Файл: Recruiting match the words and phrases in the columns.doc
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Match the words and phrases in the columns:
1) свободная вакансия | t) (available) vacancy; vacant position (post) |
2) биржа труда (служба занятости) | j) employment agency (exchange) / job centre |
3) «утечка мозгов» | n) brain drain |
4) «охотиться» за высококвалифицированными кадрами | i) to hunt for highly-skilled / qualified specialists |
5) основной оклад | a) basic / base salary |
6) претендент на рабочее место | l) job applicant / seeker |
7) тарифная сетка | s) wages scale, scale of charges, schedule list |
8) бесперспективная работа | m) a dead-end job |
9) устроиться на работу | p) to get a job / to get employed |
10) семейное положение | r) family status, marital status |
11) штат сотрудников | q) staff |
12) повышать / понижать в должности | g) to promote / to demote |
13) современные методы поиска работы | o) up-to-date job-seeking methods |
14) подавать заявление по приему на работу | c) to apply (to for) ; file an application (to for) the job |
15) автобиография, резюме | b) CV( curriculum vitae), résumé |
16) сочетать карьеру и семейную жизнь | e) to balance a career with family life |
17) трудовой стаж | k) career pattern, time record |
18) попасть под сокращение штатов | h) to become redundant / be laid off |
19) работа на неполную занятость | d) part-time job / work |
20) собеседование по приему на работу | f) an interview for a job |
Find Russian equivalents for the following:
Close-knit team, career ladder, personal preferences, to be a workaholic, to be
reluctant to do duties, to shift responsibilities, initial application, to consider applications, cooperative, time-consuming, cover letter, application letter, to create massive response, to read through irrelevant job ads, to attach CV, to have poor response rate, to give a potential advantage, first-hand information, career objective, reference, employer, to sum up the details, leadership skills.
Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.
Во многих случаях при устройстве на работу кандидату необходимо написать резюме или автобиографию и заполнить анкету. -
Резюме должно быть ясным и содержательным и включать информацию о профессиональном опыте, образовании, умениях, достоинствах соискателя, а также личные данные и рекомендации. -
Собеседование – важная часть процедуры для получения вакантной должности. Каждый претендент должен сделать все возможное, чтобы произвести благоприятное впечатление на интервьюера. -
После интервью работодатель принимает окончательное решение и предлагает работу одному из претендентов. -
Я заинтересована в должности секретаря управляющего директора, вакансия, на которую была объявлена вчера в газете The Moscow Times. -
Дополнительные льготы в этой компании включают служебную машину, медицинское страхование, ежегодные премии и мобильный телефон. -
Если Вы энергичны, целеустремленны и заинтересованы в продолжении карьеры в данной сфере, Вы должны воспользоваться этим случаем и присоединиться к нашей компании. -
Мой прежний работодатель предоставил мне отличные рекомендации. -
Составляя резюме, необходимо указать все имеющиеся квалификации и профессиональные навыки. -
Если Вас пригласили на собеседование по поводу приема на работу, стоит подумать, как представить себя в наиболее выгодном для работодателя свете. -
В резюме необходимо включать только достоверную и имеющую отношение к делу информацию о прежних местах трудовой занятости. -
Большой опыт в области полученной специальности всегда привлекателен для будущего работодателя. -
Сложно найти работу, которая бы идеально отвечала предъявляемым требованиям. -
Обязанности, которые исполнялись работником на прежнем месте работы, не всегда совпадают с требованиями, предъявляемыми новым работодателям. -
Все больше людей прибегают к поиску работы при помощи Интернета, подавая объявления о поиске работы в сети.
Make up your own sentences using these words and word-combinations.
to maintain and develop relationship with a diverse range of clients -
service background -
casual work, odd jobs -
salary supplement -
personnel department, personnel office -
to work fixed hours -
to take smb on, employ smb -
to dismiss smb, discharge smb, lay smb off -
severance pay -
to find a job ad -
to allow maternity leave -
pay day -
fringe benefits -
to reach / to hit a glass ceiling -
без опыта работы -
to get job satisfaction -
relief / dole -
to do manual work -
to fit the description -
to retire -
to possess sales experience -
to seek a lucrative career
Translate the text into Russian, paying special attention to the underlined words and phrases:
Successful strategies for finding a job
It would seem obvious that the harder you look for work, the more likely you are to be successful. Of course, it's not always that easy. You have to do the right things and you also have to be in a positive frame of mind.
Job seekers, whether facing redundancy or already unemployed, can suffer from depression and get into a fatalistic frame of mind so that they have no hope of success. Unfortunately, this can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. The less hope you have of finding work, the more this will communicate through your resumé and at interviews.
The Guardian's research pinpointed seven key factors that were present for successful job seekers. They were:
A positive, optimistic attitude -
Constant and effective action -
Using contacts -
Contacting companies -
Effective decisions -
Going the extra mile -
Using online resources
Although the research does indicate that a job seeker's attitude and state of mind is important, it's really about making the search for employment a full-time occupation and leaving no stone unturned.
It's understandable that job seekers, especially older ones, can allow themselves to become downcast and pessimistic. Older people are especially vulnerable to feeling depressed and hopeless. Many older job hunters feel they have little chance as many employers are looking for younger, less experienced workers, usually because they can pay them lower salaries.
Even so, no matter what your reason for feeling negative about your chances of a successful job hunt, you must maintain a positive attitude. If you don't believe in yourself, why should anybody else, including a prospective employer?
Make sure that your CV (Curriculum Vitae) or résumé shows you off to best advantage. Your experience should be presented positively, even it isn't extensive. If you get an interview, coming over as a positive person with an optimistic attitude is more likely to impress employers than if you are apologetic or negative. When challenged on some aspect of your experience or employment history, present your case in a positive way. For example, if the interviewer suggests that your experience as an office manager in an advertising agency doesn't equip you for the same position in an accountancy practice. You point out the similarities in the duties regardless of the sector of commerce of the company.
The Guardian survey shows that those with a positive attitude to their job search were over 60% more likely to be successful than those without it.
( Abridged, from http://www.squidoo.com/secrets-of-job-seeking)
Read and translate the text. Before reading choose your top five motives that could make you work harder. Rank them in order of your priority and justify your choice.
bonus responsibility working for a successful company
bigger salary threat of redundancy a better working environment
commission heart-working boss promotion opportunities
praise good colleagues perks or fringe benefits
Changing jobs
Changing jobs can be a positive and exciting time in a person's life. However, the transition to a new career is often stressful and mentally exhausting. New employees must create new habits and adjust to new workplace routines. An employee must also establish working relationships with new co-workers and a new boss. The top causes of stress in a job change usually stem from a worker's inability or reluctance to adapt to a new business environment and the uncertainty of new job responsibilities.
There are both positive and negative effects of changing jobs. The key is making sure a career change is really beneficial. You will need to weigh the pros and cons of switching jobs to determine this. One way to accomplish this is by creating a list of all positives and negatives associated with taking a new job. You can then decide if changing jobs is the best move in the long run.
Leaving or losing a job likely also means you will lose your health insurance coverage at some point. Even when you find a new job, you may have to wait an extended period of time until you are eligible for the company's group coverage. However, there are some coverage options available to help you avoid the risk of being uninsured.
Your resume is your golden ticket to land a job interview - and hopefully the job itself. You’ve worked hard over the years, built your experience and suddenly - BOOM - everything changes. It may be time for you to change your thinking accordingly. Rather than focus on your over-qualification, shift your perspective. The term “dumb down” is often over-used to describe creating a resume to avoid the overqualified label. Instead, customize - or re-focus - your resume for a particular job or position level.
The fact that you're changing jobs doesn't mean you can say whatever you like to your former employer. Even if you are extremely unhappy in your job, for the sake of your future career you should act professionally when informing your employer that you are changing jobs. This is even more important when you are transferring within your company. Leaving on good terms and maintaining a working relationship with your former boss can only benefit your professional reputation.
Many people, particularly those who are still gaining work experience, often have to work at a job they don't like. Recent grads often have to seek employment in big cities away from their friends and families. Often your job can be exactly what you are looking for, but the location is not. Other times, there may be negative changes at a job you had for a long time that are causing you to contemplate quitting. These situations are hard to get away from, but you must take bold steps if you are unhappy with your current situation.
A change in job duties is something you are very likely to experience after being in the working world for a while. You may have a change in duties because of work overload or a promotion. Perhaps you requested the duty change. Perhaps you didn't have a say-so in the matter. Whatever the reason for your change in job duties, there are some basics principles that can make the transition a lot smoother for you and for others who may be impacted by the change.
The demands of daily life-job, family, bills-can be a drain on anyone. Stress, exhaustion, depression and disinterest in normal activities for prolonged periods are the hallmarks of burnout. Burnout is avoidable, but learning to deal with it can help improve your present and future. Recognize the signs and deal with burnout.
It's easy to feel trapped in a bad career situation, but don't despair: With a little legwork, you can get yourself - and your career - to a better place. (Abridged, from http://www.ehow.com/changing-jobs)