Файл: Л.А. Бердюгина Asking questions.pdf

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Normally, Wh-questions are spoken on a falling intonation on the item (зд.: слово) being asked about.

Where have you been?

Who did you see?

Why is he leaving the town?

Где вы были?

Кого вы видели?

Почему он уезжает из города?

A rising intonation, however, indicates friendliness, encouragement (ободрение). Where did you spend your holiday? (friendliness)

Why are you waiting here? (encouragement)

2.2 Questions about the subject and its attribute

In Wh-questions about the subject (подлежащее) of the sentence and its attribute (определение) the word order is the same as it is for statements.

Wh-word (+ noun)

Main verb

Complement /Adverb



in England?



the cat?

How many people

are watching

the TV programme?

Which of you

has seen

the film?

What points

will be discussed

at the meeting?

Which runner


the race?

Whose car

passed through

a red light?

Contrast: Jane saw Bill in the park.

Who saw Bill in the park? (question about the subject)

Who did Jane see in the park? (question about the complement)

The train carried containers.

What carried containers? (question about the subject) What did the train carry? (question about the complement)

Young people were dancing in the hall.

What people were dancing in the hall? (question about the attribute) English books are sold in this shop.

What books are sold in the shop? (question about the attribute)

A question like What is Peter? can refer to profession or rank (положение). The answer is: He’s a civil engineer / managing director.

A question like ‘Who is that boy?’ can be answered: “This is Peter” or “He’s my brother”.

Which (какой) is used when there is a restricted choice (ограниченный выбор).

Which may be used with or without a noun or may be followed by one. Which of asked about people means кто из, about things – какой из.


Which bus goes to the museum? Which goes to the museum? Which one goes to the museum?

Which of them goes to the museum?

Which book do you like best? Which do you like best? Which one do you like best?

Which of them is your favorite writer?

Which one =who or what when there is a restricted choice.

I like Shakespeare and Dickens.

Who do you like best?


Which one do you like best?

He usually drinks tea or coffee.

What do you prefer?


Which one do you prefer?

Whose (чей) may also be used with or without a noun, but it is never used with one.

Whose book is this?

Whose photo is this?

Whose is this?

Whose is this?

In questions containing only a question word and a pronoun (местоимение) no reduction (сокращение) is possible when the question word is emphasized (выделяется). When the pronoun is emphasized reduction is possible.

That is Ann.

´What is she?

Not: What’s she?


What’s ´she?


He is a doctor.

´What is he?

Not: What’s he?


What’s ´she?


It is not emphasized through intonation and no reduction is used with it.

Generally it becomes this or that.



´What is it? What’s ´that in Russian?

Not: What’s it in Russian?

Passage six. You try ´this one, Mark.

Not: You try it.

Possible replies


Who wants the book?

Question: Who arrived late?


Answers: The foreign specialists.



The foreign specialists did.


I do.

The foreign specialists arrived late.

I want it.

Not: The foreign specialists arrived.


Not: I wanted.

The foreign specialists did arrive late.

I did want.

2.3 Preposition questions

Many question words are used with prepositions (предлоги):

Who to (Kому), Who for (Для кого), Who with (С кем), What with (Чем), etc.

In modern English the preposition is placed at the end of the question, except (кроме) in very formal writing and speech.





Who did you buy these flowers for?

For whom did you buy these flowers?

Для кого вы купили цветы?


What did he open the door with?

With what did he open the door?

Чем он открыл дверь?


Whom becomes who when the preposition is moved to the final position.

For whom did you do it?

Who did you do it for?

With whom do you meet?

Who do you meet with?

Memorize phrases with prepositions in the first position:

Since when has he been smoking?

С каких пор он курит?

To what extent was he right?

До какой степени он был прав?

In what way can it help?

Каким образом это может помочь?

Under what circumstances would you do it?

При каких обстоятельствах вы бы сделали это?

In the following list the preposition is optional (по выбору):

(In) which year were you born (in)? (On) which day will you phone (on)? (At) what time do we arrive (at)?

(For) how long will they stay (for)?

(From) which part of Russia are you (from)?

In several cases there is no preposition at all.

Which way did the man go?

Where are you going?

2.4 Quantity questions



Expressions of quantity: a lot of

(a) little



(a) few



too little

more than enough


too few




any, etc.

Questions with an expression of quantity (количество), cardinal numbers

(количественные числительные) or fractions (доли, дроби) require of after them.



He had too much time.

What did he have much of?

У него слишком много времени.

Чего у него слишком много?

They bought three pencils.

What did they buy three of?

Они купили три карандаша.

Чего три они купили?

We haven’t any bread.

What haven’t we any of?

У нас нет хлеба.

Чего у нас нет?

She has one fifth of the whole sum.

What part of the sum does she have of?

Унее есть пятая часть всей суммы. Какая часть суммы есть у нее?

2.5Questions about size, dimension, weight, age, colour, shape

How +




What + noun





is it?




is it?









































































*You may also ask: What does it weigh? How much does it weigh?

With make, kind, brand, sort (марка, модель, тип, вид, брэнд, сорт, класс), etc. of is used.

What make of car did he buy?

What kind of books does she read?

What brand of perfume do you use?

What sort of plane was it?

Possible replies

Answers: He is 1 m 90 tall.


How tall is Mark?

His height is 1 m 90.

He is 1 m 90 in height.

2.6 Questions with preposition like

Don’t mix preposition like with the verb to like (любить, нравиться): What does she like? She likes dancing.

There are two types of questions with preposition like.

What is/are … like? means I don’t know anything about it. The answer can be a description (описание) or comparison (сравнение).