Файл: I a very good meeting with Jimmy Lee in Taipei.doc

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Добавлен: 12.12.2023

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ВНИМАНИЕ! Если данный файл нарушает Ваши авторские права, то обязательно сообщите нам.
 So do I 
 So will I 
 So am I 
 So did I 

18. I don't intend to buy this book. ______ .

 Neither do I 
 So do I 
 Neither did I 
 Neither am I 

19. We saw a ship in the distance. ______ .

 So do I 
 So did they 
 So am I 
 So have I 

20. I got an important letter today. ______ .

 So do I 
 So did he 
 So am I 
 So have I 

21. Petrov wasn't late for the performance. ______ .

 So am I 
 Neither am I 
 Neither was my friend 
 So did my friend 

22. I've never seen her dance. ______ .

 So am I 
 Neither did my son 

 So have I 
 Neither has my son 

23. I can't go to the cinema tonight. ______ .

 Neither can he 
 Neither could I 
 So can he 
 So could he 

24. My sister found the book interesting. ______ .

 Neither did I 
 So does my friend 
 So did I 
 So do I 

25. I didn't enjoy the film very much. ______ .

 Neither do I 
 Neither did my friends 
 So did I 
 Neither am I 

My new camera has … if it stops working, the maker will replace it.

a three-year guarantee

1. … is important with big or heavy products, because you can’t take them home in your car.

А) Free delivery

б) After-sales service

в) Interest-free delivery

2. A low price is important, but good … will make customers happy, even when a product breaks.

а) free delivery

б) after-sales guarantee

В) after-sales service

3. I don’t like to pay … when I order something. I prefer to pay when I receive the product.

а) free credit

Б) a big deposit

в) after-sales guarantee

4. My new camera has …. If it stops working, the maker will repair or replace it.

а) a big credit

б) free deposit

В) a three-year guarantee

5. I got a good deal when borrowed money to buy my car - I had one year’s …

А) interest-free credit

б) a big service

в) after-sales guarantee

6. He wants to … a hotel for three nights in Taipei.

А) book

б) do

в) go

г) take

д) watch

7. Before you get on the plane, you can … some shopping.

а) book

Б) do

в) go

г) take

д) watch

8. On the flight, you can always … a movie.

а) book

б) do

в) go

г) take

Д) watch

9. When I return home, I … a taxi from the airport to my house.

а) book

б) do

в) go

Г) take

д) watch

10. You need to … through security before you board the plane.

а) book

б) do

В) go

г) take

д) watch

11. Main course: …

а) apple pie

Б) fish curry

в) ice cream

г) snails

д) soup

Е) steak

12. Dessert: …

А) apple pie

б) fish curry

В) ice cream

г) snails

д) soup

е) steak

13. Starter: …

а) apple pie

б) fish curry

в) ice cream

Г) snails

Д) soup

е) steak

14. Complete each of the questions

1) How much ...- а) languages do you speak?

2) How many ... - в) cash do you have in your wallet?

3) Are there ... - б) many flights to Rome this afternoon?

Ответ: 1а, 2в, 3б

15. Complete each of the questions

1) I haven’t got ...

2) There are ...


Высшее образование дистанционно17 факультетов, 110 программ. Диплом государственного образца.synergyonline.ru

ТаблицаНеправильных Глаголов!Excel + PDF + 3 Методики для запоминания Английских Глаголов. Скачай бесплатно! 18+smart-english.autoweboffice.ru

3) They don’t have …

а) a lot of people waiting to go through security.

б) many vegetarian dishes here.

в) much time.

Ответ: 1в, 2а, 3б

16. Last week, I ... in Taiwan and Hong Kong.

а) be

Б) was

в) will

17. I ... a very good meeting with Jimmy Lee in Taipei.

а) have

Б) had

в) has

18. I ... some suppliers.

А) visited the factory and met

б) visit the factory and meet

в) visits the factory and mets

19. I ...to Hong Kong on Thursday.

а) go

Б) went

в) wents

20. Tony Lam ... me some samples of his products.

а) give

Б) gave

в) giving

21. Complete each gap in these short restaurant conversations.

A. Are there any Chinese dishes?

B. Yes. You should … the duck.

а) enjoy

б) like

в) recommend

г) serve

Д) try

22. Complete each gap in these short restaurant conversations.

A. Do you … any vegetarian dishes?

B. Yes, we have vegetarian pizza.

а) enjoy

б) like

в) recommend

Г) serve

д) try

23. Complete each gap in these short restaurant conversations.

A. What do you … for the main course?

B. The beef is delicious.

а) enjoy

б) like

В) recommend

г) serve

д) try

24. Complete each gap in these short restaurant conversations.

A. Did you … the meal?

B. Yes, it was very good.

А) like

б) recommend

в) serve

г) try

25. How much is it per night? …

а) On Friday

б) Three

в) Seven o’clock

г) Yes, please

д) 150€

26. How many nights are you staying? …

а) On Friday

Б) Three

в) Seven o’clock

г) Yes, please

д) 150€

27. What time do you think you’ll arrive? …

а) On Friday

б) Three

в) Seven o’clock

г) Yes, please

д) 150€

28. When are you leaving? …

А) On Friday

б) Three

в) Seven o’clock

г) Yes, please

д) 150€

29. Do you want a room with a bath? …

а) On Friday

б) Three

в) Seven o’clock

Г) Yes, please

д) 150€

30. My company ... very big.

а) aren’t

б) isn’t

в) don’t

г) doesn’t

31. The company ... around 40 employees.

А) has

б) have

в) do

г) does

32. The employees ... from about 15 different countries.

А) are

б) is

в) do

г) does

33. The office ... very international.

а) are

Б) is

в) do

г) does

34. I ... from Spain.

а) are

б) is

В) am

г) does

35. My boss ... from Sweden.

а) come

Б) comes

в) am

г) does

36. In the office, we all ...English.

А) speak

б) tell

в) say

37. We ... usually have any serious communication problems.

а) aren’t

б) isn’t

в) don’t

г) doesn’t

38. Where are you from?

а) We're doing quite well.

б) The room is very comfortable.

в) From time to time.

г) I’m from Italy.

39. What’s the reason for your visit?

а) I’m staying at the Hilton in the town centre.

б) I’m here to visit my company’s head office.

в) I play golf.

г) I work flexible hours, which is great.

40. Where are you staying?

а) I’m staying at the Hilton in the town centre.

б) I’m here to visit my company’s head office.

в) I play golf.

г) I work flexible hours, which is great.

41. What’s your hotel like?

а) We're doing quite well.

б) The room is very comfortable.

в) From time to time.

г) I’m from Italy.

42. How’s your business doing?

а) We're doing quite well.

б) The room is very comfortable.

в) From time to time.

г) I’m from Italy.

43. What do you do in your free time?

А) I play golf.

б) I work flexible hours, which is great.

в) Between 40 and 50 hours.

г) We're doing quite well.

44. Do you meet your colleagues after work?

а) We're doing quite well.

б) The room is very comfortable.

г) I’m from Italy.

45. How many hours a week do you work?

а) I play golf.

б) I work flexible hours, which is great.

В) Between 40 and 50 hours.

г) We're doing quite well.

46. What do you like best about your job?

а) I play golf.

Б) I work flexible hours, which is great.

в) Between 40 and 50 hours.

г) We're doing quite well.

47. Complete each gap in these short conversations.

A. … you a sales manager?

B. No, I’m not. I work in television.

А) are

б) does

в) don’t

г) how

48. Complete each gap in these short conversations.

A. … your job?

B. I’m Director of Advertising.

а) what

б) what’s

в) where

г) works

49. Complete each gap in these short conversations.

A. … do you work?

B. At Channel 10.

а) what

б) what’s

В) where

г) works

50. Complete each gap in these short conversations.

A. … your wife in television, too?

B. No, she isn’t. She works for a magazine.

а) does

б) don’t

в) how

Г) is

51. Complete each gap in these short conversations.

A. … does she do?

B. She’s a graphic designer.

А) what

б) what’s

в) where

г) works

52. … she travel in her job?

а) are

Б) does

в) don’t

г) how

53. Complete each gap in these short conversations.

A. … often does she do that?

B. Two or three times a month.

а) does

б) don’t

В) how

г) is

54. Complete each gap in these short conversations.

A. What about you? Do you work at the weekend?

B. No, I … .

а) doesn’t

б) don’t

в) how

г) isn’t

55. Is there a direct …?

а) bill

б) fax

в) booking

г) luggage

д) receipt centre

Е) flight

56. Can I take this as hand …?

а) bill

б) fax call

в) booking

Г) luggage

д) receipt

е) flight

57. Can I have an aisle …?

а) bill

б) fax call

в) booking

г) luggage

д) receipt centre

е) flight

Ж) seat

58. Please take me to the city …

а) bill

б) fax

в) booking

г) luggage

д) receipt

Е) centre

59. I'm checking out today. Can I have the… , please?

А) bill

б) fax

в) booking

г) luggage

д) receipt


Высшее образование дистанционно17 факультетов, 110 программ. Диплом государственного образца.synergyonline.ru

ТаблицаНеправильных Глаголов!Excel + PDF + 3 Методики для запоминания Английских Глаголов. Скачай бесплатно! 18+smart-english.autoweboffice.ru

е) flight

В вопросах 60-69 приводится текст:

Five years ago, businessman Simon Woodroffe had a good idea. He was in bed in first class on an international flight when he decided to open a hotel. The bed in the aeroplane gave him an idea. He could open a hotel with rooms like the sleeping area in an aeroplane.

Now travellers in some of Britain’s airports sleep in these small, low-cost rooms. The rooms are very small, only seven square metres, but they are very convenient. They are in the airport, so travellers who want only a night’s sleep and a shower can save money and travelling time. Woodroffe calls his hotel ‘Yotel’.