Файл: Na_puti_k_dolgosrochnoy_strategii_stran_BRIKS_angl.pdf

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Добавлен: 19.10.2020

Просмотров: 1880

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ADB – Asian Development Bank
ART – Antiretroviral therapy 
ARC – Agricultural Research Council 
AU – African Union 
BIS – Bank for International Settlements 
BNDES – Brazilian National Development Bank
BRICS   – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
BTTC – BRICS Think Tank Council 
CAE – Chinese Academy of Engineering 
Capes – Brazilian Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel 
CAS – Chinese Academy of Sciences 
CBM – Common Berthing Mechanism
CELAC – Community of Latin American and Caribbean States
CERT – Computer Emergency Response Team
CGIAR – Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
CHE – Council on Higher Education (South Africa)
CIP – Critical Infrastructure Programme (South Africa)
COP – Conference of Parties 
DST – Department of Science and Technology (India/South Africa)
EFA – Education for All 
EU – European Union 
FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization
FDI – Foreign Direct Investment 
FP7 –  Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development 

(European Union)

FTA – Free trade agreement

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BRICS Long-Term Strategy




G20 – Group of 20 
GATT – General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs 
GDP – Gross Domestic Product 
GERD – Gross domestic R&D expenditures 
HEI – Higher Education Institution 
HQLA – High Quality Liquid Assets 
IBRD – International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 
ICPD – International Conference on Population and Development
ICT – Information and communication technology 
IDA – International Development Association 
IFC – International Finance Corporation 
ILO – International Labour Organization
IMF – International Monetary Fund
INPE – National Institute of Space Research (Brazil)
LDC – Least developed country 
LIC – Low-income country 
Mapa – Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (Brazil)
MCTI – Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Brazil)
MDB – Multilateral Development Bank
MDG – Millennium Development Goal
MERCOSUR – Mercado Común del Sur 
MIIT – Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (China)
MRC – Medical Research Council (South Africa)
MST – Ministry of Science and Technology (India)
NASSCOM – National Association of Software and Service Companies (India) 
NCD – Non-communicable disease 
NDB – New Development Bank 
NDRC – National Development and Reform Commission (China)
NHI – National Health Insurance (South Africa)

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Abbreviations and Acronyms




NInC – National Innovation Council (India)
NIS – National Innovation System 
NPC – National People’s Congress (China)
NRU – National Research University (Russia)
NSFAS – National Student Financial Aid Scheme (South Africa)
NSFC – National Science Foundation of China 
OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 
ODI – Outward Direct Investment 
OIE – International Epizootic Office
PPP – Purchasing Power Parity 
PPD – Population and Development and Experts on Population Matters 
PIR – Center for Policy Studies (Russia)


– People’s Republic of China 

PTA – Preferential trade agreement 
QE – Quantitative Easing 
RMB – Renminbi
RTA – Regional trade agreement
R&D – Research and development 
SAARC – South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation 
SDG – Sustainable Development Goal 
SDR – Special Drawing Rights
SIFI – Systemically Important Financial Institutions 
SKA – Square Kilometer Array 
SME – Small and medium-sized enterprise
STI – Science, technology and innovation 
TB – Tuberculosis 
THRIP – Technology and Human Resources for Industry Programme (South Africa)
TIA – Technology Innovation Agency (South Africa)
TRIPS – Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property 

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BRICS Long-Term Strategy




UAV – Unmanned aerial vehicle 
UCAV – Unmanned combat air vehicle 
UMP – Unconventional monetary policy
UN – United Nations
UNCTAD – United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UNDP – United Nations Development Programme 
UNFCCC – United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 
UN IAEG – United Nations Inter-Agency and Expert Group 
UNODC – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 
UNSC – United Nations Security Council 
USA – United States of America  
USD – United States Dollar 
WHO – World Health Organization 
WTO – World Trade Organization

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