Файл: Н.Н. Курпешко Английский язык Методические указания для обучения студентов II курса (III семестр) специальности 180400.pdf

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электронных сигналов, сложение бинарных чисел, демодуляция радиосигналов.

1.Самое удивительное, что эти схемы и электронные устройства помещаются на крошечном чипе. А исследования в электронике направлены на создание еще более крошечных чипов!

XIV. Write down not less than 15 sentences about your future profession. When you are ready, consult Text VIII.



TEXT A. What is computing?

1.Suppose you sit down with a pencil and paper and centre your attention on adding a set of figures. You add first all the digits in the right-

hand column, then all the digits in the next column, and so on - until you finally arrive at the answer.1 When you do this, you are computing.

2.When you stop at a street corner, looking first to the left for any coming car, then to the right, to cross the street or to wait on the sidewalk2 - you are computing.

3.When you are walking along a poorly marked path3 in the woods, thinking if you are really on the path or have lost it4 - you are computing.

4.When you are taking in information or data, performing reasonable operations (mathematical or logical operations) on the data, and are producing one or more answers - you are computing.

5.A machine can also do this. It can take in information or data, perform a sequence of reasonable operations on the information which it has received, and put out answers. When it does this, it is computing.

6.A very simple example of a computer is the ordinary business adding machine which prints on paper tape the number entered into its keyboard, and also prints a total when you press the total key. A complex example of a computer is a modern automatic digital computer which in each second can perform more than 100000000 additions, subtractions, multiplications, or divisions.


7.A computing machine can take in and store information because the

hardware inside the machine expresses arithmetical and logical relations, such as5 adding or subtracting, comparing or selecting. A computer can also put out information, display the answers when it receives them. Hardware is useless without software which is computer instructions and programs.

8.The modern computers are of three kinds called analog, digital, and hybrid. An analog computer computes by using physical analogs of

numerical measurements. A digital computer computes by using the numbers (digits) and yeses and noes expressed usually in 1's and 0's.6 A hybrid computer is 4 matching which combines some of the properties of digital and analog computers.


1.until you finally arrive at the answer - до тех пор, пока вы наконец не подойдете к ответу

2.to cross the street or to wait on the sidewalk - чтобы перейти улицу или подождать на тротуаре

3.a poorly marked path - едва заметная тропинка

4.if you are really on the path or have lost it - действительно ли вы находитесь на тропинке или заблудились

5.such as - такие как

6.yeses and noes expressed usually in 1's and 0's - да и нет,

выраженных обычно единицами и нулями

I.Give the Russian equivalents:

to centre attention on; to the right; to the left; a set of figures; and so on; a sequence of reasonable operations; to put out answers; to take in information; to store information; such as; to express mathematical and logical relations; hardware is useless without software; by using physical analogs; numerical measurements

II.Give the English equivalents:

налево; направо; выдавать информацию или данные; последовательность разумных операций; правый столбик; ряд цифр; и так далее; сосредоточивать внимание


III.Translate the words of the same root. Define speech parts:

to centre - a centre; to add - addition; to compute - a computer - computation; to mark - a mark; to inform - information; datum - data (mind! a date); to perform - performance; reasonable - a reason; to operate - operation; business - busy; to subtract -subtraction; to multiply - multiplication; to divide - division; logic - logical; arithmetic - arithmetical; measurement - to measure; relation - to relate

IV. Memorize the following definitions:

1. A machine which performs a sequence of reasonable operations on information is a computer. 2. An analog computer is a machine which computes by using physical analogs of numerical measurements. 3. A digital computer is a machine which computes by using digits or numbers. 4. A hybrid computer is a machine which combines some properties of digital and analog computers.

V. Answer the following questions:

1. How many operations does a modern computer perform? 2. What kinds of operations does an automatic digital computer perform? 3. What is a computer? 4. What is a very simple example of a computer? 5. Why does a computer take in and store information or data? 6. What kinds of modern computers do you know? 7. How does an analog computer compute? 8. How does a digital computer compute? 9. What is a “hybrid computer”

10.What is hardware? 11. What is software? VI. Choose the 3rd form of the given verbs:

took, takes, take, taken; thought, think, thinks; arrive, arrives, arrived; did, done, do, does; speaks, speak, spoke, spoken; saw, seen, see, sees; was, were, is, am, be, been, are; writes, wrote, written; has, had, have; expresses, expressed, express; receive, received, receives

VII. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the use of Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect Tenses in the Active Voice:

1. My friend studies at the faculty of Electrical Engineering. I study at the same faculty. We do research (научное исследование). Comrade


Ivanov also does his research. We discussed various (различный) problems at the seminar. They did many operations on the computer ES-1045. Yesterday we went to the Institute library. I answered all the questions at the exam in mathematics. We shall solve this algebraic problem. They will do their work in time. I shall compare my results with yours. 2. When you came he was calculating (вычислять) his problem. She was discussing some questions with her instructor. I shall be waiting for you at 6 o'clock. 3. He has given a short answer to my question. I have just (только что) come from St. Petersburg. They have already gone home. They had written the program for the computer by June.

VIII. Fill in the blanks with the following verbs in the Present Indefinite Active:

to express; to compute; to receive; to perform; to store; to calculate; to put out; to take in; to display

1. A computer... or.... 2. Modern automatic digital computers ... more than 100 min. additions, subtractions, multiplications, or divisions in each second. 3. A computer... information or data,... a sequence of reasonable


on information and... answers.

4. The hardware inside the


arithmetical or logical relations such as adding or subtracting...

comparing or selecting. 5. When computers...

results, they... them.

IX. Give the proper tense of the verbs given in brackets:

1. An ordinary business adding machine (to be) a very simple example of a computer. 2. When a computer (to do) reasonable operations, it (to compute) or (to calculate). 3. When I (to come) into the room my friend (to compile - составлять) a program. 4. A computer (to store) information which it (to receive). 5. ... (to come) to the laboratory, I... (to show) you how to calculate by using, a computer. 6. The electronic computer ES-1045 just (to perform) its calculations.

X. Listen to the dialogue from the magnetic tape and reproduce it.


1.Haven't seen you for ages! - He видел тебя целую вечность!

2.to enter the Institute - поступать в институт


3.Good for you! - Молодец!

4.the Electrical Engineering Faculty – электромеханический факультет

5.Computer Control Systems – автоматизированные системы управления

6.Applied Mathematics – прикладная математика

7.They say - Говорят

8.One should know – нужно знать

9.You're (are) right – Ты прав.

10.With pleasure – С удовольствием

11.to be called – называться

12.too - также, тоже

13.In what capacity will you work? – Кем ты будешь работать?

14.to graduate from the Institute – окончить институт

15.a system-engineer – инженер-системотехник

16.an engineer-mathematician - инженер-математик

17.I am sorry. – Прости.

18.to hurry - спешить, торопиться

19.I'm (am) afraid to be late – Боюсь опоздать

20.So long! - Пока!

21.Wish you luck – Желаю тебе удачи

Meeting a friend

A: Hallo, В.! Where are you going? B: Hallo, A.! Haven't seen you for ages! I am going to the Institute.

A: Oh! You are a student now! What Institute have you entered? B: I've entered the Polytechnic Institute. A; Good for you! And what faculty do you study at? B: I study at the Electrical Engineering Faculty. My speciality is Electronic Computers (Computer Control Systems Applied Mathematics).

A: You liked mathematics at school, didn't you? They say one should know that subject well to study your speciality. B: You're right. Mathematics was my favourite subject at school. A: And you know already what a computer is, don't you? B: Yes, I do. A computer is a machine which performs a sequence of reasonable operations on information. I also know what duple and complex computers are. A: It's very interesting! Tell me, please. B: With pleasure, listen to: a simple computer is an ordinary business


adding machine, and a complex computer is a modem electronic digital computer which performs more than 100 min. operations a second. A: Can you say, please, what kinds of operations a modern electronic computer performs? B: Yes, I can. It performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These operations are called arithmetical operations. But modern computers perform logical operations too. A: Well, what are they?

B: Logical operations which I know are comparing and selecting. A: In what capacity will you work after graduating from the Institute? B: I shall work as a system-engineer (an engineer-mathematician). But I am sorry. I must hurry to the Institute, I'm afraid to be late for the lectures. So long! A: Wish you luck in your studying. So long!

I. Read the international words and guess their meaning:

character; reaction; to react; instruction; register; code;




group; address;

magnetic; polarize;


integration; binary; basic; physically; physical; selection;



separate; standard; correct




II. Pronounce the following words correctly:



1. sign n



знак, обозначение; символ; признак

2. rotation n


вращение; чередование



3. character n


знак; символ



4. voltage



напряжение, разность потенциалов

5. typewriter


пишущая машинка



6. variable n


переменная (величина)



7. react v






8. represent v





9. unit n



единица; блок; устройство; элемент

10. include






11. separate а





12. call







13. state




устанавливать, указывать


14. handle



управлять; оперировать



15. contain






16. square



квадрат; площадь



17. the same


тот же самый






18. airangement n

расположение, размещение

19. sorting



20. some а



21. matching n


22. polarize



23. surface


поверхность; плоскость

III. Read and memorize the following word combinations:

1.a number of = a set of

2.per second

3.a particular memory location (cell)

4.its own unique address

5.instead of saying

6.to take a square root

7.to raise to a power

8.as well as

ряд; несколько; некоторое кол-во в секунду особая ячейка памяти

свой собств. уникальный адрес вместо того, чтобы сказать извлекать квадратный корень возводить в степень так же, как

TEXT B: Information, machine words, instructions, addresses and reasonable operations

1.Information is a set of marks or signs that have meaning. These consist of letters or numbers, digits or characters, typewriter signs, other kinds of signs, and so on. A computer reacts differently to different digits or characters, and reacts to them as units that have meaning. For example, information for an analog computer has to be in the form of distances, or rotations, or voltages, or other physical variables. And for a digital computer information has to be in the form of digits or numbers.

2.Any information may be represented by the binary system including two digits: one (1) and zero (0). Each 1 and 0 is a separate binary digit called a bit. A bit is the smallest part of information. Bits are typically grouped in units that are called bytes. A byte is the basic unit of information used in modern computers and consists of eight bits.

3.The bytes are handled usually in standard groups called machine words or just words. There are two basic types of information or words that can be put into a memory cell or location: words that are numerical quantities and words that are computer instructions. Regularly, an instruction to the machine is expressed as a word; and so the same set of characters may have meaning sometimes as a number, sometimes as an


instruction. A published at our Institute. 5. My friend was happy when at last he might work at the computing centre. 6. Our students are allowed to visit the computing centre to see the operation of the computer ES-1045. 7. Every student must know that a digital computer performs reasonable operations. 8. Some operations for this computer have to be changed and new instructions have to be added. 9. The instructions are recorded in the order in which they are to be carried out. 10. You should know the difference between the digital and analog computers. 11. We ought to help him to solve this problem by a personal computer. 12. According to (согласно) the timetable you are to begin your classes at 8 o'clock. 13. Every student of our speciality has to know what a hybrid computer is. 14. We were permitted to attend the conference on cybernetics.

IV. Find the sentences in which the verbs 'to have' and 'to be' are translated as «должен»:

1.This ordinary adding machine has ten keys for each column of digits.

2.The main task of this article was to show the results of research work.

3.This personal computer has been constructed at our lab. 4. The lecture was to begin at 9 o'clock. 5. Our aim is to study hard and master our speciality. 6. Our lab assistant has to construct this electronic device (прибор). 7. The general purpose of this unit (block) is to perform different arithmetic operations. 8. The participants of the scientific conference are to arrive tomorrow. 9. You have to remember the names of the scientists who have contributed to the development of your speciality. 10. The results of the experiment have carefully been checked up today.

V. Translate the following sentences paying attention to “there+ to be”:

1. There are many universities and institutes in our country. 2. There is a students' scientific and, technical society at our Institute. 3. There are various computers at our computing centre. 4. There were only four faculties in our Institute before the World War II. 5. There will be some engineers at the seminar on programming tomorrow. 6. There is a seminar on the History of our Motherland today. 7. There was a lecture on cybernetics yesterday. 8. There were many ways of solving the problem. 9. There are many complex parts and units in every computer. 10. There will be some new laboratories in our Institute next year.


VI. State the functions of the Gerund. Translate the sentences:

1. Logical operations consist of comparing, selecting, sorting, matching, and determining. 2. The way of solving this problem is very difficult. 3. After performing calculations a computer displays a result. 4. A set of marks or signs can be stored by polarizing little spots on a magnetic surface. 5. Differentiating and integrating are algebraic operations. 6. Registers are used for storing information. 7. Blaze Pascal's merit consists in his constructing the first mechanical computer. 8. By performing the reasonable operations on a computer we solve different kinds of problems for our national economy.

VII. Translate into English using the Gerund:

1. Одним из способов хранения информации внутри вычислительной машины является хранение с помощью ряда поляризованных точек на магнитной поверхности. 2. Путем размещения специальных устройств внутри вычислительной машины можно хранить информацию. 3. Возведение в степень и извлечение квадратного корня - математические операции. 4. Компьютер используется для решения сложных задач.

VIII. Listen to Text C from the tape recorder. Give its contents in short (in Russian).


1.an educated man - образованный человек

2.basic knowledge - основные знания

3.at least - по крайней мере

4.well enough - достаточно хорошо

5.suitable - подходящий, соответствующий

6.to enjoy - получать удовольствие

7.views and opinions - точки зрения и мнения

8.on evidence - при наличии доказательств

9.to be desirable - быть желательным

10.significant - существенный

11.could be put down on ten sheets of paper-могли бы поместиться на десяти страницах


TEXT C. How much should an educated man know about computers?

Some years ago in the United States of America a discussion on the question what an educated man is was organized. At this discussion one of the definitions of an “educated man” was this:

An educated man:

-is able to read, write, and do arithmetics;

-has a basic knowledge of the history and geography of world and man;

-understands the scientific method, and has an elementary knowledge of at least one science;

-has an elementary knowledge of mathematics and logic, what they are, and how to use them;

-knows at least one other language besides his own well enough to read it and talk a little in it;

-can say what he means in suitable words both speaking and writing;

-is able to listen, knows how to learn, and enjoy learning;

-never forgets that his views and opinions may be wrong, and is always ready to change them on evidence;

-has an elementary knowledge of computers and programming, and some active experience (опыт) with a whole computer is highly desirable.

An educated man of 200 years ago in the United States did not need to know anything about science. The educated man of 35-40 years ago did not need to know anything about computers. But the educated man of today needs to have at least some significant knowledge of science, and at least a little significant knowledge about computers.

The summary knowledge that an educated man should know about computers could be put down on ten sheets of paper, in about 3,000 words.



TEXT А: What is a computer?

The term computer is used to describe a device made up of a combination of electronic and electromechanical (part electronic and part mechanical) components. Computer has no intelligence by itself and is