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Добавлен: 23.11.2023

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that's what happens when you're not careful with the train tracks buddy that is on you by the way look how big this thing looks when it's in my hand oh the pillow no hey guys welcome back to another video today we're going to be playing with the immersive railroading mod before we get into the video though i want to start this video by saying thank you for bringing this channel to 70 000 subscribers i'm still blown away by all the love and support it does mean a lot second of all i want to make it clear that by me making this video you should not assume that i'm done with non-euclidean minecraft no no no i'm just taking a break as to not burn myself or you all out on that kind of stuff i mean if i ride the trend out until it dies with nothing else to fall back on like what am i doing that'd be stupid also if you haven't clicked off within those first 20 seconds then uh hi i'm gonna be experimenting with face cam stuff in the future so if you don't know what i look like or we're curious hello anyways as per usual if you like this video and you want to see more stuff like this then do consider subscribing it of course is free and you can change your mind at any point while i was searching through my youtube analytics i found an interesting statistic and no it is not the percentage of people that are and aren't subscribed no i found the total number of unique viewers on my channel so in theory if everybody watching this everybody watch who watches my videos in the past month or so were to subscribe to my channel i would have 500 000 subscribers that's how many people who have been watching my content lately 500 000 people have been watching my content and i have 70 000 subscribers to the 430 000 of so of you who didn't get the memo wait what are you what are you doing what's the deal come on tell me in all seriousness though if you do like the video then obviously consider subscribing and ringing that little bell and also like the video and drop a comment down below for the algorithm you guys have been amazing on that please do keep it up it's it's it's helping this channel more than you realize and i'm very appreciative of it but that's all i gotta say so enjoy the video [Music] so the first thing i want to get out of the way is that you know i really like trains this this the choice of mod here that wasn't just like a whim i really do enjoy trains actually you know what i could show you real quick you can see the model railroad that i'm currently building behind me there's a bunch of crap on the floor mind that suffice to say i like trains a lot and for those of you who are curious yes because there's been a few of you who have picked up on it the csx and my name does in fact refer to the railroad company or the railroad transport it's a csx is a trains thing um i like trains so i had a really good time discovering this mod with that explanation out the way something else i'm gonna bring up from the comments i'm gonna get my notepad out which is real and and i have a notepad and i'm going to okay so we're gonna switch to the we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna switch we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna switch to the the in-game recording first thing i'm gonna do is lay some track which is done in a very interesting way so i've got this track here and i can place it down wherever which also um brings me to realize that the trains are big just like real trains if you didn't know they're a little big the track laying is very interesting you can place tracks you've got this track blueprint here but if i right click you can then see all these settings and i can set like you know the direction it's turning if i have it set to turn which you can do with the type here you got crossings slopes turns switches and turntables which i have yet to mess with custom curves and just regular straight track you can set the length of the track here or if kurt if you're doing curves it's the radius and blocks of the curve but we're just going to stick with straight 10 block segments because there's a lot actually you know what let me do something real quick let me make like a little circle track around this village okay so i'm going to build this track around this village let's start with maybe 60 blocks straight that seems like it would be enough right oh that's very long let's maybe go 40. let's lay that see how it looks squared up with the rest of the village i think that looks quite good double this so i can save that straight track let's do a turn let's see how big this looks with a 40 block radius actually look like you'd work pretty well so we're just gonna make like a simple loop of track we're not gonna do anything crazy something else that's a little strange if you don't have a perfect ground setup the track just won't place but uh that's okay i'm i'm cool with just filling in this grass real quick a couple more 90 degree segments and we will be on our way or rather the trains will be on their way okay so we've got ourselves a nice little loop of track let's start looking at the trains let's get to the good stuff now i actually have a resource pack for this mod installed which we're going to get to but the base mod includes a healthy selection of like you know steam locomotives a few diesel locomotives and just a couple other things it comes with a few you know pieces of rolling stock or like carriages that will you can put things in i'll show you that in a minute too and then there's a few passenger cars pretty much all of these are from the resource pack these first three come with the mod itself i'll link everything down below like the the mod in the resource pack so don't really need to worry about this right now but let's start by placing a train we're gonna start with this general electric c44-9w and when i said the trains were big i was not kidding look at this absolute monster you right click on it yeah have a look at that i'm in the cab and i can look at the controls this and as someone who knows about trains i can say that this is pretty accurate as to what they look like if you look at the bottom right you got a little gui you've got your brake your throttle your fuel and your temperature and you've got your speed now if i if i hit the keys for this and i try and start the engine [Music] you don't hear anything because i've got no fuel so what you're going to want to do is hop into here i've also got immersive engineering that was a recommended mod that pairs well with this so i don't know if you can't get to this stuff without it but it's highly recommended so what i'm going to do is i'm going to get a bucket of biodiesel i'm going to go back into the engine and i'm going to right click and you can see this comes up and it says 0 out of 174 000. so we're going to make a bunch of buckets and we're just going to start right clicking these and as you can see our fuel tank is starting to fill up so now that we've got some fuel to take if i hit this plus if i hit plus which is like the engine on button if i hit that you can see by the exhaust port on the back on the top the train is warming up that's what that temperature gauge was for at the bottom but what i wanna also show you real quick and this this completely took me by surprise it made my day when i found this if i go to the immersive railroading tab and i click this paintbrush and i right click on this locomotive come on it's me i had no idea this was here it's awesome so if you're gonna have a train what do you need you need to pull some cars so we've got a whole bunch of rolling stock here and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to grab this like hopper here now if you look closely you can see it says 108 stacks capacity now the keen amongst you might be able to guess what that means but if i place that down and i you got it's just like a hopper it's just hopper car lots of trains have these and if you right-click i said if you right-click yeah this is all the space you have to carry it you can use the trains to haul large quantities of materials that's what trains do this is awesome so let's hop out of here and let's hop in the train and uh i think we should be good to go i'm gonna i'm gonna go up on the throttle a little bit and uh i'm gonna hop out how cool is this it's just a trait oh and uh that's what happens when you're not careful with the train tracks buddy that is on you most railroads are uh privately owned property do not trespass on railroad tracks that is the psa for today trains are big dangerous and they're not toys and as you can see oh it looks a little weird going around the super tight curves but uh yeah it's a train i don't know what else to say it's it it does what it says on the thing while this train is making its rounds i'm going to refer to my notes um show how track laying works show off the wide selection of trains we're getting to that show how they work of course of course of course of course of course and this train looks like it's starting to really move let's have a look hello this this makes me so happy it's just like it's just it's i it alright so let's hop in here real quick we're gonna back off on the throttle and we're gonna apply some brakes and we're gonna watch this train slowly roll to a slop a slop a stop it it stopped before i could even correct myself on saying that it was gonna slowly stop which it didn't in the first place so we're gonna shift right click shift left click and try and go bye bye so now let's get rid of this and let's mess with a steam loco bottle now there are some there is a pretty good selection of steam locomotives but we're going to start small we're going to start small and we're going to show off the a5 switcher it's it's a very small locomotive but it is a beautiful steam locomotive nonetheless it's a little it's a little yard switcher it's nothing crazy let me actually real quick time set let's say 9000 there we go so we can actually see it so the the models if that they made for this are they they look fantastic i know they're not really blocky like the rest of minecraft we'll get to that i got something to show you but there it's it's beautiful it looks fantastic i i i'm so impressed by the work that's been done here i love this so before we get into this i'm going to give a quick crash course on how steam look of owners work so you've got colon here coal goes into that which is the firebox boils the water that's around here that water boils turns into steam gets routed all through the boiler and into these chambers which push these rods which are connected to these wheels thus making them turn that's the chugga chug that's the chugga chugga you know this gesture that's what that is anyways the rules are no different in this mod so we're gonna right-click and we've got a bucket which um much like the diesel tank in the last engine you just fill with water buckets and then all this down here is for the coal for the fire and i'm sure you can put other like burnable materials and maybe even lava i haven't tested it with the lava but for the sake of authenticity i'm gonna use coal and i'm gonna use water because that's that's uh that's how it usually goes and as you can hear things are starting to happen you can see down there the water temperature is starting to increase we've got no steam pressure yet because the water's not boiling and that's just the water tank gauge on that side there so what we're gonna do is we are gonna wait for the steam locomotives pressure to start building up and uh i'll catch you in about maybe a few minutes three five minutes it it it doesn't take too long all right so let's have a look okay so if you look in the bottom corner you can see that we've got our water is boiling we're at 100 degrees celsius we've built it up a whole bunch of steam pressure so so what that means is if i tap the throttle if i tap it again one more time hey if i hop out how cool is that it's it's a train dude i i messed with this for hours like literally doing what i'm doing right now i just set up a loop of track and i just watch trains go round and round this makes me so happy and it's a train it's literally just a train you can you can pull the whistle too i can now here's the thing right i'm gonna i'm gonna break the train and i'm gonna break this it gives me back the coal it didn't burn off which is a nice touch now i've broken this loop of track because there's one train that i do want to show you and i'm not gonna run it around a loop because it takes a long time for it to steam up but if you guys are familiar with the big boy then you know what's coming but if you don't the big boy is the most powerful steam locomotive in the world the big boy as it was as it's called because it's large has actually made it into this mod as the name suggests it's quite big and just being able to just look at something like this in mind like that that's just colossal that's huge and these things exist one of them runs it's it's huge now here's the thing i mentioned that these models were very well made very well detailed they're very accurate and they look really nice now i mentioned that resource pack earlier that resource pack adds voxel trains so let me real quick add the voxel big boy because the big boy is one of the trains that this mod adds and when i first saw this it was game over i fell in love cause just just look at this it's it looks so good i would run this train however it takes a very very very very long time for oh also by the way look how big this thing looks when it's in my hand it's ridiculous there's a reason that i didn't choose to run that big boy because the the time it takes to steam up is incredibly long however we're still gonna run the big boy because there is one thing that i have yet to show you guys and this when i saw this it was game over this this just like made my day this made my week this just made me so happy to find so if i right click you can see a bunch of options here and the keen amongst you will have noticed gage now gage for those who don't know about trains is the distance apart from the rails and this determines you know some trains run on skinnier sets tracks like narrow gauge and some are wider so in this mod there's what's called brunel scale which is bigger than the trends that i've been using and it's it's huge i mean the trains on it are quite big so if i place one we're going to use the big boy as an example i mean that's just that's just ridiculously huge i don't think i want to say i'm wondering if this is like the actual scale i don't know if it is if this is more accurate to minecraft i'm not sure but make no mistake the big boys are huge this might as well be accurate i'm not sure i haven't done the math but i'm just showing you this exists anyways we go back down to standard which is the next one down let me place a bit of standard track let me place the big boy on it again so you can see the the standard size for the big boy it's still big but it's not as big as bruno brunel is colossal and this is where things start to get interesting you've got narrow gauge which is a thing in real life there are full-size trains that do run on smaller track much like the brunel track and the standard track the train does scale match with the size of track it's on so as you can see here we've got the narrow gauge big boy but it just proportionately scales it down if we go down one more we've got minecraft and this is minecart track and no i've tried it you can't run these trains on minecraft track and you also can't run mine carts on these track kind of a disappointment but i'm not mad so if we place this down again you can see the big boy in all of its glory in a very small scale now this next one just warmed my heart drove me nuts i played with it for hours if you go one more down it says model now this it's so small first of all and second of all look at it just there's model trains you can do model trains in this look at that let me get rid of all this get rid of all these big boys let me get rid of the track let me get rid of this and this and this and this and you and you and i am going to set up myself a model training railway around this village so give me give me just give me just a little second all right so i've got two loops of track here one of them kind of goes around back on itself on the inside and the other one's kind of going outside this entire village and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna set a couple trains up on it and we're just gonna end the video there after i ask you one question but we'll get to that let's throw the big boy on the track because much like a model train like this much like the real sized thing it does run on coal and steam however it runs on a lot less of it so we can we can steam up the boiler in much less time so oops i actually got on it but that's okay so let's throw in some water buckets fill this whole thing up and we're going to just fill this little slot with coal so you can already tell that it's much smaller than the bigger trains but we're gonna let this uh steam up and while we do that i am gonna place down some coaches for it to pull when this steams up we are just gonna back into everything and it automatically couples everything so we will back up just a bit until all these are hooked up and we'll be off on our way so let me just finish placing this train and uh in the interest of speed i will now set up the fastest train in this mod which is this right here the cp 5600 its uh max speed is a scale 220 kilometers an hour and it's pretty fast let me let me get this set up so you can see and let's uh place you place a few cars on the outside we will get some biodiesel or is it biodiesel there you go let's uh get in here seven thousand can do once again we're just gonna sit and wait for uh this to steam up and uh yeah and on my list is also to show off the model scale so let's uh scribble that one out real quick okay so while this is steaming up and while the other train is warming up before i end the video i have a proposal and i want to hear your thoughts on this using this mod believe it or not you can from the ground up build trains from their component parts which i think is insane but what i kind of want to do i am going to run a mini series a little survival mini series and i'm going to do that i found a seed where there's two villages that are relatively close to each other and i am going to try and connect to them with a railway i don't know if it's gonna loop i don't know if it's just gonna be point to point but i wanna build a track between them build a train from the ground up go from point a to point b that's gonna be the goal for the series i think it's gonna be really fun i hope you guys are excited as i am we're just kind of waiting on this so while we're waiting why don't you drop a comment down below tell me what you think of the idea i'm very excited i think it's gonna be very fun i don't know how many episodes it's gonna be at least a few but there's a lot to learn about this mod and i am all for it okay let's back up just a bit oh did we pick up the train we picked up the train all right and i'm just gonna we're not gonna go full speed but there it goes how cool is that little model train in minecraft dude this makes me you guys have no idea how happy this makes me but it's just it it's i could watch this all day really i could just watch sit here and watch this train go by all day and uh yeah and it's just gonna go around it's not gonna like it's not gonna it's it's just a model train let's see are you steamed up yet actually let's uh make way for the train hello hi let's see yeah we're just starting to build up pressure now it won't be long let me add some coaches to this train over here let's make it a little longer let's let's get over here and stop the train real quick and stop and brakes brakes stop lovely back here let's go six coaches i feel like six is a nice healthy number let's back up until we've got all these coaches i'm pretty sure we've got them all yes we do okay let's uh let's go forward i'm gonna hop off this and uh i don't know why the sounds are still as loud as they are but this this like i'm so happy are you ready oh we've got pressure all right let's back this up oh we didn't actually couple to the tender let me go forward a little bit yeah there we go all right all right let's start backing up give it a little bit of high give it a little bit of reverse throttle and make sure we get all these cars we're going a little fast already i'm just going to wait for that to start moving it has all right let's we're not going to go full steam ahead because this thing isn't crazy fast but we're gonna give it a nice healthy amount of steam and uh there you go there goes the big boy and there goes the other trains we've got trains we're running trains i i'm probably gonna just play with this for a long time after i stop recording but there it goes and here come all the coaches i'm dropping frames a little it's because i got a lot of track spawned but it's just trains it's just trains oh the village no oh he almost got hit by trains oh my goodness but yeah there's really not much else to show here what how did did you decouple stop stop stop i don't know why that happened i think it has something to do with what happens when tracks are running really close to each other that locomotive is still just running though yeah you're still running okay well you know it is what it is i'm gonna i'm gonna take care of this train where's the big boy let's grab you and just uh get the coal now i know given my youtube statistics that there are a fair amount of people from england who watch my videos hello um i'm gonna i'm gonna throw in one of your trains tornado let's go and we're gonna throw in some coaches and once again i'm just gonna steam this up and back it into everything and uh we'll end the video there so just bear with me for a second okay oh and this is a very small very very small and uh let's just wait from what i understand i haven't found a quicker way to you know steam these up but i'm not worried about it i know a lot of you might think i'm playing this up but as someone who's really really like interested in trains this stuff makes me so happy i i don't know if this translates well on camera but i am i love this stuff i love i love this stuff which is why i'm hoping which is why i'm hoping you guys are as excited of the idea of doing this in survival as i am because i think it could be really fun can i if i just full throttle it in reverse do we have enough pressure we do not that is actually using up pressure i'm gonna wait 10 psi reversing here we go oh keep it going there we go all right so let's give it some throttle and uh there you have it that's just gonna slowly accelerate as pressure builds up but uh as a model train in minecraft i don't know what else there is to say so i'm gonna say my piece and you know head out so that my friends is gonna do for this video so if you like this video and you wanna see more stuff like this then do please subscribe and share this video to your friends places things and blah blah blah but that that right there is going to do for this video and i will see y'all in the next one now we'll talk to you guys later bye

Эй ребята, добро пожаловать в новый видеоролик и сегодня мы собираемся поиграть с модом immersive railroading. Первое, я хочу сказать, это то что вы знаете, что я действительно очень люблю поезда. И выбор этого мода это не просто моя прихоть, мне действительо нравятся пооезда. На самом деле, а знаете что, я сейчас Вам покажу очень быстренько макет железной дороги, которую я строю, вот она сзади, блин, на полу куча мусора. Но этого достаточно, что бы Вам показать,что я действительно очень люблю поезда. И расскажу для тех кому любопытно, да многие знают, что ник csx на самом деле относится к железной дороге. CSX - это поезда, которые мне очень нравятся, поэтому я действительно хорошо провел время вместе с этим модом. Кстати про этот мод мне рассказали в моих комментариях. Теперь мы переключаемся на внутриигровую запись. Первое, что я хочу сделать, это проложить какие нибудь пути.

первое, что я собираюсь сделать, это записать какой-нибудь трек, который сделан очень интересным способом, так что у меня есть этот трек здесь, и я могу разместить его где угодно, что также, гм, подводит меня к пониманию того, что поезда большие, как настоящие поезда, если вы не знали, что это такое.не знаю, что они немного великоваты для прокладки трассы это очень интересно, вы можете размещать треки, у вас есть этот план трека здесь, но если я щелкну правой кнопкой мыши, вы увидите все эти настройки, и я могу установить, как вы знаете, направление поворота, если я настроил его на поворот, что вы можете сделать с типом здесь у вас есть перекрестки, уклоны, повороты, переключатели и т. д. поворотные столы, с которыми мне еще предстоит поработать, с пользовательскими кривыми и просто обычной прямой дорожкой. вы можете задать длину дорожки здесь или, если Курт, если вы делаете кривые, это радиус и блоки кривой, но мы просто будем придерживаться прямых 10-ти блочных сегментов, потому что их очень много. на самом деле, знаете что, позвольте мне сделать кое-что очень быстро, позвольте мне сделать что-то вроде небольшой кольцевой трассы вокруг этой деревни, хорошо, я собираюсь построить эту трассу вокруг этой деревни, давайте начнем, может быть, с 60 кварталов по прямой, кажется, этого будет достаточно, верно, о, это очень долго, давайте, может быть, пройдем 40. давайте проложим это, посмотрим, как это выглядит в сравнении с остальной деревней, я думаю, это выглядит довольно неплохо, удвоим это, чтобы я мог сохранить прямую трассу,

давайте сделаем поворот, давайте посмотрим, насколько это выглядит большим с радиусом в 40 кварталов, на самом деле, похоже, вы сработали бы неплохо, так что мы просто сделаем простую петлю на трассе, мы не собираемся делать ничего сумасшедшего, что-то еще немного странное, если у вас нет идеального грунта, трасса просто не поместится, но, э-э, все в порядке, я, я не против того, чтобы просто быстро засыпать эту траву еще парой 90 градусов. сегменты, и мы будем на нашем путь или, скорее, поезда будут в пути хорошо, итак, у нас получился симпатичный маленький отрезок пути, давайте начнем рассматривать поезда, давайте перейдем к хорошему, теперь у меня действительно установлен пакет ресурсов для этого мода, к которому мы собираемся перейти, но базовый мод включает в себя хороший выбор, ну, вы знаете, паровозов, нескольких дизельных локомотивов и всего лишь пары других вещей, в комплекте идет несколько, ну, вы знаете, единиц подвижного состава или типа вагонов, в которые вы можете что-то положить, я покажу вам это тоже через минуту, а еще есть несколько пассажирских вагонов, почти все из них это из пакета ресурсов, эти первые три поставляются с самим модом, я свяжу все ниже, как мод в пакете ресурсов, так что на самом деле не нужно беспокоиться об этом прямо сейчас, но давайте начнем с размещения поезда, мы собираемся начать с этого general electric c44-9w, и когда я сказал, что поезда большие, я не шутил, посмотрите на этого абсолютного монстра, вы щелкаете по нему правой кнопкой мыши, да, взгляните на это, я в кабине и могу посмотреть на это управление, и как человек, который разбирается в поездах, я могу сказать, что это довольно точное описание того, как они выглядят. если вы посмотрите в правом нижнем углу у вас есть небольшой графический интерфейс, у вас есть тормоз, дроссельная заслонка, топливо и температура, и у вас есть скорость. Теперь, если я, если я нажму на клавиши для этого и попытаюсь завести двигатель [Музыка], вы ничего не услышите, потому что у меня нет топлива, ну и что вам захочется перейти сюда, у меня также есть иммерсивная инженерия, которая была рекомендованным модом, который хорошо сочетается с этим, так что я не знаю, сможете ли вы добраться до этого материала без нее, но это настоятельно рекомендуется, поэтому то, что я собираюсь сделать, это получить ведро биодизельного топлива, которое я собираюсь вернуть в движок, и я собираюсь щелкнуть правой кнопкой мыши, и вы увидите, что появляется это сообщение с надписью 0 из 174 000.