Файл: Юрьева Л.Н. Больбот Т.Ю. Компьютер- ная зависимость.pdf
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Preface 5
Introduction. From Homo Faber to Homo I nformaticus 7
Chapter 1. Formation of computer subculture (from cuneiform
writing to internet) II
Chapter 2. Addictive behavior 17
2.1. Factors that initiate the development of addictions 20
2.2. Pathological propensity to gamblins 21
2.2.1. Factorsthat initiate pathological propensity togambling 23
2.2.2. Stages of development of pathological propensity
togambling 24
2.2.3. Principals of therapy and correction of pathological
propensity to gambling 25
Chapter 3. Computer addiction 27
3.1. Computer addiction — definitions 31
3.2. Psychological mechanisms of leaving in a virtual reality. . . . 32
3.3. Role ofcomputergames in formation of computeraddiction . 39
3.3.1.Classificationofcomputergames 41
3.3.2. Stages of formation of game dependence 44
3.4. Cyber sexual dependence 45
3.5. Social-demographical and cultural characteristics
of computer addicts 48
3.6. Computer addiction - clinical reality or special
psychological condition? 52
Chapter 4. Risk factors of development of computer addiction
at teenagers 63
4.1. Computer activity and its influence on psycho emotional
condition of pupils 66
4.2. Psychological peculiarities of pupils at a stage of risk of
formation of computer addiction 73
Chapter5.Clinicalpeculiaritiesofpatientswithcomputeraddiction . 87
5.1. General characteristic (social-demographic) of patients
with computer addiction 90
5.2. Clinical characteristic ofpatients with computer dependence. 98
5.3 Stages of development of computerdependence 103
5.4 Psychological characteristics ofpatients with
computerdependence Ill
Chapter 6. Diagnosis of computer dependence 131
6.1. The method of diagnosis the Internet addiction
(Kimberly Young, 1996) 133
6.2. The method of diagnosis of Internet-dependence
(V.Loskutova) 134
6.3.CriteriaofdiagnosisonIvanGoldberg(1996) 136
6.4 Criteria of diagnosis on Maressa Hecht Orzack (1999) 137
6.5. The method of screening diagnostics of computer dependence
(L.N.Yur'yeva,T.Yu.Bol'bot,2005) 138
Chapter 7. Prophylaxis of computer addiction 143
Chapter 8. Correction of computerdependence 151
Conclusion 161
The brief dictionary of terms 163
Bibliography 168
Contents 188
Summary 190
New book of Professor Lyudmyla Yur'yeva, MD, PhD and
Tatyana Bol'bot, MD, PhD "Computer addiction: formation,
diagnosis, correction and prophylaxis" is dedicated to the important
question of the inappropriate computer use.
The Internet has created an exciting new world of information and
communication for anyone with access to online services. Computer
(or Internet) addiction is a relatively new dependency for Ukraine,
and a hazard that will not cause obvious anxiety in population and
therefore is not estimated by its appearance. So there are not
considered problems, which arise up through laudation of fantastic
possibilities of the personal computers and the Internet. The
indicated forms of dependency above mostly spread in the
environment of teenagers and young people. The report in the
beginning of 2004 revealed that 3.8 million people (8% of Ukraine
population) used Internet in comparison with 2.5 millions (5%
population) in 2003. Thus amount of sites increased by 4.2%, and
went up to 28.8 thousands and the number of providers offering
Internet access reached 300. These rates have a remarkable tendency
of making a progress.
Computer dependency has all characteristics of an alcohol
dependency, psychoactive matters and shows up different abnormal
psychopathological disorders of no psychotic and psychotic registers
including personal disorders what quite often results in considerable
social misadaptation of the indicated persons.
Correlations in order of formation of psychopathology at
computer dependency are not studied enough and therefore
information relating to this issue is added, ambiguous and
contradictory. Absence of the theoretical base of computer
dependency development, appropriately teams up with no systematic
character, weak structure and as a result, low efilciency of
rehabilitation of such patients offered by our science. In the same
queue, this problem in Ukraine is on the stage of the development.
In this connection, the determination of the risk factors of
computer addiction and a research of clinical dynamics of this
pathology formation require a special estimate. Exposure of clinical