Файл: Конспект урока с применением информационных технологий в 8 классе по теме Прошедшее совершенное время.doc

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Конспект урока с применением информационных технологий в 8 классе по теме «Прошедшее совершенное время»

Учителя английского языка МБОУ СШ с. Верхнее-Талызино

Беловой Марины Викторовны
Класс. 8.

Тема. The Past Perfect Tense


- закрепление учащихся на тему « Прошедшее совершенное действие», правила образования и употребления в речи;

- воспитание положительного отношения к изучению английского языка;

- развитие речи.

УМК. любой

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, доступ к интернету.

Материалы: презентация.
Ход урока.
1) Приветствие, целеполагание .

Good morning, dear children! I m very glad to see you.

We are glad to see you too!

2) Организационный момент .

At first we ll say to each other nice compliments and then we ll start our lesson.

Now you must divide into two groups, I ll call your names; take your seats, please.

3) Фонетическая зарядка .

Ok, let’s start. Please listen and complete the three forms of irregular verbs.

To write-wrote-written

To eat-ate-eaten

To speak-spoke-spoken

To break-broke-broken
To come-came-come

To become-became-become

To run-ran-ran

To swim-swam-swum
To know-knew-known

To throw-threw-thrown

To blow-blew-blown

To fly-flew-flown
To sing-sang-sung

To ring-rang-rung

To hide-hid-hidden

To bite-bit-bitten
To send-sent-sent

To spend-spent-spent

To sleep-slept-slept

To feel-felt-felt
To tell-told-told

To sell-sold-sold

To teach-taught-taught

To catch-caught-caught
To fight-fought-fought

To think-thought-thought

To buy-bought-bought

To bring-brought-brought
To cut-cut-cut

To shut-shut-shut

To cost-cost-cost

To lose-lost-lost

4) Look at the screen and try to guess the theme of our lesson.

What is the theme of our lesson?

That’s right, « The PAST PERFECT TENSE».

5) Do some practice, please.

Take an envelope and read the task.

- Say what these people had done by the time it started raining.

Для первой группы :

  1. Larry/ to leave his office

  2. Bobby/ to get on a bus

  3. Mr Newman/ to come into the shop

  4. The Trembles/ to finish supper

  5. Jane/ to send an e-mail to her friend.

Для второй группы:

  1. Lizzy/ to buy a new swimsuit

  2. Mrs Mole/ to start working in the garden

  3. Sharon/ to clean the windows

  4. Rose/ to drive home

  5. The Wilsons/ to spend an hour in the park

6) Игра « Составление предложения в Past Perfect Tense».

Ok. Let’s play the game. You have received the words on a sheet of paper. Your task is to make up the sentences in Past Perfect. Listen to me and stand in a line so that each group can see the whole sentence (См. Приложение).

Учащиеся получают крупно напечатанные слова на листе формата А4. Ребята должны встать перед классом в линию, держа перед собой эти листы со словами. Остальные ученики читают получившееся предложение.

Mark had read the book before the concert.

Mark had not read the book before the concert.

В такой подвижной форме учащиеся лучше усваивают порядок слов в предложениях.

Thank you. Sit down.

6) Listening .

Учащиеся слушают текст и отвечают на вопрос:

Дляпервойгруппыучащихся: How long had Dane and Emily practice before the completion?

Длявторойгруппыучащихся: Before that night, who had seen Dane and Emily dance?

7) Let s have a rest.

Девочки рассказывают стихотворения.

8) Read the text and open the brackets, use Past Perfect Tense.

Manager s working day

Mr Price stood at the window of his office. He …stop working at last. What a busy day he …have! He…arrive at the office before nine o clock. Before ten o clock he …make to telephone calls! By eleven o clock he…dictate replies to nearly all the letters. By one o clock he…examine the figures from the production sheets and he …sign a dozen letters for Miss King. By two o clock he have his lunch and he…do a lot more work on those production figures. By three o clock he…find two mistakes! By four o clock he …ask the Production Manager for explanation. Now he must go home. He put on his coat and his hat and went to the door.

9) The last task is : Make up your own sentences « What had you done by this time yesterday?

a) by the time your parent came back home

b) by the time supper was ready

c) by 6 p.m.

d) by bedtime
10) Подведение итогов урока.

- Как переводится The Past Perfect Tense?

- Какое действие обозначает прошедшее совершенное время?

- Как образуется? Какие слова-указатели прошедшего совершенного времени вы знаете?

11) Now, dear children, look at the screen and say :« What do you think about our lesson?»





I have already known it

It was suprising for me

I like it very much

I want to get more information

Использованные источники

  • www.correctenglish.ru

  • www.englishgrammarsecrets.com

  • www.enjoy-eng.ru

  • www.native-english.ru

Фурсенко, С.В. Грамматика в стихах: веселые грамматические рифмовки на английском языке. – Спб.: КАРО, 2006. – 160 с.






