Файл: How can technology improve our learning process? (Advantages of Homeschooling).pdf

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Добавлен: 05.07.2023

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Not all children are educated in a regular school. It's both good and bad. Studies show that 1.77 million students were homeschooled in 2012, and the number of homeschooled children is increasing each year. Homeschooling is one of the fastest-growing trends in education. Before, most homeschooled children came from either politically liberal or very religious families.

People’s opinions on the theme of homeschooling differ greatly. Some people think that it’s better for children to study the school curriculum at home, while others say that such a method has a lot of disadvantages.

Today, all kinds of families home school their kids for their own reasons. Some parents have lost faith in the government’s educational system. Others have a lifestyle that requires them to constantly move from one city or country to another, so it is more convenient for the kids to be homeschooled rather than enrolling and transferring them multiple times.

Advantages of Homeschooling

1. It gives more freedom in planning a curriculum and schedule.

Most states in the United States allow homeschooled kids to learn what they want when they want and for as long as they want. This means that kids can spend more hours learning subjects that really interest them, or more time can be devoted to lessons they find most difficult. There is no pressure to keep up with classmates or the tendency to feel insecure if they can’t memorize their multiplication tables as fast as the other kids. Parents can also include subjects that are not typically taught in school but which they want to teach their children, such as a certain religion or their own cultural heritage and language. Additionally, you won’t have to limit learning to books. You can incorporate other forms of instruction, like online courses.

2. It provides more personalized one-on-one learning opportunities.

One problem with classroom learning in schools is there is just one teacher for quite a large number of students. And with just limited time for each class every day, some kids may not receive the attention or guidance they need to learn as best they can. With homeschooling, the teacher can focus on each child and adapt your teaching methods to each one’s best learning style.

3. It allows children to spend more time with your family.

You can share the common, everyday joys of life together and not miss out on important developmental stages of each person. Parents can also journey with their children as they go through challenging times. Research shows that destructive or rebellious behavior diminishes when teenagers start homeschooling.

4. It lets you protect your children from negative influences they may encounter outside the home.

Sensitive issues can be discussed when you feel they are ready to learn about them. In addition, there is lesser tendency of their involvement in school gangs, violence, bullying, peer pressure, and other potential problems students face in school.

5. It makes family trips and vacations easier to plan.

There won’t be semestral breaks and permanent daily class schedules that you need to strictly follow so you can go on holiday any time of the year, and you can even make these trips educational.

6. Intellectually parents can choose the curriculum which suits the child's learning style and interest. In the homeschool environment, the pace of learning can also be adjusted.

7. Emotionally a child feels secure within the relationship with their parent and as the parent knows the child they will be able to guide their emotional development and IQ.

8. Parents can choose the sport and physical activities which suit the child and is needed for their development especially at specific developmental stages. The homeschool environment is also safe and a child can develop without the threat of bullying.

Disadvantages of Homeschooling

1. It requires you to be with your kids 24/7.

You will have little respite and less time for yourself or your spouse. However, some families don’t mind being together all the time.