Файл: I a very good meeting with Jimmy Lee in Taipei.doc

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Добавлен: 12.12.2023

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 is doing 
все ниверны

15. My nephew is at college now, and my son ______ to college next year.

 is going 
 is going to go 
 'll go 

16. His friend ______ two English articles into Russian.

 have translated 
 has translated 

все ниверны

17. They ______ us several telegrams lately.

 've sent 
 are sending 

18. Don't worry! The child ______ better.

 have got 
 is getting 

19. He ______ under treatment for two months but there are no signs of improvement.

 's been 

 is being 

20. Doctor Ivanov ______ people for heart trouble.

 is treating 
 has treated 

21. This dictionary ______ much and is very valuable to me.

 is costing 
 had cost 

22. I wonder why John ______ a job yet.

 hasn't found 
 didn't find 

23. The company ______ now for building workers.

 has advertised 
 was advertised 
 is advertising 

24. The hard work ______ on his health.

 is told 
 is telling 
 was telling 

25. Peter ______ up photography as a hobby.

 was taken 
 has taken 
1. Jack ______ down on his sofa and ______ about the day. What a busy day it ______ .

 sat, thought, had been 
 was sitting, thought, had been 
 sat, thought, was 
 sat, was thinking, had been 

2. This was his first night in his own flat. He ______ his entire life in his parents' home.

 was living 
 has lived 
 had lived 

3. No wonder he was tired. He ______ up since six o'clock in the morning.

 has been 
 had been 

4. I was furious because I ______ and missed the train.

 had overslept 
 have overslept 
 haven't overslept 

5. She was nervous because she ______ never ______ before.

 has flown 
 hasn't flown 
 had flown 
 hadn't flown 

6. Mary is disappointed because her son ______ exams.

 has failed 
 had failed 

7. I didn't know his name. But I was sure I ______ him before.

 have seen 
 haven't seen 
 had seen 

8. Mike is a beggar now but he ______ always ______ poor.

 was not 
 hadn't been 
 hasn't been 
 has been 

9. When I got home I was hungry. I ______ anything to eat all day.

 haven't had 
 hadn't had 
 have had 
 had had 

10. Jack wants a new job. He ______ in the same job for three years.

 has been 

 is being 

11. He is broke. He ______ all his money on entertainment.

 has spent 
 had spent 

12. How much money ______ you ______ for your retirement?

 do save 
 are saving 
 have saved 
 had saved 

13. How long ______ he ______ his friend?

 has known 
 had known 
 do know 
 is knowing 

14. This is the first time I ______ bread with honey.

 am eating 
 have eaten 

15. What ______ you ______ last night?

 have done 
 did do 
 were doing