Файл: Тест 4 итогового контроля знаний по английскому языку (четвертый семестр обучения) заочное отделение.docx

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Тест 4 итогового контроля знаний по английскому языку

(четвертый семестр обучения) заочное отделение

  1. I. Раскройте скобки

    1. 1. He lives not far from us but we (not/see) him often.

    2. 2. What's the matter? You (look) so excited!

    3. 3. … Pete … any milk in the fridge?

    4. 4. Will you try find out what time (the plane/arrive) at the airport?

  2. II. Выберите необходимый артикль a, an, the, (-)

    1. 1. … Jack London is … well-known American writer.

    2. 2. Why do you think … Japanese are so hardworking?

    3. 3. They tell me that … honesty is the best policy.

    4. 4. Watch out! There's … policeman coming.

    5. 5. She said that … carrots were her favourite vegetables.

    6. 6. We went sailing on … lake Windermere at the weekend.

    7. 7. I bought … new TV and … stereo. … TV costs $250 and … stereo costs 170$.

  3. III. Используйте some, anyor noвместо артикля the, предложения постройте с конструкциями thereis, thereare.

    1. 1. The books are on the shelf.

    2. 2. Are the students in the classroom?

    3. 3. Is the tea in the teapot?

    4. 4. The children are not in the yard.

    5. 5. Are the plates in that cupboard?

IV. Переведите на английский язык

    1. 1. Мы живем в большом городе. И мы тоже.

    2. 2. Я терпеть не могу гладить. И она тоже.

    3. 3. Кто-нибудь любит старые фильмы?

    4. 4. На том столе что-то лежит.

    5. 5. Он где-то ходит.

  1. V. Раскройте скобки, используя времена Present Simple или Present Progressive

  2. 1. The professor (speak) five foreign languages. Right now he (speak) Dutch.

  3. 2. My friend always (tell) me the truth, but I see that she (tell) a lie now.

  4. 3. She, as a rule, (wear) smart hats. But today she (wear) a funny-looking one.

  5. 4. Every Sunday he (watch) birds in the forest. Be quiet, the photographer (watch) that bird. He (want) to take a picture.

  1. VI. Раскройте скобки, используя времена Past Simple или Past Progressive.

    1. 1. You (see) him in the morning? – Yes. He (stand) in the hall laughing.

    2. 2. He (come) in and (see) Nelly who (draw) a strange picture.

    3. 3. Nick and Fred (drive) along the road when I saw them.

    4. 4. I (sit) in my garden yesterday when the servant (come) and (say) that the visitor (wait) for me in the hall.

5. She (set) the table at six yesterday.
VII. Выберите Active or Passive, переведите

1. This problem will discuss \ will be discussed at the conference.

2. The president interviewed \ was interviewed on French TV.

3. Teachers have given \ have been given a new pay rise.

4. He treats \ is treated the girl very badly.

5. The children taught \ were taught Italian.
VIII. Выберите времена Present Perfect, Present Simple, Present perfect Continuous , Past Simple.

  1. 1. When ------- ( you / get ) my letter?

  2. 2. I -------- ( know ) her since I was a child.

  3. 3. Where have you --------- ( play )? You’re covered in mud.

  4. 4. My brother -------- ( be ) retired for 2 years.

5. Your friend is fond of you. He ------ ( talk ) of you very much these days.

6. She ------- ( live ) in my flat since June.
IX. Используйте much, many, few or little.

  1. 1. Is there so ----- salt left?

  2. 2. There is ------ milk in the fridge but there is very ----- sour cream there.

  3. 3. He couldn’t think ------- policemen have arrived.

  4. 4. I’m delighted. Tom has made very ---- mistakes in the test.

  5. 5. Three biscuits are not many, they are ----- .

  6. 6. Have you got ------- money?

  7. 7. Do you really need so ------ sugar?

  8. 8. They didn’t have ------- luck this season.

X. Используйте some, any, or no.

  1. 1. Would you like ------ ice–cream, please?

  1. 2. If ------ difficulties arise, let me know.

  2. 3. He told us ------- strange story.

  3. 4. Have you got ----- good friends?

  4. 5. I take ----- sugar with my tea, sugar fattens me.

XI. Переведите текст 1.

  1. TEXT 1

  2. Helicopters are very useful in places where there is no room for long, flat runways. Modem turbo-jet airliners need a run of nearly two miles long to take off, but helicopters can use small fields, platforms mounted on ships and flat tops of buildings Helicopters were first introduced for regular airline service in 1947. Later, helicopters were used for carrying passengers and mail on short routes, and for taking airline passengers between the centers of cities and the main airports. While helicopters gain in needing very little space for taking-off and landing, they lose because the speed at which they move forward is quite low. So the problem was to develop an aircraft combining the advantages of the helicopter with the high speed of an ordinary aircraft. If the designers could develop such a machine the problem would be solved. So for this purpose the hovercraft (машина на воздушной подушке) was designed. Hovercrafts are likely to be useful for ferry services - for example, in ferrying motor cars across the English Channel. They may also be useful for transporting goods in roadless countries. Helicopters may carry whole buses loaded with passengers from one point to another above city traffic. "Flying crane" helicopters soon may help solve the complicated problem of getting passengers from the centre to the airport and back again

Тест 4 итогового контроля знаний по английскому языку

(четвертый семестр обучения) заочное отделение

  1. I. Раскройте скобки

    1. 1. They can't go out because they (have) rain-coats and umbrellas.

    2. 2. Don't give him cigarettes. He (not/smoke).

    1. 3. We are going for a walk. Who (want) to go with us?

    2. 4. I've got no idea where (your umbrella/ is)

  1. II. Выберите необходимый артикль a, an, the, (-)

1. On … Monday we open at … 9 o'clock.

    1. 2. … tea is cold.

    2. 3. …English are reserved.

    3. 4. Could you turn on … television, please?

    4. 5. Is that … new carpet you were telling me about?

    5. 6. Look at … sea. Isn't it beautiful?

    6. 7. There is … flower shop in … Quince Street. … shop sells … plants and … garden tools.

  1. III.Используйте some, anyor noвместо артикля the, предложения постройте с конструкциями thereis, thereare.

    1. 1. The butter is in the refrigerator.

    2. 2. Are the envelopes in that drawer?

    3. 3. Is the sugar in that tin?

    4. 4. Are the chairs in the next room?

    5. 5. The dictionaries are not on the upper shelf.

  1. IV. Переведите на английский язык

    1. 1. У нее новая машина. И у него тоже.

    2. 2. Он не знает ответ, и я тоже.

    3. 3. Анна живет где-то в этом районе.

    4. 4. Кто-нибудь хочет посмотреть телевизор?

    5. 5. В той комнате кто-то есть.

  1. V. Раскройте скобки, используя времена Present Simple или Present Progressive

    1. 1. Tom usually (play) football but today he (play) tennis.

    2. 2. What language they (speak) in Holland? What language he (speak) now.

    3. 3. I usually (drive) to my work. Be careful! You (drive) too fast.

    1. 4. I (do) a lot of work every day. Don't worry! I know what I (do).

    2. 5. You (eat) fruit every day? What's the name of the fruit you (eat) with such pleasure?

  1. VI. Раскройте скобки, используя времена Past Simple или Past Progressive.

    1. 1. I (sit) on the bench for half an hour and then (begin) reading a book.

    2. 2. I (not understand) what Mr.Green (do).

    3. 3. The businessman (fly) to England yesterday.

    4. 4. The mouse (hide) while the cat (watch).

    5. 5. When it (happen)? It (happen) when you (talk) to your secretary.

VII. Выберите Active or Passive, переведите

1. The children taught \ were taught Italian.

2. This problem will discuss \ will be