Файл: М.М. Герасимцева Тексты для аудиторного и внеаудиторного чтения (Английский язык).pdf

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used for the making of matrixes of parabolic short-focus X-ray lenses and of components of three-dimensional photon crystals.

Another direction of studies of this porous material is linked with the production of unique bases for homoand heteroepitaxy with the subsequent development on this basis of semiconductors on dielectrics with the help of which it should be possible to reduce appreciably the parasitic electric effects, ensure reliable insulation of the base layer and achieve a reduction of working voltage and power levels.

The smaller are the topological dimensions of the elements in electronic circuits, the greater is their density and the more complex is the architecture of traditional wiring circuits. The latter fact is a tangible obstacle to increasing the rates of response of various instruments. An attractive alternative, therefore, is offered by fiber optics systems which can take care in principle of generation, modulation, amplification, transmission and detection of light signals. But the problem of fiber optics runs into a "snag" of developing an effective radiation source, because pure silicon cannot be used for that purpose due to a number of reasons. As proved by experience – the problem can be resolved by the introduction of erbium which forms effective centers of emission recombination. In that case the generated emission of 1.54 Mkm is practically not absorbed by silicon and matches the maximum transparency "window" of optical waveguides of quartz glass. The main snag, however, is the low solubility of erbium in silicon. As proved by Siberian researchers, however, this obstacle can be overcome by using what are called non-equilibrium methods of generation of strongly alloyed layers resorting to ionic implantation, molecularray epitaxy and ionic-ray spray-coating.

Summing it up, in the process of implementation of the above integration project it has been possible to obtain within relatively short time high-quality silicon monocrystals and a range of products on this basis. This opens up new prospects for applied research in the centers of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and at the local industrial plants. The aim of it all is obtaining high-tech equipment on the basis of semiconductor silicon.

*Epitaxy – oriented growth of a monocrystal on the surface of another.

*Ionic implantation – Introduction of foreign atoms into a solid body by means of ionic bombardment.

Task: Make a short essay to the written text.


Grammar notes. Passive voice

Способы перевода оборотов в страдательном залоге

Английская грамматика допускает два типа предложений: активные и пассивные. Когда мы говорим: Не was sent, мы еще можем осознать смысл через русский перевод – пусть и нелитературный – Он был послан. Еще сложнее привыкнуть к порядку слов в страдательном обороте, когда глагол сопровождается предлогом: Не laughed at her. Он смеялся над ней, а Не was laughed at – смех был направлен на него, следовательно: Над ним смеялись. Предлог at теперь должен остаться после глагола, так как дополнение (над ним) стало подлежащим, и at становится частицей вроде русской приставки над – надсмеяться.

Поэтому в разделе А (см. Упражнения) предложены более легкие для перевода примеры. В разделе B даны постепенно усложняющиеся предложения, которые помогут вам понять, что подлежащее в страдательном обороте не совершает действие, а является объектом, на который направлено действие глагола.

Предлоги by, with

Примечание 1. Обычно в страдательном обороте лицо, совершающее действие, не упоминается, так как важен объект действия. Но если действующее лицо называется, то перед ним ставится предлог by, который обозначает, что последующее существительное стоит в творительном падеже и отвечает на вопрос кем? Если же указывается, посредством чего совершено действие, то употребляется предлог with:

"Eugene Onegin" was written by Pushkin. The letter was written with a bad pencil.

Примечание 2. На русский язык сказуемые в страдательном залоге переводятся:

а) возвратным глаголом, оканчивающимся на ся; б) глаголом «быть» и краткой формой причастия; в) личным глаголом в 3-м лице мн.ч.

Последний способ перевода (под буквой в) также характерен для грамматических конструкций «модальный глагол + страдательный залог».


Grammar exercises

Translate and analyze:


1. She asked many questions, so, naturally, she was asked, too. 2. I hope he will be asked to write a letter to her and explain everything. 3. He followed the thief to his house, and as a result he himself was followed by the police. 4. He didn't give her anything, he was given something by her. 5. We are invited to visit a new exhibition. 6. He was seen there by many people. 7. This work must be done by the 1st of March. 8. All new books which are published in this country can be bought in our bookshop. 9. Will this problem be discussed at the next meeting? 10. This article is being discussed in every newspaper (now). 11. I think it has already been discussed by all scientific societies which are interested in this problem. 12. I'm sure this book will not be translated because nobody outside our country will be interested in it. 13. When we came the goods had been unloaded. 14. They were taught by good teachers. 15. Тhe town will be supplied with fresh water. 16. Obviously the window was broken with a stone.


1.His book must not be published here. This word can be found in the dictionary. He was found nowhere. His speech can be hardly understood. May I be told everything?

2.He was sent to Moscow. Who will be told about this? He was told about this. Nobody is known here. Was the boy asked to come? We are paid every month. You will not be answered. How many people were invited?

3.The director was sent for. — We sent for him.

Who will be laughed at? — You will. My friend doesn't like to be laughed at.

This man must not be spoken about in their house.

He must not be spoken to. — But she has asked me to speak to him about her. She answered when she was asked.

4. You can see at once that she is taken good care of. Such people саn't be put up with.

Soon the ship was lost sight of in bright sunlight. Our conversation was put an end to by their arrival.


5. It was said that no man had ever entered the room since then. to take care of— заботиться о...

to put up with — терпеть кого-то

to lose sight of— потерять из поля зрения

Revision grammar exercises

Translate these sentences:

1.That is why multiprobe cartridges are designed: each cartridge is supplied with dozens of needles with different coatings and different characteristics.

2.The main factors influencing the concentration boundaries of the nonequilibrium solid solutions prepared by mechanochemical method are elucidated.

3.This method is also used for the pretreatment of components prior to thermal


4.This similarity suggested the name for the new molecule which was called- buckminsterfullerene – a mouthfull which was later reduced to just fullerene.

5.It has been demonstrated that higher fullerenes are hyperactive and have a strong effect on redox processes in organic compounds.

6.The review is devoted to the mechanism of reactions of nitrogen oxides with

various types of polymers.

7.The reactions of reactive polymer groups with gases diffusing in the polymer bulk are distributed non-uniformly throughout the bulk.

8.The kinetics and mechanisms of reactions of double bonds in polymers with nitrogen oxides are considered comprehensively.

9.The cross-linking and destruction processes occurring in parallel are discussed.

10.It is shown that at high temperatures, NO can disproportionate to give N2 and active NO3 radical.

11.Particular emphasis is given to the mechanism of the formation of nitrogencontaining radicals.

12.The simple methods of synthesis of spin-labeled macromolecules based on free-radical reactions with nitrogen oxides have been considered.

13.The data on reactions of carbon nanostructures (fullerenes, nanotubes and nanofibres) with hydrogen are surveyed.


14.Other methods for the synthesis of exohedral fullerene hydrides are also described.

15.Considerable attention is paid to the state of hydrogen in solid fullerene hydrides.

16.The structures and reactivities of fullerene hydrides are considered.

17.Hydrogen sorption and storage in new carbon materials are surveyed.

18.The sorption of hydrogen by single-walled carbon nanotubes, carbon nanofibres and their modifications doped with alkali metals are discussed.

19.Hydrogen storage in nanostructured graphite is analysed.

20.It is noted that the mechanism of high sorption of hydrogen by carbon

nanomaterials is still obscure.

21.Several mechanisms have been proposed.

22.The results of theoretical calculations of the hydrogen capacity of carbon nanomaterials in terms of various theoretical models are presented.

23.Fixed voltage is applied to the needle that scans the surface of an object and to the object itself.

24.This current is sustained at a constant value with the aid of a servo system

which either lifts or lowers the scanner depending on the relief of the surface.

25.By and large, they are used in high (fine) vacuum.

26.Depending on what kind of operation is carried out in particular and on the size of an object, the scanner either moves this object at a desired pace or controls the cantilever's movements.

27.The latest models are equipped with a pitch engine to move the object under the microscope back and forth.

28.Such needles are fastened on beams which, in their turn, are made to preassigned thickness.

29.For instance, those with a current-conducting surface are used for measuring the relative distribution of surface resistance and capacity.

30.Conductor probes supplied with dielectric coating are employed for determining the distribution of subsurface magnetic fields and capacity.

31.They are needed for research in narrow fields.

32.Numerous examples are given.

33.Today these disks are made by die-stamping.

34.The conference was attended by scientists from Moscow Kiev and Minsk.


35. Polished silicon plates have been mainly used so far for the production of integrated circuits.

34. But with the current transition to submicronic and nanometer levels preference is being given to what are called epitaxial structures.

36.What is more, methods have been developed of producing such films with preset characteristics.

37.The attention of experts has also been attracted by yet one more modification of this remarkable material - porous silicon.

38.What is more, methods have been developed of producing such films with preset characteristics.

40.The attention of experts has also been attracted by yet one more modification of this remarkable material - porous silicon.

41.When some of the associated problems are resolved the new material will have a future as light emitter in the visible band.

42.In that case the generated emission of 1.54 Mkm is practically not absorbed by silicon and matches the maximum transparency "window" of optical waveguides of quartz glass.

43.This area of research is believed to have taken its start back in the 18th century.

44.This knowledge is now successfully applied in power engineering.

45.Geochemistry has been fully submitted to geology, and biology has been "blessed" with the now rapidly progressing biochemistry.

46.At the same time a clear picture was obtained of the structure of matter - the molecule and the chemical bonds therein.

47.For this discovery the Russian scientist and his British colleague Sir Cyril Hinshelwood (1897-1967) were honoured with a Nobel Prize in 1956.

48.V. Belousov discovered the first oscillating time-dependent chemical reactions which had been previously regarded as impossible in principle.

49.Considerable achievements of fundamental chemistry have also been observed in the field of directional or controlled, fine organic synthesis.

50.This is also promoted by the fact that the chemical analysis theory has now taken body and form.

51.Significant progress has also been made in the development of applied chemistry.


52.Until today this base was oil and petroleum-processing products, and these will soon be replaced with natural gas and methane.

53.20 years later the find was studied for the first time by a team of German chemists.

54.This was followed by a report on a discredit of the very name "lavrovite".

55.The mineral was given the name of "kalininite".

56.The third of the newly discovered mineral also features an unusual composition – some of its chromium is replaced will antimony (such compound was found for the first time).

Составители Маргарита Михайловна Герасимцева

Анна Станиславовна Резникова


(английский язык)

Методические указания для студентов 1-2 курсов химических специальностей

Редактор З.М.Савина

ИД № 06536 от 16.01.02

Подписано в печать 02.07.02 Формат 60 х 84/16. Бумага офсетная. Отпечатано на ризографе.

Уч.-изд. л. 2,00. Тираж 100 экз. Заказ . Государственное учреждение.

Кузбасский государственный технический университет. 650026, Кемерово, ул. Весенняя, 28.

Типография Государственного учреждения Кузбасский государственный технический университет.

650099, Кемерово, ул. Д. Бедного, 4а.