ВУЗ: Не указан

Категория: Не указан

Дисциплина: Не указана

Добавлен: 06.11.2023

Просмотров: 18

Скачиваний: 1

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There are some applied fields of economics in which specialists are interested.

Does this developing country require any help in order to build new plants and factories?

It is important for any enterprise to have some markets for its goods.

For the last five years the plant hasn't bought any new equipment.

As the firm doesn't spend any money on new technologies it isn't a successful competitor in the market.

Do we have some fuel to drive to the nearest petrol station?

People require some time to find new sources of energy.

Is there any rise in the consumption of this new good?

This good doesn't have any characteristics which distinguish it from other goods in the market.

Developed market -развитый рынок

Used labour -используемая рабсила,

Predicted situation -предсказуемая ситуация

Studied date - изученная дата

Reached progress- достигнутый прогресс

Sold foodstuffs -продаваемые продукты питания

Increased population -выросшее население

Services provided by the company - Услуги, предоставляемые компанией

models made by economists - модели, сделанные экономистами

relationships studied by them - изучаемые ими отношения

trade developed by these two countries - торговля, развитая этими двумя странами

crops grown in the area - культуры, выращиваемые на участке

income distributed among many people - доход распределяемые между многими людьми.

To read(читать) -reading (читающий)

to write(писать)- writing (пишущий)

to raise(поднимать) - raising(поднимающий)

to use(использовать) -using(использующий)

to grow(расти) -growing(растущий)

to produce(производить) -producing (производящий)

to provide(обеспечивать) - providing(обеспечивающий)

to process(обрабатывать)- processing(обрабатывающий)

to manufacture(производить) - manufacturing (производящий)

to belong(принадлежать) - belonging (принадлежащий)

to include(включать) - including (включающий)

to follow(следовать)- following (следующий)

to affect(влиять) - affecting (влияющий)

to influence(влиять) - influencing (влияющий)

to buy(покупать) - buying (покупающий)

to sell(продавать) - selling (продающий)

to predict(прогнозировать)- predicting (прогнозирующий)

Processing industries - обрабатывающая промышленность

growing demand – растущий спрос

developing relationships – развитие отношений

increasing productivity – повышение производительности

growing scarcity – растущий дефицит

working plants – работающие заводы

changing buyers' behavior – изменение поведения покупателей

Consumers choosing the cheapest goods - потребители, выбирающие самые дешевые товары

economies coping with resources scarcity - экономика, справляющаяся с дефицитом ресурсов

economists predicting new tendencies - экономисты, предсказывающие новые тенденции

industries belonging to the primary sector - отрасли, относящиеся к первичному сектору

companies having high profit - компании, имеющие высокую прибыль

data showing differences between regions - данные, показывающие различия между регионами

economists dealing with labour markets - экономисты, занимающиеся рынками труда

1. The factory is employing new workers now.

2. They are studying the economic situation in the area.

3. I am not learning French, I am learning English.

4. They haven’t sold the products, they are selling them now.

5. The two companies are competing in the market.

6. We are applying new technology.

7. Are you working on a report on a macroeconomic problem?

8. The consumption of fruit and vegetables is increasing in our country.

9. Is unemployment growing at the moment?

1. We are beginning a course in computer programming in a month (через месяц).

2. I am going to the sea in July.

3. Our students are having a lecture in economics by a visiting professor from England today after classes.

4. This student is working at his course paper (курсовая paбота) next week.

5. We aren’t reading for the exam this week, we are working at the course paper

1. We are going to Paris on winter holiday.

2. My mother is going to watch TV in the evening.

3. I am not going to read any textbooks for the exam, I am going read

my lecture notes.

4. My friend is going to take a computer course this winter.

5. These students are going to become economists in five years.

6. I am going to find a job during my summer holiday
1. I don’t think this plant will produce good radios.

2. They think the new car will be very good.

3. If you speak English, you will get a better job.

4. When they introduce the new method, productivity will rise.

5. If the company raises labour efficiency, it will become more profitable.

6. You will like Professor Smith's lectures in economics, I am sure.


1. If the government's policy is proper, employment will be higher.

2. When Russia improves conditions of scientists' work, there will be great progress in science.

3. When the enterprise works more profitably, it will competes with other enterprises more successfully.

4. When the factory produces more goods, it will requires more resources.

5. Before the manager makes a decision, he will studies all the data.

6. If the price of the goods does not raise, the company will not make any profit.

7. If the economists do not use the new method of analysis, they will not make a correct model.

8. After the prices rise, the demand for these goods will fall.