Файл: МР для СРС 1 курсов всех спец. 2013.doc

ВУЗ: Не указан

Категория: Не указан

Дисциплина: Не указана

Добавлен: 01.12.2019

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1 He is riding a bicycle.

.Is he riding a bicycle? ..........

.. He isn’t riding a bicycle……

2 They are listening to the radio.



3 She is drinking Coke.



4 You are dancing.



5 We are playing basketball.



6 I am running.



Ex.5. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. coming / the train / is?

Is the train coming?

2. why / is / barking / the dog?


3. talking / phone / not / is / he / the / on.


4. suitcases / are / packing / they / their.


5. not / watching / she / is /TV.


6. where / your / staying / are / friends?


7. learning / am / at the moment / play / I / to / golf.


8. you / going / shops / are / to / the?


Ex.6. Complete the sentences with Present Simple or the Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Be quiet! I ‘m watching (watch) this film!

  2. We usually………………… (go) to town by bus, but today we ………………(go) by car.

  3. A: Where ……… you usually…………. (go) on Friday evenings?

B: To the cinema.

  1. A: It’s 11.30. Why ……………. You…………….. (work) so late?

B: Because I ……………….. (have) a lot of homework.

  1. A: Where ……………. your parents…………………..? (live)

B: In a small village near Oxford.

A: ………………..they…………………. (like) living in the country?

B: Yes, they do.

  1. A: What …………….you usually ………………….(have) for breakfast?

B: Toast. But today I ………………….. (have) some fruit because there isn’t any bread.

  1. A: The telephone………………… (ring). Can you answer it?

B: OK.

Ex.7. Put the verbs into the Present Continuous or the Present Simple.

1. “Where’s Sally?” “She is speaking …. (speak) to Paul.”

2. What time ……………. …………………..(you / go) to school?

3. “Steve is in the bathroom.” “……………………………….(he / have) a shower?”

4. That villa ……………. …………. (belong) to a rich businessman.

5. She …………… (like) listening to music. She ………. (have) a lot of cassettes.

6. You can turn off the television. I ………………. (not / watch) it.

7 I have a motorbike but I …………………………. (not /usually / ride) it to work.

8. ……………… ………… (you / want) to come to Julie’s party with me?

9. Please be quiet. I ………………………………. (try) to do my homework.

Ex.8. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Continuous.

Dear Donna,

I 1) …I’m writing …. (write) to you from the Golden Beach Hotel. I am here with Sandy and Pat. The hotel 2) ……………………….. (belong) to Pat’s uncle and she 3) ………………………………..(spend) every summer her.

The place is very nice and I 4) …………….. (think) all the people at the hotel 5) …….. ……….(have) a nice time. We 6) …………………... (swim) and 7) ………………… (go) windsurfing every morning. At noon we 8)…………………… (have) lunch and in the evening we 9) …………………(go) for walks. Today it 10)…………………(rain) so we can’t go out. I 11)…………… …………….(hate) this weather! At the moment Sandy and Pat 12) ………………….. (have) lunch. They 13) ……………………(eat) fish today and it 14) ……… (smell) very good.

15) ……………………… (you / have) a good time at home? Write soon and tell me all your news.

Ex.9. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple.

1. Tina …. is washing ……………………….(wash) her car at the moment.

2. Alex ……………………………………….. (phone) me yesterday evening.

3. “…………………………… (you / watch) the football match on TV last night?” “No, I ………………………… (not / like) football very much.”

4. Father ………. ……………. (read) his newspaper now. He always …………….. (read) it in the evening.

5. They often …………………………………. (go) to the beach last year.

Ex.10. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple.

Donna: Hello Mark! It’s Donna. How are you?

Mark: I’m fine. 1)..woke up…. (wake up) half an hour ago and I 2) ………… (have)

breakfast at the moment.

Donna: But, it’s lunchtime!

Mark: Well, Ann and I 3)…………………. (go) to Philip’s party last night and we 4) ………………………… (come) home very late.

Donna: 5) ……….. …………………. (you / enjoy) the party?

Mark: I 6) …….. ……………… (have) a very good time but Ann 7) ……………….. (not / like) it.

Donna: Oh, why?

Mark: They only 8) ……………………… (play) rock music and Ann 9) …………… (hate) rock. She 10) ……. ………………….. (not / dance) at all.

Donna: 11) …………………………… (they serve) any food?

Mark: Yes, there 12) ………. …………. (be) a lot of things. What 13) …………………… (you / do) last night?

Donna: Well, I …………………………….

Ex.11. Complete the sentences with the correct from of the verbs in brackets.

1. I often watch (watch) TV in the evenings, but tonight I’m going (go) to the cinema.

2. Pierre ………….(smoke) twenty cigarettes a day, but he ……………………...(not smoke) now because he’s in class.

3. Alice and Peter ……………. (look) for a new house. They …………… (not like) living in London.

4. I always ………….. (wear) nice clothes for work. Today I ………………. (wear) a blue jacket and skirt.

5. ‘Why………………you……………….. (go) to bed? It’s only 10.00.’ ‘I always ………………. (go) to bed early.’

6. Jane …………… (work) in a bank, but today she’s at home. She ……………….. (write) emails.

Ex.12. Fill in the gaps of the correct form of be going to and the verbs in brackets.

1 I …..am going to buy …. (buy) a new car next mount.

2 When …………………………….. (you / tidy) your bedroom? It’s very messy!

3 Bob ……………………… (play) football on Saturday because he has hurt his leg.

4 Barry and Jason ……………………………… (visit) their grandparents on Sunday.

5 …………………………………………… (Denise / appear) in the new TV series?

6 Monica ……………………………………………………… (sing) in the concert.

7 I ………………………………………... (walk) to school today. I’ll take the bus.

8 ………………………………………… (you / help) me wash the dishes after lunch?

9 Helen ………………………………….... (cook) dinner for some friends tomorrow.

10 Ruth …………….. …………………….. (come) with us. She’s too busy at work.

Ex.13. Use a verb and a place or person from the boxes.

Buy send see borrow have do

My friend Turkey library theatre baker’s living room

  1. I’m going to do my homework in the living room.

  2. Peter ………………. some bread at the……………………………………..

  3. I …………………. some books from the……………………………………...

  4. We………………………...a play at the………………………………………..

  5. They …………………………. a holiday in…………………………………..

  6. I…………………………an email to…………………………………………..

Ex.14. Make positive sentences, negative sentences, or questions using going to

  1. She / pilot

She’s going to be a pilot.

  1. He / not / bus driver

He isn’t going to be a bus driver.

  1. You / hairdresser?

Are you going to be a hairdresser?

  1. They / pilots


  1. He / not / actor


  1. You / architect?


  1. I / not / lawyer


  1. We / footballers


  1. She / not / model


  1. He / singer?


  1. I / accountant


  1. He / not / chef


Ex.15. Fill in the gaps with the Future Simple, be going to or the Present Continuous.

1. The tree is falling. It ……….. is going to hit …… (hit) that car!

2. I can’t meet you today. I ………………. (have) lunch with my boss in an hour.

3. It’s hot in here. I …………………………………….. (take off) my sweater.

4. Tom …………….. (fly) to New York on Friday. He has already bought his ticket.

5. She likes children. She ………………………………... (be) a teacher.

6. I’m sure Kim ………………………………….. (not / let) you drive her new car.

7. I can’t go to the cinema on Saturday. I ………………………. (go) to the shops with my mother.

8. I think it ………………………………….. (snow) on Christmas Day this year.

Ex.16. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple or the be going to form.

1. My car is old. I am going to look for (look for) a new one next month.

2. It’s raining outside. Take an umbrella or you ……………………. (get) wet.

3. The buses are not running tomorrow. Peter …………………. (walk) to work.

4. “I ………. ……………………… (pay) for the drinks this time. It’s my turn.”

5. I’m sure John …………………………….. (not / miss) tonight’s match on TV.

6. “The dog is dirty.” “I know. I …………………. (wash) him in few minutes.”

7. It’s Sarah’s birthday tomorrow. Her husband ……….. ………………… (probably / cook) something special for her.

8. Mary ………. …………………….(give) a party next week. She has already invited most of her friends.

Ex.17. Fill in the gaps with will or be going to and one of the verbs from the list. Visit, answer, be, write, study, finish

1. A: The phone is ringing.

B: Okay, I’ll answer it.

2. A: You haven’t finished your homework yet.

B: I know. I ……………………………………… it after I have a bath.

3. A: Do you like singing?

B: Yes, I do. I ………………………………………… a singer.

4. A: Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?

B: I can’t. I ……………………………………….for my exams.

5. A: Please write to us.

B: I promise we ………………………………………… regularly.

6. A: have you made plans for Christmas?

B: Yes, I ……………………………………………….. my parents in Brighton

Ex.18. Circle the right answer:

1. The children … their homework now.

  1. are doing b) were doing c) do d) did

2. I usually … this fence once a year.

  1. paint b) paints c) am painting d) was painting

3. Let`s go out. It … any more.

  1. isn`t raining b) doesn’t rain c) didn’t rain d) shall not rain

4. Our friends … us at the airport tonight.

  1. meets b) are going to meet c)shall meet d) met

5. I … she is busy at the moment.

  1. will think b) thought c) think d) was thinking

6. These days food … more and more expensive.

  1. gets b) got c) is getting d) shall get

7. In summer Nick usually … tennis twice a week.

  1. play b) plays c) is playing d)was playing

8. I have a car, but I … it very often.

  1. don’t use b) do use c) am not using d) didn’t use

9. The River Amazon … into the Atlantic Ocean.

  1. flows b) is flown c) flow d) is flowing

10. How often … tennis?

  1. is Tom playing b) does Tom play c) was Tom playing d) did Tom played

11. The teachers didn’t have dinner at the canteen,… they?

  1. did b) didn’t c) had d) hadn’t

12. Look! The man … to open the door of your car.

  1. tries b) was trying c) will try d) is trying

13. Hurry up! The bus....

  1. is coming b) comes c) come d) was coming

14. She is sorry. She …French.

  1. doesn’t speak b) isn’t speaking c) wasn’t speaking d) don’t speak

15. I usually enjoy parties, but I … this one at the moment.

  1. don’t enjoy b) am not enjoying c) did enjoy d) enjoy

16. At nine o`clock yesterday I … television.

  1. was watching b) watched c) had been watching d) am watching

17. Milk … a lot of vitamins.

  1. contained b) is containing c) contains d) was containing

18. She is never late, … ?

  1. isn’t she b) is she c) doesn’t she d) does she

19. Jackie speaks fluent French, but I … .

  1. doesn’t b) don’t c) am not d) didn’t

UNIT7. The impersonal it

Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives


Look: 15.You sound happy. – p.24

19. She learns quickly. – p.29

29. Its more expensive. – p.46

30. The biggest in the world. – p.47

34. Is it a long way? – p.54

Ex.1. Fill in the comparative form as in the example.

1. My motorbike goes………… faster than …… (fast) yours.

2. I work …………………………………………… (hard) Paul.

3. Today it is ………………………….. (cold) yesterday.

4. I’m ……………. …………….(old) you.

5. English is …………………….. (little) difficult ……………………. Japanese.

6. The last bus was ……………. …….. (crowded) the first bus.

7. I need a …………. (big) bag ……………….. this.

8. Travelling by train is ……………. ………….(expensive) travelling by bus.

9. A coat costs ………………………. (much) a jacket.

10. Vegetables are ……….. (good) for your health ………….. crisps.

Ex.2. Fill in the superlative form as in the example.

1. Sarah is …. the youngest ….. person in my family. (young)

2. That is ……………………………………. dress I have ever seen. (horrible)

3. Roses are the flowers which have …………….. …………smell. (nice)

4. January is …………..………………….month of the year. (cold)

5. That was …………. ………….. Joke I’ve ever heard. (funny)

6. She is …………………………. woman I’ve ever met. (beautiful)

7. Mrs. Green is …………………………... person I know. (interesting)

8. This is …………………... song I’ve ever heard. (had)

Ex.3. Read about the castles. These sentences are false. Correct them.

Abergoran Castle

Price: £2000,000

Built: 1072

Room: 0

Footleby Castle

Price: £10 million

Built: 1835

Room: 160

Haywood Castle

Price: £ 2 million

Built: 1450


1. Abergoran Castle is more modern than Haywood Castle.

No, it isn’t. It’s older.

  1. Footleby Castle is cheaper than Haywood Castle.


  1. Abergoran Castle is cheaper than Haywood Castle.


  1. Abergoran Castle is biggest.


  1. Abergoran Castle is more expensive than Footleby Castle.


  1. Footleby Castle is the cheapest.


  1. Footleby Castle is older than Haywood Castle.


  1. Abergoran Castle is the most modern.


Ex.4. Fill in the gaps with the adjectives in brackets and the comparative or superlative form where necessary.

1. I am … younger than…. my brother. (young)

2. That is …………………….. programme on television. (good)

3. That was ………………………. meal I’ve ever had. (tasty)

4. My Maths teacher is very ………………………. . (clever)

5. The old train is …………………………………… the new train. (slow0

6. I have got ………………. money ……………………….. my sister. (much)

7. This is ………………………………. tree in the forest. (tall)

8. The music is very ……………………………….. (loud)

9. The watch is very ………………………………... (expensive)

10. Chris is ………………………… student ……………. all. (intelligent)

Ex.5. Complete the sentences using as ….. as or than and the words in brackets.

1. I don’t eat …. as much as ….. you. (much)

2. England has ……………………. people …………………. Holland. (more)

3. I can’t speak French …………………………………………… you. (well)

4. Harry isn’t …………………………………………………… I am. (strong)

5. Chocolate isn’t …………………………………………… milk. (healthy)

6. Bill’s car isn’t ………………………………………………… Tim’s. (fast)

7. Julie isn’t ………………………………………………. her cousin. (old)

8. This knife is …………………………………………. that one. (sharper)

9. This dictionary is ……………………………………………. that one. (good)

10. The petrol station is ……………. from my house ………. the bank. (father)

Ex.6. Choose the correct answer.

1. He is …C… man in the world.

A tall B taller C the tallest

2. I am …………….. than my sister.

A old B older C oldest

3. This picture is ……….. of all.

A good B better C the best

4. My car was ………… that yours.

A expensive B more expensive C the most expensive

5. This is ………. Film I’ve ever seen.

A boring B more boring C the most boring

6. Dan is not as ………. as Henry.

A thin B thinner C the thinnest

7. My shopping bag is as …………. as yours.

A heavy B heavier C the heaviest

8. I think History is a(n) ………… subject.

A interesting B more interesting C the most interesting

9. England is very …….. in winter.

A cold B colder C the coldest

10. Trains are ………. than bicycles.

A fast B faster C the fastest

Ex.7. Complete each sentence with two to five words including the word in bold.

1. Paris is more beautiful that London.

As London is …. not as beautiful as … Paris.

2. My brother is 15 years old. Your sister is 15 years old.

As My brother ……………………………………………….. your sister.

3. We have never read such an interesting book.

The It’s …………………………………………………. we have ever read.

4. I play tennis better that John.

Well John doesn’t …………………………………………………. as I do.

5. Stella has never met such friendly teacher.

The He’s ……………………………………………. Stella has ever met.

6. George weighs 70 kilos. Nick weighs 70 kilos.

Heavy George is ………………………………………………….. Nick.

7. It is the best meal I have ever had.

Such I …………………………………………………………. a good meal.

8. Spain isn’t as cold as Sweden.

Than Sweden is ………………………………………………… Spain.

Ex.8. Circle the right answer:

1. My bag isn’t very …

  1. heavier b) the most heavy c) heavy d)the heaviest

2. I’m not so … as a horse.

  1. strong b) stronger c) the strongest d) more strong

3. Which instrument makes … music in the world?

  1. a beautiful b) more beautiful c) the most beautiful d) beautifully

4. The younger you are, the … it is to learn.

  1. easier b) more easy c) the easiest d) easy

5. The changes in temperature are … .

  1. insignificant b) insignificantly c) more insignificant d) the most insignificant

6. Today we have a ... day than yesterday.

  1. beautiful b) most beautiful c) more beautiful d) beautifully

7. North America is … South America.

  1. bigger than b) biggest than c) bigger as d) biggest as

8. The Amazon is … than the Thames.

  1. more longer b) far longer c) the longest d) long

9. Which of all these books did you enjoy … ?

  1. most b) more c) many d) much

10. The children behaved themselves very … .

  1. good b) well c) best d) better

11. Although your sister is very popular, she is not … as mine.

  1. pretty as b) so pretty c) prettier than d) more pretty than

UNIT8. The Present Perfect Tense, Active Voice

Modal verbs

Look: 32.She hasn’t visited Japan. – p.51

33. The train’s just left. – p.52-53

35. Have you finished? – p.55

Ex.1. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form of the Present Perfect.

1. My friend … has opened … (open) a flower shop in the village.

2. I ……………………………………………. (not / do) my homework yet.

3. The baker ……………………………………... (bake) many loaves of bread.

4. ……………………………………. (you / send) aunt Margaret a birthday card yet?

5. Grandma ………………………………………………………. (water) the flowers.

6. I ………………………………………………………………….. (lose) my gloves.

7. ………………………………….. ( Fiona and Andrew / move) to a new house yet?

8. He …………………………………………………. (not/ finish) his lunch yet?

9. Beth ……………………………………….. (knit) a beautiful red sweater.

10. I ………………………………………………………… (forget) his address.

11. ………………………………………….. (the doctor / take) your temperature?

12. Nigel …………………………………………………….. ( write) a new book.

Ex.2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect.

A: What 1)…have you done … (you / do) so far?

B: Lots of things. I 2) ………………….. (clean) the house, I 3) ……………… (cook) lunch and I 4) …………………...(take) the dog for a walk. What about you?

A: I 5) ……………………………….. (water) the flowers, I 6) …………….. (wash) the dishes and I 7) ……………………….. (cut) the grass.

Ex.3. Fill in since or for:

1. … for …. six months

2. …………… June

3. …………… two weeks

4. ………… three years

5. …………. Last week

6. …………… a month

7. ………….yesterday

8. ……………….1977

Ex.4. Fill in the gaps with yet, recently, how long, newer, since, just, so far, for or ever.

1. … How long ... have you been a teacher?

2. Kate has ……………….. cleaned the window.

3. Have you ………………………………. been to Egypt?

4. Sandra has ……………………….. driven a car before.

5. I haven’t invited anyone to the party …………………………….

6. She has only written one letter …………………………………..

7. You have known them …………. …………….five years.

8. He hasn’t phoned …………………………………. Sunday.

9. Toby has ………………………………………………. bought a dog.

Ex.5. Underline the correct tense.

  1. I saw / have seen Jill yesterday.

  2. I met / have met my boyfriend ten years ago.

  3. My sister did never go / has never been to Italy.

  4. I’m sorry. I didn’t finish / haven’t finished my work yet.

  5. I ate / have eaten a lot of ice-cream when I was a child.

  6. They climbed / have climbed Everest in 2002.

Ex.6. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. I ……. didn’t go …….. (not / go) to school yesterday because I was ill.

2. ……………………………………………………………. (you / ever / fly) a kite?

3. There is nothing in the box. I …………………………………….. (just / empty) it.

4. Simon ……………………………………………….. (go) to the theater last week.

5. ……………………………………….. (you / eat) all the chocolate cake last night?

6. …………………………………………………….. (you / wear) your new hat yet?

7. I ………………………………………(drink) twelve glasses of water yesterday.

8. Dora ……………………………………….. (visit) five European countries so far.

9. ………………………………………….. (you / come) to work by bus yesterday?

10. ……………………………………. (you / go) to Samantha’s party last Saturday?

Ex.7. Put the verbs into the Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. A:Have you ever seen … (you / ever / see) an elephant?

B: Yes, I ……………………………... (see) some in a zoo last summer.

A: ………………………………………………….. (you / touch) them?

B: No, they …………………………………… (be) in their cages.

2. A: ……………………………………………..( you / go) shopping on Saturday?

B: Yes, I …………………………………..…. (buy) lots of things.

A: What ………………………………….. (you / buy)?

B: A jacket, some shoes and pair of trousers.

3. A: ………………………………………….. (you / finish) your project yet?

B: Yes, I …………………………………………… (finish) it last night.

A :………………………………..(you / type) it yet?

B: Yes, I …………………………………………... ( already / type) it.

4. A: …………………………………………………….. (you / ever / be) to Poland?

B: Yes, I ……………………………………………. (go) there in 1992.

A: Where ……………………………………………. (you / stay)?

B: I …………………………………………. (stay) at friend’s house in Warsaw.

Ex.8. Circle the right answer:

1. Here is my report. I … it at last.

  1. finish b) finished c) am finished d) have finished

2. I already … my things and I am ready to go.

  1. packed b) have packed c) pack d) was packing

3. I… my parents since last Christmas.

  1. haven’t seen b) didn’t see c) hadn’t d) don’t see

4. She … very ill three years ago.

  1. has been b) had been c) was d) was being

5. The earth … round the sun.

  1. goes b) went c) was going d) has gone

6. My hair is tidy now. I … it.

  1. have brushed b) brushed c) am brushing d) was brushing

7. It … last August at the airport.

  1. happens b) was happened c) happened d) has happened

8. I … my key. Can you help me to look for it?

  1. lose b) am losing c) had lost d) have lost

9. He hasn’t come yet, … ?

  1. doesn’t he b) does he c) has he d) hasn’t he

10. I … to the library a lot recently.

  1. have gone b) have been going c) had been going d) will have been going

11. Everybody in our family really … ice-cream.

  1. loves b) is loving c) had loved d) has loved

12. You know that Peter … to the States several times.

  1. was b) has been c) had been d) is

13. He never … anything he starts.

  1. finish b) finished c) finishes d) had finished

Ex.9. Fill in the gaps with can, can’t, could or couldn’t.

1. Sarah is three years old. She … can’t… write.

2. Peter is nineteen. He …………………………….. drive a car.

3. Mr. Thompson is 70 years old. He ……………. see very well so he wears glasses.

4. When I was five years old, I …………………………….. only count to ten.

5. When Kate was two, she ………………….. read a newspaper.

6. ………………………………………. you answer the phone, please?

7. It was cold yesterday so we ……………………………….… go out.

8. I …………………………………... walk when I broke my leg.

9. …………………………………………. I take this pencil, please.

10. ………………………………………… you sing when you were a small child?

Ex.10. Read the situations. Make questions with May I …. or Can I …. as in the example.

1. You want to borrow your friend’s camera. What do you say to him?

Can I borrow your camera, please?

2. You want to use the phone in your boss’s office. What do you say to him?


3. You want to invite some friends to dinner. What do you say to your mother?


4. You want to speak to your boss. What do you say to him?


5. You and your brother / sister want to play in the garden. What do you say to your father?


6. You and a friend want to go to Helen’s party. What do you say to your parents?


Ex.11. Fill in must or mustn’t.

1. I haven’t got any money I … must … go to the bank.

2. It’s raining. You ………………………….. go out without your umbrella.

3. The road is busy. You ………………………… look carefully before cross it.

4. You ………………………………………….. play football in the house, Jack.

5. My tooth hurts. I ……………………………………………….. go to the dentist’s.

Ex.12. Fill in mustn’t or needn’t.

1. You … mustn’t … play with matches. It’s dangerous.

2. You …………………. talk loudly. The baby is sleeping.

3. I ………………………………... go to the bank. I’ve got some money.

4. We ……………………….. stay out late. We have to get up early tomorrow.

5. You ………………………………………….... feed the dog. I’ll do it.

6. I ……………………………….. forget to buy some milk. There isn’t any left.

7. You ……………………………………………... talk during the exam.

8. You ……………………………………….. phone Julia. She’s coming here later.

9. You ………………………………………take your umbrella. It’s stopped raining.

10. You …………… …………………….park here. There’s a “No Parking” sign.

11. You ………………………………………….come with me. I can go alone.

12. You ……………………………………… lose the key. I haven’t got another.

13. You …………………………………………………… tell Sonia. It’s a secret.

14. You ………………………………. buy a paper. You can read mine.

15. You ……………………………………go by taxi. I can give you a lift.

Ex.13. Circle the right answer:

1. In six months he … to read English newspapers.

  1. can b) must c) will be able d) should

2. You … to get the necessary books.

  1. must b) will have c) can d) may

3. I … to meet my brother at the station.

  1. can b) should c) may d) have

4. Which of your student … to take part in the concert?

  1. can b) may c) will be able d) should

5. We … wait for her any longer.

  1. can b) must c) can`t d) should

6. … you start working immediately?

  1. Have b) Can c) May d) Ought

7. … I trouble you for a glass of water?

  1. Must b)May c) Am d) Ought

8. … I ask you to do me a favour?

  1. May b) Will be able c) Have d) Am

9. They … be working at the library now.

  1. may b) are c) will d) have

10. We ... to learn the poem by Monday.

  1. must b) could c) should d) were

11. The lecturer … speak so fast.

  1. should b) must c) has d) shouldn’t

12. The tourists … able to reach the village before dark.

  1. may b) can c) will be d) need

13. … I use this telephone?

  1. Must b) Have c) May d) Am

14. She … to see a doctor yesterday.

  1. has b) had c) must d) is

15. She … to buy it.

  1. must b) didn’t have c) could d) may have

UNIT9. Interrogative sentences (Questions).

Ex.1. Fill in the gaps with one of the question words from the list: who, what, which, where, how long, when, what time, how often, how, whose.

1. … Whose … is this bag? My sister’s.

2……………… are the children? At school.

3………………. is Paul coming back? Tomorrow.

4. …………....... does he drive? Very dangerously.

5. ………………. is that woman? Mary Smith.

6. …………….. do you finish work? At four o’clock.

7. ………………. do they buy a newspaper? Every day.

8. ……………….. is her name? Catherine.

9. ………………. City do you like best? Rome or Milan?

10. ………………have you been a teacher? Since 1981.

Ex.2. Fill in what , which, who, when, where, whose, why.

1. „ … What… is your name?” „John.”

2. „ ……………shirt do you want?” „The blue one.”

3. „ ……………is your favourite colour?” „Red.”

4. „ ………………are you from?” „Poland.”

5. „ ………….time do you usually go to bed?” „At ten.”

6. „ …………are you crying?” „Because I have hurt my finger.”

7. „ ………………are those books over there?” „Paul’s.”

8. „ ………………………is your best friend?” „Mary.”

9. „ ……………did you go on holiday last year?” „Mexico.”

10. „ ………………..are you living?” „Tomorrow.”

11. „ ……………………..is that man over there?” „My dad.”

12. „ …………………..are you going to cook for dinner?” „Roast beef.”

13. „ …………….do you want to live?” „Because I am bored.”

14. „ ………………………..is Mr. Smith?” „Our Science teacher.”

Ex.3. First fill in the gaps in the questions with how old, how often, how much, how many, how long, how long ago. Then match the questions to the answers.

1. … How much… does this jacket cost?

2. …………………….do you go to the theatre?

3………………………is your sister?

4……………………….people are coming to your party?

5………………………..have you been a teacher?

6…………………………..did you visit Poland?

a ) since 1990

b ) $24 11

c ) two years ago

d ) 14

e ) once a month

f ) only a few

Ex.4. Fill in the gaps with the correct question words.

A: 1) …What… are you doing?

B: I am making a salad for the party.

A: 2) ………………….people are coming?

B: About thirty.

A: 3) …………………time are they arriving?

B: Seven o’clock. 4) ………………is Steve coming?

A: At eight o’clock. 5) ……………..are you going to put all the food?

B: On the table in the living-room.

A: 6) ……………..are the curtains in there closed?

B: Because don’t want Steve to see everyone when he arrives.

A: 7) ………………..is going to open the door when Steve comes?

B: I’ll do that.

Ex.5. Write questions to which words in bold are the answers.

1. What time/When did you finish last night? I finished at 9 o’clock last night.

2. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Yes, I enjoyed the film very much.

3. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

They play squash three times a week.

4. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

No, he didn’t call me yesterday.

5. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

It’s Helen’s dress.

6. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Yes, there were a lot of people at the party.

Ex.6. Write questions with who or what, as in the examples.

1. Somebody has written to her. Who has written to her?

2. Something frightened him. What frightened him?

3. Something fell on my head.


4. Somebody is talking on the phone.


5. Somebody has stolen her bag.


6. Something is in the garden.


7. Somebody will bring the parcel.


8. Somebody sent Linda flowers.


9. Something is making a funny noise.


10. Somebody bought his painting.


Ex.7. Write questions with who or what, as in the examples.

1. He found something. What did he find?

2. She has helped somebody. Who has she helped?

3. They will buy something.


4. He’s meeting somebody at 5 o’clock.


5. John is writing something.


6. She saw somebody in the room.


7. He heard something.


8. He talked to somebody.


Ex.8. Write questions to which words in bold are the answers.

1. …Who broke the window yesterday? ... George broke the window yesterday.

2. …What is Sarah making for the party? ... Sarah is making a cake for the party.


Bob has bought a new car.

4. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Laura has found a ring.

5. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Dianna will travel abroad next year.

6. ……………………………………………………………………………………..

I saw Tom yesterday.

7. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

They are repairing the roof.

8. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

She had fish and chips for lunch.

9. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Peter brought a present for the baby.

10. ……………………………………………………………………………………...

I called Bruce last night.

Ex.9. Write questions to which words in bold are the answers.

1. … How long have you known him?...

I have known him for three years.

2. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

I go to the gym twice a week.

3. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

I left school five years ago.

4. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

I paid twenty pounds for that dress.

5. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

This bicycle is John’s.

Ex.10. Write questions using the words in brackets.

A: 1) Do you know this man? (you/know/this man)

B: Yes, his name is John Smith.

A: 2) ……………………………………………. (he/live/here)

B: Yes, he lives across the road.

A: 3) …………………………………………… (house/be/his)

B: Number 6. The house with the red front door.

A: 4) …………………………………………… (you/see/him/today)

B: Yes, I have.

A: 5) …………………………………………….. (time/be/it)

B: 10 o’clock this morning.

A: 6) ……………………………………………. (he/do)

B: He got into his car and drove away.

A: 7) …………………………………………….. (you/ever speak/him)

B: Yes, but only a few times.

A: Thank you very much, madam.

Ex.11. Match the question tags to the sentences.

1. You are French, …..?

2. Ben doesn’t like fish, …?

3. Sharon’s a good athlete, …?

4. We will go to the cinema,…?

5. You’ve finished your homework,…?

6. Don and Kim went to India last year,..?

7. Your brother can’t swim,…?

8. Mr. Brown works in a bank,…?

9. John passed his exam,…?

10. Your neighbour has got a dog,…?

a) can he

b) isn’t she

c) aren’t you

f) didn’t they

g) does he

d) hasn’t he

h) haven’t you

e) won’t we

i) didn’t he

j) doesn’t he

Ex.12. Fill in the correct question tag.

1. You haven’t been to Europe, ……………………………………………………?

2. You’ll be at home tonight, ………………………………....................................?

3. She hasn’t got any brothers, ………………………………………………..…..?

4. You went to London last year,………………………………………………….?

5. Jane has got a new house, ………………………………………………………?

6. You’re twenty now, …………………………………………………….…….?

7. You aren’t a doctor, ………………………………………………………….?

8. Let’s eat out tonight, ………………………………………………………….?

9. Don’t do that again, …………………………………………………………..?

10. I am having lunch with Mr. Ford today, ……………………………………?

11. There isn’t any coffee in the pot, ………………………………………….?

12. That’s your new computer, ………………………………………………..?

13. You haven’t got a pet, ……………………………………………………?

14. There are a lot of people on the beach, ……………………………………?

15. Switch on the lights, please, ……………………………………………….?


Unit 1

Ex. 1

2. Sally has got an umbrella.

Has Sally got a hat?

No, Sally hasn’t got a hat.

3. Anna and Tom have got a parrot.

Have Anna and Tom got a horse?

No, Anna and Tom haven’t got a horse.

4. The table has got four legs.

Has the table got three legs?

No, the table hasn’t got three legs.

5. They have got a white cat.

Have they got a black cat?

No, they haven’t got a black cat.

6. The dog has got a long tail.

Has the dog got a short tail?

No, the dog hasn’t got a short tail.

7. Mike has got a computer.

Has Mike got a camera?

No, Mike hasn’t got a camera.

8. Julie has got a big house.

Has Julie got a small house?

No, Julie hasn’t got a small house.

Ex. 2

2. Tony has got a red ball.

3. He has got seven goldfish.

4. It is a yellow kite.

5. They have got a new car.

6. It is a big house.

Ex. 3

2. … hasn’t got a balcony.

3. … have got four legs.

4. … has got a lot of pets.

5. … have got toothache.

6. … hasn’t got her glasses.

7. … have got sharp teeth.

8. … haven’t got enough money.

Unit 2

Ex. 1



1 I

2 You

3 She/he/It

4 We

5 They











Ex. 2

1. were 4. am 7. is

2. was 5. was 8. were

3. is 6. were 9. are

Ex. 3

1. were 4.weren’t 7.wasn’t

2. wasn’t 5.was

3. were 6.were

Ex. 4

1. was, wasn’t, was

2. were, weren’t, were

3. was, wasn’t, was

Ex. 5

How many people were at the meeting?

b) Forty-five.

Why were you sad?

d) Because I was alone.

Were you at home last night?

e) No, I was out.

Was the shop open?

a) No, it was closed.

How much were the tickets?

c) $20

4. were, were

Unit 3

Ex. 1

1. They 6. He 11. They

2. It 7. They 12. She

3. She 8. You 13. They

4. We 9. She 14. It

5. They 10. They 15. It

Ex. 2

1. Our

2. Their

3. His

4. Their

5. His

6. Our

Ex. 3

2 A

3 C

4 B

5 A

6 B

Ex. 4

3. They’re yours

4. They’re theirs

5. It’s hers

6. They’re ours

7. It’s theirs

Ex. 5

1. C 7. B

2. C 8. C

3. B 9. C

4. D 10. D

5. D 11. B

Unit 4

Ex. 1

1. There was, It was

2. There were, They were

3. There were, They were

4. There were, It was

5. There was, It was

6. There were, It was

7. There were, It was

Ex. 3

1. There are

2. It is

3. There is

4. There are, They are

5. There is, It is

Ex. 2

1. There are

2. Are there

3. There aren’t

4. there isn’t

5. there isn’t