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Добавлен: 09.10.2024

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Universities risk aggressive marketing

Until recently, the University of Kent prided itself on its friendly image. Not anymore. Over the past few months it has been working hard, with the help of media consultants, to downplay its cosy reputation in favour of something more academic and serious.

Kent is not alone in considering an image revamp. Changes to next year's funding regime are both forcing universities to justify charging students up to £9,000 in fees, and increasing competition for students with AAB or above at A-level, which is putting institutions under pressure to argue they offer something better than the rest.

Paul Starkey, research director of Heist, a higher education marketing consultancy, which for the first time this year will include an award for a corporate campaign in its annual awards, says: "We are starting to see universities putting much more of a focus on their brands and what their value propositions are, and there has been a move in the last six months or so at looking at refining those brands, particularly for the undergraduate market."

He says that while in the past universities have often focused on student social life and attractions of the university town in recruitment campaigns, they are now concentrating on more tangible attractions, such as employment prospects, engagement with industry, and lecturer contact hours, making clear exactly what students are going to get for their money.

The problem for universities is that if those benefits fail to materialise, students notice. That worries Rob Behrens, chief executive of the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA), which deals with student complaints. "Universities need to be extremely careful when … they describe the reality of what's going to happen to students," he says. "Because competition is going to get greater for attracting students, there is a danger that universities will go the extra mile."

One university told prospective engineering students they would be able to design a car and race it at Brands Hatch, which never happened, he says. Others have promised use of sophisticated equipment that turned out to be broken or unavailable. He has also received complaints in which over-enthusiastic marketing or descriptions of courses by overseas agents have given students false expectations.

From next September, all institutions will also be expected to publish on their websites key information sets, allowing easier comparison between institutions – and between promises and reality – of student satisfaction levels, course information, and the types of jobs and salaries graduates go on to. Donald McLeod, chair of the Higher Education External Relations Association, says much more information is now available to students that has not been mediated by marketing departments, which means institutions are having to be especially careful about what they claim.

Richard Taylor, director of corporate affairs at the University of Leicester, says it is hardly surprising that universities are beginning to change the way they market themselves since the pricing structure has changed so radically. "Some universities assume that a market where everyone charges £9,000 will behave in the same way as one where everyone charges £3,000," he says. "I fundamentally disagree."

He believes that while the best form of marketing for institutions is to be good at what they do, they also need to be clear about how they are different from others.