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Ex. 4

1. an 10. an

2. any 11. any

3. a; some 12. any

4. an 13. a

5. some; any 14. some

6. any 15. any

7. some 16. an

8. some 17. any

9. some 18. some

Ex. 5

1. any 10. any

2. a 11. some

3. some 12. a

4. any 13. any

5. some 14. any

6. a; some 15. some

7. a 16. some; a

8. any 17. any

9. some; any

Ex. 6

1. some 6. no

2. any 7. any

3. any 8. some, any

4. any, some 9. no

5. some

Ex. 7

1. some

2. any

3. some

4. some

5. any

6. some

Ex. 8

1. Nobody/No one

2. Nowhere

3. Nobody/No one

Ex. 9

1. anybody/anyone

2. Somebody/Someone

3. anything

4. something

5. anybody/anyone

6. something

7. Somebody/Someone

Ex. 10

1. anyone/anybody

2. anything

3. Nobody/No one

4. Nothing

5. anything

Ex. 11

1. somewhere

2. anywhere

3. anywhere

4. nowhere

5. somewhere

Ex. 12

1. anywhere

2. somewhere

3. something

4. somebody/someone

5. anything

Ex. 13
1. a 5.c

2. d 6. a

3. d 7. b

4. c

Ex. 14

1. in 7.at

2. in 8. on

3. at 9. on

4. in 10. on

5. in 11. on

6. in 12. in

Ex. 15

1. under 7. on

2. in front of 8. in

3. behind 9. next to

4. among 10. between

5. beside 11. at

6. near

Unit 5

Ex. 1

2. Do we often play basketball on Saturdays?

We don’t often play basketball on Saturdays.

3. Does Bill drive to work every day?

Bill doesn’t drive to work every day.

4. Does our dog like biscuits?

Our dog doesn’t like biscuits.

5. Do they live in France?

They don’t live in France.

6. Does Samantha work in a supermarket? Samantha doesn’t work in a supermarket.

7. Do Paul and Mary often go to the gym?

Paul and Mary don’t go to the gym.

8. Does David always get up at 8 o’clock?

David doesn’t always get up at 8 o’clock.

9. Does Miss Jones teach maths? Miss Jones doesn’t teach maths.

10. Do Sue and Jill usually wear jeans?

Sue and Jill don’t usually wear jeans.

Ex. 2

2. i 7. d

3. e 8. h

4. j 9. c

5. a 10.f

6. g

Ex. 3

1. left 6. got

2. went 7. live

3. worked 8. teaches

4. moved 9.does

5.met 10.mode

Ex. 4

2. We didn’t enjoy the film.

3. I didn’t take a photograph of my family.

4. Angela didn’t send an email to her friend.

5. Yuri Gagarin didn’t become an astronaut in the 1970s.

6. England didn’t win the World Cup in 2000.

7. Her father didn’t die when she was 14.

8. I didn’t lose $20 last night.

9. People didn’t fly by plane 100 years ago.

10. That book wasn’t very interesting.

11. We didn’t arrive at school at 8 o’clock.

Ex. 5

2. Why are you tired?

3. How do you go to work?

4. Whose is this mobile phone?

Whose mobile phone is this?

5. Who did you meet?

6. What kind of car did she buy?

7. Where did you see meet?

8. What is she watching?

9. Where did they going?

10. Why did he leave?

11. How much (money) did she spend?

Ex. 6

2. did she move 1. d

3. did he go 2. a

4. did he see 3. f

5. did she drive 4. b

6. did they invite 5. g

7. did you have 6. e

7. c

Ex. 7

2. am having 8. played

3. went 9. hates

4. came 10. didn’t dance

5. Did you enjoy 11. Did they serve

6. had 12. were

7. didn’t like 13. Did you do

Ex. 8

2. will/’ll

3. will

4. will


5. will/’ll

6. will/’ll

7. will


8. will/’ll

9. will/’ll

10. will/’ll

Ex. 9

2. ‘ll lend 5. ‘ll show

3. ‘ll go 6. ‘ll order

4. ‘ll take

Ex. 10

2. Will Tom go to Africa next year?

Tom won’t go to Africa next year.

3. Will she visit next Tuesday?

She won’t visit us next Tuesday.

Ex. 11

1. a 9. c

2. b 10. b

3. b 11. b

4. a 12. c

5. b 13.b

6. a 14.a

7. a 15.b

8. a

Unit 6

Ex. 1

3. driving 8. getting

4. stopping 9. buying

5. working 10. thinking

6. using 11. swimming

7. looking 12. crying

Ex. 2

2. am not going

3. are … smiling

4. is standing

5. aren’t sitting

6. is … cooking

7. are … doing

8. isn’t working

Ex. 3

2. are playing 7. am watching

3. is eating 8. is writing

4. are reading 9. are singing

5. is sleeping 10. is making

6. is swimming

Ex. 4

2. It is 5. She is

3. he is 6. We are

4. They are

Ex. 5

2. Why is the dog barking?

3. He is not talking on the phone.

4. They are packing their suitcases.

5. She is not watching TV.

6. Where are you friends staying?

7. At the moment I am learning to play golf. / I am learning to play golf at the moment.

8. Are you going to the shops?

Ex. 6

2. go; are going

3. do … go

4. are … working; have

5. do … live; Do … like

6. do … have; am having

7. is ringing

Ex. 7

2. do you go 8. Do you want

3. Is he having 9. am trying

4. belongs 10. is raining

5. likes, has 11. needs

6. am not watching 12. forgets

7. do not usually ride

Ex. 8

2. belongs 9. go

3. spends 10. is raining

4. think 11. hate

5. are having 12. are having

6. swim 13. are eating

7. go 14. smells

8. have 15. Are you having

Ex. 9

2. phoned 7. woke up, had, ate

3. Did you watch, 8. leaves, is still working,

don’t like came

4. is reading. reads 9. are looking

5. went 10. visit

6. didn’t go, 11. left, studied,

listened became

12. are playing 15. did you visit, liked

13. meets, drove 16. gets up, woke up

spent wanted

14. is, left


2. am having 8. played

3. went 9. hates

4. came 10. didn’t dance

5. Did you enjoy 11. Did they serve

6. had 12. were

7. didn’t like 13. did you go

Ex. 11

2. smokes; isn’t smoking

3. are looking; don’t like

4. wear; ‘m wearing

5. are you going; go

6. works; ‘s writing

Ex. 12

2. are you going to tidy

3. isn’t going to play

4. are going to visit

5. Is Denise going to appear

6. isn’t going to sing

7. am not going to walk

8. Are you going to help

9. is going to cook

10. isn’t going to come

Ex. 13

2. Peter is going to buy some bread at the baker’s.

3. I am going to borrow some books from the library.

4. We are going to see a play at the theatre.

5. They are going to have a holiday in Turkey.

6. I am going to send an email to my friend.

Ex. 14

4. They’re going to be pilots.

5. He isn’t going to be an actor.

6. Are you going to be an architect?

7. I’m not going to be a lawyer.

8. We’re going to be footballers.

9. She isn’t going to be a model.

10. Is he going to be a singer?

11. I’m going to be an accountant.

12. He isn’t going to be a chief.

13. Are you going to be a music teacher?

Ex. 15

2. am/ ‘m having

3. will/’ll take off

4. is/’s flying

5. is/’s going to be

6. will not (won’t) let

7. am/’m going (to go)

8. will/’ll snow

Ex. 16

2. will get 7. will probably cook/

3. is going to walk is probably

4. will play 8. is going to give/

5. won’t miss is giving

6. am going to wash

Ex. 17

2. am/’m going to finish

3. am/’m going to be

4. am/’m going to study

5. will/’ll write

6. am/’m going to visit

Ex. 18

1. a 11. a

2. a 12. d

3. a 13. a

4. b 14. a

5. c 15. b

6. c 16. a

7. b 17. c

8. a 18. b

9.a 19. b

10. b

Unit 7

Ex. 1

2. harder than 7. bigger, than

3. colder than 8. more expensive than

4. older than 9. more than

5. less, than 10. better than

6. more crowded than

Ex. 2

2. the most

3. the nicest

4. the coldest

5. the funniest

6. the most beautiful

7. the most interesting

8. the worst

Ex. 3

2. No, it isn’t. It’s more expensive.

3. No, it isn’t. It’s smaller.

4. No, it isn’t. It’s the smallest.

5. No, it isn’t. It’s cheaper.

6. No, it isn’t. It’s the most expensive.

7. No, it isn’t. It’s more modern/ newer.

8. No, it isn’t. It’s the oldest.

Ex. 4

2. the best 7. the tallest, in

3. the tastiest 8. loud

4. clever 9. expensive

5. slower than 10. the most intelligent, of

6. more than

Ex. 5

2. more, than 7. as old as

3. as well as 8. sharper than

4. as strong as 9. as good as

5. as healthy as 10. farther, than

6. as fast as

Ex. 6

2. b 7.a

3. c 8. a

4. b 9. a

5. c 10. b

6. a

Ex. 7

2. is as old as

3. the most interesting book

4. play tennis as well

5. the friendliest teacher/the most friendly teacher

6. as heavy as

7. have never had such

8. colder than

Ex. 8

1. c 7. a

2. a 8. b

3. c 9. a

4. a 10.b

5. a 11. b

6. c

Unit 8

Ex. 1

2. have not/ 8. has not/

haven’t done hasn’t finished

3. has baked 9. has knitted

4. Have you sent 10. have forgotten

5. has watered 11. Has the doctor taken

6. have lost 12. has written

7. Have Fiona and Andrew moved

Ex. 2

2. have cleaned

3. have cooked

4. have taken

5. have watered

6. have washed

7. have out

Ex. 3

2. since

3. for

4. for

5. since

6. for

7. since

8. since

Ex. 4

2. just/never 6. so far

3. ever 7. for

4. never 8. since

5. yet/ so far 9. recently

Ex. 5

1) 2. met 5. ate

3. has never been 6. climbed

4. haven’t finished

2) 2. went 5. did … live

3. Have … eaten 6. haven’t seen

4. have … been


2. Have you ever 6. Have you worn

flown 7. drank

3. have just emptied 8. has visited

4. went 9. Did you come

5. Did you eat 10. Did you go

Ex. 7

1. B: saw

A: Did you touch

B: were

2. A: Did you go

B: bought

A: did you buy

3. A: Have you finished

B: finished

A: Have you typed

B: have already typed

4. A: Have you ever been

B: went

A: did you stay

B: stayed

Ex. 8

1. d

2. b

3. a

4. c

5. a

6. a

7. c

8. d

9. c

10. a

11. a

12. b

13. c

Ex. 9

2. can 6. Can

3. can’t 7. couldn’t

4. could 8. couldn’t

5. couldn’t 9. Can

10. Could

Ex. 10

2. May I use your phone/the phone in your office, please?

3. Can I invite some friends to dinner, please?

4. May I speak to you, please?

5. Can we play in the garden, please?

6. Can we go to Helen’s party, please?

Ex. 11

2. mustn’t

3. must

4. mustn’t

5. must

Ex. 12

2. mustn’t

3. needn’t

4. mustn’t

5. needn’t

6. mustn’t

7. mustn’t

8. needn’t

9. needn’t

10. mustn’t

11. needn’t

12. mustn’t

13. mustn’t

14. needn’t

15. needn’t

Ex. 13

1. c

2. b

3. d

4. c

5. c

6. b

7. b

8. a

9. a

10. d

11. d

12. c

13. c

14. b

15. b

Unit 9

Ex. 1

2. Where

3. When

4. How

5. Who

6. What

7. How often

8. What

9. Which

10. How long

Ex. 2

2. Which

3. What

4. Where

5. What

6. Why

7. Whose

8. Who

9. Where

10. When

11. Who

12. What

13. Why

14. Who

Ex. 3

2. How often

3. How old

4. How many

5. How long

6. How long ago

Ex. 4

2. How many

3. What

4. When/What time

5. Where

6. Why

7. Who

a 5 c6 d3 e2 f4

Ex. 5

2. Did you enjoy the film?

3. How often do they play squash?

4. Did he call you yesterday?

5. Whose dress is it/this/that?

6. Were there many people at the party?

Ex. 6

3. What fell on the head?

4. Who is talking on the phone?

5. Who has stolen her bag?

6. What is in the garden?

7. Who will bring the parcel?

8. Who sent Linda flowers?

9. What is making a funny noise?

10. Who bought his painting?

Ex. 7

3. What will they buy?

4. Who is he meeting at 5 o’clock?

5. What is John writing?

6. Who did she see in the room?

7. What did he hear?

8. Who did he talk to?

Ex. 8

3. Who has bought a new car?

4. What has Laura found?

5. Who will travel abroad next year?

6. Who did you see yesterday?

7. What are they repairing?

8. What did she have for lunch?

9. Who brought a present for a baby?

10. Who did you call last night?

Ex. 9

2. How often do you go to the gym?

3. When did you leave school/How long ago did you leave school?

4. How much did you pay for that dress?

5. Whose bicycle is this/Whose is this bicycle?

Ex. 10

2. Does he live here?

3. Which house is this?

4. Have you seen him today/

5. What time was it?

6. What did he do?

7. Have ever spoken to him?

Ex. 11

2. g

3. b

4. e

5. h

6. f

7. a

8. j



Ex. 12

1. have you

2. won’t you

3. has she

4. didn’t you

5. hasn’t she

6. aren’t you

7. are you

8. shall we

9.will you

10. aren’t I

11. is there

12. isn’t it

13. have you

14. aren’t there

15. will/won’t you

Самостійна та індивідуальна робота студентів

Таблиця 4

Види самостійної та індивідуальної роботи

Рекомендована література

Планові терміни виконання

(номер тижня)

Форми контролю та звітності

Максимальна кількість балів






1. Обов’язкові

1 курс 1 семестр

Змістовий модуль 1

Освітня система України, Англії та США. Мій університет

1. Тема: Знайомство

Текст: “About my family and myself.”

Лексико-граматичні вправи: ex.1, ex.2 Unit 1

Розмовна тема: Про себе і свою сімю

/11/ с.6

/5/ с.30





2. Тема: Мої друзі

Текст: About my friend.

Лексико-граматичні вправи: Ex.1, ex.2 Unit 2

Розмовна тема: Мій найкращий друг

/11/ с.8






3. Тема: Мій університет

Текст: „The British Universities and colleges.”, „At Oxford”, „Cambridge”

Текст: Lviv University of today.”

Лексико-граматичні вправи:Ex.1 -4 Unit 3

Комунікативні вправи: Ex. 1 – 9 ( Unit I, Lesson 2)

Розмовна тема: Мій університет серед інших університетів світу.

Діалогічне мовлення за ситуаціями.

/11/ с.9-18

/8/c.90- 91;98-102.







4. Модульна контрольна робота №1

Граматичний матеріал:

1)Дієслова to be, to have

2)Неособові займенники some, any, no та їх похідні

3)Зворот there+be

4)Питальні речення

Лексико-граматичні вправи:Ex.98 -102

p.71 – 75; Ex.148 – 153 p.111 - 115



Тест/ входить до балів за тестом


5. Домашнє читання

Текст: „Open University”

Текст: „American Educational system”

/11/ c.19-20




Максимальна кількість балів за змістовий модуль 1


Змістовий модуль 2

Життя студента

6. Тема: Життя студентів

Текст:History of education.” ,

College life in England”

Лексико-граматичні вправи:Ex.1 Ex.2 Unit4

Комунікативні вправи: Ex. 1 – 9 ( Unit I, Lesson 3)

Розмовна тема: Моя біографія та студентське життя.

Діалогічне мовлення за ситуаціями.








7. Тема: Дні, місяці та пори року

Текст:„The seasons.”

Text: „Months of the year.”

Text: „British weather and Mood.”

Лексико-граматичні вправи:Ex.1(p.9), ex.2 (p.9), ex.3 (p.10), ex.1, 2 (p.10), ex.3,4(p.11), ex.1, 2 (p.12).

Розмовна тема: Моя улюблена пора року.







8. Модульна контрольна робота №2

Граматичний матеріал:

  1. Часи групи Indefinite (Active)

  2. Present Continuous Tense.

  3. Порівняння Present Indefinite Tense та Present Continuous Tense.

4 )The construction to be going to do smth.

5) Adjectives. Degrees of Comparison.

6)Питальні речення.

Лексико-граматичні вправи:Ex.156(p.118), Ex.180 – 182(p.136 – 137); ex. 162 – 164 (p. 122 – 123); ex. 125 127(p.89 – 90).






9. Домашнє читання

Текст: „Popular pastime”


/11/ с.38-39




Максимальна кількість балів за змістовий модуль 2


Максимальна кількість балів за змістові модулі 1 і 2


1курс 2семестр

Змістовий модуль 3

Країнознавство. Україна

10. Тема: Україна. Географічне положення. Політична система.

Текст:„Ukraine. Geography and climate.”

Текст: „Ukraine. Political system.”

Лексико-граматичні вправи: Ex.1,2,3 Unit6

Розмовна тема: Географічне положення та політична система України.







11. Тема: Промисловість України.

Текст: Economy and industry in Ukraine.

Лексико-граматичні вправи: II(8), ex. IV(p.9)

Розмовна тема: „Промисловість України.”







12. Тема: Міста. Лондон. Київ. Херсон.

Текст: „Cities of Great Britain.”

Текст: Cities of Ukraine .”

Лексико-граматичні вправи:ex.1,2(15);ex.1,2,3 (16) Unit7

Розмовна тема: Визначні місця у Києві та Лондоні. Херсон – моє рідне місто.







13. Модульна контрольна робота №3

Граматичний матеріал:

1.The Indefinite Tenses (Passive Voice).

2.The Continuous Tenses (Active, Passive).

3.Модальні дієслова та їх еквіваленти.

4. The Present Perfect Tense (Active).

Лексико-граматичні вправи: Ex.V (p.7), Ex.V (p.9).; ex.IVp.(16 )






14. Домашнє читання

Текст: Ukrainian music.”

Текст: „Ukrainian literature.”

Текст: „Science and technology in Ukraine.”

/11/ c.58-60




Максимальна кількість балів за змістовий модуль 3


Змістовий модуль 4

Країнознавство. Великобританія. Видатні вчені.

15. Тема: Об’єднане королівство Великобританії та Північної Ірландії. Географія та клімат. Політична система.

Текст: „Great Britain. Geography and Climate.”

Текст: Great Britain. Political system.”

Лексико-граматичні вправи:Ex.V(p.16), ex.VI(p.17).

Розмовна тема:. Об’єднане королівство Великобританії та Північної Ірландії. Географічне положення. Мистецтво. Політична система.

/11/ с.61-66






16. Тема:. Промисловість Великобританії.

Текст: Industry in Great Britain.”

Лексико-граматичні вправи:Ex.VII,VIII(p.18)

Розмовна тема: Галузі промисловості у Великій Британії.


/5/ c.188.





17. Тема: Винаходи та винахідники. Видатні вчені.

Текст : NewtonEnglish scientist.”

Текст : “Albert Einstein”

Текст :„Niels Bohr.”

Комунікативні вправи: Ex. 1 – 9 ( Unit I, Lesson 1)

Лексико-граматичні вправи: ex.239,240(p.192 – 193); ex.256 – 258 (p.208 – 209)

Розмовна тема: Діалогічне мовлення на тему „ Видатні вчені. ”

/3/ c. 135

/13 с. 94







18. Модульна контрольна робота №4

Граматичний матеріал :

1. The Perfect Tenses ( Active, Passive).

2.Сполучення модальних дієслів з пасивним та перфектним інфінітивом.

3. Видо – часова система дієслова.

Лексико-граматичні вправи:ex.265 – 267 (p.213 – 214)

/14/ c.12;18





19. Домашнє читання

Текст: „Science and Technology

Текст: „The Arts”

Текст: „London Museums and Art Galleries.”

Текст: „Sport and Recreation.”

/11/ c.69-71




Максимальна кількість балів за змістовий модуль 4


Максимальна кількість балів за змістові модулі 3 і 4



1. Валігура О. Тестові завдання з англійської мови. – Тернопіль: Підручники та посібники, 2006. – 196 с.

2.Gower Roger Grammar in practice//Roger Gower. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.–71p.

3. John and Liz John and Liz, Maris Amanda The Headway Teacher’s Book//John and Liz John and Liz, Amanda Maris. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.–176p.

4. Dooley Jenny, Evans Virginia Grammarway: Express Publishing, 1999. – 158 p.


I. UNIT1. The Verb „to have” …………………………………………………….4

II. UNIT2. The Verb „to be”……………………………………….………..……6

III. UNIT3. The Pronoun…………………………..……………………………….9

IV. UNIT4. There + be. Indefinite pronouns: any/no/some + body, thing, where, one. Prepositions of place. ………………………………………...1 3

V. UNIT5. The Indefinite Tenses in Active /Passive Voice……………..………22

VI. UNIT6. The Continuous Tenses in Active Voice

The structure to be going……………………………………………32

VII. UNIT7.The impersonal it. Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives Adverb……………………………………………………………45

VIII. UNIT8. The Present Perfect Tense, Active Voice. Modal verbs ……….…52

IX. UNIT9. Interrogative sentences (Questions)…………………………………61

X. Literature ……………………………………………………………..………...94