Файл: М-803. Маковская.The more we know, the better.doc

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to satisfy – satisfaction

to develop – development

to refer – reference

to relax – relaxation

to apply – application

to employ – employer

to differ – difference

to recommend – recommendation

activity – active

priority – prior

profit – profitable

practice – practical

profession – professional

education – educational

person – personal

success – successful

Exercise III. Transform as in the models.

Model 1: successful – successfully

effective, clear, annual, perfect, close, personal

Model 2: to study the company’s annual report – I’m going to study the company’s annual report.

to earn enough money for living; to market myself; to enclose my cover letter with the resume; to leave business cards with the people I contact; to ask for a job; to sell myself in the interview.

Model 3: to explain how I fit in with the company – I’m thinking of explaining how I fit in with the company.

to answer newspaper ads; to talk to recruiters; to project myself as a competent professional; to apply for the position of an accountant; to send a curriculum vitae to the company.

Text Study

Text A. Job Hunting

Read and translate the text.

I think that to have a good job means to earn enough money for living and to get satisfaction from your activity.

Effective job hunting is a skill. It can be learned just like long division. Keep a positive attitude. Your search may take several months. A job candidate’s worst enemies are impatience and despair.

A candidate for a position should follow these steps:

firstly, develop your career objectives. That means you should understand quite clearly which field is most attractive to you, why, which is best suited to your skills and interests.

secondly, you are supposed to market yourself:

answer newspaper ads, talk to recruiters, always project yourself as a competent professional. Enclose your cover letter whenever you mail your resume. Have business cards printed with your name, address and phone number to leave them with people you contact. Remember, you are selling a product: yourself. And before you sell a product, you have to find the person who will benefit from it.

Networking is the third step. It means asking for a job. Begin networking by calling people you know and who are likely to respond well to your request. Networking is a pyramid process. You know someone who refers you to someone else who knows someone who has a job opening.

And at last sell yourself in the interview. During the interview you should be able to explain how you fit in and what you can do to help the company be more profitable. For this purpose study the company’s annual report, catalogues, brochures; be familiar with the company’s products and services. You are sure to be asked a lot of questions. Just relax and try to be perfect. With enough practice, you’ll come close enough.

An applicant will have to deal with the next papers: an application form, a resume, curriculum vitae (CV) and a cover letter.

In an application form you should point out your personal information i.e. your name, address, telephone number, marital status, educational background, experience as well as the position you are applying for.

A resume is a written list of your personal, educational and professional background. It seems to present a product (yourself), offered to a prospective employer. A resume should be quite detailed, but at the same time rather short.

A curriculum vitae differs from a resume only in its volume (up to 6-8 pages) and is supposed for candidates for top positions or for work abroad.

A cover letter is sent to the company which you are asking for a job. In it you state your reasons for writing, describe your educational background and professional experience, enclose your resume, express other wishes and thank them for their consideration.

A thank-you letter will help improve your image and promote your acceptance for a job.

Try to show yourself from the best side, be optimistic, imaginative and flexible in your search, and you are sure to be a success.


Mind the following information:

A CV (“curriculum vitae” or “resume”) is essential if you’re applying for a new job or for promotion within your own company. Some information might be given in your CV, some in your letter or application – and perhaps some on a Supplementary Information sheet (giving information relevant to the particular job you’re applying for). There are no fixed international rules about this: different countries have different practices.

Exercise I. Match English and Russian equivalents:

1. to earn enough money

2. job hunting

3. like long division

4. you are supposed

5. who are likely to respond to your


6. who will benefit from it

7. you should be able to explain

8. try to be perfect

9. you’ll come close enough

10. will have to deal with

a) подобно делению в столбик

b) постарайтесь быть в наилучшей


c) поиски работы

d) придется иметь дело с …

e) которые, вероятно, откликнутся

на вашу просьбу

f) предполагается, что вы

g) зарабатывать достаточно денег

h) вы будете близки к цели

i) вы должны уметь объяснить

j) который будет иметь выгоду от этого

Exercise II. Complete the sentences according to the text.

1. To have a good job means …

2. That means you should understand …

3. You are supposed to market yourself …

4. Begin networking by …

5. You know someone who …

6. During the interview you should …

7. For this purpose study …

8. An applicant will have to deal with …

9. In an application form you should point out …

10. A curriculum vitae differs …

Exercise III. Choose the right word or word-combination.

1. In an application form you should … your personal information.

a) point out; b) describe; c) write.

2. Begin networking by calling people you know and who are likely to respond to your ….

a) question; b) interview; c) request.

3. During the interview you should be able to explain how you fit … with the company.

a) in; b) on; c) out.

4. You are sure … a lot of questions.

a) to ask; b) to be asked; c) asked.

5. A thank-you letter will help … your image.

a) increase; b) improve; c) highlight.

Exercise IV. Insert the necessary preposition: in, for, from, at, to, with, at, for, in.

1. I think that to have a good job means to earn enough money … living and to get satisfaction … your activity.

2. You know someone who refers you … someone else who knows someone who has a job-opening.

3. And … last sell yourself … the interview.

4. … this purpose study the company’s annual report, catalogues, brochures; be familiar … the company’s products or services.

5. It seems to represent a product offered … a perspective employer.

6. Be optimistic, imaginative and flexible … your search.

Exercise V. Answer the questions on the text.

1. Effective job hunting is a skill, isn’t it?

2. What are the main steps that a candidate for a position should follow?

3. How will you market yourself?

4. What does networking mean?

5. What facts about the company should you know before you are interviewed?

6. What papers does an applicant have to deal with?

7. What information will you point out in an application form?

8. What is a resume?

9. What is the difference between a curriculum vitae and a resume?

10. Will a thank-you letter to the company you turned to benefit you?

Exercise VI. Think and answer.

  1. What do you find a fair salary? Why?

  2. Where can you find job advertisements?

  3. Is there a Careers Advisory Service in your country/school?

  4. How do people find jobs?

  5. How do you fancy to find a job?

  6. What is more important for you: a good salary or satisfaction from work? Why?

Texts B. People and their Jobs

Read and translate the following texts. Do the after-text exercises.

Lucy works in a travel agency. Her salary is very low. She only gets three weeks’ holiday a year and she works long hours. But Lucy doesn’t mind, because she enjoys her work. She has a nice boss and she meets a lot of people during the day. Her work is interesting and varied. Also, every year her company gives her a free two-week holiday in Europe.

Imagine you meet Lucy. Ask her questions about her job.

Think and answer: What are good working conditions?

Paul works on a car assembly line in a factory. He is a skilled worker and he does a lot of overtime; so at the end of each week he takes home quite a good wage. However, he doesn’t enjoy his work. He finds it boring and monotonous. He gets four weeks’ holiday a year, but because there are several public holidays and sometimes strikes in the factory, he doesn’t usually work 48 weeks a year.

Imagine you meet Paul. Ask him questions about his job.

Think and answer: Would you like to work in a factory? Why? Why not?

Tom is unemployed. He is a university graduate and he has a degree in sociology. However, Tom cannot find a good job. Each week he receives some money from the government called “Social Security”. With this money he pays the rent and buys his food, but at the end of the week he is always “broke”.

Imagine you meet Tom. Ask him questions about his life.

Think and answer: Does your government give money to the unemployed? Are there many unemployed graduates in your country?

Mr. Charles is a successful businessman. He is a company director. He earns a lot of money, and also pays a lot of income tax. He is 64 and next year he is going to retire. He will get a good pension from his company and also an old age pension from the state. He is looking forward to his retirement. He wants to read a lot and go fishing.

Ask Mr. Charles some questions.

Think and answer:

What is usual retirement age in your country? Can you talk about pension schemes in your country?

John: The job that I have recently started is as a sales representative with a company that produces garden furniture. The company, called “Sunnosit”, is based in Thornton, a small town in the Midlands. The area manager, who has been with the company for over 30 years, is due to retire next year, which means I might get this job if I do well. One great advantage is having a company car, which I have to have, because the job involves visiting different parts of the country. My colleagues, who I get on well with, are quite ambitious, which means the atmosphere at work is rather competitive. I don’t mind. Apart from that, the job is fine.

Tell about your mother’s (father’s, friend’s) job. Say whether she/he likes it or not. Say why. Is he/she ambitious? What are her/his colleagues like? Does she/he like her/his boss?

Discuss in pairs or in groups.

1. What are you seeking?

a) job with full-time employment? b) job with part-time employment?

2. Which of these is most important for you?

a) money? b) people? c) security? d) job satisfaction? e) an interesting job?

3. Do you like?

a) meeting people? b) working alone? c) working with other people?

d) working with your hands? e) travelling?

4. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

5. Is it easy or difficult for a graduate to find a job in your country?

6. Who or what will help you with job hunting?


Read, translate and analyze the following instructions and samples.

If you apply by letter, try to follow these recommendations:

1. Remember that first impressions are important.

2. Write clearly and neatly on good notepaper.

3. Check for spelling mistakes. Use a dictionary if you are not sure of a word.

4. Describe yourself, your qualifications and your experience clearly.

5. If the advertisement asks you to write for an application form you will not need to give detailed information in your letter.

6. Address the letter and the envelope clearly.

Sample of Application Form:

44 Deepdale Road



BH 92 7JX

4th April 2007

The Personnel Department,

Continental Computers,

Honeywell Road


Dear Sir or Madam

I read your advertisement in yesterday’s “Evening Echo”. I’m interested in training as a computer programmer. Could you please send me an application form and any further details.

Yours faithfully

Joanne Evans

Sample of Curriculum Vitae:

Age: 28

Date of Birth: 17 August 1958

Nationality: British

Home Address: 6 Carlswood Street

Tel. №: Redhill 62196

Business Address: E.M.F.

17 Stringer Road



Tel. №: Croydon 52319

Marital Status: Single

Education: Secondary: Redhill Comprehensive School 1969-76

Higher: South Surrey College 1976-79


O” Level 1974 English Language

English Literature





A” Level 1976 English Literature


HND Business Studies 1979

Pitmans Typing and Shorthand 1976

RSA Shorthand 100 wpm 1978


    1. Personal Secretary to Marketing

Manager of Universal Toys in Reading

1980 – Personal Assistant to Finance

Director of EMF in Croydon.

Interests: Squash, tennis, reading, playing the piano and travelling.

Sample of Thank-You-Letter:

Ms. Lori Roberts

Director of Personnel

Johnston Corporation

Austin, Texas 78777

Dear Ms. Roberts:

Thank you for your time and attention during my interview with you last week. I appreciated the opportunity to discuss my qualifications and aspirations with you. I hope you will consider me as a serious candidate.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Jeanne Nguyen

1730 Green Street

Austin, Texas 78776

(512) 554-1730


1. Агабекян И. П., Коваленко П. И. Английский для экономистов. –Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2002.

2. Ощепкова В. В., Щустилова И. И. О Британии вкратце. – М.: Лист, 1997.

3. Журналы «Экономика Беларуси» № 2, № 3 за 2008 г.

4. Satinova V. F. Read and Speak about Britain and the British. – Мн.: Вышэйшая школа, 1996.

5. Raymond T. Hubbard William D. Hailes, Jr. Small Business. Delmar Publishers Inc.

6. Синько Л. В., Пахомова Г. В. Американский английский язык. – Киев: Экспресс, 1992.

7. Хведченя Л. В., Васючкова О. И., Елисеева Т. В., Соловьева Ж. В. и др. Английский язык для студентов заочной формы обучения. – Мн.: Вышэйшая школа, 1993.

8. Митина И. Е., Петрова Л. С. Деловой английский. Банки и деньги. – С.-Петербург: Союз, 1999.

9. Лазаренко А. М. Сосредоточьтесь на экономике. – Мн.: Лексис, 2003.

10. Христорождественская Л. П. Английский язык для среднего этапа обучения. Практический курс: В 2 ч. Ч. 2. – Мн.: ООО «Плопресс», 1998.

11. Вовшин Я. М., Барановский Л. С., Терешков А. И. In the World of Business: Учеб.-метод. пособие. – Мн.: ИП «Экоперспектива», 1999.

12. Богацкий И. С., Дюканова Н. М. Бизнес-курс английского языка: Словарь-справочник. – Киев: Логос, 1997.

Учебное издание

Фадеева Людмила Александровна,

Маковская Наталья Генриховна

the more we know, the better

Useful Topics and Texts for those who Study Economics

Учебно-методическое пособие

Ответственный за выпуск И. В. Лаврик

Компьютерная верстка Е. А. Бугрова

Корректор Н. А. Бебель

Подписано в печать 03.02.2009 г. Формат 60×84 1/16.

Бумага газетная. Гарнитура «Times New Roman».

Отпечатано способом ризографии в авторской редакции
оригинал-макета заказчика.

Усл. печ. л. 3.48. Уч.-изд. л. 3.33. Тираж 250 экз. Заказ 18.

Издатель и полиграфическое исполнение:

Учреждение образования

«Частный институт управления и предпринимательства».

220086, Минск, ул. Славинского, 1, корп. 3.

Л ицензия ЛИ № 02330/0133342 от 29.06.2004 г.

1 Magna Charta – Великая Хартия Вольностей (грамота, подписанная в 1215 г. английским королем Иоанном I. Этот документ ограничивает власть короны и провозглашает права и свободы подданных).

2 Habeas Corpus Act – Хабеас Корпус Акт (этот документ, принятый в Англии в 1621 г., является важнейшей гарантией гражданских свобод. Согласно ему, никто не может быть подвергнут аресту без достаточных на то оснований).

3 Bill of Rights – Билль о правах 1689 г. (этот билль ограничивал власть монарха и наделял парламент решающей властью).

4 The National Assembly – Национальное собрание.

5 The Upper Chamber – Верхняя палата.

6 The Council of the Republic – Совет Республики.

7 The Lower Chamber – Нижняя палата.

8 The Representatives – Палата представителей.

9 Speaker – спикер.

10 The Council of Ministers – Совет Министров.

11 Supreme Court – Верховный Суд.

12 High Economic Court – Высший Экономический Суд.

13 Constitutional Court – Конституционный Суд.

14 hereditary – наследственный.

15 to reign – царствовать, господствовать.

16 to rule – управлять, править.

17 to conduct – вести, проводить.

18 to submit – представлять на рассмотрение.

19 to summon, prorogue and dissolve Parliament – созывать, прерывать и распускать парламент.

20 state offices – государственные должности.

21 a judge – судья.

22 a heir – наследник.

23 wealthy – богатый, состоятельный.

24 output – выпуск готовой продукции, производительность.

25 self-interest – собственная выгода.

26 to benefit – получать преимущество.

27 the London Stock Exchange – лондонская товарно-сырьевая биржа.

28 free trade – свободная торговля.

29 tariffs and barriers – тарифы и барьеры.

30 to abandon – запрещать.

31 to adopt a policy – принять политику.

32 interaction – взаимодействие.

33 supply and demand – спрос и предложение.

34 the Great Depression of the 1930s – Великая депрессия 30-x годов.

35 equilibrium – равновесие.

36 conventional wisdom – общепринятый здравый смысл.

37 recession – спад деловой активности.

38 to reverse a trend – изменить тенденцию.

39 CIS countries – страны СНГ.

40 potassium (potash) fertilizers – калийные удобрения.

41 wood-processing industry –деревообрабатывающая промышленность.

42 food-processing industry – пищевая промышленность.

43 utility, timber and mine machines – машины для горнодобывающей, деревообрабатывающей промышленности и коммунального хозяйства.

44 peat – торф.

45 dolomites – доломиты.

46 clay – глина.

47 balneological purpose – для лечебно-оздоровительных целей.

48 it is recognized – он признан.

49 due to the fact – благодаря тому факту.

50 to possess – владеть, обладать.

51 assets – активы.

52 significant contribution – значительный вклад.

53 it is oriented toward – ориентирован на.

54 attracted funds – привлеченные фонды (резервы).

55 granted loans – предоставленные кредиты (заем, ссуды).

56 cash means – наличные средства.

57 guidelines – установки, направления.

58 to run a business – вести дело, управлять предприятием.

59 lending – суживание, кредитование, предоставление займа.

60 leasing – лизинг, долгосрочная аренда.

61 factoring – факторинг, разновидность торгово-комиссионных операций, перепродажа права на взыскание долгов.

62 correspondent accounts – корреспондентские счета.