSubFolder) { self::log("[ERROR] Couldn't find the installer directory in the archive!"); $success = false; } else { self::log("[ERROR] Couldn't find the installer directory in archive root! Check subfolder"); $this->extractInstallerZipArchive($archive_filepath, true); } } } else { self::log("[ERROR] Couldn't open archive archive file with ZipArchive CODE[".$zipOpenRes."]"); $success = false; } return $success; }/*** return true if current SO is windows* * @staticvar bool $isWindows* @return bool*/public static function isWindows(){static $isWindows = null;if (is_null($isWindows)) {$isWindows = (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN');}return $isWindows;}/*** return current SO path path len* @staticvar int $maxPath* @return int*/public static function maxPathLen(){static $maxPath = null;if (is_null($maxPath)) {if (defined('PHP_MAXPATHLEN')) {$maxPath = PHP_MAXPATHLEN;} else {// for PHP < 5.3.0$maxPath = self::isWindows() ? 260 : 4096;}}return $maxPath;}/*** this function make a chmod only if the are different from perms input and if chmod function is enabled** this function handles the variable MODE in a way similar to the chmod of lunux* So the MODE variable can be* 1) an octal number (0755)* 2) a string that defines an octal number ("644")* 3) a string with the following format [ugoa]*([-+=]([rwx]*)+** examples* u+rw add read and write at the user* u+rw,uo-wx add read and write ad the user and remove wx at groupd and other* a=rw is equal at 666* u=rwx,go-rwx is equal at 700** @param string $file* @param int|string $mode* @return boolean*/public static function chmod($file, $mode){if (!file_exists($file)) {return false;}$octalMode = 0;if (is_int($mode)) {$octalMode = $mode;} else if (is_string($mode)) {$mode = trim($mode);if (preg_match('/([0-7]{1,3})/', $mode)) {$octalMode = intval(('0'.$mode), 8);} else if (preg_match_all('/(a|[ugo]{1,3})([-=+])([rwx]{1,3})/', $mode, $gMatch, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {if (!function_exists('fileperms')) {return false;}// start by file permission$octalMode = (fileperms($file) & 0777);foreach ($gMatch as $matches) {// [ugo] or a = ugo$group = $matches[1];if ($group === 'a') {$group = 'ugo';}// can be + - =$action = $matches[2];// [rwx]$gPerms = $matches[3];// reset octal group perms$octalGroupMode = 0;// Init sub perms$subPerm = 0;$subPerm += strpos($gPerms, 'x') !== false ? 1 : 0; // mask 001$subPerm += strpos($gPerms, 'w') !== false ? 2 : 0; // mask 010$subPerm += strpos($gPerms, 'r') !== false ? 4 : 0; // mask 100$ugoLen = strlen($group);if ($action === '=') {// generate octal group permsissions and ugo mask invert$ugoMaskInvert = 0777;for ($i = 0; $i < $ugoLen; $i++) {switch ($group[$i]) {case 'u':$octalGroupMode = $octalGroupMode | $subPerm << 6; // mask xxx000000$ugoMaskInvert = $ugoMaskInvert & 077;break;case 'g':$octalGroupMode = $octalGroupMode | $subPerm << 3; // mask 000xxx000$ugoMaskInvert = $ugoMaskInvert & 0707;break;case 'o':$octalGroupMode = $octalGroupMode | $subPerm; // mask 000000xxx$ugoMaskInvert = $ugoMaskInvert & 0770;break;}}// apply = action$octalMode = $octalMode & ($ugoMaskInvert | $octalGroupMode);} else {// generate octal group permsissionsfor ($i = 0; $i < $ugoLen; $i++) {switch ($group[$i]) {case 'u':$octalGroupMode = $octalGroupMode | $subPerm << 6; // mask xxx000000break;case 'g':$octalGroupMode = $octalGroupMode | $subPerm << 3; // mask 000xxx000break;case 'o':$octalGroupMode = $octalGroupMode | $subPerm; // mask 000000xxxbreak;}}// apply + or - actionswitch ($action) {case '+':$octalMode = $octalMode | $octalGroupMode;break;case '-':$octalMode = $octalMode &

'pcre.backtrack_limit' => 99999999999,


$sapi_type_first_three_chars = substr($sapi_type, 0, 3);

if ('fpm' === $sapi_type_first_three_chars) {

self::log("SAPI: FPM");

if ($is_apache) {

self::log('Server: Apache');

} elseif ($is_nginx) {

self::log('Server: Nginx');

if (($is_apache && function_exists('apache_get_modules') && in_array('mod_rewrite', apache_get_modules())) || $is_nginx) {

$htaccess_data = array();

foreach ($php_ini_data as $php_ini_key=>$php_ini_val) {

if ($is_apache) {

$htaccess_data[] = 'SetEnv PHP_VALUE "'.$php_ini_key.' = '.$php_ini_val.'"';

} elseif ($is_nginx) {

if ('On' == $php_ini_val || 'Off' == $php_ini_val) {

$htaccess_data[] = 'php_flag '.$php_ini_key.' '.$php_ini_val;

} else {

$htaccess_data[] = 'php_value '.$php_ini_key.' '.$php_ini_val;




$htaccess_text = implode("\n", $htaccess_data);

$htaccess_file_path = dirname(__FILE__).'/dup-installer/.htaccess';

self::log("creating {$htaccess_file_path} with the content:");


@file_put_contents($htaccess_file_path, $htaccess_text);


} elseif ('cgi' === $sapi_type_first_three_chars || 'litespeed' === $sapi_type) {

if ('cgi' === $sapi_type_first_three_chars) {

self::log("SAPI: CGI");

} else {

self::log("SAPI: litespeed");


if (version_compare(phpversion(), 5.5) >= 0 && (!$is_apache || 'litespeed' === $sapi_type)) {

$ini_data = array();

foreach ($php_ini_data as $php_ini_key=>$php_ini_val) {

$ini_data[] = $php_ini_key.' = '.$php_ini_val;


$ini_text = implode("\n", $ini_data);

$ini_file_path = dirname(__FILE__).'/dup-installer/.user.ini';

self::log("creating {$ini_file_path} with the content:");


@file_put_contents($ini_file_path, $ini_text);

} else{

self::log("No need to create dup-installer/.htaccess or dup-installer/.user.ini");


} else {

self::log("No need to create dup-installer/.htaccess or dup-installer/.user.ini");

self::log("ERROR: SAPI: Unrecognized");


} else {

self::log("ERROR: Didn't need to extract the installer.");

if (empty($error)) {

$config_files = glob('./dup-installer/dup-archive__*.txt');

$config_file_absolute_path = array_pop($config_files);

if (!file_exists($config_file_absolute_path)) {

$error = '

Archive config file not found in dup-installer folder.


return $error;



$is_https = $this->isHttps();
if($is_https) {

$current_url = 'https://';

} else {

$current_url = 'http://';

if(($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 80) && ($is_https)) {

// Fixing what appears to be a bad server setting

$server_port = 443;

} else {

$server_port = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];

// for ngrok url and Local by Flywheel Live URL

if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_HOST'])) {


} else {

$host = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];//WAS SERVER_NAME and caused problems on some boxes


$current_url .= $host;

if(strpos($current_url,':') === false) {

$current_url = $current_url.':'.$server_port;


$current_url .= $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

$uri_start = dirname($current_url);
$encoded_archive_path = urlencode($archive_filepath);
if ($error === null) {

$error = $this->postExtractProcessing();
if($error == null) {
$bootloader_name = basename(__FILE__);

$this->mainInstallerURL = $uri_start.'/'.self::INSTALLER_DIR_NAME.'/main.installer.php';
$this->archive = $archive_filepath;

$this->bootloader = $bootloader_name;
if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && !empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {

$this->mainInstallerURL .= '?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];

self::log("DONE: No detected errors so redirecting to the main installer. Main Installer URI = {$this->mainInstallerURL}");


return $error;

public function postExtractProcessing()


$dproInstallerDir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/dup-installer';

$libDir = $dproInstallerDir . '/lib';

$fileopsDir = $libDir . '/fileops';

if(!file_exists($dproInstallerDir)) {

return 'Can\'t extract installer directory. See this FAQ item for details on how to resolve.';

$sourceFilepath = "{$fileopsDir}/fileops.ppp";

$destFilepath = "{$fileopsDir}/fileops.php";
if(file_exists($sourceFilepath) && (!file_exists($destFilepath))) {

if(@rename($sourceFilepath, $destFilepath) === false) {

return "Error renaming {$sourceFilepath}";





* Indicates if site is running https or not


* @return bool Returns true if https, false if not


public function isHttps()


$retVal = true;


$_SERVER ['HTTPS'] = 'on';


if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {

$retVal = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off');

} else {

$retVal = ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443);

return $retVal;



* Fetches current URL via php


* @param bool $queryString If true the query string will also be returned.

* @param int $getParentDirLevel if 0 get current script name or parent folder, if 1 parent folder if 2 parent of parent folder ...


* @returns The current page url


public static function getCurrentUrl($queryString = true, $requestUri = false, $getParentDirLevel = 0)


// *** HOST

if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_HOST'])) {


} else {

$host = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; //WAS SERVER_NAME and caused problems on some boxes



$_SERVER ['HTTPS'] = 'on';


if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL'] === 'https') {

$_SERVER ['HTTPS'] = 'on';


if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_VISITOR'])) {

$visitor = json_decode($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_VISITOR']);

if ($visitor->scheme == 'https') {

$_SERVER ['HTTPS'] = 'on';



$protocol = 'http'.((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) === 'on') ? 's' : '');
if ($requestUri) {

$serverUrlSelf = preg_replace('/\?.*$/', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

} else {


$serverUrlSelf = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];

for ($i = 0; $i < $getParentDirLevel; $i++) {

$serverUrlSelf = preg_match('/^[\\\\\/]?$/', dirname($serverUrlSelf)) ? '' : dirname($serverUrlSelf);



$query = ($queryString && isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && strlen($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) > 0 ) ? '?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : '';
return $protocol.'://'.$host.$serverUrlSelf.$query;


* Attempts to set the 'dup-installer' directory permissions


* @return null


private function fixInstallerPerms()


$file_perms = 'u+rw';

$dir_perms = 'u+rwx';
$installer_dir_path = $this->installerContentsPath;
$this->setPerms($installer_dir_path, $dir_perms, false);

$this->setPerms($installer_dir_path, $file_perms, true);


* Set the permissions of a given directory and optionally all files


* @param string $directory The full path to the directory where perms will be set

* @param string $perms The given permission sets to use such as '0755' or 'u+rw'

* @param string $do_files Also set the permissions of all the files in the directory


* @return null


private function setPerms($directory, $perms, $do_files)


if (!$do_files) {

// If setting a directory hiearchy be sure to include the base directory

$this->setPermsOnItem($directory, $perms);

$item_names = array_diff(scandir($directory), array('.', '..'));
foreach ($item_names as $item_name) {

$path = "$directory/$item_name";

if (($do_files && is_file($path)) || (!$do_files && !is_file($path))) {

$this->setPermsOnItem($path, $perms);




* Set the permissions of a single directory or file


* @param string $path The full path to the directory or file where perms will be set

* @param string $perms The given permission sets to use such as '0755' or 'u+rw'


* @return bool Returns true if the permission was properly set


private function setPermsOnItem($path, $perms)


if (($result = self::chmod($path, $perms)) === false) {

self::log("ERROR: Couldn't set permissions of $path

} else {

self::log("Set permissions of $path


return $result;


* Compare two strings and return html text which represts diff


* @param string $oldString

* @param string $newString


* @return string Returns html text


private function compareStrings($oldString, $newString) {

$ret = '';

for($i=0; isset($oldString[$i]) || isset($newString[$i]); $i++) {

if(!isset($oldString[$i])) {

$ret .= '' . $newString[$i] . '';



for($char=0; isset($oldString[$i][$char]) || isset($newString[$i][$char]); $char++) {

if(!isset($oldString[$i][$char])) {

$ret .= '' . substr($newString[$i], $char) . '';


} elseif(!isset($newString[$i][$char])) {



if(ord($oldString[$i][$char]) != ord($newString[$i][$char]))

$ret .= '' . $newString[$i][$char] . '';


$ret .= $newString[$i][$char];



return $ret;


* Logs a string to the dup-installer-bootlog__[HASH].txt file


* @param string $s The string to log to the log file


* @return boog|int // This function returns the number of bytes that were written to the file, or FALSE on failure.


public static function log($s, $deleteOld = false)


static $logfile = null;

if (is_null($logfile)) {

$logfile = self::getBootLogFilePath();


if ($deleteOld && file_exists($logfile)) {



$timestamp = date('M j H:i:s');

return @file_put_contents($logfile, '['.$timestamp.'] '.self::postprocessLog($s)."\n", FILE_APPEND);



* get boot log file name the dup-installer-bootlog__[HASH].txt file


* @return string


public static function getBootLogFilePath() {

return dirname(__FILE__).'/dup-installer-bootlog__'.self::SECONDARY_PACKAGE_HASH.'.txt';


protected static function postprocessLog($str) {

return str_replace(array(




), '[HASH]' , $str);


public static function getArchiveFileHash()


static $fileHash = null;

if (is_null($fileHash)) {

$fileHash = preg_replace('/^.+_([a-z0-9]+)_[0-9]{14}_archive\.(?:daf|zip)$/', '$1', self::ARCHIVE_FILENAME);


return $fileHash;



* Extracts only the 'dup-installer' files using ZipArchive


* @param string $archive_filepath The path to the archive file.


* @return bool Returns true if the data was properly extracted


private function extractInstallerZipArchive($archive_filepath, $checkSubFolder = false)


$success = true;

$zipArchive = new ZipArchive();

$subFolderArchiveList = array();
if (($zipOpenRes = $zipArchive->open($archive_filepath)) === true) {

self::log("Successfully opened archive file.");

$destination = dirname(__FILE__);

$folder_prefix = self::INSTALLER_DIR_NAME.'/';

self::log("Extracting all files from archive within ".self::INSTALLER_DIR_NAME);
$this->installer_files_found = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $zipArchive->numFiles; $i++) {

$stat = $zipArchive->statIndex($i);

if ($checkSubFolder == false) {

$filenameCheck = $stat['name'];

$filename = $stat['name'];

$tmpSubFolder = null;

} else {

$safePath = rtrim(self::setSafePath($stat['name']) , '/');

$tmpArray = explode('/' , $safePath);

if (count($tmpArray) < 2) {


$tmpSubFolder = $tmpArray[0];


$filenameCheck = implode('/' , $tmpArray);

$filename = $stat['name'];


if ($this->startsWith($filenameCheck , $folder_prefix)) {

if (!empty($tmpSubFolder) && !in_array($tmpSubFolder , $subFolderArchiveList)) {

$subFolderArchiveList[] = $tmpSubFolder;

if ($zipArchive->extractTo($destination, $filename) === true) {

self::log("Success: {$filename} >>> {$destination}");

} else {

self::log("[ERROR] Error extracting {$filename} from archive archive file");

$success = false;




if ($checkSubFolder && count($subFolderArchiveList) !== 1) {

self::log("Error: Multiple dup subfolder archive");

$success = false;

} else {

if ($checkSubFolder) {

$this->moveUpfromSubFolder(dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$subFolderArchiveList[0] , true);

$lib_directory = dirname(__FILE__).'/'.self::INSTALLER_DIR_NAME.'/lib';

$snaplib_directory = $lib_directory.'/snaplib';
// If snaplib files aren't present attempt to extract and copy those



$folder_prefix = 'snaplib/';

$destination = $lib_directory;
for ($i = 0; $i < $zipArchive->numFiles; $i++) {

$stat = $zipArchive->statIndex($i);

$filename = $stat['name'];
if ($this->startsWith($filename, $folder_prefix)) {

if ($zipArchive->extractTo($destination, $filename) === true) {

self::log("Success: {$filename} >>> {$destination}");

} else {

self::log("[ERROR] Error extracting {$filename} from archive archive file");

$success = false;






if ($zipArchive->close() === true) {

self::log("Successfully closed archive file");

} else {

self::log("[ERROR] Problem closing archive file");

$success = false;


if ($success != false && $this->installer_files_found < 10) {

if ($checkSubFolder) {

self::log("[ERROR] Couldn't find the installer directory in the archive!");

$success = false;

} else {

self::log("[ERROR] Couldn't find the installer directory in archive root! Check subfolder");

$this->extractInstallerZipArchive($archive_filepath, true);



} else {

self::log("[ERROR] Couldn't open archive archive file with ZipArchive CODE[".$zipOpenRes."]");

$success = false;

return $success;



* return true if current SO is windows


* @staticvar bool $isWindows

* @return bool


public static function isWindows()


static $isWindows = null;

if (is_null($isWindows)) {

$isWindows = (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN');


return $isWindows;


* return current SO path path len

* @staticvar int $maxPath

* @return int


public static function maxPathLen()


static $maxPath = null;

if (is_null($maxPath)) {

if (defined('PHP_MAXPATHLEN')) {


} else {

// for PHP < 5.3.0

$maxPath = self::isWindows() ? 260 : 4096;



return $maxPath;



* this function make a chmod only if the are different from perms input and if chmod function is enabled


* this function handles the variable MODE in a way similar to the chmod of lunux

* So the MODE variable can be

* 1) an octal number (0755)

* 2) a string that defines an octal number ("644")

* 3) a string with the following format [ugoa]*([-+=]([rwx]*)+


* examples

* u+rw add read and write at the user

* u+rw,uo-wx add read and write ad the user and remove wx at groupd and other

* a=rw is equal at 666

* u=rwx,go-rwx is equal at 700


* @param string $file

* @param int|string $mode

* @return boolean


public static function chmod($file, $mode)


if (!file_exists($file)) {

return false;

$octalMode = 0;
if (is_int($mode)) {

$octalMode = $mode;

} else if (is_string($mode)) {

$mode = trim($mode);

if (preg_match('/([0-7]{1,3})/', $mode)) {

$octalMode = intval(('0'.$mode), 8);

} else if (preg_match_all('/(a|[ugo]{1,3})([-=+])([rwx]{1,3})/', $mode, $gMatch, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {

if (!function_exists('fileperms')) {

return false;

// start by file permission

$octalMode = (fileperms($file) & 0777);
foreach ($gMatch as $matches) {

// [ugo] or a = ugo

$group = $matches[1];

if ($group === 'a') {

$group = 'ugo';


// can be + - =

$action = $matches[2];

// [rwx]

$gPerms = $matches[3];
// reset octal group perms

$octalGroupMode = 0;
// Init sub perms

$subPerm = 0;

$subPerm += strpos($gPerms, 'x') !== false ? 1 : 0; // mask 001

$subPerm += strpos($gPerms, 'w') !== false ? 2 : 0; // mask 010

$subPerm += strpos($gPerms, 'r') !== false ? 4 : 0; // mask 100
$ugoLen = strlen($group);
if ($action === '=') {

// generate octal group permsissions and ugo mask invert

$ugoMaskInvert = 0777;

for ($i = 0; $i < $ugoLen; $i++) {

switch ($group[$i]) {

case 'u':

$octalGroupMode = $octalGroupMode | $subPerm << 6; // mask xxx000000

$ugoMaskInvert = $ugoMaskInvert & 077;


case 'g':

$octalGroupMode = $octalGroupMode | $subPerm << 3; // mask 000xxx000

$ugoMaskInvert = $ugoMaskInvert & 0707;


case 'o':

$octalGroupMode = $octalGroupMode | $subPerm; // mask 000000xxx

$ugoMaskInvert = $ugoMaskInvert & 0770;




// apply = action

$octalMode = $octalMode & ($ugoMaskInvert | $octalGroupMode);

} else {

// generate octal group permsissions

for ($i = 0; $i < $ugoLen; $i++) {

switch ($group[$i]) {

case 'u':

$octalGroupMode = $octalGroupMode | $subPerm << 6; // mask xxx000000


case 'g':

$octalGroupMode = $octalGroupMode | $subPerm << 3; // mask 000xxx000


case 'o':

$octalGroupMode = $octalGroupMode | $subPerm; // mask 000000xxx




// apply + or - action

switch ($action) {

case '+':

$octalMode = $octalMode | $octalGroupMode;


case '-':

$octalMode = $octalMode &







// if input permissions are equal at file permissions return true without performing chmod

if (function_exists('fileperms') && $octalMode === (fileperms($file) & 0777)) {

return true;

if (!function_exists('chmod')) {

return false;

return @chmod($file, $octalMode);


public static function checkInputVaslidInt($input) {

return (filter_var($input, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) === 0 || filter_var($input, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT));



* this function creates a folder if it does not exist and performs a chmod.

* it is different from the normal mkdir function to which an umask is applied to the input permissions.


* this function handles the variable MODE in a way similar to the chmod of lunux

* So the MODE variable can be

* 1) an octal number (0755)

* 2) a string that defines an octal number ("644")

* 3) a string with the following format [ugoa]*([-+=]([rwx]*)+


* @param string $path

* @param int|string $mode

* @param bool $recursive

* @param resource $context // not used for windows bug

* @return boolean bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.


* @todo check recursive true and multiple chmod


public static function mkdir($path, $mode = 0777, $recursive = false, $context = null)


if (strlen($path) > self::maxPathLen()) {

throw new Exception('Skipping a file that exceeds allowed max path length ['.self::maxPathLen().']. File: '.$filepath);

if (!file_exists($path)) {

if (!function_exists('mkdir')) {

return false;


if (!@mkdir($path, 0777, $recursive)) {

return false;


return self::chmod($path, $mode);


* move all folder content up to parent


* @param string $subFolderName full path

* @param boolean $deleteSubFolder if true delete subFolder after moved all

* @return boolean



private function moveUpfromSubFolder($subFolderName, $deleteSubFolder = false)


if (!is_dir($subFolderName)) {

return false;

$parentFolder = dirname($subFolderName);

if (!is_writable($parentFolder)) {

return false;

$success = true;

if (($subList = glob(rtrim($subFolderName, '/').'/*', GLOB_NOSORT)) === false) {

self::log("[ERROR] Problem glob folder ".$subFolderName);

return false;

} else {

foreach ($subList as $cName) {

$destination = $parentFolder.'/'.basename($cName);

if (file_exists($destination)) {

$success = self::deletePath($destination);

if ($success) {

$success = rename($cName, $destination);

} else {



if ($success && $deleteSubFolder) {

$success = self::deleteDirectory($subFolderName, true);


if (!$success) {

self::log("[ERROR] Problem om moveUpfromSubFolder subFolder:".$subFolderName);

return $success;


* Extracts only the 'dup-installer' files using Shell-Exec Unzip


* @param string $archive_filepath The path to the archive file.


* @return bool Returns true if the data was properly extracted


private function extractInstallerShellexec($archive_filepath)


$success = false;

self::log("Attempting to use Shell Exec");

$unzip_filepath = $this->getUnzipFilePath();
if ($unzip_filepath != null) {

$unzip_command = "$unzip_filepath -q $archive_filepath ".self::INSTALLER_DIR_NAME.'/* 2>&1';

self::log("Executing unzip command");

$stderr = shell_exec($unzip_command);
$lib_directory = dirname(__FILE__).'/'.self::INSTALLER_DIR_NAME.'/lib';

$snaplib_directory = $lib_directory.'/snaplib';
// If snaplib files aren't present attempt to extract and copy those



$local_lib_directory = dirname(__FILE__).'/snaplib';

$unzip_command = "$unzip_filepath -q $archive_filepath snaplib/* 2>&1";

self::log("Executing unzip command");

$stderr .= shell_exec($unzip_command);


rename($local_lib_directory, $snaplib_directory);

if ($stderr == '') {

self::log("Shell exec unzip succeeded");

$success = true;

} else {

self::log("[ERROR] Shell exec unzip failed. Output={$stderr}");


return $success;


* Attempts to get the archive file path


* @return string The full path to the archive file


private function getArchiveFilePath()


if (isset($_GET['archive'])) {

$archive_filepath = $_GET['archive'];

} else {

$archive_filename = self::ARCHIVE_FILENAME;

$archive_filepath = str_replace("\\", '/', dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $archive_filename);

return $archive_filepath;


* Gets the DUPX_Bootstrap_Zip_Mode enum type that should be used


* @return DUPX_Bootstrap_Zip_Mode Returns the current mode of the bootstrapper


private function getZipMode()


$zip_mode = DUPX_Bootstrap_Zip_Mode::AutoUnzip;
if (isset($_GET['zipmode'])) {

$zipmode_string = $_GET['zipmode'];

self::log("Unzip mode specified in querystring: $zipmode_string");
switch ($zipmode_string) {

case 'autounzip':

$zip_mode = DUPX_Bootstrap_Zip_Mode::AutoUnzip;

case 'ziparchive':

$zip_mode = DUPX_Bootstrap_Zip_Mode::ZipArchive;

case 'shellexec':

$zip_mode = DUPX_Bootstrap_Zip_Mode::ShellExec;



return $zip_mode;


* Checks to see if a string starts with specific characters


* @return bool Returns true if the string starts with a specific format


private function startsWith($haystack, $needle)


return $needle === "" || strrpos($haystack, $needle, - strlen($haystack)) !== false;


* Checks to see if the server supports issuing commands to shell_exex


* @return bool Returns true shell_exec can be ran on this server


public function hasShellExec()


$cmds = array('shell_exec', 'escapeshellarg', 'escapeshellcmd', 'extension_loaded');
//Function disabled at server level

if (array_intersect($cmds, array_map('trim', explode(',', @ini_get('disable_functions')))))

return false;
//Suhosin: http://www.hardened-php.net/suhosin/

//Will cause PHP to silently fail

if (extension_loaded('suhosin')) {

$suhosin_ini = @ini_get("suhosin.executor.func.blacklist");

if (array_intersect($cmds, array_map('trim', explode(',', $suhosin_ini))))

return false;

if (! function_exists('shell_exec')) {

return false;

// Can we issue a simple echo command?

if (!@shell_exec('echo duplicator'))

return false;
return true;


* Gets the possible system commands for unzip on Linux


* @return string Returns unzip file path that can execute the unzip command


public function getUnzipFilePath()


$filepath = null;
if ($this->hasShellExec()) {

if (shell_exec('hash unzip 2>&1') == NULL) {

$filepath = 'unzip';

} else {

$possible_paths = array(








// RSR TODO put back in when we support shellexec on windows,

foreach ($possible_paths as $path) {

if (file_exists($path)) {

$filepath = $path;





return $filepath;


* Display human readable byte sizes such as 150MB


* @param int $size The size in bytes


* @return string A readable byte size format such as 100MB


public function readableByteSize($size)


try {

$units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB');

for ($i = 0; $size >= 1024 && $i < 4; $i++)

$size /= 1024;

return round($size, 2).$units[$i];

} catch (Exception $e) {

return "n/a";



* Returns an array of zip files found in the current executing directory


* @return array of zip files


public static function getFilesWithExtension($extension)


$files = array();

foreach (glob("*.{$extension}") as $name) {

if (file_exists($name)) {

$files[] = $name;


if (count($files) > 0) {

return $files;

//FALL BACK: Windows XP has bug with glob,

//add secondary check for PHP lameness

if ($dh = opendir('.')) {

while (false !== ($name = readdir($dh))) {

$ext = substr($name, strrpos($name, '.') + 1);

if (in_array($ext, array($extension))) {

$files[] = $name;




return $files;



* Safely remove a directory and recursively if needed


* @param string $directory The full path to the directory to remove

* @param string $recursive recursively remove all items


* @return bool Returns true if all content was removed


public static function deleteDirectory($directory, $recursive)


$success = true;
$filenames = array_diff(scandir($directory), array('.', '..'));
foreach ($filenames as $filename) {

$fullPath = $directory.'/'.$filename;
if (is_dir($fullPath)) {

if ($recursive) {

$success = self::deleteDirectory($fullPath, true);


} else {

$success = @unlink($fullPath);

if ($success === false) {

self::log('[ERROR] '.__FUNCTION__.": Problem deleting file:".$fullPath);


if ($success === false) {

self::log("[ERROR] Problem deleting dir:".$directory);



return $success && rmdir($directory);


* Safely remove a file or directory and recursively if needed


* @param string $directory The full path to the directory to remove


* @return bool Returns true if all content was removed


public static function deletePath($path)


$success = true;
if (is_dir($path)) {

$success = self::deleteDirectory($path, true);

} else {

$success = @unlink($path);
if ($success === false) {

self::log('[ERROR] '. __FUNCTION__.": Problem deleting file:".$path);


return $success;



* Makes path safe for any OS for PHP


* Paths should ALWAYS READ be "/"

* uni: /home/path/file.txt

* win: D:/home/path/file.txt


* @param string $path The path to make safe


* @return string The original $path with a with all slashes facing '/'.


public static function setSafePath($path)


return str_replace("\\", "/", $path);


class DUPX_Handler




* @var bool


private static $initialized = false;


* This function only initializes the error handler the first time it is called


public static function init_error_handler()


if (!self::$initialized) {

@set_error_handler(array(__CLASS__, 'error'));

@register_shutdown_function(array(__CLASS__, 'shutdown'));

self::$initialized = true;




* Error handler


* @param integer $errno Error level

* @param string $errstr Error message

* @param string $errfile Error file

* @param integer $errline Error line

* @return void


public static function error($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)


switch ($errno) {

case E_ERROR :

$log_message = self::getMessage($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline);

if (DUPX_Bootstrap::log($log_message) === false) {

$log_message = "Can\'t write logfile\n\n".$log_message;




case E_NOTICE :

case E_WARNING :

default :

$log_message = self::getMessage($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline);




private static function getMessage($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)


$result = '[PHP ERR]';

switch ($errno) {

case E_ERROR :

$result .= '[FATAL]';


case E_WARNING :

$result .= '[WARN]';


case E_NOTICE :

$result .= '[NOTICE]';


default :

$result .= '[ISSUE]';



$result .= ' MSG:';