ВУЗ: Не указан

Категория: Не указан

Дисциплина: Не указана

Добавлен: 26.06.2019

Просмотров: 129

Скачиваний: 1

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After reading this lecture I have learned that, as each person has his worldview so every culture has their worldview either. A worldview affects a person’s actions, values, customs, and beliefs. When divergent worldviews communication will be difficult and consensus decision making may be impossible.

I realized how does a worldview affect a person’s actions, values, customs, and beliefs.

I found out that activity orientation in different culture are different. Some cultures emphasize on spontaneity, being “in the moment” and in harmony with nature. It was very interesting to see the table, which compares specific contrasting values of American, Japanese, and Arab cultures. Thanks to this table, I finally convinced that a principal value of American culture is individual achievement. The Japanese, because of their value placed on group achievement, seek information in order to help the entire group succeed. In Arab culture, the individual is not as important as preserving tradition.

I would like to learn more about the outlook of such countries as a Great Britain and Slavic countries.

Statistics - 201 words