Файл: The italicized words in the following jokes and extracts are formed by derivation. Write them out in two columns A. Those formed with the help of productive affixes. B.docx

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  1. The italicized words in the following jokes and extracts are formed by derivation. Write them out in two columns: A.Those formed with the help of productive affixes. B. Those formed with the help of non-productive affixes.Willie was invited to a party, where refreshments were bountifully served. "Won't you have something more, Willie?" the hostess said. "No, thank you," replied Willie, with an expression of great satisfaction. "I'm full." "Well, then," smiled the hostess, "put some delicious fruit and cakes in your pocket to eat on the way home." "No, thank you," came the rather startling response of Willie, "they're full too."

Refreshments – (Some Productive Affixes):

Bountifully – Some Non-Productive Affixes

Hostess – Some Productive Affixes

Expression – Some Productive Affixes

Satisfaction – Some Productive Affixes

Delicious – Some Non-Productive Affixes

Startling - Some Productive Affixes
The scene was a tiny wayside railway platform and the sun was going down behind the distant hills. It was a glorious sight. An intending passenger was chatting with one of the porters. "Fine sight, the sun tipping the hills with gold," said the poetic passenger. "Yes," reported the porter; "and to think that there was a time when I was often as lucky as them 'ills."
Distant – Some Productive Affixes

Glorious – (Some Non-Productive Affixes)

intending passenger – Some Productive Affixes

poetic – Some Productive Affixes

lucky - Some Productive Affixes
"You have an admirable cook, yet you are always growling about her to your friends." "Do you suppose I want her lured away?"

Admirable – Some Productive Affixes
Lured - Some Productive Affixes

Patient: Do you extract teeth painlessly? Dentist: Not always — the other day I nearly dislocated my wrist.

Painlessly- Some Non-Productive Affixes

Abnormal - Some Productive Affixes

The inspector was paying a hurried visit to a slightly overcrowded school. "Any abnormal children in your class?" he inquired of one harassed-looking teacher. "Yes," she replied, with knitted brow, "two of them have good manners."

Abnormal - Some Productive Affixes

  1. Say what parts of speech can be formed with the help of the affixes: -ness, -ous, -ly, -y, -dom, -ish, -tion, -ed, -en, -ess, -or, -er, -hood, -less, -ate, -ing, -al, -ful, un-, re-, im (in)-, dis-, over-, ab.

-hood, -er, -or, -ness, -dom, -tion, -ess, -or, -er, -ing, – Noun

-less, -ous, -ly, -y, -ish, -al, -ful, un, -hood, -less, -al, -ful, -un, - re, -im, - dis, - over, - ab – Adjective

-ate, -ing, -en, -ed, -ate, - Verb

  1. Deduce the meanings of the following derivatives from the meanings of their constituents. Explain your deduction. What are the meanings of the affixes in the words under examination?

Reddish ad]-insufficiency of quality= ­red but not quite красноватый

overwrite, v.; переписатьнаписатьслишкоммного 1: to write over the surface of 2: to write in inflated or overly elaborate style, prefix over means beyond some quantity, limit, or norm

irregular, adj.; prefix ir means negation1) lacking perfect symmetry of form 2)lacking continuity or regularity of occurrence, activity, or function 3)failing to occur at regular or normal intervals нерегулярный, неправильный

illegals adj.; prefix il means negation, незаконный,

retype, v.; means repetition перепечатать

old-womanish, adj.;- resembling or befitting an old woman


disrespectable, adj.;negation неуважительный, suffix able means ability to certain action=worthy of respect

inexpensive, adj.; prefix in means negation

unladylike, adj.; prefix un means “do the opposite of : reverse (a specified action)”, suffix like means “resembling a lady in appearance or manners” or “becoming or suitable to a lady” несвойственный

disorganize, v.;to destroy or interrupt the orderly structure or function of, prefix dis means contrary

renew, u.; means repetition-Обновить

eatable, adj.; (fit or good to eat) съедобный

overdress, u.; prefix over means beyond some quantity, limit, or norm- одеться слишком нарядно

disinfection, п.; negation and contrary

snobbish, adj.;suffix -ish means “being, characteristic of, or befitting a snob” чванливый, пафосный

handful, п.; горсть, пригоршня prefix ful means full of

tallish, adj.; rather tall, but not quite, i. e. approaching the quality of big size достаточно высокий

sandy, adj.; suffix y 1) consisting of or containing sand : full of sand 2) sprinkled with sand 3) of the color sand песочный

breakable, adj.;ломкийхрупкий (capable of being broken)

underfed, adj.:prefix under means “below or short of some quantity, level, or limit” ( to feed with too little food) недокормленный

  1. In the following examples the italicized words are formed from the same root by means of different affixes. Translate these derivatives into Russian and explain the difference in meaning.

  2. a) Sallie is the most amusing person in the world — and Julia Pendleton the least so. b) Ann was wary, but amused. А) Салли самый смешной человек в мире – и Джулия Пендлентон менее смешная. B) Энн опасалась, но была довольна. Amusing забавный, смешной, занятный, занимательный amused Позабавило, довольный a) He had a charming smile, almost womanish in sweetness, b) I have kept up with you through Miss Pittypat but she gave me no information that you had developed womanly sweetness. А)У нее была очаровательная улыбка, чуть по-женски сладкая. Б) Я поддержала вас с Мисс Питтепат, но она не дала мне информации, которую вы развивали по женственным сладостям womanish 1) женоподобный 2) женский womanly женственный; мягкий, нежный a) I have been having a delightful and entertaining conversation with my old chum, Lord Wisbeach. b) Thanks for your invitation. I'd be delighted to come. А) у меня были восхитительный и развлекательный разговор с моим старым приятелем, Лордом Висбеах Б) Спасибо за ваше приглашение. Я буду рад приехать delightful восхитительный, очаровательный delighted delight – удовольствие, наслаждение, развлечение; радовать, восхищать; доставлять большое удовольствие a) Sally thinks everything is funny — even flunking — and Julia is bored at everything. She never makes the slightest effort to be pleasant, b) — Why are you going to America? — To make my fortune, I hope. — How pleased your father will be if you do. А)Салли считает, что все это смешно - даже уклонился - а Юлии скучно во всем. Она никогда не делает ни малейшей попытки понравится. Б) - Зачем вы едете в Америку? - Чтобы сделать мою судьба, я надеюсь. - Как ваш отец рад будет, если вы сделаете be pleasant быть приятным; радостный; милый, симпатичный; славный pleased довольный a) Long before |he reached the brownstone house... the first fine careless rapture of his mad outbreak had passed from Jerry Mitchell, leaving nervous apprehension in its place. b) If your nephew has really succeeded in his experiments you should be awfully careful. А) Задолго до того он добрался до коричневого дома… Первое небрежное восхищение прошло безумной вспышкой прошло от Джерри Митчелла, оставляя нервную настороженность на своем месте. Б) Если ваш племянник действительно преуспел в своих экспериментах вы должны быть очень осторожны. Careless- небрежный, невнимательный Careful - заботливый, проявляющий заботу a) The trouble with college is that you are expected to know such a lot of things you've never learned. It's very confusing at times. b) That platform was a confused mass of travellers, porters, baggage, trucks, boys with magazines, friends, relatives. Проблема колледжа в том, что вы должны знать такое множество, которое вы никогда не знали. Это сбивает с толку. б) Эта платформа была беспорядочной массой туристов, носильщиков, багажа, грузовых автомобилей, мальчиков с журналами, друзей, родственников. confusing сбивающий с толку confuse – (confuse with) смешивать, путать confused смущённый; озадаченный; поставленный в тупик, сбитый с толку; поражённый confuse – (confuse with) смешивать, путать a) At last I decided that even this rather mannish efficient woman could do with a little help. b) He was only a boy not a man yet, but he spoke in a manly way. а) Наконец я решил, что даже эта довольно умелая (знающая свое дело, квалифицированная) мужеподобная женщина могла бы это сделать с небольшой помощью. mannish (прил.) мужеподобная, неженственная свойственный мужчине б) Он был всего лишь мальчиком, еще не мужчиной, но говорил он как мужчина.manly (прил.) мужественный, отважный, смелый, храбрый мужеподобный a) The boy's respectful manner changed noticeably. b) It may be a respectable occupation, but it Sounds rather criminal to me. а) Почтительное поведение мальчика заметно изменились. respectful (прил.) почтительный; вежливый б) Возможно, это и приличное занятие, но мне кажетя, что дельце попахивает криминалом. respectable (прил.) а) почтенный; респектабельный; приличный б) заслуживающий уважения достаточный; допустимый; приемлемый a) "Who is leading in the pennant race?" said this strange butler in a feverish whisper, b) It was an idea peculiarly suited to her temperament, an idea that she might have suggested herself if she had thought of it ...this idea of his fevered imagination. а) «Кто лидирует в гонке?" спросил этот странное дворецкий взволнованным шепотом. feverish (прил.) лихорадочный; возбуждённый, беспокойный; взволнованный, встревоженный б) Это была идея, особенно подходившая для ее темперамента, мысль, что она могла предложилть себя, если бы она думала об этом ... это идея его воспаленного воображения. (бред какой то). fevered (прил.) лихорадочный; возбуждённый.

  1. Explain the difference between the meanings of the following words produced from the same root by means of different affixes. Translate the words into Russian.

As adjectives the difference between watery and waterish is that watery is wet, soggy or soaked with water while waterish is watery. Waterish – водянистый. Watery – мокрый.

Embarrassed is what the person who feels embarrassement is. Embarrassing is the thing that causes someone to be embarrassed. Embarrassed – смущенный. Embarrassing – смущающий.

As adjectives the difference between manly and mannish is that manly is having the characteristics of a man while mannish is of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or suitable for a man. Manly – мужественный. Mannish – мужеподобный

As adjectives the difference between colourful and coloured is that colourful. Colourful – красочный. Coloured – цветной.

As adjectives the difference between distressed and distressing is that distressed is anxious or uneasy while distressing is causing distress; upsetting. Difference – тревога. Difference - бедствующий.

Respected is the past tense of respect, you could say he was respected or also use it in present, he is respected by his family. He is respectable, means that people can respect him because of his good (proper) behavior. He is respectful, this means he is proper to others, he respects others and his actions prove it. Respected – уважаемый. Respectful - почтительный. Respectable – респектабельный.

If you are exhausted, you are very tired. If an activity is exhausting, it is very tiring. An exhaustive study or description is thorough and complete. Exhausted – исчерпанный. Exhausting – изнурительный. Exhaustive – исчерпывающий.

We use bored when we talk about how we feel, i.e. you say you are bored because you have nothing to do or you are doing something uninteresting. We use the word boring when we are talking about the cause of something that has made us bored, that is, something that is boring, uninteresting. Bored – скучающий. Boring – скучный.

As adjectives the difference between touchy and touching and touched is that touchy is extremely sensitive or volatile; easily disturbed to the point of becoming unstable; requiring caution or tactfulness while touching is provoking sadness and pity. Touched is emotionally moved (by), made to feel emotion. Touchy – обидчивый. Touching – трогательный. Touched – тронутый.

  1. homonyms



    tail / tale


    Made/ maid

    knight / night


    Sea/ see

    bread / bred







  2. Litote (from the Greek litotes - simplicity) is a stylistic figure consisting of emphasized understatement, derogation, understatement [Dictionary of Foreign Words, 2006]. An example is a joke of a professor in the university where he tells his students that the best thing in his work is to do practically nothing but read books and talk with a smart-guy attitude. In this case there is an understatement of one's intellectual capacity. The opposite of a litany can be called a hyperbole. Hyperbole is also a stylistic trope. Hyperbole (from the Greek hyperbole: exaggeration) is a type of trope based on exaggeration. Exaggeration is an effective and often used stylistic device to create a comic effect. As mentioned above, wordplay is very often used in English jokes. Wordplay in English jokes is mostly based on homonymy and polysemy.

Homonymy is (from Greek homos equal and onyma name) different but identical sounding and spelling units of language (words, morphemes, etc.) [Great Encyclopaedia Dictionary]. polysemy (from Greek poly + sema sign) - In linguistics: the presence of more than one meaning of a unit of language, polysemy. Polysemy of a word, grammatical form, syntactic structure [Ozhegov's Electronic Dictionary]. The English language is extremely polysemantic, which is a fertile ground for creating a comic effect in jokes. However, at the same time, it creates a difficulty for "non-native speakers" to understand English humour. Idiom (from the Greek Idnoma - peculiarity, uniqueness), is a combination of language units, the meaning of which does not coincide with the meaning of its constituent components. This discrepancy may be a consequence of a change in the elements of the whole [Great Soviet Encyclopaedia, 1969--1978]. Jokes, in which idioms are a resource for creating a comic effect, are usually based on the principle of using stable and winged expressions with a new meaning. The comic effect is achieved by changing the pronunciation or spelling.

  1. Band-band банда. Seal- seal тюлень-пломба. Fish – fisher рыба – рыбак. Ear- Ear колос-ухо. Cut – cut резать- порез. to bore - to bore сверлить-скучать. Corn – corn зерно-крупинка. Fall – fall падать – осень. hail - hale град – здоровый. Draw- draw рисовать- доставать.

  1. Die Умереть - Dye красить. Cent цент – scent запах. Tail хвост – tale сказка. Sea море - see видеть. Weak слабый - week неделя. peace мир - piece кусок. son солнце - sun солнце. meat мясо - meet встречать. steal украсть - steel сталь. knight рыцарь - night ночь. some несколько - sum сумма. coarse шероховатый - course блюдо. Write писать — right право. sight вид, зрение - site территория. hear слышать - here здесь.

  1. complete


    Left light page bound can

    Ball lying rose bear

  2. Baby – newborn, infant. Die – expire, perish, pass. Governess – Babysitter. Celebrated - rejoice, party, have a party. Start - begin, commence, inaugurate, institute, launch. Lonely – alone. Shouting -call, cry out, rap out, yell, hoop, whoop, outcry. Cried – bawl.