Файл: Экзаменационные тесты по английскому языку.docx

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  1. am delivering

  2. is delivering

  3. were delivering

  4. shall be delivering

  5. are delivering

  1. Choose the proper form of the verb:

Physician ….the drugs to me yesterday.

  1. administered

  2. administer

  3. will administer

  4. has administered

  5. have administered

  1. Find the proper form of the verb “to be”:

I….a doctor in future.

  1. were

  2. is

  3. shall be

  4. are

  5. was

  1. Find out the properform of the verb “to have”:

He ….a headachenow.

  1. has

  2. have got

  3. had

  4. have

  5. will have

  1. Put the proper form of the verb:

We ….. Anatomy yesterday at 2 o’clock.

  1. will be studying

  2. am studying

  3. is studying

  4. were studying

  5. was studying

  1. Tick the properform of the verb:

The scientific experiments…. by scientists next year.

  1. am carried out

  2. was carried out

  3. is carried out

  4. will be carried out

  5. has been carried out

  1. Pick the proper form of the verb:

Many questions…to me by the teacher at exam yesterday.

  1. were asked

  2. has been asked

  3. is asked

  4. am asked

  5. was asked

  1. Choose the proper form of the verb:

The lecture…by the teacher next Monday.

  1. have been delivered

  2. will be delivered

  3. are delivered

  4. were delivered

  5. am delivered

  1. Find out the proper form of the verb:

The operation…by the surgeon next week.

  1. will be performed

  2. are performed

  3. were performed

  4. have been performed

  5. am performed

  1. Tick out the proper form of the verb:

As usual all medicines …always … in drug cabinets.

  1. has/been kept

  2. shall/be kept

  3. was/ kept

  4. is /kept

  5. are /kept

  1. Pick out the adjective in comparativedegree:

The right lung is….than the left one.

  1. the heaviest

  2. heavy

  3. heavier

  4. more heavy

  5. the most heavy

43. Choose the proper plural noun:

There are many… in the garden.

  1. flower

  2. flowers

  3. flower’s

  4. flowers’

  5. a flowers

  1. Find the proper form of the verb “to be”:

I … a student now.


b) am

c) were

d) will be

e) is

45. Pick the proper form of the verb “to have”:

Every day I … breakfast at 8 a.m.

a) had

b) has

c) will have

d) have had

e) have

46. Put the proper pronoun:

Peter is a pupil. … studies in the 10th form.

a) They

b) He

c) I

d) We

e) You

47. Tick the possessive pronoun:

It’s difficult for you. You can’t do it … .

a) yourself

b) himself

c) myself

d) ourselves

e) themselves

48. Find the right variant:

February is the … month of the year.


b) first

c) second

d) third

e) fifth

49. Pick out the proper form of the verb:

Tom is in his room. He … the piano now.

a) were playing

b) will be playing

c) am playing

d)are playing

e) is playing

50. Tick out the proper noun:

There is … on the table.

a) books

b) book’s

c) a book

d) books’

e) book

51. Find out the proper form of the verb “to be”:

He … born in 1975.

a) is

b) were

c) are

d) was

e) am

52. Choosethe proper pronoun:

There are … books in the library.


b) much

c) none

d) many

e) any

53. Pick the proper form of the verb:

We … to the party by our friend yesterday.

a) was invited

b) were invited

c) am invited

d) is invited

e) will be invited

54. Tick the adjective insuperlativedegree:

Mary is … in her family.

a) younger

b) most young

c) youngest

d) more young

e) the youngest

55 . Choose the proper form of the verb:

I ……a book for 2 hours yesterday.

a) are reading

b)has been reading

c) were reading

d) is reading

e) had been reading

56. Find the proper form of the verb “to be”:

I…cooking at the moment.



  1. is

  2. were

  3. will be

57. Tick the proper form of the verb “to be”:

What…you doing now?

  1. is

  2. are

  3. am

  4. was

  5. were

58. Pick the proper numeral:

There are (14) schools in our town.

  1. seventeen

  2. sixteen

  3. thirteen

  4. fifteen

  5. fourteen

59. Find out the proper preposition:

St.Paul’s Cathedral was built….the 17th century.

a) in

b) with

  1. on

  2. at

  3. for

60. Pick out the proper form of the verb “to have”:

He …..a car last year.

a) have had


c) shall have

d) had

e) has

61.Tick out uncountable noun.

a) butter

b) book

c) pen

d) table

e) student

62.Choose the proper form of the verb “to be”:

There …many students in the room now.

a) is

b) are


d) was

e) shall be

63.Find the adjective insuperlative degree:

. educational centers are Oxford and Cambridge universities.

a) The mostfamous

  1. More famous

  2. Most famous

  3. Famousest

  4. The famous

64.Put the proper preposition:

The guests can put…at the famous hotels in Almaty.

a) on

b) in

c) under

d) up


65.Pickthe general question.

a) Can you swim?

b) Can you swim or ski?

c) You can swim, can’t you?

d) What can you do?

e) Who can swim?

66.Tickthe special question.

a) Where does he study?

b) Does he study or work?

c) He studies, doesn’t he?

d) Does he study?

e) He studied, didn’t he?

67. Find the alternative question.

a) Where does he study?

b) Does he study or work?

c) He studies, doesn’t he?

d) Does he study?

e) He studied, didn’t he?

68.Pick out the disjunctive question.

a) Where does he study?

b) Does he study or work?

c) He studies, doesn’t he?

d) Does he study?

e) Did he study?

69.Tick out the proper form of the verb:

The drugs …usually ….in drug cabinets.

  1. was /kept

  2. shall/be kept

c) are /kept

  1. is /kept

  2. am/ kept

70. Choose the proper form of the verb:

The patient …..by the physician yesterday.

  1. was treated

  2. am treated

  3. have been treated

  4. shall be treated

  5. aretreated

71.Put the proper form of the verb:

Medeo ….by tourists tomorrow.

  1. is visited

  2. was visited

  3. are visited

  4. have been visited

  5. will be visited

72.Find the proper form of the verb:

I….by my friends yesterday.

  1. were invited

  2. was invited

  3. are invited

  4. have been invited

  5. is invited

73.Pick the proper form of the verb:

This book…..by me last year.

  1. are bought

  2. was bought

  3. shall be bought

  4. am bought

  5. were bought

74.Tick the proper form of the verb:

Anatomy ……by our teachers next year.

  1. am taught

  2. were taught

  3. are taught

  4. was taught

  5. will be taught

75.Find the irregular verb:

  1. to translate

  2. to bring

  3. to cry

  4. to master

  5. to manage

76.Find out the proper preposition:

S.Asfendiyarov mastered … Turk, Tajik, and Farsi languages.

  1. on

  2. at

  3. by

  4. with

  5. in

77.Pick out the proper preposition:

Almaty is located …the foot of Alatau mountains:

  1. in

  2. at

  3. on

  4. over

  5. with

78.Tick out the proper preposition:

There are many beautiful lakes ….London.

  1. at

  2. on

  3. in

  4. by

  5. under

79. Choose the proper preposition:

Almaty is an industrial center ….a highly developed engineering.

  1. with

  2. in

  3. at

  4. by

  5. on

80.Find the proper form of the verb “to be”:

There ….many visitors in the theater yesterday.

  1. is

  2. was

  3. were

  4. shall be

  5. am

81.Put the proper form of the verb “to be”:

We …..good surgeons in future.

  1. am

  2. is

  3. was

  4. were

  5. shall be

82.Tick the proper form of the verb “to be”:

He …..at the theatre yesterday.

  1. are

  2. were

  3. am

  4. was

  5. shall be

83.Pick the proper form of the verb “to be”:

She …..in hospital now.

  1. is

  2. were

  3. am

  4. are

  5. shall be

84.Find out the proper form of the verb “to be”:

He ….in France next month.

  1. are

  2. were

  3. am

  4. was

  5. will be

85.Tick out the proper form of the verb “to be”:

My sister….ill now.

  1. is

  2. were

  3. am

  4. are

  5. shall be

86. Choose the proper form of the verb “ to be”:

I ….playing a computer now.

  1. am

  2. is

  3. will be

  4. are

  5. were

87.Put the proper form of the verb “ to have”:

We ….a meeting tomorrow.

  1. have

  2. has

  3. shall have

  4. have had

  5. had

88.Find the proper form of the verb “ to have”:

We….three lectures yesterday.

  1. have

  2. has

  3. will have

  4. has had

  5. had

89.Tick the proper form of the verb:

The doctor … the patient’s temperature at the moment.

  1. were taking

  2. shallbe taking

  3. are taking

  4. have been taking

  5. is taking

90.Pick the proper form of the verb:

The nurse … injectionsyesterday at 2 o’clock.

  1. was giving

  2. shallbe giving

  3. are giving

  4. were giving

  5. am giving

91.Choose the proper form of the verb:

I … the operation tomorrow at 2 o’clock.

  1. was performing

  2. shall be performing

  3. is performing

  4. are performing

  5. were performing

92.Find out the ordinal numeral.

  1. twenty-nine

  2. twenty-eight

  3. twenty-one

  4. twenty-fifth

  5. thirty- two

93.Tick out the ordinal numeral.

  1. nine

  2. eight

  3. one

  4. forth

  5. two

94.Pick out the ordinal numeral.

  1. thirty-one

  2. thirty-two

  3. thirty-third

  4. thirty-five

  5. thirty-six

95.Choose the cardinal numeral.

  1. third

  2. fourth

  3. ten

  4. eleventh

  5. fortieth

96. Find the cardinal numeral:

  1. eleventh

  2. twelve

  3. sixtieth

  4. ninth

  5. third

97.Put the proper articles if necessary:

I saw … beautiful dress in the shop, but … dress was expensive.

  1. a, a

  2. a, the

  3. the, a

  4. an, a

  5. an, the

  1. Find out the ordinal numeral.

  1. sixty-five

  2. sixty-fifth

  3. sixty-four

  4. sixty-one

  5. sixty-four

  1. Choose the proper pronoun:

My little brother plays with …every day.

  1. me

  2. we

  3. she

  4. my

  5. his

  1. Tick the proper pronoun:

What color is … pen?

  1. ours

  2. it

  3. your

  4. she

  5. him

101.Pickthe adjective in comparative degree:

My book is … than yours.

  1. the best

  2. bettere

  3. bettest

  4. most better

  5. better

102.Find the proper form of the verb:

She … the poem now.

  1. were reading

  2. am reading

  3. are reading

  4. shall be reading

  5. is reading

  1. Pick out the proper form of the verb:

I … to the library last morning.

  1. went

  2. gone

  3. goes

  4. will go

  5. go

  1. Tick out the proper form of the verb:

I am tired. I … to bed now.

  1. were going

  2. is going

  3. am going

  4. was going

  5. are going

  1. Choose the proper form of the verb:

Alice … dinner with us tomorrow.

  1. are having

  2. have

  3. will have

  4. had

  5. have had

  1. Find the special question.

  1. Is he in Moscow?

  2. Is he in Moscow or in German?

  3. Where is he?

  4. Heis in Moscow, isn’t he?

  5. He isn’t in Moscow, is he?

  1. Tickthe general question.

  1. Does he live in Astana or in Almaty?

  2. Does he live in Astana?

  3. Where does he live?

  4. He lives in Astana, doesn’t he?

  5. He doesn’t live in Astana, does he?

  1. Put the sentence in correct order.

  1. Has our family got a car.

  2. Our family has got a car.

  3. Family a carour has got.

  4. Our a carfamily has got

  5. A car has family got our.

  1. Choose the third form of the verb “to speak”.

  1. spoken

  2. spoke

  3. speaked

  4. speak

  5. spoked

  1. Find out the proper modal verb:

You are seriously ill now. You….smoke.

  1. can’t

  2. mustn’t

  3. ought

  4. couldn’t

  5. hasn’t to

  1. Tick the proper modal verb:

I’m late for the lesson. I …be in hurry.

  1. can

  2. must

  3. ought

  4. could

  5. has to

  1. Pick the proper modal verb:

I’m sorry. I’m late. ….I come in?

  1. ought

  2. must

  3. may

  4. could

  5. might

  1. Choose the third form of the verb “to write”.

  1. written

  2. wrote

  3. writed

  4. wroted

  5. writen

  1. Find out the proper form of the verb “to be”:

The windows … very dirty now. Clean them!

  1. am

  2. are

  3. is

  4. was

  5. shall be

  1. Put the proper preposition:

My books are … the shelves.

  1. with

  2. on

  3. by

  4. to

  5. down

  1. Pick out the proper preposition:

The name of any medicine is necessary….chemists, nurses, doctors.

  1. at

  2. for

  3. in

  4. to

  5. on

  1. Tick out the proper preposition:

There are usually two departments …. a large chemist’s.

  1. to

  2. for

  3. with

  4. in

  5. on

  1. Choose the proper preposition:

People must pay attention…their health.

  1. at

  2. with

  3. to

  4. in

  5. on

  1. Put out the proper preposition:

Thousands of young people study….different medical institutes.

  1. at

  2. for

  3. in

  4. from

  5. on

  1. Pick out the proper preposition:

The lungs are conical …shape.

  1. in

  2. at

  3. with

  4. on

  5. to

  1. Tick out the proper preposition:

You must give…smoking.

  1. at

  2. in

  3. with

  4. up

  5. off

  1. Choose the proper preposition:

He is looking…a job.

  1. for

  2. in

  3. with

  4. by

  5. to

  1. Find the proper preposition:

Our classes usually begin…8.30.

  1. with

  2. to

  3. at

  4. by

  5. for

  1. Pick the right pronoun:

There aren`t…..knives on the table.

  1. no

  2. some

  3. any

  4. anything

  5. none

  1. Tick the proper pronoun:

I want to wash my hair. Is there ….shampoo?

  1. some

  2. something

  3. anything

  4. none

  5. any

  1. Putout the sentence in correct order.

  1. Edward Jenner discovered the vaccination.

  2. Edward the vaccination discovered Jenner.

  3. Edward Jenner the vaccination discovered.

  4. Edward discovered Jenner the vaccination.

  5. Discovered Edward Jenner the vaccination.

  1. Tick out the sentence in correct order.

  1. The boys morning exercises do every day.

  2. The morning exercises boys do every day.

  3. The boys do morning exercises every day.

  4. Every day morning exercises do the boys.

  5. The boys morning exercises every day do.

  1. Pick out the properpreposition:

London is divided …several parts.

  1. over

  2. with

  3. into

  4. by

  5. at

  1. Choose the proper preposition:

The clock Tower is famous…its big hour bell.

  1. for

  2. at

  3. in

  4. on

  5. from

  1. Find the proper preposition:

Secondary education in our country is free…charge.

  1. with

  2. on

  3. in

  4. of

  5. at

  1. Pick the proper preposition:

In other cases education is given …the commercial basis.

  1. on

  2. to

  3. at

  4. by

  5. with

  1. Tick the irregular verb.

  1. to study

  2. to take

  3. to pass

  4. to consist

  5. to divide

  1. Find outthe irregular verb.

  1. to translate

  2. to swim

  3. to play

  4. to clean

  5. to work

  1. Pick out the irregular verb.

  1. to buy

  2. to like

  3. to study

  4. to treat

  5. to work

  1. Tick out the irregular verb.

  1. to look

  2. to call

  3. to stop

  4. to give

  5. to examine

  1. Choose the irregular verb.

  1. to build

  2. to phone

  3. to translate

  4. to form

  5. to connect

  1. Find the noun.

  1. money

  2. excellent

  3. gifted

  4. conical

  5. beautiful

  1. Pick the noun.

  1. various

  2. official

  3. computer

  4. financial

  5. famous

  1. Tick the noun.

  1. rich

  2. beautiful

  3. mild

  4. populated

  5. table

  1. Pick out the adjective.

  1. beautiful

  2. computer

  3. pen

  4. pencil

  5. doctor

  1. Choose the adjective.

  1. paper

  2. palace

  3. museum

  4. often

  5. good

  1. Find out the proper form of the verb:

The Tower of London…as a fortress, a palace, a prison in the 15th century.

  1. was used

  2. were used

  3. are used

  4. am used

  5. will be used

  1. Tick out the proper form of the verb:

The boy…TV-set now.

  1. werewatching

  2. is watching

  3. shall be watching

  4. are watching

  5. amwatching

  1. Pick out the adjective.

  1. weather

  2. subject

  3. successful

  4. student

  5. slowly

  1. Choose the proper form of the verb “to be”:

S.D Asfendiarov…the first rector of our University.

  1. are

  2. shall be

  3. was

  4. were

  5. am

  1. Put the proper prepositions:

My friend always goes … the stadium… Sundays.

  1. in\for

  2. at\on

  3. to\on

  4. on\on

  5. at/in

  1. Find the proper form of the verb:

We … the match on TV at 9 o`clock tomorrow.

  1. was watching

  2. shall be watching

  3. were watching

  4. is watching

  5. am watching

  1. Tick the proper form of the verb:

Her son…school last year.

  1. have finished

  2. finish

  3. will finish

  4. finished

  5. finishes

149.Pick the properform of the verb:
He … the weekends in England two years ago.
a) have spent
b) shallspend
c) has spent
c) spent
e) spends

150.Choose the proper preposition:
I was in France… the age of seven.
a) in
b) at
c) up
e) for

151.Find out the ordinal numeral.
a) seven
b) seventh
e) seventy

152.Pick out the special question.
a) Who complained of high temperature?
b)Did he complain of high temperature?
c)Did he complain of high temperature or toothache?
d) He complained of high temperature, didn’t he?
e) Does he complain of temperature?

153.Tick out the proper form of the verb “to be”:

I ….. reading a book now.
b) will be
c) are

d) am
e) were

154.Choose the proper form of the verb:
The article…. next month.
a) are published
b) will be published
c) were published
d) am published
e) was published

155. Find the proper form of the verb:
The article …by my brother two weeks ago.

b) shall be translated
c)are translated
d) was translated
e) were translated

156.Put the proper preposition:

Almaty is located …the foot of Alatau mountains.

a) by
b) at
c) to
e) of

157.Tick the proper form of the verb:

The scientific work….next year.
a)are published
b) were published
c) have been published
d) will be published
e) am published

158.Choose the properform of the verb:
The operation ….by the doctor tomorrow.

a) were performed
b) have been performed
c) are performed
d) will be performed
e)am performed

159.Find out the adjective incomparative degree:
This suit is … than that one.
a) expensiver
b) + more expensive
c) expensivest
d) most expensive
e) expensive

160. Pick out the proper form of the verb:
The letter…by me three week ago.

a) was sent
b) are sent
c) were sent
d) shall be sent

e)am sent

161.Tick out the proper form of the verb:
The work …in time tomorrow.

a) am finished
b) will be finished
c) are finished
d)were finished
e) have beenfinished

162.Сhoose the properform of the verb:
All medicines…. very quickly yesterday.
a) were sold
b) was sold
c) shall be sold
d) is sold
e) amsold

163.Find the proper form of the verb:
I.....homework next time . I’m too tired.
a) has done
b) did
c) do
d) shalldo
e) does

164.Tick the proper form of the verb:
All of us …..exam on Anatomy next Monday.
a) has passed
b) will pass
c) passed
d) passes

e) have passed

165.Put the sentence in correct order.
a) There were a lot of people in the park.
b) There werepeople a lot of in the park.
c) There werein the park a lot of people.
d) There were of lot a people in the park.

e) There were a lot people of in the park.

166.Pick the preposition:
The arteries are composed …three coats.
a) up
b) to
c) of
d) in
e) at

167.Choose the preposition:
The patient was admitted …the hospital.

a) of
b) by
c) to

e) in

168.Find out special question.
a) Who goes in for sport?
b)Do they go in for sport?
c) They go in for sport, don’t they?
d)Do they go in for sport or music?
e) They don’t go in for sport, do they?

169.Tick out the proper preposition:
If schoolchildren take…Art, he will learn Literature, Music Art at school.
a) of
b) by
c) up
d) with
e) at

170.Pick out the proper preposition:
When I was a child I was interested… music.
a) in
b) on
c) with
d) by
e) to

171.Choose the third form of the verb: “to write”.
a) wrote
b) write
c) writed
d) written
e) wrotten

172. Find the correct numerals: 7321
a) Seven thousands three hundred and twenty one
b) Seven thousand three hundred and twenty one
c) Seven thousands three hundreds and twenty one
d) Seven thousand three hundred and twelve one
e) Seven thousand three hundred twenty one

173.Choose the irregular verb.

a) to adopt

b) to form

c) to write
d) to carry
e) to examine

174.Tick the proper form of the verb:
How are you? – I ____ all right.
a) were
b) is
c) was
d) am
e) are

175.Pick the proper form of the verb:
I …. the University last year.
a) enter
b) have entered
c) will enter
d) entered
e) had entered

176.Choose the proper form of the verb:
America ____ by Columbus in 1492.
a) were discovered
b) are discovered
c) will be discovered
d) was discovered
e) have been discovered

177.Find out the proper form of the verb:
The new medicine…by the doctor last month.

a) are prescribed
b)am prescribed
c) was prescribed
d) were prescribed
e) shall be prescribed

178. Pick out the properform of the verb:
My brother … music lessons now.
a) are taking
b) shallbe taking
c) were raking
d) is taking
e) am taking

179.Tick out the proper form of the verb:
They ….out an experiment at that moment yesterday.
a) am carrying
b) will be carrying
c) were carrying
d)shall becarrying
e) was carrying

180.Choose the proper form of the verb:
He …a letter from me a week ago.
a)have got
b) gets
c) got
d) get
e) shall get

181.Put the proper form of the verb:
The patient ….better now.
a) feels
b) feel
d) shall feel
e) have felt

182.Find the proper form of the verb “to be”:
I…reading Physiology now.
a) are
b) am
c) were
d) is
e) will be

183.Tick the proper preposition:
The skeleton is composed…bones.

a) with
b) on
c) of
d) at
e) by

184.Pick the proper preposition:
My father tried to give… smoking but he couldn’t.
a) on
b) in
c) up
d) round
e) off

185.Choose the proper form of the verb:

The students …for their Biology class now.
a) was preparing
b) are preparing
c)is preparing

d) shall be preparing

e) am preparing

186.Find the properform of the verb “to have”:
Last month the students …practical training at the hospital.

a) has
b) has had
c) shall have
d) have
e) had

187.Put the proper form of the verb “to be”:

The meeting…so interesting yesterday.
a) am
b) was
c) were
d) are
e) shall be

188.Tick out the third form of the verb “to wake”.
a) waked
b) +woken
c) woked
d) wake
e) woke

189.Pick out the third form of the verb “to take”.

a) tooked
b) taken
c) took
d) taked
e) token

190. Choose the third form of the verb “to see”.

a) seen
b) saw
c) seened
d) sees
e) sawed

191.Find the properform of the verb:

I…for you at the department tomorrow at 2 o’clock.

a) has been waiting
b) is waiting
c) are waiting
d) shall be waiting
e) were waiting

192.Pick the proper form of the verb “to be”:

There ….. four patients in this ward now.
a) are
b) is
c) am
d) was
e) shall be

193.Put the proper form of the verb “to be”:

There…ten students in our group last year.
a) were
b) is
c) are
d) am
e) shall be

194.Tick the proper form of the verb “to be”:

Edward Jenner began practice in 1773 when he _____ twenty four years old”.
a) were
b) was
c) shall be
d) are
e) am

195.Choose the proper form of the verb “to be”:

Edward Jenner _____ born in 1749”.
a) is
b) am
c) was
d) were
e) are

  1. Find out the proper form of the verb “to be”:

We…a little tired after examination yesterday.

a) was
b) were
c) is
d) are
e) am

  1. Pick outthe proper prepositions:

Our students listen…to the lecture on bones.
a) to
b) on
c) at
e) in

  1. Tick out the proper preposition:

The patient was ill …grippe.
b) at
c) with
d) to
e) on

  1. Choose the proper prepositions:

The upper extremity is connected…the trunk.
a) in
b) at
c) over
d) on
e) with

  1. Find the proper form of the verb:

She …the operation on the lungs tomorrow.
a) perform
b) will perform
c) performed
d) are performed
e)have performed

201. Put the proper form of the verb “to be”:

I … at home yesterday.
a) were
d) will be
e) was

202.Tick the properform of the verb “to be”:

She …in the hospital now.

  1. is

  2. shall be

  3. were

  4. are

  5. am

  1. Pick the proper form of the verb “to be”:

I …..at my parents’ home yesterday.

  1. will be

  2. were

  3. was

  4. are

  5. is

  1. Choose the properform of the verb “to be”:

We …at home in the evening tomorrow.

  1. was

  2. am

  3. is

  4. were

  5. shall be

  1. Find out the adjective incomparative degree:

Sasha is much … than her sister.

  1. older

  2. oldest

  3. olderer

  4. more old

  5. the most older

  1. Pick out the proper pronoun:

Are there … toys in the box?

  1. nothing

  2. none

  3. some

  4. anything

  5. any

  1. Choose the proper form of the verb:

We …..at the university last year.

  1. study

  2. has studied

  3. studies

  4. studied

  5. will study

  1. Tick out the proper form of the verb:

We …meeting tomorrow.

  1. has had

  2. has

  3. had

  4. shall have

  5. have

  1. Choose the proper form of the verb:

I ……. my homework when she came .

  1. was doing

  2. Weredoing

  3. are doing

  4. is doing

  5. will be doing

  1. Put the properpreposition:

The 11th and 12th ribs are connected …other ribs.

  1. at

  2. with

  3. of

  4. by

  5. in

  1. Find the proper form of the verb:

The children …at this moment.

  1. shall bedancing

  2. are dancing

  3. is dancing

  4. was dancing

  5. am dancing

  1. Tick the properform of the verb:

They…physicians next year.

  1. were

  2. will be

  3. is

  4. was

  5. am

  1. Pick the special question.

  1. What timedo you usually have dinner?

  2. Do you usually have dinner at five?

  3. Do you usually have dinner at five or six?

  4. You usually have dinner at five, don’t you?

  5. Do you usually have dinner or supper at five?

  1. Find the general question.

  1. Where do you study?

  2. Do you study or work?

  3. You study, don’t you?

  4. Do you study?

  5. You don’t study, do you?

  1. Find out the general question.

  1. Do you have books?

  2. Do you have books or pens?

  3. What do you have?

  4. You don’t have books, do you?

  5. You have books, don’t you?

  1. Tick out the general question.

  1. Did you have lectures or practical classes?

  2. Did you have lectures?

  3. When did you have lectures?

  4. You had lectures, didn’t you?

  5. You didn’t have lectures, did you?


  1. 1. Complete the sentence:

  2. London is the capital of …

  3. a) the USA

b) Great Britain

  1. c) France

  2. d) Spain

  3. e) Russia

2. Choose the right variant:

The UK consists of … main parts

a) six

b) three

c) two

d) five

  1. e) four

3. Choose the right variant:

The British money is …

a) dollars

b) pounds

c) franks

d) rubbles

e) marks

4. Choose the right variant:

The capital of … is Cardiff.