Файл: Л.Ю. Галкина Higher education in Russia (Высшее образование в России).pdf

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Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования


Кафедра иностранных языков



Методические указания для студентов первого курса всех специальностей

Составитель Л.Ю. ГАЛКИНА

Утверждены на заседании кафедры Протокол № 8 от 25. 06. 02

Рекомендованы к печати учебнометодической комиссией специальности 230500 Протокол № 1 от 27. 06. 02

Электронная копия находится в библиотеке главного корпуса ГУ КузГТУ



Методические указания предназначены для студентов первого курса всех специальностей. Их цель – помочь студентам в развитии навыков высказывания и ведения бесед по проблемам высшего образования в России на основе информации, полученной при чтении предлагаемых иноязычных текстов и собственного жизненного опыта.

Указания предусматривают детальную проработку двух тем: «Российская система высшего образования» и «Кузбасский государственный технический университет». При их составлении использованы отечественная справочная литература, публикации периодических изданий и учебное пособие по педагогической терминологии авторов Дж. Поуви и И. Уолш (2-е издание).

Учебный материал представлен в виде текстов, предваряемых списками базовых лексических единиц и предтекстовыми упражнениями, облегчающими восприятие их содержания. Каждый текст снабжён вопросами и/или заданиями, контролирующими понимание смысла прочитанного и составляющими определённую коммуникативную задачу, ради которой он читается. Последний раздел указаний включает обзорные упражнения, которые (по усмотрению преподавателя) могут выполняться как тренировочные или контролирующие параллельно с работой над отдельными текстами либо на заключительном этапе.

Составитель выражает надежду, что после работы с данными методическими указаниями студенты смогут свободно высказываться и вести беседу на английском языке в рамках предложенной тематики. Удачи!


World higher education systems ………………………………………………… 2 Higher education in Russia ………………………………………………..... 2 – 15 Unit 1. General information ……………………………………………….…………. 2

Unit 2. Undergraduate and postgraduate programmes ……………………... …………... 7 Unit 3. Candidate of science and doctor of science degrees ……………….…………….11

Unit 4. Institutions of higher education in Kuzbass…………………………………...... 13 Kuzbass State Technical University.………………………………………..15 – 31 Unit 1. History …………………………………………………………………….15

Unit 2. Faculties and branches ……………………………………………………. . 17 Unit 3. Teaching staff and students …………………………………………………..19

Unit 4. Facilities …………………………………………………………………..21

Unit 5. Curricula, degrees and titles ………………………………………………….25

Unit 6. Academic year and study load ………………………………………………..27 Unit 7. External ties and funding ……………………………………………………..29 Revision exercises …………………………………………………………. 31 – 36



Read these international words. Guess their meanings. Remember: they often have several possible translations.

System, principle, academic, specialized, professional, proficiency, qualification, multi- , combination, diploma, certificate, to dominate, region, Soviet.

Read this passage and then answer the questions on it. Before reading check the meaning of these words.

higher education essential a share v (out)

высшее образование

level n



academic degree

учёная степень

разделять, (вы)делить

except prep

исключая, кроме

There are essential differences between higher education systems in various countries. However, it is possible to share out two systems, which differ in principle. They may be called as English and German systems. English system means multilevel university higher education leading mainly to academic degrees. German system is a system of highly specialized higher education and in most cases leads to a diploma – educational certificate of proficiency. Higher education systems in other countries are usually a combination of these two systems. In West European countries (except Britain and Ireland) German system of higher education dominates while in other regions English system is usually used. Old Russian and ‘Soviet’ systems of higher education were closer to German system.

Comprehension questions

1.Is there any universal system of higher education in the world?

2.What systems of higher education are there?

3.What is meant by English system of education?

4.What does German system of higher education mean?

5.Which system of higher education dominates in West European countries?

6.Was Old Russia system of higher education closer to English or German system? And what about ‘Soviet’ one?




Are you familiar with these words?

substantial a found v remain v

graduate v (from)

n full-time student

according to prep offer v

subject n

applicant n admit v admission n provide v (with) range n support v


free a

tuition n fee n

depend v (on, upon) authorities

source n

aid n interest n loan n

существенный, важный, значительный основывать оставаться

(o)кончить (университет или др.)

окончивший учебное заведение; выпускник студент дневного отделения

согласно, в соответствии с предлагать предмет, дисциплина

абитуриент принимать, допускать принятие, приём (в вуз)

обеспечивать; предоставлять, давать ряд; круг; диапазон поддерживать



обучение плата (за обучение)

зависеть (от)

власти, администрация источник

помощь, поддержка проценты (на капитал)

заём, ссуда

I. Practise saying these words, being careful with the pronunciation of c/t + i followed by vowels.

Social, initiative, proficiency, essential, preferential, association, financial, potential, specialist, substantial, academician, official, initiative, accreditation, additional.

II. Note the different ways -ate is pronounced.

1)n, a |it| certificate, doctorate, private, candidate, postgraduate, baccalaureate, graduate;

2)v |eit| graduate, indicate, locate, operate, coordinate, associate, educate


III. Read these international words. Guess their meanings. Remember: they often have several possible translations.

Institution, personal, type, accreditation, course, public, private, structure, oriented, equivalent, financial, federal, local, contractual, basis, program(me), grant.

IV. State what parts of speech they are. Translate.

Lead – leader – leadership – leading; vary – various – variable – invariable – variety; person – personal – personally; graduate – graduation; apply – applicant

– application; education – educational – educate – educator; admit – admission; local – locate – location; contract – contractual; main – mainly; design – designer; normal – normally; qualification – qualify – qualified; differ – difference – different; general – generally – generalize – generalization; most – mostly; depend – dependent – dependence – independent – independence.

V. Many words belong to more than one part of speech. Read the following meanings of the word last and then translate the sentences below.

last a coming after all others in time or order, final v go on, continue

adv after all others

at ~ in the end; after much delay

1.Last year around 9 000 people graduated from the Kuzbass higher educational institutions.

2.The courses of study last from four to six years.

3.That was the last time I saw her.

4.The holidays came at last.

5.How long would the fine weather last?

6.James II was the last of all the Stuart kings.

7.At last we reached London.

8.When were you there last?

9.This is our last hope.

VI. Translate the following expressions paying attention to the adjectives and other words that come before the nouns.

Russian higher education system, Lomonosov Moscow State University, various subject areas, full-time students, high-quality higher education, tuition fee, low interest loans.

VII. Read through the passage below quickly to find out what the wordcombinations in italics mean. Try to memorize them.


VIII. Read the passage carefully for full understanding.

The history of higher education in this country goes back to 1755 when the first University was founded in Moscow on the initiative of M.V. Lomonosov. Later, universities were opened in other cities as well. The Russian education system was and still remains one of the best in the world. There are a lot of outstanding scientists, world-known designers, eminent engineers, famous writers, and distinguished statesmen among the graduates of the Russian higher educational establishments (HEE).

According to the analysis made by the American Association on the Accreditation of the Higher Education Institutions 13 Russian universities are in the list of 74 leading non-American universities. The Lomonosov Moscow State University is the second after Sorbonne and Saint Petersburg University is the sixth after such institutions of higher education as Oxford, Cambridge and Heidelberg Universities.

There have been substantial changes in the Russian higher education system over the past years. A new multilevel structure of higher education oriented to English one has been introduced. Today three main kinds of institutions offer higher education programmes. These are universities, academies, and institutes. At present there are 610 public and 300 private institutions of higher learning (Am E) in Russia. About 5 000 000 students are on full or part time.

An applicant for admission to any higher educational institution must be a graduate of a school or an equivalent. Most of courses last 4-6 years and lead to a degree and/or a professional qualification like Engineer, Teacher, Doctor, etc.

The Russian higher education system provides students with high-quality higher education across all levels and in a wide range of subject areas.

Higher education is still mostly free in public higher schools (Am E) receiving their financial support from federal sources. However, students who study on a contractual basis or take the course for getting a degree or a diploma in one more field of knowledge must pay for their tuition. Nowadays, 53 per cent of all Russian students are paying students. Tuition fee may vary depending on the type of a course, a kind of institution and its location. The government and local authorities provide personal


financial aid in the form of grants and low interest loans to those who want to get higher education.

IX. Try saying these in English.

Быть в списке ведущих университетов мира, по инициативе, видные инженеры, среди выпускников российских вузов, учиться в университете, широкий круг предметов (дисциплин), бесплатное образование, платить за обучение, получать финансовую поддержку от государства, оказывать финансовую помощь, обеспечивать качественное образование на всех уровнях, плата за обучение, учиться на контрактной основе, получать высшее образование, согласно чему-либо.

X. Ask your group-mates the following questions.

1.What times does the history of higher education in Russia go back to?

2.Why do you think substantial changes in the system of higher education have become necessary?

3.How many higher education establishments are there in Russia?

4.How many students study at Russian institutions of higher learning now?

5.Has there been any European influence upon Russian system of higher education?

6.Is it easy to get higher education in Russia?

7.Who can enter any higher school?

8.On what basis are applicants admitted to higher schools?

9.Do the students have to pay for their tuition?

10.What does tuition fee depend on?

11.Private higher schools are expensive, aren’t they?

12.What’s being done for those who want to get higher education?

XI. Read for additional information.

Vocabulary notes


peculiarity n

особенность, характерная черта

the humanities

гуманитарные науки

experience n

опыт (жизни, работы)

recognize v


skill n

мастерство, умение

~ ed a


One of the most important peculiarities of the Russian higher education system is that nearly 44% of students study engineering and only 20% - economics and the humanities. It should be noted that engineering education in Russia has more than one and a half century history and supplies different branches of national economy with highly skilled engineers. The high quality of engineering education in Russia is inter


nationally recognized. The International Centre of UNESCO on the Problems of Higher Education and Science as well as the International Technical University has been organized to study, to generalize and to spread the experience of the Russian higher education system. Taking into account the high scientific and pedagogical potential of Russian higher education establishments, UNESCO has signed an agreement on the development of the global distance system of education for Asia, Africa, Latin America and Australia. Russian higher schools have gained good experience in training overseas students. At present over 50 000 foreign students are studying in this country.

XII. Is there anything in the passage that surprises you? Why?

XIII. Write a headline for the passage. Compare your headlines. Choose the best ones.

XIV. Read through the passage again to pick out the equivalents of the following Russian phrases and word-combinations. Try to memorize them.

Техническое образование; изучать технику (инженерное искусство) /экономику /гуманитарные предметы; следует отметить, что; обеспечивать различные отрасли национальной экономики специалистами высокой квалификации; изучать /обобщать /распространять /приобретать/ опыт; обучать зарубежных студентов; принимать во внимание; высокий научный потенциал; подписывать соглашение (по).

XV. In the previous passages find as many proofs of the high quality of higher education in Russia as you can.



Is the following vocabulary familiar to you?

undergraduate (student) n

студент, работающий на степень бакалавра

graduate (student) n


postgraduate/research (student)/


postgrad (colloq) n


graduate studies/course


postgraduate studies/course


cover v success n research n

do ~ on/in/into smth. = carry out ~ / be engaged in ~ (formal)

duration n in order to as a rule however cj

graduation essay/paper/project

the finals

thesis n /AmE dissertation

submit a ~ /offer ~ for consideration

defend a ~ (in a public debate) board of examiners

supervisor n /AmE advisor acquire v

award v /confer a degree /diploma Bachelor of Science /Arts (BSc, BA) Master of Science /Arts (MSc, MA) Honours degree (Hons)

diploma with distinction


покрывать, охватывать успех научное исследование

выполнять, проводить исследование

продолжительность для того, чтобы как правило

однако, тем не менее выпускная/дипломная работа/проект

выпускные экзамены диссертация представить диссертацию к защите

защищать диссертацию (публично) экзаменационная комиссия научный руководитель приобретать (навыки, умения)

присваивать степень /давать диплом бакалавр наук /искусств магистр наук /искусств степень с отличием диплом с отличием

Check the spelling of these words.








curricula (учебный план, программа)

I. Read these international words. Guess their meanings.

Medicine, method, reflect, project, final, administration, examine, modern, solid.

II. Follow the example working with a partner.

Example: - How long does it take (you) to get to the University? - It usually takes (me) 15 minutes to get there.

To read for an exam/three days; to translate the text like that/an hour; to receive a bachelor’s degree/four years; to learn twenty English words/about two hours; to get to the airport/from 45 minutes to an hour; to receive (get) a certificate of secondary education/eleven years