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Добавлен: 19.10.2020

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drowning it in a bath of healthy reality. Reality which has shown that, after the end of the dualism of the Cold War, the world has become, or rather has returned to be more complicated. And also, inevitably, more dangerous. From the crisis of the former Yugoslavia to the Maghreb, from Central Asia to Latin America, from the Dark Continent to the Far East and everywhere have gone back to act and powerfully to manifest the dynamics of what wouldn't be wrong to define the new «Great global Game». A game which no super-power could and can really govern in solitude, especially since the epochal economic crisis of the recent years has seriously put into question the primacy of Washington.

Hence, inevitable, a world scenario in which various «powers» act and interact with. Great Powers, of course, like China, resurgent Russia and the U.S. itself, but also «medium» powers, or if we want powers of «area», with which even the Giants are learning to deal. And from <this so complex and intricate game which alone can raise that «concert» of powers , able of reshaping the global balance.

Balances, of course, always precarious and dangerous because continually changing. Yet the only equilibria that are emerging on our horizon. In short, a return in grand style, to the international politics and geopolitics. And a tombstone on the globalist utopias and on the dream (or nightmare) of a single Giant who stood around as planetary policeman.

Today things are very different. The recovery of different identities, the speciic political and cultural traditions must carry us out the schematics of the recent past. There is no «Democratic System» sole and indisputable. There are several approaches to modernity, or to the politics of participation, of social justice, of the equitable distribution of income and freedom. Because they move from different cultures and traditions distinct but not incompatible with each other.

Hence a variety of models that may well be alternative to each other, but complementary to each other. Coexist and cooperate.

The different cultural and national resurrected or re-discovered identities conirm the end of the long season of the blocks, can not,

however, remind of a pure and simple return to the past. To the past of the nation-states relegated in their particularism and their selfishness, today in fact powerless in face of the complexity of the world scenarios. The new actors of the Great Game, therefore, are rather intended to be aggregates / coalitions based on a common background, sometimes very ancient, such as Eurasian, because prior to the crushing of «large multiple identities» in those, more restricted, the nation states.

The birth of the Eurasian among Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus is an important example of these new combinations to cope with the deluge of the unique thought. A force, undoubtedly of economic nature, which disrupts the patterns designed in Washington and that will be attractive for many other «satellite» states in order to create an «Eurasian constellation».

Europe, however, driven by sheer by the inancial speculation in recent months and by a short-sighted French-German chauvinism, limps. The original error has been having staked everything on the importance of a single currency, that Euro which today is more a weakness than a strength for Europe, instead of working together to design a new common policy, now shows all its limits.

We should plan the overcoming of the old patterns in the international relations, focusing our attention in creating «cultural, political and economic bridges» with realities kept conined to mere business partners in the energy sector. An attempt which, thanks to the project «Beyond Lepanto. From the clash of yesterday the cartel today» for example, has launched new models of relations between the Latin and Central Europe and Turkey23.

So how strong are the links established over the years with the Republic of Kazakhstan and Russia.


Marius Vacarelu

Dr., National School of Political and Administrative Studies (Bucharest, Romania)

Trying to speak about continental political constructions, we need to understand their limits. Inside all human institutions there is a limit, because the possibility to create something able to satisfy always all interest is impossible.

In this case, we must look to the theories. All of them underline that in the moment when few great people want to introduce big ideas on public debate, a lot of critics will appear, not trying to accept and correct the positive aspects of these activities, but only speaking about the limits (economics, politics, human relations, etc.).

Eurasia is a big idea only if we want to thing to it; more than that is a big idea if someone will try to explain this to the world. However, the dimension of these continents is huge, and a scientist will see easier the limits of this construction. And, when human society will be prepared, it could be a possibility to create a new European, maybe, after European Union model.

Inside all of these facts, Eurasian idea must be analyzed sine ira et studio (without hate and with morality), and few important aspects are brought by the national legislations and by the people who believe in them. Our text tries to describe some problems of this important equation, between ideas and legal possibilities to fulfill them.

1. The question of Eurasia is an Eurasian question or only a single country question? Why this?

Because, as always, when we analyze «the political constructions)), we must note the dificulties to have a single vocabulary for every person who have access to the concept as the main obstacle to construct ... something.

Thus, out text will speak about Eurasia. It's a concept with great socio-politic importance, and — following this idea, we'll use to describe it two important search engines and its documents, to present «popular» (in fact, public) access to information about the concept.

Google reports 15,500,000 notes about Eurasia, and 8,500,000 to the question: What is Eurasia?

Wikipedia has its own page about Eurasia24, where it can be read:

  • Eurasia is a continent or super-continent covering about 52,990,000 km2 (20,846,000 mi2) or about 10.6% of the Earth's surface (36.2% of the land area) located primarily in the eastern and northern hemispheres. Physio-graphically, it is a single continent, comprising the traditional continents of Europe and Asia (with Eurasia being a portmanteau of the two); the concepts ofEurope andAsiaas distinct continents date back to antiquity and their borders are geologically arbitrary. Eurasia, in turn, is part of the yet larger landmass of Afro-Eurasia, whereby Eurasia is joined to Africa at the Isthmus of Suez. Eurasia is inhabited by almost 4 billion people, more than 72.5% of the world's population (60% in Asia and 12.5% in Europe);

  • Eurasia is also sometimes used in geopolitics to refer to organizations of or affairs concerning the post-Soviet states, in particular Russia, the Central Asian republics, and the Transcaucasian republics. A prominent example of this usage is in the name of the Eurasian Economic

Community,      the      organization      including Kazakhstan, Russia, and some of their neighbors, and headquartered in Moscow and Astana. The word «Eurasia» is often used in Kazakhstan as the name of the continent or region in which that country is located. Numerous institutions in that country use it in their name, e.g., L. N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, the Eurasian Media Forum, the Eurasian Culture Foundation, the Eurasian Development Bank , or the Eurasian Bank. In 2007, Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev proposed that a «Eurasia Canal« be built to connect the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea via the Kuma - Manych Depression in Russia, providing Kazakhstan and other Caspian-basin countries with a more eficient access path to the ocean than the existing Volga-Don Canal. This usage is somewhat analogous to the U.S. usage of the term Western Hemisphere when referring to the concepts and organizations dealing with the Americas (e.g., Council on Hemispheric Affairs or Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation)1. These texts are public and very easy to be found by anyone. The last site with great importance for our question (What is Eurasia) is www.eurasiancenter.org, an important site from Unites States of America. We present it here, because today it is considered the US as the single global power, so, we must be concern about the initiatives started from this part of the word.

2. On the other part, the main wisdom in Eurasian problems belongs o both continents — because the common history speaks louder. In the same time, on this big scientiic and concept map the main role of debate belongs, naturally, to Russia and to Russian specialists.

  • 1 Turkey has less.

    2 In a lot of European institution (as football or music) Israel is included in Europe.

    3 Despite the land reality.

    In this case, we must note also few ideas:

  • Russia is the country to have the biggest part of its territory on both continents12, but its position is not perfectly favorable to develop a total discourse on Eurasia, because the most emergent part of it is situated in Europe3;

  • Russia represents a perfect roof for the world — in this case, its Eurasian idea represents a correspondence with a human body with two special arms: the body is settled in northern Siberia, near the Arctic Ocean. In the same time, the arms has a double signiicance: a left arm who keep a shield in the Asian direction (mainly China — for extension, yellow race people), and the right one, the most eficient and productive, is stretched to the Europe. In this case, we must note something special: the left had defended Europe from the Vladivostok to the Pamir Mountains, and the right one is over the Moscow and Petersburg. So, a logic question: where is situated the sight of Russia? In our opinion, this is settled to a big area, with a fragmented history: Central Asia — Caspian Sea — Black Sea, as always in the history of humanity, from the North (Sever) to the South (Yugo);

  • Eurasia is a new concept for history it appeared in the 19th century, and only because it was on that time two empires who were important position on both continents: Russian and Turkish one. In this case, we must note an analogy: Christian Russia was opposed to Muslim Turkey on the same logic met after 1945 between Soviet Union and United States;

  • Eurasia is an old concept related to European union, because the unionist ideas on Europe was blocked always by the presence of Muslim Constantinople, and, more than that, by the internal battle between main European land powers (with a «big brother» behind — Great Britain);