Bretton Woods agreement on postwar economic order (July).
Butler Education Act passed, promising secondary education for all (August).
Allied armies enter Paris (August).
Allies capture Brussels and Antwerp (September).
Churchill and Roosevelt meet at Quebec, and Churchill travels to Moscow to meet with Stalin (October).
Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin meet at Yalta to plan postwar European settlement (February).
Bombing of Dresden kills an estimated 100,000 civilians (February).
British troops cross the Rhine (March).
British troops liberate the Belsen concentration camp (April).
British capture Rangoon (May). Germany surrenders (May).
Labour leaves the coalition; Churchill forms “caretaker” government.
United Nations Charter published (June). General election produces Labour landslide: 393
seats to the Conservatives’ 213 and 12 for the Liberals (July). Clement Attlee becomes prime minister.
Potsdam Conference (July–August).
Atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Japan surrenders (August).
Lend-Lease terminated (October).
Labour introduces programs of expanded social services and nationalization: Bank of England nationalized (March); cable and wireless; coal industry (July); National Health Service (November).
Churchill’s “Iron curtain” speech (Fulton, Missouri; March).
Jewish terrorists attack British headquarters in Jerusalem (July).
Bread rationing; loans from the United States (July).
Trade Disputes Act repealed.
New Towns Act.
Arts Council founded.
National Coal Board takes over (January); fuel crisis and strikes threaten the economy (February).
U.S. secretary of state Marshall suggests U.S. aid to Europe (June).
Sterling made convertible (July).
India Independence Act provides for partition into India and Pakistan; power is rapidly transferred by August.
Rail and road transport and electricity nationalized (August).
British Railways organized (January). Burma becomes independent (January).
Ceylon becomes a self-governing dominion (February).
Organization for European Economic Cooperation formed (April).
Marshall Plan aid is approved (April).
British mandate in Palestine terminated; state of Israel proclaimed (May).
Berlin airlift provides supplies to the city when it is blockaded by Russian occupation troops (July).
Bread rationing ends (July).
National Health Service begins operation (November).
Republic of Ireland Act (Dublin) (December).
End of clothing rationing (March).
North Atlantic Treaty Organization established (April).
Republic of Ireland formally leaves the Commonwealth; Commonwealth prime ministers accept the membership of republics, India being the first (April).
Gas industry is nationalized (May).
Council of Europe inaugural meeting (May). Sterling devalued (£1 = $2.80) (September). Parliament act reduces the veto power of the
House of Lords, legislation may only be sus-