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Company Structure. Leadership.

Big companies are small companies that succeeded.

(R. Townsend, American executive and author)

2.2.1. Answer these questions:

  • Would you prefer to work for a big or small company? Why? What are the advantages of each?

  • What types of organizational structures do you know?

  • What person could you call a leader? Are you a leader?

  • Is leadership critical for company performance? Explain your point of view.

  • In your opinion, are business leaders born or made?

2.2.2. Study the vocabulary used to describe organizational structures. Consult a dictionary if necessary.

Business owner, executive, an entity, to set up a business, to run a business, a tall (hierarchical) / flat / matrix structure, operational management, a chain of command, a span of control, layers of management, managerial positions, decision-making, communication channels, to have total control over company operations, liabilities, obligations, to describe a company structure / the organization chart, an organigram, to consist of, to contain, to be composed of, to be made up of, to include, to be divided into, to be in charge of, to be responsible for, to be supported by, to be accountable to, to be responsible to, to be assisted by, great (business) leader, strong leadership, a great leader, to have / to develop leadership skills, to have managerial flair, to have leadership talent, to have charisma, to be a visionary, to have (leadership) drive / dynamism / energy.
2.2.3. Scan the text and find three types of organizational structure.

Organizational structure

Having the appropriate structure is vital for an organization or business to meet its aims and objectives.

Large organizations, like British Gas, tend to have tall (or hierarchical) structures. A tall structure will have many different levels of employees all reporting upwards to team leaders and then up to operational management. It will have a wide chain of command with a narrow span of control. The chain of command refers to the number of levels within an organization. The span of control is the number of employees who are directly supervised by one person. A tall structure can often lead to slower communication channels and decision-making.

A flat organizational structure has fewer layers of management and wider spans of control. This means operatives can access and communicate with managers more easily and quickly. This relies on workers taking more responsibility for decision-making. This can create a more motivated workforce. This type of structure is often seen in newly set-up or smaller businesses. A benefit of this structure is that it allows the business to change rapidly to respond to the market, customers or competitors. However, this only applies if the staff is well trained and capable of making effective responses.

Matrix structures are frequently used for specific projects. Individual team members may come from different parts of the business, regardless of their location. Once a project is completed, the matrix will be disbanded and a new structure set up appropriate for the next project. (http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/british-gas//organisational-structure.html)
2.2.4. Read the text ‘Organizational structure’ again more slowly and make up 6-8 questions based on the text.

2.2.6. Read the text below and pick up seven key leadership behaviors, critical for organizational performance.

Leadership & Organizational Performance

Former Honeywell CEO Larry Bossidy and management guru Ram Charan have identified seven key leadership behaviors that have direct and measurable impact on organizational performance.

Leaders must be engaged in the day-to-day realities of the business. This means having a personal connection with the business and with the people in it. Detailed business reviews allow the leader to understand the fundamentals of daily operations, uncover problems, capitalize on strengths and truly get to know the people.

Leaders often are blind to the weaknesses of their organizations. To overcome this, leaders must be relentless in understanding how to improve their organizations and in learning how they stack up against competitors.

Successful leaders focus on a few key priorities–the “Critical Few”–that everyone can understand and pursue. Success comes from execution of three or four high-impact goals.

Many organizations perform poorly because of lack of follow through. Successful leaders make clear assignments, hold people accountable and establish regular review processes to track progress.

People perform well when they are rewarded for their efforts. Yet many organizations do a poor job of linking rewards to performance. They make too little differentiation in salary increases, bonuses and stock options between super stars and those who are not. Successful leaders reward top performers for their achievements and ensure that there is a clear connection between performance and compensation throughout the organization.

Leaders who want their organizations to be successful spend considerable time and effort in expanding the capabilities of their people, and coaching is their single most effective method. Effective coaching involves watching people in action and providing specific feedback. Skillful coaches ask questions that cause people to think and to discover.

Leaders of high-performing organizations have emotional fortitude. They are able to be honest with themselves, they deal honestly with business and organizational realities, and they give people candid feedback. They possess the confidence to accept points of view that are different from their own and to deal with conflict. (http://smallbusiness.chron.com/leadership-organizational-performance-4959.html)
2.2.8. Read the following statements and decide whether they are about the advantages of working for a big or small company.

  1. If you have problems with your colleagues you can always change departments.

  2. The atmosphere is friendlier and you know everyone.

  3. You are often responsible for a variety of different tasks.

  4. You can actually see the result of your contribution to the company.

  5. You can be proud of working for a company with a national or international reputation.

  6. You can become more specialized in your work.

  7. You can deal with problems face-to-face.

  8. You have a better possibility of realizing your potential.

  9. You have more independence, and you don’t always have to wait for permission from a superior.

  10. You may be able to go and work in a foreign subsidiary.

  11. You’ll probably get a slightly higher salary.

  12. You often get greater freedom, flexibility and openness to change.

  13. You are unlikely to be fired in a sudden reorganization or downsizing.

  14. Your company will be in a better position in an economic downturn or recession.


to consist of

to contain

to be composed of

to be made up of

to include

to be divided into

to be in charge of

to be responsible for

to be supported by

to be accountable to

to be responsible to

to be assisted by

2.2.9. Fill in the blanks with the following words: responsible for, consists of, accountable to, composed of, includes, responsible to, made up of, divided into, contains.

At the top of the company there is the Chairman of the Board. He is _____ the shareholders. The Managing Director is ______ the day-to-day running.

The company ____ five main departments: Marketing Department, Finance Department, Operations Department, Human Resources Department, Research and Development Department. The five department heads form the senior management committee of the company and are _____ the Managing Director.

The marketing department is _____ three units.

The Finance Department ______ one division.

The Operations Department is ______ Production division and Logistics division.

The Research and Development Department is _____ a small but important division of the company.

The Human Resources Department _____ two sections: Training and development section and Compensation and Benefits section.


UK companies

US companies

Chairman / Chairwoman


Chief executive / Managing director

  • Chief executive officer (CEO)

  • Chief operating officer (COO)

senior executives/top executives/ executive directors

  • Finance director

  • Marketing director

  • Human resources director

  • Research director, etc.

  • Chief financial officer (CFO)

  • Vice president (VP) marketing

  • Vice president (VP) human resources

  • Vice president (VP) research, etc.

All the directors together are the board.

middle managers:

Accounts department manager, Sales manager,

Customer services manager, etc.

2.2.10. Look at organization chart of Rockbridge International Corporate Organization below and describe the chain of command.

Model: The Chairman of the Board is accountable/responsible to the Board of Directors.
2.2.11. Work in pairs. Ask your partner about the responsibilities in TLM PLC,using the information from the chart.

Model: Who is responsible for Marketing? - Alice Grant is.

Who is in charge of Marketing? - Alice Grant is.

Who is the head of Marketing Department? - Alice Grant is.

Rockbridge International Corporate Organization



strong leadership

a great leader

to have/to develop leadership skills

to have managerial flair

to have leadership talent

to have charisma

to be a visionary

to have (leadership) drive/ dynamism/energy

2.2.12. Fill in the blanks with the words from leadership vocabulary.

  1. Traditionally, the model for _____ in business has been the army. Managers, like army officers, may be sent on leadership courses to develop ______ ______, their ability to lead.

  2. The greatest _____ have _____, an attractive quality that makes other people admire them and want to follow them.

  3. A leader may be described as a ______, someone with a power to see clearly how things are going to be in the future.

  4. Richard has real managerial ______ who will bring dynamism and energy to the job.

  5. M. Thatcher had _____, _______ and vision, but many thought it was the wrong ______.

2.2.14. Write short summaries of your opinion regarding 1. big and small companies, explaining which you would prefer to work for in the future and 2. leadership, expressing your reasons and arguments. You should use the model below.

In a big company you can …. . Furthermore, … companies allow you to …, because of …. Consequently, you can … . On the other hand, it is true that…. Nevertheless, I prefer … companies because …, even though … can be a disadvantage.

Как стать лидером в компании
Когда вы находитесь на работе, расстраивает ли вас то, что некоторые обстоятельства складываются не так, как вам хотелось бы и что-то идет вразрез с вашими планами? Вы видите, что сотрудники бесцельно бродят по офису, а работа при этом стоит. И в этой ежедневной рутине чувствуете ли вы, что ваши цели остаются просто целями? Тогда может вам пора задуматься о том, как стать лидером в компании? Ведь большинство людей вполне довольны тем, что им отдают приказы, и они их выполняют. Все готовы принять позицию – следуй за лидером. Может быть, где-то глубоко внутри вы чувствуете желание руководить происходящим и быть во главе.

Некоторые люди уверены, что лидерами не рождаются, а становятся. Безусловно, кто-то обладает лидерскими качествами изначально, однако без практики, энтузиазма и опыта развитие лидерских качеств - просто не возможно.

Вы также должны помнить, что хороший лидер постоянно работает над собой и занимается повышением квалификации.

Прежде всего, необходимо выявить, обнаружить лидерские качества. Настоящий лидер должен обладать способностью подвигнуть других на конкретные действия с целью достижения определенного результата. Он должен способствовать организации и сплоченности коллектива.

В отличие от всеобщего мнения, лидерство – это не власть. Это не руководство людьми путем запугивания и угроз. Это разумная мотивация людей, определение целей, интересных для всех. Вы должны быть лидером, а не начальником.

Люди будут следовать вам, если будут видеть впереди определенную цель. Они должны быть уверены, что вы знаете, к чему стремитесь. Вы отражение того, кем должны быть ваши сотрудники.

Наблюдения показали, что неотъемлемая часть лидерства – это доверие и уверенность в вас ваших подчиненных. Если люди доверяют вам, они способны сделать многое ради вашего блага и блага организации.

Доверие и уверенность, в свою очередь, строятся на хороших взаимоотношениях и высокой этике.

Коммуникация очень важна для лидера. Необходимо уметь четко разъяснить задачи и передать знания
, которыми вы обладаете, вашим сотрудникам.

Невозможно стать хорошим лидером, не умея правильно разбираться в создавшихся ситуациях, не имея правильного суждения. Помните, что ваши сотрудники полагаются на принятые вами решения, таким образом, принятие правильных решений является крайне необходимым для успехов вашей организации.

Лидеры вовсе не те люди, которые должны все знать и все уметь. Вы не должны полагаться только на себя. Вы должны уметь правильно использовать знания и умения своих сотрудников. Когда вы этому научитесь, вы сможете работать как единая команда. (по материалам http://www.donimage.ru)