ВУЗ: Не указан

Категория: Не указан

Дисциплина: Не указана

Добавлен: 30.06.2019

Просмотров: 117

Скачиваний: 1

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1.What is communication?

Communication is a social process in which individuals employ symbols to establish and interpret meaning in their environment.

2.Which of the seven traditions in the communication field most appeals to you? Why?

I think that rhetorical tradition most appeals to me, because communication is the practical art of conversation. This approach opens the possibility to develop and improve communication practices through its critical study and education. I think that it is easier to resolve social problems through skillful speech influence on listeners beliefs.

3.Which context of communication most appeals to you? Why?

For me is typical Interpersonal communication-communication with another person because I very often act as the host and as sending the information side. Every day I talk to different people face to face or in the presence of others, via telephone or computer connection. Everyday I find myself in such types of relationship like teacher-student, parent-child, etc

4.If you had to add another context of communication based on your experiences, what context would it be?

I would like to add communication that exists inside of any organization and aimed at achieving certain goals. Examples of such communication is the connection between the enterprise departments, the department reports.