Файл: Приложение. Английский язык для службы питания. 1. Read the text and write 5 questions.docx

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Английский язык для службы питания.

1. Read the text and write 5 questions.


There are eight different types of places where people can eat and drink. They are very luxurious restaurants, formal luxury restaurants, informal restaurants serving national dishes, coffee-shops, snack bars, fast-food restaurants, bars and night clubs.

At the very luxurious restaurants dinner is à la carte. Such restaurants are usually famous for their haute cuisine. They have a sophisticated atmosphere. Their service is impeccable.

At the formal luxury restaurants the surroundings are elegant and the cuisine is superb. They are appropriate for business lunches and romantic dinners.

The informal national restaurants serve typical local dishes. They offer a lot of home-made dishes. They make bread and pasta themselves. These restaurants have two sorts of dinner menu: à la carte and a three-course fixed price menu. The atmosphere is cozy and relaxed and the meals are reasonably priced there.

At the coffee-shops the surroundings are modest and the atmosphere is friendly. The customers can have quick snacks with drinks there. These places serve sandwiches, salads, cakes and beverages. They may offer table service, counter service or self-service.

The snack-bars have a very relaxed atmosphere and very modest surroundings. They offer self-catering as a rule. The customers can have some snack with their drink.

The fast-food restaurants offer a very quick counter service. The choice of food and drinks is fixed but limited. Such places provide a drive-in and take-out service.

The bars offer different kinds of drinks, mixed drinks, beer, juices, soda. They can also serve nuts and crisp biscuits to go with the drinks.

At the night clubs the customers can have excellent wine and delicious dishes and dance to a band. Such places have a floor show. The customers can gamble if they like. They are very expensive but provide overnight catering and entertainment until 4 a.m. as a rule.

  1. How many types of places to eat and drink are there?

  2. What formal luxury restaurants are good for?

  3. What is served in informal national restaurants ?

  4. What kind of service is there in the coffee shop?

  5. What types of drinks are available at the bar?

2. Read the text and write out words, concerning “Food and beverages”. What types of meals can a hotel restaurant offer?


Most hotels have got some kind of food and beverage department. It includes a kitchen, a pantry, dining-halls, bars and cocktail lounges.

If the hotel’s kitchen has gained a reputation, it may increase the hotel’s business.

A hotel restaurant may serve individuals or groups. When a restaurant serves individuals it usually offers à la carte menus. When a hotel restaurant serves groups it provides table d’hôte menus.

A hotel restaurant may prepare light meals, such as a continental breakfast. A continental breakfast includes juice, rolls, butter, jam and tea or coffee.

A hotel restaurant may prepare a full English breakfast. It is a meal of juice, cereals, bacon and eggs, toast and marmalade, tea or coffee. It may also prepare a full American breakfast.

The rate, when the hotels offer accommodation and breakfast, has got the name of «bed & breakfast» (B&B).

A hotel restaurant may prepare both breakfast and one full meal: lunch or dinner. The rate, when the hotels offer accommodation, breakfast and one full meal, has got the name of «half board» (HB).

A hotel restaurant may prepare breakfast, full lunch and full dinner. The rate, when the hotels offer accommodation and three meals, has got the name of «full board» (FB).

A hotel restaurant may also serve brunch and dinner. Brunch is late breakfast or early lunch. Linner is late lunch or early dinner. The terms «brunch» and «linner» have recently appeared. «Brunch» is made up of two words «breakfast» and «lunch» while «linner» is made up of «lunch» and «dinner».

The food and beverage department is in charge of room service, too. When the hotel guests want to have their food and beverages in their rooms, the hotel provides this service.

food and beverage department, a pantry, dining-halls, bars and cocktail lounges, à la carte menus, table d’hôte menus, continental breakfast, full English breakfast, «bed & breakfast» (B&B), «half board» (HB), «full board» (FB), «Brunch», «linner».

  1. When a restaurant serves individuals it usually offers à la carte menus.

  2. When a hotel restaurant serves groups it provides table d’hôte menus.

  3. A hotel restaurant may prepare light meals, such as a continental breakfast. A continental breakfast includes juice, rolls, butter, jam and tea or coffee.

  4. A hotel restaurant may prepare a full English breakfast.

  5. It may also prepare a full American breakfast.

  6. The rate, when the hotels offer accommodation and breakfast, has got the name of «bed & breakfast» (B&B).

  7. The rate, when the hotels offer accommodation and three meals, has got the name of «full board» (FB).

  8. The rate, when the hotels offer accommodation and three meals, has got the name of «full board» (FB).

  9. A hotel restaurant may also serve brunch and dinner.

  10. Brunch is late breakfast or early lunch. Linner is late lunch or early dinner

3. Study the following information and make up a menu of one of the given restaurants.


Dish name

Price $


Fresh guacamole


Chile con queso


Mexican set

(nachos with chicken fajita, chicken quesadilla, chicken

Wings and crispy flautas with chicken)


Nachos fajita


Chicken wings


Main dishes

Mexican chicken lasagna


Mexican specialty beef


Mexican rice





Mexican tea


Mexican sangarita juice


4. Read and translate the text. Write out the employees, working in F&B department, and their duties.


At the head of the food and beverage department is the food and beverage manager.

The kitchen supervisor is the head chef. He is in charge of specialist chefs, cooks and kitchen helpers.

The cooks do the actual cooking of meals. The chefs supervise them. The kitchen helpers wash, peel and cut up the vegetables, wash and cut the meat.

There is a pantry in the food and beverage department. It has got the dishes, china, glassware, cruets, napery, facilities for warming up the dishes. Dirty dishes from the guests’s tables are also kept here. The storekeeper is in charge of the pantry. Her duties also include dispatching of food and beverages within the department.

There is also a wine steward. After the customers have chosen dishes on the menu, he recommends and serves wines to them.

The main person in the dining-hall is the maître d’hôtel. He is in charge of all restaurant services. He meets, greets and seats the customers. Often he takes the orders from the customers.

Waiters and waitresses serve food to the customers. They take orders and bring food to the tables.

The busboy helps the waiter. He clears away dirty dishes and cutlery, pours water and brings rolls for the customers. He doesn’t take orders or serve food to the guests himself.

The bartender mixes and pours alcoholic drinks for customers at the bar.

Во главе отдела продуктов питания и напитков стоит менеджер по продуктам питания и напиткам.

Заведующий кухней – шеф-повар. Он отвечает за специалистов-поваров, поваров и кухонных помощников.

Повара занимаются собственно приготовлением еды. Повара контролируют их. Помощники на кухне моют, чистят и режут овощи, моют и режут мясо.

В отделе еды и напитков есть кладовая. В нем есть посуда, фарфор, стеклянная посуда, судки, подгузники, приспособления для разогрева блюд. Здесь же хранится грязная посуда со столов гостей. Кладовщик отвечает за кладовую. В ее обязанности также входит доставка еды и напитков в отдел.

Также есть винный стюард. После того, как клиенты выбрали блюда в меню, он рекомендует и подает им вина.

Главным лицом в столовой является метрдотель. Он отвечает за все услуги ресторана. Он встречает, здоровается и рассаживает клиентов. Часто он принимает заказы от клиентов.

Официанты и официантки подают еду клиентам. Они принимают заказы и приносят еду к столу.

Помощник официанта помогает официанту. Он убирает грязную посуду и столовые приборы, наливает воду и приносит клиентам булочки. Он не принимает заказы и не подает еду гостям сам.

Бармен смешивает и разливает алкогольные напитки для клиентов в баре.

  1. At the head of the food and beverage department is the food and beverage manager.

  2. Head chef. He is in charge of specialist chefs, cooks and kitchen helpers.

  3. The cooks do the actual cooking of meals.

  4. The kitchen helpers wash, peel and cut up the vegetables, wash and cut the meat.

  5. The storekeeper is in charge of the pantry. Her duties also include dispatching of food and beverages within the department.

  6. Wine steward. He recommends and serves wines to them.

  7. Maître d’hôtel. He meets, greets and seats the customers.

  8. Waiters and waitresses serve food to the customers.

  9. Busboy helps the waiter. He clears away dirty dishes and cutlery, pours water and brings rolls for the customers.

  10. The bartender mixes and pours alcoholic drinks for customers at the bar.

5. Read the text and answer the questions .


As a rule, the restaurant manager runs a restaurant but he doesn’t own it. Sometimes the restaurant manager may own and run his small restaurant.

The restaurant manager is in charge of the restaurant policy and operations. He has to decide on the image of his restaurant. He has to plan its business. He has to decide on purchases and sales. He hires the restaurant staff and provides their training.

The restaurant manager has to meet the guests. He must see to it that the guests are happy with the service and have no complaints. The guests may often see the restaurant manager in the dining-hall.

In a large restaurant there are other management positions: the purchase manager, the sales manager, the production manager, the personnel manager and others. All these managers report to the general manager.

In an individual restaurant the restaurant manager decides on the type of cuisine and the types of menus.

In a family-owned restaurant the whole family may be in charge of the restaurant operations. The wife may act as a hostess or a chef.

Comprehension questions:

1. What does the restaurant manager do? As a rule, the restaurant manager runs a restaurant but he doesn’t own it.

2. What is the restaurant manager in charge of? The restaurant manager is in charge of the restaurant policy and operations.

3. What does the restaurant manager have to decide on? He has to decide on the image of his restaurant.

4. How can the restaurant manager provide for good restaurant staff? He hires the restaurant staff and provides their training.

5. Why does the restaurant manager have to see the guests? He must see to it that the guests are happy with the service and have no complaints.

6. What are other management positions in a restaurant? In a large restaurant there are other management positions: the purchase manager, the sales manager, the production manager, the personnel manager and others. All these managers report to the general manager.

7. What does the restaurant manager decide on in an individual hotel? In an individual restaurant the restaurant manager decides on the type of cuisine and the types of menus.

8. Who may be in charge of operations in a family-owned restaurant? In a family-owned restaurant the whole family may be in charge of the restaurant operations. The wife may act as a hostess or a chef.

6. Составить меню и карту вин ужина на 2 персоны в ресторане при отеле.

Dish name

Outout (grams/milliliters)

Price $

Cold snacks

Assorted cheese (cheddar, edam, tilizeter, grapes)



Profiteroles with salmon



Hot appetizers

Cocotte “Merchant” (beef tongue, sausage, ham, cheese, sauce)



Julienne with porcini mushrooms




Tom yum (on coconut milk with tiger prawns, lime leaves)




“Aphrodite” (ice cream, pineapple, kiwi, liquor, chocolate chips)



Cheesecake (chocolate, cream, strawberry)



7. Составить меню дневного рациона: завтрак (шведский стол), обед (комплексное меню), кофе-брейк для участников конференции.

Breakfast (buffet)

Dish name

Number of servings

Fried bacon




Soft-boiled egg


Rice porridge


Oatmeal porridge


Rye bread


Wheat bread




Black tea


Lunch (set menu)

Dish name

Outout (grams)

Vegetable salad (bell pepper, onion, fresh cucumber) with marinated beef dressed with soy sauce and vegetable oil


Bean and pork soup


Buckwheat, fried chicken (thigh)


Apple compote


Coffee break Canape A La Carte

Dish name

Quantity, pcs. per person

Outout (grams)

Mini sandwich with salam and the latest vegetables



Canape of chicken fillet with cherry tomatoes and pesto sauce



Boucher with liver pate



Cheese slices with fruit platter on skewers



Natural lemonade of own production "Citrus"



Non-carbonated drinking water



Drinking sparkling water