Файл: Н.Н. Курпешко Моя будущая профессия.pdf

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7. Why is road construction important for Russia ?

Huge Russian territory and constantly increasing volume of modern traffic show that there is a great need for road construction projects in Russia. They include the construction of different transport systems among them highways, bridges, tunnels, underpasses. To put them into practice is the task of a civil engineer.

II. Прочитайте и произведите диалоги.


- Would you introduce yourself?

-Of course. I’m a second-year student.


My subject is a construction (road











physical properties of rocks).



- Oh! Are you from the KSTU?

- Yes, I’m. I study at




Building faculty.





- Will you speak on your

- Our







Nowadays about 800 students









lecturers and researchers:





- 6 academicians,






- 16 professors,






- 40 Candidates of Sciences.



- I see. Thank you!















-You study to be a civil engineer, don’t you?

-That’s right.

-Why have you chosen this profession?

-Because I take after my parents. My father and mother graduated from the Kuzbas Polytechnic many years ago. They both are civil engineers. They like their job. They think civil engineering is important and interesting. It is interesting for me. I’m fond or architecture, town planning and design.


Civil engineering is important for the Kuzbas. Construction of different kinds of buildings as well as transport systems is necessary for the region. The scope of civil engineering is very broad. And it will be easy to find a good job in the future.


-What is civil engineering?

-Civil engineering is a very broad professional field.

-What are the spheres of civil engineering interests?

-Civil engineering deals with the construction of different kinds of buildings, renewal and development projects, dams and other coastal protection structures, off-shore facilities, flood and pollution-control systems.

-I see. Nearly everything around us is planned, designed and constructed by a civil engineer.

-You are right.





- What are you?

- I’m a student.

- What is your subject?

- My subject is civil engineering.

- And what are the duties of a civil

- A civil engineer is to work out plans


and specifications, to supervise the


construction projects. Moreover, he


should ensure quality, efficiency, speed


and low cost of construction. And, of


course, consider the methods, equipment


and materials which may be used to


construct a project.

- I see. To my mind the duties of a


civil engineer are very important.



III. Составьте диалоги по ситуации.

1.Discuss with your groupmate why you have chosen the profession of a civil engineer. What are its advantages ? Where do you think you will work after you graduate from the university.

IV. Расскажите о своей профессии, используя следующие вопросы:

1.What do you do?

2.When was your faculty founded?

3.How many students are there at your faculty?

4.What can you say about the staff?

5.What is your subject?

6.Why have you chosen this profession?

7.Civil engineering is important for the Kuzbas, isn’t it? Why?

8.Is civil engineering a broad professional field? Why do you think so?

9.What fields of construction does civil engineering comprise?

10.What branches of knowledge does civil engineering embrace?

11.What are there duties of a civil engineer?

12.What do transport systems include?

13.What is the cost of poor roads?

14.Why are there traffic blocks?

15.Why is there a need for road construction projects in Russia?

16.What types of buildings do you know?

17.What does the type and the function of a building influence?

18.What building materials are used in residential construction?

19.What are the main principles of architecture?

20.What are social functions of different architectural styles?

V. Расскажите о:

a)(civil …) engineering as a broad professional field

b)spheres of its interests

c)duties of a (civil, mining, electrical) engineer.


Список литературы

1. Баракова М.Я. Английский язык для горных инженеров / М.Я. Баракова, Р.И. Журавлева. - М.: Высш. шк., 2001.

2.Луговая А.Л. Английский язык для энергетических специальностей. - М.: Высш. шк., 2001.

3.Отраслевые журналы “Электра”, “Уорлд Таннэлинг” и др. (1995 - 2001 гг.).

4.Бурлак А.И. Учебник английского языка. - М.: Высш. шк., 1982.

5.Скалкин В.Л. Английский язык в ситуациях общения: Учеб. пособие. – 2-е изд. - М.: Высш. шк., 1997.

6.Современный город. Пособие по АЯ для строительных специальностей / Е.В. Горбунова, - М.: Высш. Шк., 1986.

7.Английский язык для инженеров / Т.Ю. Полякова, Е.В. Синявская, О.И. Тынкова, Э.С. Улановская - М.: Высш. Шк., 1998.

8.Sabaneeva N.I. Electrical Engineering. - M.: Energo, 1996.

9.Boehm K. University Choice. - Harmondsworth, 1966.

10.Technical Contacts / N. Brieger, J. Canfort. – Cambridge: University Press, 1993.

11.School of Engineering and Applied Science. - The GW University, 1993.


Надежда Николаевна Курпешко Тамара Кузьминична Румас Нина Андреевна Устинова Ирина Владимировна Батенко Людмила Петровна Варакса


Методические указания для обучения устной речи на английском языке

для студентов II курса всех специальностей

Редактор З.М. Савина

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Государственное учреждение Кузбасский государственный технический университет. 650026, Кемерово, ул. Весенняя, 28.

Типография Государственного учреждения Кузбасский государственный технический университет. 650099, Кемерово, ул. Д. Бедного, 4А.