Файл: Марганов Рушан 2113 Name, Surname Total Final Test Variant viii.docx

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Марганов Рушан 2113 Name, Surname


Final Test

Variant VIII

Task I. Fill in by or with. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The house was badly damaged BY the fire.

2. The cake was beautifully decorated WITH sugared almonds.

3. An interesting book has been published BY the company.

4. The man was struck on his head BY a stranger WITH a heavy stick.

5. The window was smashed WITH a hammer taken from the shed.

6. The holiday was spoilt BY bad weather.

7. The grass was covered WITH dew in the morning.
Task II. Use the correct form of the passive and explain your choice. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Two candidates are being interviewed at the moment.

2. By the time the rain stopped, we had drunk two pots of coffee.

3. The workers were paid twice a month.

4. The problem is being discussed by the managers when we came into the conference hall.

5. The mail hasn’t been opened by Steve yet.

6. She said to take part in the negotiations next Tuesday.

5. The secret must not be revealed to anyone.
1. В данный момент проходят собеседование два кандидата.

2. К тому времени, как дождь прекратился, мы выпили две чашки кофе.

3. Рабочим платили два раза в месяц.

4. Проблема обсуждалась менеджерами, когда мы вошли в конференц-зал.

5. Письмо еще не было открыто Стивом.

6. Она сказала , что примет участие в переговорах в следующий вторник.

5. Тайна не должна быть раскрыта никому.
Task III. Rewrite the sentences in the Passive omitting the agent where necessary.

1. Mark feeds the dogs every morning.

2. They had sold all the tickets by the time we arrived.
1.The dogs are fed every morning by Mark

2. By the time the we arrived, they had sold all tickets

Task IV. Put the verb into the correct form, active or passive. Explain your choice.

1. Breakfast is served every day from 7 am to 10am.

Passive т.к. неизвестно , кто подает завтрак.
2. A new security system will be installed in all our offices in the next few weeks.

Passive т.к. неизвестно , кто выполняет установку.
3. My wife just received a letter from her relatives.

Activeт.к. известно , кто получает письмо.
4. When we got home, we realized the house had been burgled.

Passive т.к. неизвестно , кто ограбил дом.
5. At this very moment the police is interviewed the suspect.

Activeт.к. известно ,кого опрашивают.
6. The Bank is landed me two thousand pounds in 2019.

Activeт.к. известно ,кто одолжил.
7. The new project will be presented by the end of next month.

Passive т.к. неизвестно , кто будет совершать действие.
8. I’m starving. I
haven't eaten a thing all day.

Activeт.к. известно ,кто не ел.

Task V. Underline the predicate in each sentence, name its tense-form and voice. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. This software is being installed. (Present Continuous Passive, Устанавливается новое программное обеспечение.)

2. Two hundred people are employed by the company.

( Present Simple Passive, В компании работают двести человек)
3. Who has broken the window?

( Present Perfect Active, Кто разбил окно?)
4. Someone mugged my friend on his way home a few nights ago.

( Past Simple Active, Несколько ночей назад кто-то напал на моего друга по дороге домой.)
5. The coffee had already been made when I came to the office.

( Past Perfect Passive, Кофе уже был сварен, когда я пришел в офис.)
6. I will give you plenty of time to decide.

(Future Simple Active, Я дам вам достаточно времени, чтобы принять решение.)
7. He is considered to be a talented engineer.

( Past Simple Active, Он считается талантливым инженером)
8. We were watching the game outside the stadium on a huge screen when it began to rain.

( Past Continuous Active, Мы смотрели игру за пределами стадиона на огромном экране, когда начался дождь.)