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Добавлен: 01.12.2019
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Кафедра іноземних мов та української філології
Реєстр. № ______________
методичні рекомендації
до практичних занять
з вивчення граматичних особливостей
з дисципліни “ Іноземна мова” (англійська)
статус дисципліни нормативна дисципліна
для студентів 2 курсу
для напряму підготовки 6.020207 «Дизайн»
галузі знань 0202 Мистецтво
факультету кібернетики та системної інженерії
Херсон – 2014р.
Методичні рекомендації до практичних занять з вивчення граматичних особливостей з дисципліни іноземна мова для студентів 2 курсу для напряму підготовки 6.020207 «Дизайн»
Укладач: Якушенко І.О. викл., кількість сторінок 26
Рецензент: ст.викл. Приходько О.О.
на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов
та української філології
протокол № __ від _______
Зав. кафедри ______доц.Подвойська О.В.
Відповідальний за випуск канд. філол. наук., доц. Подвойська О.В.
Вступ до методичних рекомендацій
Методичні рекомендації до практичних занять з вивчення граматичних особливостей призначені для навчання студентів 2 курсу галузі знань «Мистецтво» факультету кібернетики та системної інженерії.
Методичні рекомендації містять такі граматичні теми: The English Tenses (Active-Passive). Модальні дієслова. Поєднання з пасивним та перфект ним інфінітивом; The Participle, незалежний дієприкметниковий зворот; The Gerund, герундіальний зворот; The Infinitive, інфінітивні звороти; The Complex Sentence; Conditional Sentences, що вивчаються студентами 2 - 4 курсу у змістових модулях. Кожна граматична тема містить теоретичний матеріал з прикладами і таблицями, і різноманітні вправи для закріплення вивченого. Речення у вправах підібрані з сучасної англомовної літератури за фахом з професійно направленою лексикою, що допомагає студентам розширити і збагатити свій словниковий запас фахових термінів і закріпити вивчений лексичний матеріал під час практичних занять.
Неозначені часи (The Indefinite Tenses. Active -Passive) |
………… 5 |
Тривалі часи (The Continuous Tenses. Active - Passive) |
………… 6 |
Перфектні часи (The Perfect Tenses. Active - Passive) |
………… 7 |
Перфектно-тривалі часи (The Perfect Continuous Tenses) |
………… 7 |
Модальні дієслова. Поєднання дієслова з пасивним та перфект ним інфінітивом (Modal verbs) |
………… 8 |
Дієприкметник (The Participle) |
………… 11 |
Незалежний дієприкметниковий зворот (The Nominative Absolute Participle Construction) |
…………. 13 |
Герундій (The Gerund) |
………… 14 |
Герундіальний зворот (The Gerund Construction) |
………… 16 |
Герундій та дієприкметник. (The Gerund and The Participle) |
………… 17 |
Інфінітив (The Infinitive) |
………… 18 |
Об’єктний інфінітивний зворот (Complex Object) |
………… 19 |
Суб’єктний інфінітивний зворот (Complex Subject) |
……….. 20 |
Складне речення (The Complex Sentence) |
……….. 22 |
Умовні речення (Conditional Sentences) |
……….. 24 |
Література |
……….. 26 |
English Tenses (Active Voice)
Indefinite |
Continuous |
Perfect |
Perfect Continuous |
P R E S E N T |
Verb ask(s) повторювана, повсякденна дія
usually/generally always/never/ often/seldom sometimes - Факт. - Майбутня дія (стосовно розкладу)
Be + - ing
am is asking are дія (процес), яка відбувається в даний момент
now, at present, at the moment
- Дія в майбутньому, запланована раніше.
Have + III form
have has asked
закінчена дія, пов’язана з теперішнім часом; результат already/yet ever/never lately/recently this week/today by now |
been + -ing have has been asking дія (процес), яка почалася в минулому і триває зараз for a month a long time since 5 o’clock how long/since when |
P A S T |
asked took дія (послідовність дій) в минулому yesterday last week 3 days ago |
was were asking
дія (процес), яка відбувається в даний момент в минулому
at 5 yesterday from 5 to 6 yesterday for 3days last week all day long/the whole day when we came
had asked
дія закінчена до певного моменту в минулому
by 5 o’clock yesterday before he came by the end of last year -При послідовності часів |
had been asking
дія (процес), яка почалася до певного моменту в минулому і все ще тривала в той момент e.g. He had been working for 2 hours, when my brother came. |
F U T U R E |
will ask майбутня дія tomorrow next week in 3 days
will be asking дія (процес), яка відбувається в даний момент в майбутньому at 5 tomorrow from 5 to 6 tomorrow f for 3 days next week when he comes |
will have asked дія закінчена до певного моменту в майбутньому
by 5 o’clock tomorrow when he comes by next summer |
will have been asking дія (процес), яка почнеться до певного моменту в майбутньому і буде відбуватися в той момент e.g. When you come, I’ll have been working for 2hours. |
Форми англійського дієслова діляться на особові (Finite Forms of the Verb) та неособові (Non - Finite Forms of the Verb).
Форми дієслова, які вживаються в ролі присудка речення, називаються особовими (предикативними) формами (Finite Forms of the Verb). Особові форми дієслова мають граматичні ознаки особи, числа і способу, виражають час дії (теперішній, минулий та майбутній).
Finite Forms of the Verb
The Indefinite Tenses (Active/Passive)
Tense |
Active |
Note: дія відбувається над предметом |
I N D E F I N I T E |
Past Future |
will ask
am is asked are was were asked will be asked |
He asks/ He is asked Він запитує/ Його запитують |
Exercise 1. Read and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Define the predicate.
1. Art plays an important role in upbringing our emotions. 2. The 19th century in Russia is distinguished by a blossoming of the art of portraiture. 3. Art museums preserve numerous masterpieces which testify that art painting goes back thousands years. 4. The 19th century gave us such prominent Russian painters as K.Brullov, A.Ivanov, I.Repin, V.Surikov and I.Levitan. 5. Rublyov’s works are imbued with spirituality and grace. 6. Holland and Germany were visited in 1817 by Turner. 7. I’ll go over with you tomorrow morning. 8. Some landscapes drawings were done in the studio from memory. 9. They were shown many places of interest by the guide. 10. The plane will take off in five minutes. 11. It took him some years to master German. 12. They will understand you if you do not speak fast. 13. He was talked about. 14. The house wasn’t lived in. 15. He was listened to.
Exercise 2. Read and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Define the predicate.
1. As a landscape painter Gainsborough was influenced in his early years by Dutch seventeenth century pictures. 2. The shop will be closed at 8 0’clock. 3. I dressed, went downstairs, had some coffee in the kitchen and went out to the garage. 4. A lot of rice is eaten in Asia. 5. A great deal of tea is drunk in England. 6. They were told to wait. 7. He finished his design last night. 8. He was given a ten day’s leave. 9. Rome wasn’t built in one day. 10. The film was much spoken about. 11. The doctor was sent for. 12. Flemish painter, Peter Rubens, reveals the charmingly innocent nature of the young girl in his famous work “Portrait of Lady of the Chamber”. 13. In the middle of the 19th century Ukrainian art found itself under the strong influence of Taras Shevchenko’s art and verse. 14. She doesn’t wait for him to return. 15. The poster reads: ”Long Live May Day ”.
The Continuous Tenses (Active/Passive)
Tense |
Passive |
Note: дія відбувається над предметом
C O N T I N U O U |
Past Future |
am is asking are was were asking will be asking |
am is being asked are was were being asked - |
He is asking/ He is being asked Він зараз запитує/ Його зараз запитують |
Exercise 3. Read and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Define the predicate.
1. The Earth is always moving. 2. She is constantly laughing. 3. A multistoried house is being built near our school. 4. Jessica broke her leg when she was skiing in Switzerland. 5. He will be driving to the seaside. 6. A new road was being finished that would go over the mountains and down to the bridge. 7. Carrie was sitting by the window when he came. 8. Meet me at two o’clock. I’ll be looking out for you. 9. The sick man is being operated on. 10. This metro line was being built at that time. 11. From now I’ll be asking thousands of questions. 12. My sister and Chris are getting married today. 13. Water-power stations are being built on the mountain rivers. 14. She was standing alone before the fire. 15. We will not be doing the shopping at this time. 16. What industries are being developed in your region? 17. Will you be learning German next year? 18. It was snowing when we went out. 19. We are going to Italy for our honey-moon. 20. They were being taught drawing at that lesson. 21. At this time Constable’s style of painting was changing from the serenity of the middle years of his career.
The Perfect Tenses (Active/Passive)
Note: дія відбувається над предметом
has asked
had asked
will have asked
has been asked
had been asked
will have been asked
He has asked/
He has been asked
Він вже запитав/
Його вже запитали
Exercise 4. Read and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Define the predicate.
You have arranged two art exhibitions recently. 2. We have not heard from them since they left for England. 3. This room hasn’t been swept for a fortnight. 4. We have never been to England. 5. When we came to the station the train had already gone. 6. He said the newspaper had been thrown away. 7. He promises that by the end of the year the construction will have been completed. 8. I will have made this doll by her birthday. 9. By the end of the month the commission will have come to some decision. 10. The windows have still not been repaired. 11. I was very excited about visiting London because I had never been there before. 12. I haven’t had holidays this year. 13. The book has been translated into Ukrainian. 14. I have never ridden a horse in my life. 15. I was thinking of all that had been said. 16. He led her to an old-fashioned house which had been built long ago. 17. Constable had brought painting out of doors. 18. But it was too late. She had been seen. 19. The plan has been discussed for two hours. 20. I knew that the plant had been built for two years.
The Perfect Continuous Tenses
Exercise 5. Read and translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Define the predicate.
1. The film has been running for a month. 2. She had been working here for 3 months by that time. 4. We had been waiting for him for 20 minutes when he came. 5. They have been waiting for the director since two o’clock. 6. By the next August she will have been teaching English for 30 years. 7. The boy has been keeping the book for a month already. 8. The pupils have been translating the text for an hour and a half. 9. When the new century begins, they will have been reconstructing this church for nearly 25 years. 10. It has been raining since the morning. 11. Mary has been looking after the baby since her mother went to the market. 12. They had been living there for five years by that time.
Modal Verbs
Модальні дієслова
Модальне дієслово |
Еквіваленти модальних дієслів |
Present |
Past |
Future |
Can- могти (фізична можливість, розумова спроможність) |
To be able (to)- могти |
Can am is able (to) are I can read. I am able to read.
Could Was able (to) Were I could read I was able to read. |
shall be able (to) will be able (to) I shall be able to read.
M ay- могти (допустимість вчинення дії : дозвіл або відмова) |
to be allowed (to)- мати дозвіл |
Mayam is allowed to are He may take it. He is allowed to take it . |
Might was allowed were (to)
He might take it. He was allowed to take it . |
shall be allowed (to) will be allowed (to) He will be allowed to take it . |
Must - повинен |
to have (to) - бути змушеним в силу обставин to be (to) – бути зобов'язаним у силу плану або домовленості |
Musthave (to) has(to)
am is (to) are He must meet him . He has to meet him. He is to meet him. |
had (to)
was were (to)
He had (was) to meet him . |
shall have(to) will
He will (have) to meet him. |
To have (to) зобов’язання
To be (to)
Ought (to )
To be obliged (to)
To be able (to) фізична ,розумова спроможність
To be unable (to)
To be allowed (to) дозвіл
To be permitted (to)
Need необхідність
Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences:
1. She wasn’t able to answer. 2. I must do it now. 3. You need not trouble about that at all. 4. Whatever I know, you shall know. 5. We are to meet at the theatre. 6. But he had to wait a quarter of an hour. 7. I had to sell most of my things. 8. She may know about it. 9. I couldn’t solve this book. 10. You ought to go to the movies more. 11. You ought to help him. 12. He may come tomorrow. 13. You might find him in between eleven and twelve. 14. She doesn’t have to learn the poem by heart. 15. You may go –with whom you want. 16. The medicine is to be kept in a cool dark place. 17. You did not have to think about it. 18. You shouldn’t do it. 19. You oughtn’t to be working for those people. 20. We were allowed to use dictionaries. 21. Could I take your pen? 22. He asked the doctor if he might use his telephone. 23. She was able to paint this picture without my help. 24. You need a long rest.
Поєднання модального дієслова з пасивним інфінітивом
Must + Infinitive Passive Should (be + V3) |
потрібно, необхідно |
The letter must be posted at once. Лист необхідно відправити негайно. |
Can + Infinitive Passive May |
можна |
She may be accepeted to the University. Її можуть прийняти до університету. |
Cannot + Infinitive Passive Can’t |
не можна |
The exam can’t be retaken. Екзамен не можна перездавати. |
Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences:
1. This exam may be taken in advance. 2. This work can be done at once. 3. The telegram may be received in an hour. 4. Those articles must be translated into French. 5. The sellers demanded that payment should be made within five days. 6. She suggested that the case should be postponed. 7. This landscape can be painted tomorrow. 8. The letter can be answered today. 9. You may be asked the same questions. 10. You cannot be heard by anybody because you speak in a low voice. 11. Books taken from the library mustn’t be kept more than two weeks.
Сполучення модального дієслова з перфектним інфінітивом
Must Infinitive Perfect May + (have + V3) May |
повинно бути можливо напевно |
He may have read this article. Він напевно прочитав цю статтю. |
Can + not + InfinitiveCould Perfect |
не може бути, не можливо |
He cannot have done it. Не може бути, щоб він зробив це |
Could Might + Infinitive Perfect
Ought to + Infinitive Should Perfect |
можливо міг би
слід було б |
They might have overlooked something very important. Вони можливо прогледіли щось важливе.
Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences:
1. You could have bought this book; it was on sale. 2. He may have forgotten about it. 3. We have done things we ought not to have done. 4. She must have caught cold. 5. He could have guessed it. 6. You could have gone to the library yesterday. 7. He cannot have said it. 8. You should have sent her to college. 9. You needn’t have done this exercise in written form. 10. Can he have said it? He may have lost your address. 11. They must have forgotten to send us a copy of the telegram with their letter.
Неособові форми дієслова (Non-Finite Forms of the Verb) - інфінітив (the Infinitive), герундій ( the Gerund) і дієприкметник (the Participle). Вони не вживаються в ролі присудка, але можуть входити до його складу. Неособові форми дієслова не мають граматичних ознак особи, числа і способу, не виражають часу дії (теперішнього, минулого чи майбутнього), а лише вказують на співвіднесеність у часі, тобто чи є виражена ними дія одночасною з дією присудка, чи передує їй.