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Абдуллаева Алие Арсеновна, Альберг Анастасия Андреевна

Севастопольский государственный университет

Научный руководитель: Павлова Татьяна Александровна

Севастопольский государственный университет

Abdullaeva Alie Arsenovna, Alberg Anastassiya Andreevna

Sevastopol State University

Аннотация. На оккупированной фашистами территории развернулось мощное партизанское движение. В партизанском движении активно участвовали юные патриоты — школьники. Они доставляли оружие, сообщали разведчикам места расположения огневых точек противника, указывали дороги, по которым двигались фашисты, разрушали железные дороги, мосты, устраивали крушение немецких эшелонов с живой силой и боевой техникой, подрывали склады с боеприпасами, рвали телефонно-телеграфную связь, минировали дороги, были связными с городским подпольем. Дети легко укрывались в лесах и были практически неуловимыми, причиняя гитлеровцам большой урон [1].
Abstract. A powerful partisan movement unfolded in the territory occupied by the Nazis. Young patriots - schoolchildren - actively participated in the partisan movement. They delivered weapons, informed the scouts of the location of enemy firing points, indicated the roads along which the Nazis were moving, destroyed railways, bridges, crashed German echelons with manpower and military equipment, undermined ammunition depots, tore telephone and telegraph communications, and mined roads. , were connected with the urban underground. Children easily hid in the forests and were almost elusive, causing great damage to the Nazis [1].
Ключевые слова: оккупация, фашизм, Севастополь и Сталинград, юные герои.
Key words: occupation, fascism, Sevastopol and Stalingrad, young heroes.
The topic raised in this research work is very relevant. It is very important to talk about the war and the heroism of soldiers, and even more so, very young defenders of the Motherland with our peers. After all, in just 15-20-30 years, today’s boys and girls will make, among other things, fateful decisions for the whole country. I would very much like these decisions to be balanced and competent.

The purpose of the study: to describe and analyze the activities of young partisans during the Nazi occupation on the territory of modern Sevastopol and Volgograd (Stalingrad).

Battle for Sevastopol.

Svetlana Gustyleva, a student of the 7th grade, school number 13, she was only fifteen years old, but the girl always considered herself an adult.

During the outbreak of hostilities in the city of Sevastopol, Sveta and her parents decided to stay in the city. Despite the fear, the girl with other children helped the families in the evacuation, loaded their things into the wagons. In addition, Sveta took part in the construction of fortifications for the defense of the city, which were built: behind the Malakhov Kurgan and at the English cemetery, behind the Kulikovo field and at the Streletskaya, and on the North side [2]. She was always enthusiastic, determined to pick up tools and, like all adults, worked tirelessly.

Member of the Military Council of the Fleet in March 1942. He awarded two students of the sixth Sevastopol school - Vitya and Vera Snitko with medals "For Military Merit". These kids have become master firebomb extinguishers. Armed with tongs and mittens, they boldly climbed onto the roofs of buildings and, grabbing bombs by stabilizers, dropped them to the ground, where other schoolchildren buried them or threw them into barrels of water.

"-Hold on! Half-moon! Beware!" - Every now and then rushed from the roof [2]. It was on that evening that the people extinguished fifteen bombs. It is worth noting the fact that the Snitko family had a cow - Swallow, which Vera and Vitya tried to feed more, and the children gave her milk to the hospital.

A huge amount of metal was collected by schoolchildren during the defense of the city. Metal, went to the manufacture of ammunition. Ten-year-old cousins ​​Alla and seven-year-old Lyuda Tyapkina distinguished themselves by the fact that they climbed through landfills and yards all day long, collecting bottles, which they subsequently filled with a combustible mixture. Alla and Luda collected about one and a half thousand bottles.

In one of the battles, the partisan scout pioneer Yura Ratsko died a heroic death. Yura Ratsko is a native of Sevastopol, a twelve-year-old boy who lived his usual life before the war: he played with his peers off the coast of the Sevastopol Sea, collected a collection of foreign coins, loved to read books about partisans, and was an excellent student at school. The boy's father, Fedor Onufrievich Ratsko, and his mother, Tatyana Tikhonovna, joined the partisan detachment in 1941. Together with them, Yura joined this detachment, who came there with delight: his dreams were coming true [3].

Yura, along with his father, went on combat missions, so during one of the battles he quietly went behind enemy lines, and then destroyed a machine gunner, which helped the partisans repulse the Nazi attack. In 1942, he died in action, when he died; he was only 14 years old. Yura was posthumously awarded the medal "For the Defense of Sevastopol" and "For Military Merit".

Borya Tokarev is another young hero of the city of Sevastopol, when the war began, Borya was 11 years old. From the very first days of the war at such a young age, Borya helped the front: he collected scrap metal and bottles for combustible mixture. During the Defense of Sevastopol, he made a huge contribution to the beautification of the city: he built fortifications, sorted out the rubble, and he was also on duty with everyone on the roof and in the shelter. After the Nazis captured the city, he moved with his mother and sister to the city of Bakhchisaray, where he collected information about the enemy and passed it on to the partisans. A month before the Liberation of Sevastopol, they were arrested, in front of the mother, her children were brutally tortured, and then killed. In the end, they were tied with wire and shot.

Zina Podolskaya. When the war began, she was only 13 years old. She credited herself with another 3 years and went to the front as a nurse, leaving her mother a note: “Dear mommy, don’t wait for me today. I'm leaving for the front, to defend our native Sevastopol. I will definitely be back, you'll see ... Kisses. Zina" [4]. For the removal of 86 wounded soldiers from the battlefield and heroism, she was awarded the "Order of the Red Star", and after a serious injury she was awarded the rank of Lieutenant of the medical service.

Battle of Stalingrad

The youngest soldier of the Red Army, awarded a military award, was six-year-old private Sergey Aleshkov.

Initially, the boy was entrusted with a messenger service - he delivered cartridges and mail to the soldiers, and in between battles he supported both songs and dances. In addition, this six-year-old boy, by his actions, saved the commander, his named father, who became Major Vorobyov, who decided that the child would be better off in the regiment than in the orphanage.

A German bomb hit the dugout, in which the regiment commander was just the same, the boy rushed to save him, but it was impossible to enter there, the entrance was blocked. Serezha rushed to seek help on the battlefield, a sapper soldier helped him, and the commander was rescued in time. Shortly thereafter, the medal "For Military Merit" appeared on the chest of the youngest fighter [5].

Children during the Great Patriotic War often themselves sought to go to the front, to avenge the death of their loved ones and relatives, this is how 14-year-old Ivan Fedorov-Gerasimov from Smolensk got to the battlefield. His father was killed at the front, and his mother and sisters burned down in the house.

A heroic story has been written about Van Fedorov. The author is one of the artillery commanders, Lieutenant Alexei Ochkin - "Ivan - I, Fedorovs-we."

During a tense battle during the defense of the tractor factory, Vanya, cut off by the Nazis from his comrades, continued firing from the gun alone. The boy's left arm was broken at the elbow, but despite this, his right arm continued to throw grenades at the Nazi tanks. Then his right hand was torn off by shrapnel, and he picked up a grenade with his teeth. With the stumps of his hands, he helped to press the grenade to his chest and, straightening up to his full height, went towards the tanks. The Nazis were stunned. Having pulled out the pin with his teeth, Vanya rushed under the lead tank, which blocked the way for the rest. The Nazis did not break through to the Volga that day.

One of the heroines of the battle for Stalingrad was the 12-year-old girl Lucy Radyno, one of the most famous scout girls of the war. When performing the next task, Lucy came to the Germans. The Nazis could not even imagine that this fragile girl could be a danger to them and assigned her to the kitchen. They gave her potatoes to peel. And even being in such a situation, Lucy was not at a loss and was able to benefit. By the number of potatoes that she had to peel, Lucy calculated the number of soldiers who eat them. Lucy managed to escape, and she was able to convey this valuable information to the commander of her unit. Lucy survived after the war. For courage and fearlessness, she was awarded the medals "For Courage" and "For the Defense of Stalingrad".

Every resident of Volgograd knows the name of the scout Sasha Filippov. One of the streets of this city is named after him, there is a school named after him, in the Voroshilovsky district there is a park in which

His bust has been erected. But few people know that his grave is located there, in the square. He is buried under a monument. Another little-known fact is that Sasha was buried in this grave with two of his comrades-in-arms - Maria Uskova and another scout, whose name is still not known.

Sasha was born on June 26, 1925 in Stalingrad. Lived on Dar-mountain. When the war began, Sasha was only 16 years old and therefore, unlike his brothers, he was not taken to the front. But Sasha did not accept this and made his way to the location of our units and became a scout. Sasha Filippov crossed the front line 12 times in the most intense areas.

Maria Uskova was born in 1917. Masha is a comrade-in-arms of Sasha Filippov, with whom, under the guise of a brother and sister, they often went to the location of the German troops and obtained valuable information. Before the war, while working at Yerman's factory, after an accident, the Machine's left hand dries out and stops functioning. However, during the war, this does not prevent Masha from going to intelligence school and proving in the service that the lack of a workable hand will not prevent her from contributing to the fight against the Nazis.

On December 11, 1942, Masha, the eldest of their group, Sasha and another scout received their last assignment, from which they did not return. On the way back, they were tracked down by local police. The detainees were tortured for several days, and then, in front of the assembled people, the scouts were executed. At the gallows, Sasha kicked the executioner in the face and attempted to escape. The last words of the scout were: "All the same, ours will come and kill you like mad dogs" [6].

After the liberation from the German occupation of Dar-Gora, the bodies of the scouts were found and buried in the park on the street. Workers 'and Peasants' City of Stalingrad. Currently, a bust of Sasha Filippov is installed at the burial site. Alexander was posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Banner and the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad".

1. Zharikov A. D. "Young partisans" - Moscow: "Enlightenment", 1974-128 p. ten.

2. Borisov B.A. Children of Sevastopol. - account. Ed. - Simferopol: Krymizdat., 1963. - 75 p.

3. Life for the Motherland. / Young partisan Y. Ratsko / “Glory of Sevastopol”, 1969, September 30.

4. Aleksin A.G. Voronkov K.V. Man with a red tie - M. "Kid", 1972.

5. Ochkin A. "Ivan - I, Fedorov-we" - M .: Det. Lit. 1973 - 111 p.

6. Chuyanov A.S. On the rapids of the century, Notes of the secretary of the regional committee. - Book - Moscow: Politizdat, 1976. - C 242-243. – 288 p.
Сведения об авторе: Абдуллаева Алие Арсеновна, студент бакалавр, кафедра «Гражданское право и процесс», Юридический институт, Севастопольский государственный университет, Севастополь, Россия, alie.abdullaeva.03@mail.ru;

Альберг Анастасия Андреевна, студент бакалавр, кафедра «Гражданское право и процесс», Юридический институт, Севастопольский государственный университет, Севастополь, Россия, alberg.03@mail.ru

Сведения о научном руководители: Павлова Татьяна Александровна, преподаватель, кафедра «Иностранные языки», Институт общественных наук и международных отношения, Севастопольский государственный университет, Севастополь, Россия, tatyana_bokhan@mail.ru

Information about the author: Abdullaeva Alie Arsenovna, Bachelor student, Department of Civil Law and Process, Law Institute, Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, Russia, alie.abdullaeva.03@mail.ru; Alberg Anastasia Andreevna, Bachelor's degree student, Department of Civil Law and Process, Law Institute, Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, Russia, alberg.03@mail.ru

Information about the scientific: Pavlova Tatiana Alexandrovna, Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Institute of Social Sciences and International Relations, Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, Russia, tatyana_bokhan@mail.ru