Файл: Employment law (1) Employment law deals with relationship between employers and employees in a recruitment process.docx

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(1) Employment law deals with relationship between employers and employees in a recruitment process, during employment and at the end of employment. It is related to most aspects of employment including discrimination, fair pay, dismissal, employee benefits, and workplace safety, etc.
(2) In the UK rights and obligations of employers and employees come from the following main sources:
• Acts of Parliament, which give rise to statutory rights and obligations;
Employment contracts, which give rise to contractual rights and obligations. This area of law is largely governed by case law;
European Union legislation and judgments from the European Court of Justice.
(3) Clauses in employment contracts cover job title, hours of work, term of the contract, time off and leave, remuneration, sick pay, confidentiality, giving notice. The non­competition clause imposes restrictions on the actions of an employee once the employment is ended. The employee is not allowed to start the same business or work for a rival of the employer for a certain period of time. The employment contract also provides forthe grievance procedure in the event of the employee’s problems at work or job loss. The parties to the employment contract may agree to vary provisions of the contract but they cannot be unilaterally varied.
The Employment Rights Act 1996 requires the employer to provide the employee with a document containing the terms and conditions of employment.
(4) Employers are bound by the employment contract and statutory regulation as to how they may deal with employees, particularly in relation to the termination of employment.
Failure to observe such obligations and regulations may give rise to a claim for wrongful dismissal, constructive dismissal or unfair dismissal. In case of wrongful dismissal the employer is in breach of contract. When an employee resigns because of the conduct of his employer, it is constructive dismissal. Unfair dismissal happens when the employer breaches certain statutory provisions by dismissing an employee. For example, an employee has been dismissed because of his sex, age, race, disability or nationality or made redundant unfairly. The employment law also states that the employer is obliged to follow a certain procedure of warning
the employee before terminating the contract with him. If the employer fails to do this, the employee may also claim unfair dismissal. However, the employer does
not have to follow the procedure when the employee is guilty of gross misconduct that is a very bad behaviour, such as stealing money from the employer. Gross misconduct may result in immediate dismissal.
(5) Employment cases in the UK are heard in employment tribunals. Employment tribunals have the power to make decisions on employment cases but there is a period where the parties are encouraged to reach an agreement before the case is heard.

I. Read the text again and do the following exercises.

A. A new employee has some questions about her employment contract. Complete each question using the correct word from the box below.



sick pay






A. What does the ______________ of the contract mean?
B. It means the duration of the contract.
A. What are the______________ of a contract?
B. They are all of the terms and conditions contained in the contract.
A. What is my job______________?
B. It is assistant manager.
A. What are my______________ of employment?
B. Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.30pm.
A. What will my annual ______________ be?
B. £25,000 a year.
A. How many weeks’______________ can I have?
B. You are entitled to four weeks a year, in addition to public holidays.
A. Am I entitled to ______________ when I am ill?
B. Yes. But you must provide us with a medical certificate.
A. How much notice must I give if I want to______________ the contract?
B. Four weeks. We use that time to find a new employee who can begin work at the time that you leave us.

B. Complete these sentences with a word or collocation from the text.
1. I am sure my employer treats me badly because I am a foreigner. My lawyer says that I can sue my employer on the grounds of ________________________.
2. I was the only woman in my office. The men working there made jokes about me all of the time and said that my job was only to make coffee for them. I stopped working there because it was horrible and my employer didn’t help me. The grounds for my claim were________________________dismissal.
3. I have made a claim against my employer. The case will be heard next month by an employment ________________________.
4. I am making a claim for ________________________ dismissal. My employer sacked me last month and the only reason was that my employer’s daughter wanted to have the job.
5. The printing company ________________________ Jason because he did some printing for his friend and he did not ask his friend to pay for it.
6. My employer did not follow the correct _________________ when he dismissed me. My lawyer says that I can make a claim against my employer because he breached employment law.
7. The law says the employer must listen to employees’ ___________________and try to settle the problems the employees might have at work.

C. Choose the appropriate word.
1. Public places are becoming more accessible to people with abilities / disabilities.
2. The campaign is aimed at discouraging / encouraging smoking among teenagers.
3. The health centre serves all patients regardless of their ability / disability to pay.
4. Make sure to keep these documents safe / unsafe.
5. Closure of the plant means 80 workers are facing unemployment / employment.
6. The jury passed a guilty / not guilty verdict and the defendant was released.
7. The doctor was accused of professional conduct / misconduct.
8. The meaning of these statements is not quite clear. They may be interpreted / misinterpreted.

D. Translate the following collocations into English and make sentences with them.

следовать определенной процедуре / инструкциям/ чьему-л. совету

накладывать ограничения на деятельность работника /на свободу прессы/ на торговлю

быть обязанным по закону/по договору/по решению суда

подать иск о незаконном увольнении/ о несправедливом увольнении/о конструктивном увольнении

побуждать кого-л решить спор вне суда/ подать aпелляцию / заключить договор

предусматривать статью о неконкуренци/ порядок подачи жалоб/ конфиденциальность

E. Find in the text English equivalents to the following Russian sentences.
1. В Соединенном Королевстве права и обязанности работодателей и работников определены в актах парламента, трудовых договорах, законодательстве Европейского Союза и решениях Европейского суда.
2. Стороны трудового договора могут согласиться на изменение условий договора, но условия договора не могут быть изменены в одностороннем порядке.
3. Трудовое право имеет дело с отношениями между работодателями и работниками в процесе приема на работу, во время трудовой занятости и при ее прекращении.
4. Статьи трудового договора охватывают продолжительность рабочего дня, выходные и отпуск, вопросы конфиденциальности.
5. Закон о трудовых правах 1996 года требует, чтобы работодатель предоставил работнику документ, содержащий условия трудового договора.
6. Трудовое право имеет отношение к основным вопросам занятости, которые включают в себя дискриминацию, справедливую оплату труда, увольнение, дополнительные выплаты и льготы, предоставляемые работникам, безопасность труда и др.
7. Статьи трудового договора касаются ограничений деятельности работника, когда он прекращает работу (статья договора о неконкуренции), порядка предупреждения об увольнении, порядка подачи жалоб работодателю в случае прекращения занятости.
8. Несоблюдение обязанностей договора и положений законодательства может привести к искам о незаконном увольнении, конструктивном увольнении и несправедливом увольнении.
9. Когда работник вынужден уволиться из-за действий своего работодателя, это называется «конструктивное увольнение».

10. Дела о трудовых спорах решаются в специальных судах по трудовым спорам.
11. В случае незаконного увольнения работодатель нарушает трудовой договор.
12. Работодатель не обязан следовать процедуре увольнения в случае, если работник виновен в серьезном правонарушении, например, воровстве денежных средств у работодателя.