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Добавлен: 27.09.2024
Просмотров: 364
Скачиваний: 0
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Enabling the Copy Menu ..................................................... |
131 |
Copy Preset ......................................................................... |
131 |
Copy Layer .......................................................................... |
132 |
Copy Filter ........................................................................... |
132 |
Copy LFO ............................................................................... |
132 |
Copy Function Generator ..................................................... |
133 |
Copy Auxiliary Envelope ...................................................... |
133 |
Copy Note-On Control ......................................................... |
133 |
Copy Realtime Control ......................................................... |
133 |
Copy Hyperpreset ................................................................ |
134 |
Copy Zone ............................................................................. |
134 |
Copy Free-Run Function Generator....................................... |
134 |
Copy Midimap ..................................................................... |
134 |
Copy Channel ...................................................................... |
135 |
Copy Effects ......................................................................... |
135 |
Copy Program Change Map.................................................. |
135 |
Copy Bank ........................................................................... |
136 |
137 |
Forward ................................................................................. |
139 |
Editing Presets ..................................................................... |
139 |
Starting From Scratch .......................................................... |
140 |
The Instrument ...................................................................... |
140 |
Volume .................................................................................. |
141 |
Pan ........................................................................................ |
141 |
Transpose .............................................................................. |
141 |
Coarse Tuning ....................................................................... |
142 |
Fine Tuning ........................................................................... |
142 |
Alternate Volume Envelope .................................................... |
143 |
Anatomy of an Envelope ....................................................... |
144 |
Sound Delay .......................................................................... |
145 |
Sound Start ........................................................................... |
145 |
Application: Sound Splicing................................................... |
146 |
Time to Save? ........................................................................ |
147 |
LFO Modulation .................................................................... |
147 |
Modulating Modulators ........................................................ |
150 |
The Morpheus Filter ............................................................... |
151 |
Just Do It ............................................................................... |
152 |
Filter Filosophy ...................................................................... |
154 |
Morphology........................................................................... |
157 |
Using Morpheus with a Sequencer......................................... |
158 |
More Advanced Sequencing .................................................. |
159 |
161 |
Factory RAM Presets - Bank 0 ................................................ |
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Factory ROM Presets - Bank 1................................................ |
163 |
Instrument Listing.................................................................. |
164 |
B3 Wave Diagrams ................................................................ |
169 |
Percussion Instrument Locations ........................................... |
170 |
Z-Plane Filter Descriptions ..................................................... |
174 |
Loop Offset Sample Locations................................................ |
211 |
Function Generator Curves .................................................... |
214 |
Function Generator, LFO & Envelope Specifications .............. |
222 |
Technical Specifications ......................................................... |
223 |
MIDI Implementation Chart .................................................. |
224 |
MIDI Specifications ................................................................ |
225 |
MIDI SysEx Tutorial ............................................................... |
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Chapter 1: Basic Setup |
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2 Morpheus Operation Manual
Morpheus is a completely new type of music synthesizer which represents a major landmark in the evolution of electronic sound synthesis.
Many electronic instruments involve the technology of sampling, where sounds are digitally recorded and played back at different pitches. Sampling has the advantage of highly accurate and realistic sound. One disadvantage of sampling is that once the sounds are recorded, it is difficult to change them in any significant way.
Morpheus introduces the Z-Plane filter, which has the ability to smoothly change its function over time. This ultra-powerful device can accurately simulate the resonance of musical instruments, the human voice or create entirely new timbres. The Z-Plane filter is composed of up to eight complex filters for unprecedented control over subtle aspects of the sound.
Morpheus contains eight megabytes (internally expandable to 16 megabytes) of the highest quality 16 bit samples as the basis for its sounds. These sounds can be combined or spliced, modulated and then shaped through one of 197 Z-Plane filters. Sampled sounds can now be re-shaped and expressively controlled.
The 16 bit sound samples are arranged into 256 preset locations, 128 of which are user-programmable. 128 user-programmable Hyperpresets allow ultra-flexible keyboard mapping of presets. The optional memory card lets you create an expandable library of your favorite presets and hyperpresets.
Morpheus features two studio-quality effects processors with 28 different effects to choose from. Hyperpresets allow you to have up to 32 different sounds on the keyboard at one time in any desired arrangement. Sounds can be placed side by side or layered with velocity control. The ability to respond multi-timbrally to all 16 MIDI channels makes Morpheus ideally suited for multitrack sequencing and composing using a MIDI sequencer.
Other features include 3 stereo outputs for individually processing sounds (also configurable as 6 polyphonic submixes with fully programmable panning), integral sends and returns to allow the addition of external effects units without the need for a separate mixer, user definable alternate tuning, and of course, an extensive MIDI implementation.
Chapter 1: Basic Setup |
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RAM Presets can be oved, erased or modified as esired.
ROM Presets cannot be oved or altered unless they re first copied to a RAM cation.
Hyperpresets are groups f presets arranged on the eyboard to form splits or yers.
Memory Card - Allows ou to easily load and save dditional Presets and yperpresets.
In it's most basic form, Morpheus is organized as shown in the diagram below. Complete acoustic instrument samples and electronically created sounds are used as raw material to form Presets.
The Preset is a complete set of all program functions and combinations for a complete Morpheus sound. Each preset consists of one or two Instruments. An Instrument is a complete set of samples or a digital waveform which covers the entire keyboard range. An instrument can be assigned to each of the Primary and Secondary layers of the preset
The primary and secondary layers of the preset are essentially two instruments with complete modulation controls. The memory is organized into banks of 128 programmable RAM presets, unalterable ROM presets and Hyperpresets.
A Hyperpreset is a combination of up to sixteen presets arranged either side by side on the keyboard (to create a keyboard split) or on top of each other (to create a denser sound). Each preset in a hyperpreset is assigned to a keyboard Zone, with an associated key range, volume, pan, tuning and transpose setting. In addition, each zone can be assigned to a velocity range so that different presets can play depending on the key velocity. There are 128 Hyperpreset locations available to store your own custom keyboard setups.
4 Morpheus Operation Manual
▼ The headphone output monitors the main outputs only. The submix outputs do NOT feed into the headphone output.
• • • If Morpheus does not seem to be responding correctly, make sure that both Morpheus and your MIDI controller are set to th same MIDI channel.
Morpheus is controlled by MIDI messages received at the MIDI In connector. Connect the MIDI In of the Morpheus to the MIDI Out connector of a MIDI controller such as a MIDI keyboard, MIDI wind controller or MIDI guitar controller.
Audio Outputs
Morpheus is a high quality, stereo audio device. In order to reproduce its wide dynamic range and frequency response, use a high quality amplification and speaker system such as a keyboard amplifier or home stereo system. A stereo setup is highly desirable because of the added realism of stereophonic sound. Headphones can be used if an amplifier and speaker system is not available. Plug stereo headphones into the headphone jack located on the left side of the front panel. The Right Main output jack serves as a mono output when the Left Main plug is not plugged in.
Chapter 1: Basic Setup |
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In this setup, Morpheus is controlled by MIDI messages received at the MIDI In connector which have been routed by a MIDI switcher. The MIDI switcher allows any MIDI controller such as a MIDI keyboard, MIDI wind controller or a computer to be easily connected.
The MIDI Out jack is normally used to transmit MIDI System
Exclusive data to a computer or other device.
Audio Outputs
Morpheus has three sets of programmable stereo outputs; Main, Sub 1, and Sub 2. Specific Morpheus presets (or MIDI channels) can be routed to one of these stereo pairs in order to be further processed or mixed separately.
6 Morpheus Operation Manual
Morpheus is controlled by MIDI messages received at the MIDI In connector. Connect the MIDI In of Morpheus to the MIDI Out connector of a MIDI controller such as a MIDI keyboard, MIDI wind controller or MIDI guitar controller.
The MIDI Thru jack is used to connect additional MIDI devices onto the MIDI chain. MIDI Thru transmits an exact copy of the messages received at the MIDI In jack.
Audio Outputs
Each of the Sub 1 and Sub 2 output jacks on the Morpheus are stereo jacks. The tip of each jack (accessed when a standard phone plug is inserted) is the left or right output of that group. The Sub 1 outputs
Chapter 1: Basic Setup |
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bypass the internal effects section. The Sub 2 outputs are fed from the effects section. If a stereo plug is inserted, the Ring of the stereo plug serves as a signal Return which sums into the Main outputs.
Therefore, the Sub 1 and Sub 2 jacks can serve as effect sends and returns in order to further process selected instruments and then return them to the main mix.
The diagram shows the Sub 1 and Sub 2 jacks being used as send/ returns in order to further process selected Morpheus presets without using the effects bus on the mixing board. In a pinch, the effect returns could also be used to sum additional instruments into the main outputs.
Morpheus Output Section
The Sub 1 and Sub 2 jacks can be used as effect returns to the Main Outputs.
The power switch is located on the right side of the front panel. Morpheus and its MIDI controller may be turned on in any order. When power is applied, the liquid crystal display will light, indicating that Morpheus is operating. You may have noticed that there is no 110/220 Volt power selector switch on Morpheus.
Morpheus automatically switches itself for 110 or 220 Volt operation.
8 Morpheus Operation Manual
Morpheus utilizes digital recording of acoustic sounds for the basis of each Instrument. This is similar to a tape recorder except that inside the Morpheus, the sounds are permanently recorded on digital memory chips.
Sound and instrument waveforms are first sampled into the Emulator III, our top of the line, 16 bit stereo digital sampler. After the sounds and waveforms have been truncated, looped and processed, they are permanently encoded into the Morpheus ROM (Read Only Memory) chips.
Conceptually, the sampling process is very simple, as shown in the Basic Sampling System diagram. As a sound wave strikes the diaphragm of a microphone, a corresponding voltage is generated. To sample the sound, the voltage level is repeatedly measured over time and the corresponding data values are stored in memory. To play the sound back, the numbers are read back out of memory, modified by the Z-plane filter, converted back into voltages, then amplified and fed to a speaker which converts the voltage back into sound waves. Of course, playing back 32 channels at different pitches tends to complicate matters, but this is basically how it works.
Chapter 1: Basic Setup |
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10 Morpheus Operation Manual