Файл: Л.С. Пасынков Россия - независимое государство (английский язык).pdf

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Sport, travel, collecting, amateur, arts and folk crafts are most popular in Russia.

The popularity of hobby clubs is growing steadily. There is a wide range of clubs all over the country. They specialize in tourism, books, health promotion, environmental protection, history, movies, drama, etc. There are clubs where young people as well as those who are over 30 can simply get acquainted. Clubs membership may vary from a few individuals to several thousand. Hobby clubs, usually sponsored by enterprises or cultural centres can also be district, city or even nation-wide. Some of them charge membership fees used for the purchase of all kinds of gear and equipment.

Thus, the All-Russia Society of Stamp Collectors has a membership of about two million adult collectors and the same number of children. There is a stamp collectors’ club in virtually every Russian city and town.

The Society uses the annual membership fees for publishing its own magazine and stamp catalogues as well as for organization exhibitions. At them members of local branches buy stamps, exchange collections and learn the latest news about stamp collecting.

As for winter swimming clubs, their members include thousands of people in different parts of the country. The brave people who dare to swim in big ice holes are known as “walruses”. They often swim together with their families, infants including. Specialists claim that such “walruses” are less susceptible to colds, and their children develop much faster than other children.

The first amateur song writer’s clubs were set up over 30 years ago. They bring together poetry lovers, those who compose their own songs and sing them to the accompaniment of their guitars.

In their free time they sing the songs, they have written, around the campfire in woods, at cultural centres and even at stadiums.



Людмила Сергеевна Пасынкова Наталья Юрьевна Мамонтова

Россия–независимое государство

(английский язык)

Методические указания для студентов 1 курса всех специальностей

Редактор З.М. Савина

ЛР № 020313 от 23.12.96

Подписано в печать 4.03.99 Формат 60 х 84/16. Бумага офсетная. Печать офсетная. Уч. изд. л. 2,5. Тираж 100 экз. Заказ.

Кузбасский государственный технический университет. 650025, Кемерово, ул. Весенняя, 28.

Типография Кузбасского государственного технического университета. 650099, Кемерово, ул. Д. Бедного, 4а.