Файл: Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере. Тест с ответами (2020 год).docx

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Добавлен: 06.11.2023

Просмотров: 171

Скачиваний: 11

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  • am

  • has

  • hasgot

  • havegot

Вопрос 2. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : my friend (to study) two foreign languages?

  • Do study...

  • Doesmyfriendstudies ..

  • Do myfriendstudys ...

  • Doesmyfriendstudy..

Вопрос 3. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : The teacher (to point) at the blackboard when he (to want) to explain something

  • The teacher points at the blackboard when he wants to explain something

  • The teacher point at the blackboard when he want to explain something

  • The teacher pointed at the blackboard when he wanted to explain something

Вопрос 4. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : The teacher (to give out) us English magazines at every lesson.

  • givesout

  • giveout

  • willgiveout

  • gaveout

Вопрос 5. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : Every morning, she (to hurry) to the University.

  • hurry

  • hurries

  • willhurry

  • hurried

  • hurrys

Вопрос 6. you any time to help me? - Sony, I

  • Have you got, am not;

  • Do you have, have got;

  • Do youhave, don't;

Вопрос 7.Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : On Mondays, I always (to do) physical exercise.

  • do does

  • has do

  • do

  • does

Вопрос 8. I (not/understand) that man because I (not/know) English.

  • don'tunderstand, don’tknow;

  • notunderstand, don'tknow;

  • don'tunderstand, notknow;

Вопрос 9. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : The sun (to rise) every day

  • The sunriseeveryday

  • The sunrisedeveryday

  • The sunriseseveryday

Вопрос 10. Every day I help my Mom about the house, but last week I was very busy with my exam. So I (nothelp) hermuch.

  • nothelped;

  • didn'thelped;

  • didn'thelp;

Вопрос 11. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitive in brackets: You can’t have the book now because my brother (to read) it.

  • You can't have the book now because my brother reading it

  • You can't have the book now because my brother read it

  • You can't have the book now because my brother is reading it

Вопрос 12. Use Present Continuous of the infinitive in brackets : He (to plant) new trees in the orchard now.

  • areplanting

  • isplanting

  • amplanting

  • areplant

Вопрос 13. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitive in brackets: Do not go out; it (to rain) heavily.

  • Do not go out; it raining heavily

  • Do not go out; it is raining heavily

  • Do not go out; it is rain heavily

Вопрос 14. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitive in brackets: They still (to discuss) where to go now.

  • They still discussing where to go now

  • They are still discuss where to go now

  • They are still discussing where to go now

Вопрос 15. Use Present Continuous of the infinitive in brackets : Go and see what the children (to do)

  • Go and see what the children are doing

  • Go and see what the children doing

  • Go and see what the children to do

Вопрос 16. Use Present Continuous of the infinitive in brackets : Look! He (toride) a newbicycle.

  • areriding

  • amriding

  • isride

  • isriding

Вопрос 17. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitive in brackets : Very often I (to go) to the University by Metro, but today I (to go) by bus.

  • go; amgoing

  • isgoing; go

  • go; isgoing

  • amgoing; go

  • goes; go

  • aregoing; go

Вопрос 18. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of die infinitive in brackets : I (not to think) he (to take) his Physics exam now.

  • arenotthinking; takes

  • doesnotthink; istaking

  • do notthink; istaking

  • do notthink; aretaking

  • amnotthinking; take

  • isnotthinking; take

  • do notthink; amtaking

Вопрос 19. Why you (put on) the coat? It’ssunnytoday.

  • areyouputtingon;

  • do youputon;

  • areyouputingon;

  • willyouputon;

Вопрос 20. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitive in brackets : Mother (to cook) breakfast in the kitchen; she always (to cook) in the morning.

  • Mother is cook breakfast in the kitchen; she always cooks in the morning

  • Mother is cooking breakfast in the kitchen; she always cooks in the morning

  • Mother cook breakfast in the kitchen; she always cooks in the morning

Вопрос 21. Write questions in present perfect simple. I have been in my room.

  • Have I ever been in my room?;

  • Wherehaveyoube?;

  • Wherehaveyoubeen?;

Вопрос 22. She put on the red dress, which she _______for ages.

  • hadnotworn;

  • hasnotworn;

  • nothadworn;

Вопрос 23. We the camp by 10 o'clock, I believe.

  • reached;

  • werereaching;

  • willhavereached;

Вопрос 24. By the end of August we'll

  • havemoved;

  • move;

  • willmove;

Вопрос 25. Put the adverbs of Indefinite tune in their proper place: Have you made the beds, Ann (already)?

  • Have you made aheadv the beds, Ann?

  • Have already you made the beds, Ann?

  • Have you already made the beds, Ann?

Вопрос 26. We'll decorating the room before you get back.

  • finish;

  • havefinished;

  • finished;

Вопрос 27. By that time I'll from the University and will a well-paid job, I hope.

  • graduate, havegot;

  • graduate, get;

  • havegraduated, get;

  • havegraduated, havegot;

Вопрос 28. Put the adverbs of Indefinite time in their proper place: We have been there before (never)

  • We never have been there before

  • We have never been there before

  • We never had been there before

Вопрос 29. Put the adverbs of Indefinite time in their proper place: She hasn’t finished doing the room (yet)

  • She hasn't finished doing the room yet

  • She yet hasn't finished doing the room

  • She hasn't finished yet doing the room

Вопрос 30. I the key that he had given to me.

  • hadlost;

  • losted;

  • lost;

Вопрос 31. Use the Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect instead of the infinitive in brackets : Then I (to search) for a piece of paper and I (to write) a message for a maid

  • Then I searched for a piece of paper and I wrote a message for a maid

  • Then I searched for a piece of paper and I write a message for a maid

  • Then I search for a piece of paper and I write a message for a maid

Вопрос 32. The policeman told me my car near the office of the company.

  • notparking ;

  • didnotpark;

  • do notpark ;

  • nottopark ;

Вопрос 33. Use the Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect instead of the infinitive in brackets: Ansell (to give) an angry sigh and at that moment there (to be) a tap on the door

  • Ansell give an angry sigh and at that moment there be a tap on the door

  • Ansell gave an angry sigh and at that moment there was a tap on the door

  • Ansell gave an angry sigh and at that moment there be a tap on the door

Вопрос 34. Mary said that Paris beautiful in spring.

  • is;

  • was;

  • were;

  • hasbeen;

Вопрос 35. Vie said that they knew only what was in the papers, that they for a call or a telegram since they heard of the accident.

  • hadbeenwaiting;

  • waited;

  • hadwaited;

  • werewaiting;

Вопрос 36. Use the Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect instead of the infinitive in brackets. He (to make) tea and (to eat) biscuits which Mrs. Aberdeen (to bring) him.

  • He make tea and eat biscuits which Mrs. Aberdeen have brought him

  • He made tea and ate biscuits which Mrs. Aberdeen had brought him

  • He made tea and eat biscuits which Mrs. Aberdeen had brought him

Вопрос 37. Change sentence into indirect speech: Helen said: "Don't even ring me up. I’llbeworkingatmytranslation."

  • Helen say not to ring her up. She would be work at her translation.

  • Helen say not to ring her up. She have been working at her translation.

  • Helen said not to ring her up. She would be working at her translation.

Вопрос 38. Nobody knows exactly old she is.

  • howmuch;

  • when;

  • what;

  • how;

Вопрос 39. Change sentence into indirect speech: Robert asked his friend: "Where are you going for the weekend? "

  • Robert ask his friend where he were going for die weekend

  • Robert ask his friend where he has going for the weekend

  • Robert asked his friend where he was going for the weekend

Вопрос 40. They said that we when Mary .

  • wouldleave, hadcome;

  • willleave, came;

  • wouldleave, came;

  • wouldleave, comes;

Вопрос 41. Much by the end of the term.

  • hadbeenlearnt;

  • havebeenlearnt;

  • haslearnt;

  • waslearning;

Вопрос 42. Put the sentence into the Passive Voice: They punished the boy for that

  • The boy was punishes for that

  • The boy were punish for that

  • The boy was punished for that

Вопрос 43. Put the sentence into the Passive Voice: They have just shown me a new magazine

  • I have just been shown a new magazine

  • I was just been shown a new magazine

  • I had just been shown a new magazine

Вопрос 44. The famous actress now for the "HELLO" magazine.

  • isinterview;

  • interview;

  • wasinterviewed;

  • isbeinginterviewed;

Вопрос 45. Put the sentence into the Passive Voice: Somebody locked the front door

  • The frontdoorwaslock

  • The frontdoorwerelocked

  • The frontdoorwaslocked

Вопрос 46. On festive occasions sweets at the end of a meal.

  • served ;

  • wereserved ;

  • isserved ;

  • areserved ;

  • isbeingserved ;

Вопрос 47. Put the sentence into the Passive Voice: They built this house in 1950

  • This house was built in 1950

  • This house was builted in 1950

  • This house were built in 1950

Вопрос 48. The book to me before it appeared on sale.

  • wasgiven;

  • hadbeengiven;

  • isgiven;

  • hasbeengiven;

Вопрос 49. Put the sentence into the Passive Voice: When I switched on the radio they were broadcasting a very interesting programme

  • When I switched on the radio a very interesting programme was being broadcast

  • When I switched on the radio a very interesting programme has being broadcast

  • When I switch on the radio a very interesting programme was being broadcast

Вопрос 50. English is the main foreign language which within most school systems.

  • teach;

  • istaught;

  • teaches;

  • isteaching;

Вопрос_51.'>Вопрос 51. Укажите множественное число имени существительного: wolf

  • wolfes

  • wolves

  • wolfs

Вопрос 52. Укажите множественное число имени существительного: dress

  • dreses

  • dresses

  • drasse

Вопрос_53.'>Вопрос 53. Укажите множественное число имени существительного: company

  • companise

  • companys

  • companies

Вопрос 54. Укажите превосходную степень имени прилагательного: flat

  • flatter

  • the flattest

  • flatest

Вопрос 55. Выберите правильную форму прилагательного: Today it is ... day of mylife!

  • the busyest

  • the busiest

  • morebusy

  • busy

  • busier

  • the mostbusiest

Вопрос 56. Выберите правильную форму прилагательного: Honeyis ... thansugar.

  • sweeter

  • the sweetest

  • the sweeter

Вопрос 57. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : Mother always (to cook) in the morning

  • Mother always cooked in the morning

  • Mother always cook in the morning

  • Mother always cooks in the morning

Вопрос 58. The Frasers live in a four-room apartment, but last year they (live) in a small house in the country.

  • lived;

  • wereliving;

  • didlive;

Вопрос 59. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : After classes. I usually (nottogo) home.

  • doesnotgo

  • do notgo

  • do havegone

Вопрос 60. Use Present Continuous of the infinitive in brackets The clock (to strike) two o'clock.

  • amstriking

  • arestriking

  • do strikes

  • isstriking

Вопрос 61. Use Present Continuous of the infinitive in brackets : You (to go) anywhere tonight?

  • Is you go anywhere tonight?

  • You goanywheretonight?

  • Are you going anywhere tonight?

Вопрос 62. Use Present Continuous of the infinitive in brackets : What... you (to laugh) at?

  • amyoulaughing

  • isyoulaughing

  • areyoulaugh

  • areyoulaughing

Вопрос 63. We the camp by 10 o'clock. I believe.

  • willhavereached;

  • werereaching;

  • reached;

Вопрос 64. Put the adverbs of Indefinite tune in their proper place They haven't finished breakfast (yet)

  • Theyyethaven'tfinishedbreakfast

  • Theyhaven'tfinishedbreakfastyet

  • Theyhaven'tyetfinishedbreakfast

Вопрос 65. She put on the red dress, which she for ages.

  • hadnotworn;

  • nothadworn;

  • hasnotworn;

Вопрос 66. The policeman told me my car near the office of the company.

  • nottopark;

  • didnotpark;

  • notparking;

  • do notpark;

Вопрос 67. Nobody knows exactly old she is.

  • when;

  • what;

  • how;

  • howmuch;

Вопрос 68. Mary said that Paris beautiful in spring.

  • hasbeen;

  • was;

  • were;

  • is;

Вопрос 69. Put the sentence into the Passive Voice: The branches of the tree hid her face

  • Her face has hidden by the branches of the tree

  • Her face had hidden by the branches of the tree

  • Her face was hidden by the branches of the tree

Вопрос 70. The famous actress now for the "HELLO" magazine.

  • isbeinginterviewed;

  • wasinterviewed;

  • interview;

  • isinterview;

Вопрос 71. The wonderful film on a videotape, and it by the whole family.

  • wasrecorded, waswatched;

  • wasrecorded, iswatched;

  • isrecorded, waswatched;

  • recorded, iswatched;


Переведите фразу " Я ответственный за тимбилдинг

1 I am responsible at team building

2 I am responsible for team building

3 I am responsible on team building

4 I responsible for team building


What is serit?


2 шрифт

3 слой



To make part of something darket

1 fill in

2 shade in

3 copy

4 create


Subject in email is ...

1 recipient

2 what the email is about

3 sender

4 structure of email