Файл: Н.П. Морозова Forms of business organization Формы организации предприятий (английский язык).pdf

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7.That ownership becomes separated from management makes the latter easier.

8.Corporations must report their financial condition to the public.

4. Write in the advantages and disadvantages of the corporation in note form.














Discuss the advantages and disadvantages using the following




On the one hand …, but on the other hand …; Although …;


When it comes to …; As for … .

5. Prepare a talk on : 1. Advantages of corporations



2. Disadvantages of corporations









1. Which of the following is not an advantage of a sole proprietorship?

a. flexibility of organization

c. limited liability

and management


b. easy entrance

d. secrecy

2. Sole proprietorships are least common among

a. manufacturers

c. service businesses

b. retailers

d. farmers

3. Which of the following is an advantage of a partnership over a sole proprietorship?

a. limited financial liability

c. greater borrowing

for the partners


b. ease of entry

d. unlimited life span

4.All of the following are disadvantages of the sole proprietorship except


a.unlimited liability

b.the difficulty most people have in establishing them

c.high interest rates and the difficulty owners confront in borrowing money

d.limited life and heavy dependence upon a single


5.Top officers of a corporation are elected by and can be removed by

a. shareholders

c. the chairman of the board

b. the board of directors

d. none of the above

6.Under what type of partnership is a person's liability limited to the amount of his or her investment?

a. limited partnership

c. corporate partnership

b. general partnership

d. every partnership

7.The owners of a corporation are known as the

a. board of directors

c. shareholders

b. chief executive officers

d. creditors

8. Success in a sole proprietorship generally requires

a. individual initiative

c. self-reliance

b. hard work

d. all of the above

9.Which of the following is true concerning corporations?

a. To be incorporated, an organization must be designed to

make a profit.

b.A corporation must sell its shares on the open market.

c.A corporation must make public reports on its financial condition.

d.Corporations have limited liability.

10. Unlimited liability means that any damages or debt attributed to

the business can be attached to the


a. stockholders

c. owners

b. board of directors

d. creditors

11. A legal association of two or more persons as co-owners in a

business is called a


a. cooperative

c. sole proprietorship

b. corporation

d. partnership

12. The board of directors of a corporation is elected by the

a. company officers

c. employees

b. voting stockholders

d. chief executive officers





As a practical matter, the entity that has ultimate authority in

guiding corporate affairs and making general policy is the


a.company president or

c. board of directors


chief executive officer



b. stockholders

d. company lawyers


The owners of a business can sell their interest in a business with

the least amount of trouble in a



a. sole proprietorship

c. public corporation


b. partnership

d. nonprofit corporation


Conflict among the owners in a business is most likely occur in


a. sole proprietorships

c. public corporations


b. partnerships

d. nonprofit corporation


Partnerships are most common in which of the following?


a.commercial or industrial firms

c.retail stores


b.professional and financial

d.discount houses





Which form of business ownership accounts for the most money

and has the most power?



a. sole proprietorships

c. corporations


b. partnerships

d. None. They are all about





Which of the following is not a characteristic of public




a. limited life span

c. limited liability


b. the ability to raise large

d. the ability to attract high-


sums of money quickly

quality personnel


В работе использована следующая методическая литература:

1. Боганский И.С., Дюканова Н.М. Бизнес-курс английского языка: Словарь-справочник. – Киев: Логос, 1997.

2.Кумарова М.Г. Новый бизнес английский. Курс деловой. лексики английского языка.- М.: АКАЛИС, 1997.

3.Миловидов В. Английский курс для специалистов по финансовому менеджменту и банковскому делу.-Тверь, 1994.

4.Оксюкевич Е.Д. Хрестоматия по юриспруденции.- М.: Спарк,


5.Словарь активного усвоения лексики. Лонгман Груп Лимитед, Харлоу. - М.: Рус. яз., 1988.

6.Шевелёва С.А., Стогов В.Е. Основы экономики и бизнеса. Учеб. пособие по англ. яз..-М.: Культура и спорт ЮНИТИ,


7.An Outline Of The American Economy.- United States Information Agency. 1992.

8.Lees G., Thorne T. English on Business. Practical English for International Executives. -Обнинск: Титул, 1997.

9.Mack Angela. The Language of Business. BBC English by Radio

and Television, 1990.

10.Norman S. We're in Business. English for commercial practice and international trade /Student's Book.-England: Longman, 1990.

11.Rachman/Mescon/Boree/ Thill. Business Today. Sixth Edition Study Quide. USA, 1992.



Наталия Петровна Морозова Любовь Кузьминична Чадина


Формы организации предприятий (английский язык)

Методические указания для студентов II курса экономических специальностей

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