ВУЗ: Не указан

Категория: Не указан

Дисциплина: Не указана

Добавлен: 26.06.2019

Просмотров: 124

Скачиваний: 1

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I have learned about Chinese, Japanese and Arabic culture. China is an ancient civilization, with thousands of years of history which lay a rich basis for the lives of its inhabitants today. Today there are 56 distinct ethnic groups in China. Traditional Chinese Culture is regionally divided into distinct sub-cultures. Most traditional social values are derived from classic Confucianism and Taoism. Chinese art encompasses all facets of fine art, folk art and performance art.

I didn't know that Mother’s day has recently become popular in China. On this special occasion, Chinese buy carnation to surprise their moms. They represent the sweetness, purity and endurance of motherly love. Only sons and daughters below the age of 35 are allowed to celebrate Mother’s Day.

It was very interesting to know about New Year in Japan. New Year’s Day in Japan is one of the most important annual festivals and has been celebrated for centuries with its own unique customs. On New Year’s Day, Japanese people have a custom of giving money to children. This is known as otoshidama.

I have learned that Arabic literature emerged in the 6th century with only fragments of the written language appearing before then. Before the coming of Islam, most Arabs followed a religion featuring the worship of a number of deities. It was very interesting to learn about these three cultures

Statistics - 229 words.